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Akasha Sternberg

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Everything posted by Akasha Sternberg

  1. Hm.... Rhonda, Dave and the kitties don't count towards cheating do they? Then NO^^ hence the behave ?? hrhrhr easy test ??
  2. Why would I Love? I know where to get a hold of you in between ? I could throw a few pics onto the discord server though ?
  3. ahahahhaha hmmmm you should keep an eye out for this: at the Technikmuseum Speyer Fiction meets reality (Fiktion trifft Realität) Event XD I show you pics afterwards, though XD
  4. das ist ja kacke! Dass NRW soweit gut davon gekommen ist kann ich bestätigen *rüberwink*, hm... aber dafür allein nen Alt machen ist auch ... ka ob das so die Idee ist - aber klar wenn garnix hilft... Rolling restarts sind zwar teilweise auch Mittwochs, aber wenns überall so ist... Halt uns auf dem Laufenden
  5. I won´t be online till Monday due to appointments tomorrow and a huge-arsed Event in southern Germany over the weekend!!! YEEEEEY *-*
  6. if you need more help and eyes just call out a party at the Forum Cartel Hangout^^ and yes seriously... lists help Like I did a spread with 5 boxes behind each skin I liked with the head and my "bentoed" version of my shape and I wore them 5 times - the one that made it to 5 checked boxes was the one I bought (if the budget is bigger than mine - 1 body, 1 head, 1 skin^^ - feel free to buy 2-3 winners^^) (in the end Moirah won and was just recently replaced with Jenny when they released the new skintones)
  7. kudos for the pic, but seriously... drown him in demos, including mesh body addicts for reference, maybe demo egoisme avatars, too, they´re not featured in the MBA list. For skins....I think @Nostoll had a skin like that when he dropped by the Forum Cartel Hangout last week so he could be of help, too Remeber to mix and match the demos several times - it helped me a LOT!!! Keep us posted
  8. happy Birthday Cindy after attempting to dance a bit at a club where they tip quite well but ...well I dislike everything else in there... glowy stuff, techno music, particle ermitters in hands, bloodlines, you name it.... - I retorted to Linden Realms... pays less but is less of a pain and I don´t feel as cheap... I just can´t do it anymore... I prefer more fabric and stuffs... I think I´ll leave dance pods to others who´re better at it without feeling horrible^^
  9. being stupid... or having bad luck.... after deleting my furniture and freebies folder along with the humongeous amounts of hair fair demos (I swear I tripple checked, ticked is filed) I started to hunt down redeliveries... this will take forever and so much is lost for good if they cant reset my inventory which afaik they can´t... I know I don´t need to catalogize those folders but...damn ;-;
  10. tell me about it... so do I... ffsI wanted to peek into decor blogging XD hmmm... I could do a fundraiser *laughs*
  11. time to laugh at the weird girl: I deleted all the Hair Fair Demos cos... I was done with them.... and I double checked both inventory and trash...then added the 5 remaining demos - cleared trash...and my Furniture and freebies were gone... well EFF!!!! I´ve regained a couple of things trhough caspervend redelivery and will hit some of the stores that I remember... aaaaaaaaaaaaaand of course I filed a ticket with any information that could be helpful just in case... but I don´t really know ´how helpful that is.... I´m surprisingly calm though....at least I don´t have to sort and clean that part... but still MY STUFF ;-;
  12. okaaaay... let me have a look at the chaos you´ve caused in my absence and I´ll give you something to laugh at XD
  13. that! And just like everywhere else the focus seems to be shifting to shallow and very individual "problems" and problems... People seem to tolerate ...even... accept drama much more. I ignored quite a bunch of people on here recently...5-10 in fact ... because when in RL I´d walk away and if needed tell them I´d rather prefer not being around them or communicating with them because of their behaviour online I block the hell out of people, there´s too much negativity around to deal with every piece of bs... Of course, yes, some conversations don´t make sense to me anymore and because of them being quoted I still see waaaaay too much of the stuff they pour out of their fingertips, but it´s still better than have this stuff in front of my eyes ever so often. My online times vary massively due to busy perks in RL but I´ve noticed myself tending towards few selected posts and the inworld groups. For social anxiety - it´s not much of a secret that I am one of those, too and I´ve found myself disappointed ever so often when I dared to reach out. Wanting friends is not playing Pokemon Go for me. I do that on my phone if I´m outside and remember to, but with acquaintances and friends I´m way more picky... I have to as I´m weirded out by people ever so often which increases my anxiety. Plus I bet people are weirded out by me, too, and that leads to more disappointments no one really needs. So yes, the forum has become more negative, just like pretty much every place in every world and life
  14. hanging out at the HAngout with Orwar, Catrie ,Clover and the headless anvyre^^
  15. well of course^^ and yeah for me it´s "do I have the energy? Do I have the idea?" and then GO GO GO^^
  16. ok let me say it again^^ S-U-P-E-R-S-T-A-R !!!!! get it now? Don´t worry we´ll make sure you won´t get too high headed I´m proud of ya *_*
  17. 3 outfits, 3 blogposts 1 day^^ (I kinda remember preaching NOT to do this - but... today I had the inspiration and energy....so... I did it^^ but...don´t do it regularly kids ) 1. 2. 3.
  18. well... of course^^ I told you you´re a Superstar ? but I´ve been busy, too - 2nd Post today... ah well^^ maybe I´ll manage to do another one - let´s see^^ A penny for your thoughts... follow me.... it´ll be worth it... come.... come... Details ^^
  19. I used to be known to do that to stores, clubs and groupchats^^
  20. oh bless it will come though....Autumn is coming I was told if we have no idea N/A would work, too you can´t go wrong with those two^^
  21. just a cozy autumn outfit using a WOH gift by Petite Mort, applier jeans by BDR and booties by Sentinus^^ Oh and I felt like Lyric again - one of my fave Truth hairstyles
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