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Akasha Sternberg

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Everything posted by Akasha Sternberg

  1. October is continuing to steam up my little blog with another sexy sneak preview... follow me for more info ...if you dare... https://akashasternberg.wordpress.com/2018/10/17/hot-bloody/
  2. /me waves back waiting for lunch to be finished... I can´t think anymore °^^
  3. I completed my weekly SL Job (taking vendor pics for :.C!L.: boutique^^), started to clear out some RL stuff and I even adulted already...now to do the Witchwood Hunt and then see what else there is to do and sort
  4. this... in very heavy rotation cos a) that band´s my youth^^ b) I like the song c) the weather is ace and d) I´m feeling like I´m going out of my head, too XD
  5. send your hubby kind regards and MEANIE!!!!! *hugs* glad it´s all good now^^ and it could totally happen to me... sometimes I wonder how I managed to survive for almost 37 years without killing myself just living my life XD I´m so clumsy at times
  6. poke inworld groupchats(like the Forum Cartel Group^^), poke threads here, take pics and...boy have you looked at your inventory? CLEAN THAT MESS ? I´m currently sorting HUDs and using all those save slots^^
  7. that´s not embarrassing AT ALL...this is what nightmares are made of ;-; uhhh that´s a bad one ;-; oh my, that´s why I could never rent on anything but adult land (or...live at that^^) I mean my SL is completely sexless but I like to be able to change in peace with half my body being naked for a longer time...or more than half (like if I do inventory pics I just slap them on, pics, folder, next item - I´m bald, naked except for shoes or whatever combo you can think of in quite a lot of them^^
  8. (editing the quote acts up so I´ll leave the whole quote^^) it is super cute and fun and... they call the few L$ you could get out of Realms MUCH? Now that´s a good joke^^ it adds up over time but it´s this teeny tiny extra pocket money you need to save for it to be usefullfor a serious shopping spree ^^ Expecting to be rich is the wrong attitude ... enjoying the experience is the key....or just hop into one of the other experiences^^
  9. Akasha Sternberg


    I´ve started with Blogspot, then added wordpress as a sponsor wasn´t able to see my posts no matter what she turned upside down. Just recently I stopped doubleposting and stick to wordpress to avoid said issue. I´m quite happy with it though.
  10. shhh hun calm^^ as Callum said they can do that with gifts and cheapies, too so why spend more money to shorten the wishlist I know there´s a sh...loaaads of evil out there but believe in the good for once for me *hugs
  11. maybe ...just once in these crazy times and worlds... things won´t take a horrible turn involving crime and bad things... maybe we´ll all survive with some random acts of kindness... without bad thoughts to it...
  12. hm that´d be quite funny indeed muahaha though if you don´t expect it it´s still heartwarming even with a nametag on it
  13. both outfits are Scare Me Silly Items from Roped Passions (Starting next Friday^^) *grins*
  14. I did 2 more posts today: a little https://akashasternberg.wordpress.com/2018/10/13/loveletter-to-cilia/ and the steamiest set I´ve done in years: https://akashasternberg.wordpress.com/2018/10/13/threes-a-crowd-they-say-well-come-and-watch-me/
  15. I can see us standing there exchanging clothes like "ew denim, that´s for you freak!" - "hm Latex... you have that doublefreak!" - *a wild item of leathery nature appears*... "Where´s the dice?" XD
  16. Post 2 out of 3 today (I should procrastinate less XD) https://akashasternberg.wordpress.com/…/loveletter-to-cilia/
  17. I.... I.....I fell for that Bloodlines BS when I first started *sobs* With a name like mine you bet I was interested in Vampires, I was stupid and fugly and you name it.... OMG ... I never bit anyone and fled as soon as I noticed it was complete and utter bs, never to return....I´ve worn the garlic necklace and all that since then. Other than that I have tried RLV once... bravely enough in DarkAlley (which was basically my home back then) but not too many things happened, just some blonde bimbo stealing my clothes ... no big issues after I relogged with RLV off... This really isn´t for me ... Other than that I don´t really have embarassing stories to share... maybe my SL relationships?`Oh...oh yeah definately that. My marriage without the ceremony... He did stuff with me and then had to "go to this other RP sim (fantasy/gorean) he was admin at to deal with some stuff" (read: other female avatars´body openings.... ?)... yep I know... shame on me...
  18. https://akashasternberg.wordpress.com/2018/10/13/news-and-updates-that-hopefully-will-not-scare-you-silly/ I did things part 1 of 3
  19. oh my I need to go there *-* oops my ar** XD what did you do this time...and where´d you get that top from^^ to stay OT - just a lil dirty raw shot of my current look while unpacking (I like using the hut I rezzed for Revyn to unpack...as he doesn´t seem to want to move in after all - I´ve waited long enough I´d say.... XD)
  20. being glad, that the German weather is quite nice for now and nowhere near the chaos you guys are facing...fingers crossed and stuffs... furthermore I´ve been planning and sorting RL stuffs as well as SL stuff, unpacking more stuff, deleting what´s not staying.... now to grab some noms, continue, and then so more creativeness, cook dinner, talk about some stuff with Dave (more planning and sorting xD) and then I´ll prolly fall asleep on the couch XD
  21. ?? I´m really not that outgoing^^ just amongst people that make me feel less alone in my weirdness^^
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