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Akasha Sternberg

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Everything posted by Akasha Sternberg

  1. yeah I look for the names rather than avis usually^^
  2. how come I´ve never seen you there? Say hi when you´re there next time I try to go as often as possible^^
  3. HEY! That´s Sanctuary of Rock! Basically the only club I go to these days - wouldn´t have recognized you like this Do you go there often? LOVE the pose^^ I love this very comfy looking outfit^^ tbh I think the neck is ok, the head appears to be a tad small to me... maybe fiddle around with a shape version with a larger head?^^ oh ...and...
  4. Anytime^^ and well the more people write about it... Plus... you don´t want to see me rant
  5. WTF!!!! This is AWESOMEnews!!!! Much patience and nerves to you and please keep us posted *_*
  6. and you´re not the only one... just hours before we discussed this topic on the BVN discord and both me and a friend have blogged about it, too... I´ve linked your post in mine and just put hers, too cos she blogged it a few hours ago! https://akashasternberg.wordpress.com/2018/08/07/failure-freedom-what-the-*****/
  7. I did quite the long blogpost: https://akashasternberg.wordpress.com/2018/08/07/failure-freedom-what-the-*****/ ^^
  8. oh my...what a day, night and day so far yesterday the decision was officially made to cancel my retraining which means I´m free again. I´m signed off till my psychiatrist is back from his holidays and gives me the letter I need for the officials as in jobcenter ^^. D joined me for the meeting as I was dying, so sick, tummy ache, you name it - that they´d send me back... it ended with me hugging the consultant she was such a sweetheart and she loved how organized I was with my journal and all that^^ Fast forward to late evening when I was preparing some potato-salad for today and tomorrow , I just finished cutting the tatos to cook em as I saw a brown spider, quite chubby if I may say of ~ 2-3 inches diametre, legs included but angled legs. (I don´t want to look at pics atm cos I´m still in horror XD). I´m still arachnophobic, no matter if I had a tarantula on my hand and get rid of smaller spiders without flinching. Keep in mind that was the first night on my own in the last 3.5 weeks... After I managed to get my spiderkiller (a "mop" with a plate- kinda like the swiffer things...) and got rid of that one I went to my office. Still shaking and telling D they always come alone. EFF THAT! There was another one that had magically spawned next to my guitar case and the door. So I cried like mad cos... well TWO? YIERKS! and threw things at it then ran past it to get the spiderkiller and kill that one. I couldn´t sleep properly of course, listened to a podcast and had a lil light on, the spiderkiller within reach. No arachnoids anymore - so far... Now when I got up I panically roamed the whole flat, hovered and burned some lavender as they hate it. PHEW better!!!! I was finally able to get out of the houseshoes I´ve been wearing (waaaaaaaaaaaarm...) and eat... Then when I put GLaDOS on for some SL after a while the rolling restarts poked me while I was helping another blogger with their html template. I went to portal park cos that was the first thing my mouse clicked to stay logged in... I was harrassed /hit on by 2 guys within the first minute... AR ed one and blocked both... ffs Now...let´s see what today continues to bring... Nothing with more than 6 legs please
  9. I was gone for a couple of days and we get all this and discord... fml but no I´m not gonna leave you alone more
  10. you DO smell ma dear.... you smell of Cake and Cupcakes and.... maybe even of Karma
  11. there´s no such thing as bad Karma... there is only Karma: https://uk.lush.com/products/karma/karma-0
  12. hey and welcome actually once you´re settled and found your way round and style in SL you might be quite "needed" - there´s a huge blogging scene and good male bloggers are rare... http://www.bvnsl.com/ they have an inworld group, classes, connections and discord; another helpful group would be "the blogger hub" as an inworld group and flickr flickr flickr!!! For further advise on the male blogger part I can suggest having a look at our famous infamous @Skell Dagger, @MattNight84 and @virtualnsanity
  13. du gehst oben rechts in der Ecke auf den kleinen Pfeil neben deinem Namen, dort auf Manage followed Contents (oder... irgendwas mit gefolgte Beiträge bearbeiten - du findest das schon ) und dann kannst du da für alles die Prioritäten einzeln auswählen, ob und wie oft und wie du benachrichtigt werden willst
  14. been there hun been there... yeah last year there´ve been breaks but this year... the boys above must have gone out for a drink (now where do God and Jesus go for that? Another system?`...or...whatever, they´re out) and must have left the oven on... Seriously dudes it´s not funny anymore. The weather is ace no question but... we need a break!!!
  15. SUSHI^^ Tacos... Hm I´ve never actually eaten one so I´ll try one and comment on that then, but get the eff away from my sushi until I´m stuffed^^
  16. just checking my stuff shortly...it´s so warm...(no shutters, flat´s under the roof..yey...3 fans and early morning window opening, but still we´re dying in here...)
  17. well to answer the original question: SL IS a videogame( 3D simulation, open world) with a huge community (a massive 3D chatroom -like Habbo hotel back in the 90s but with less kids *according to their birth certificates that is xD* and better graphics) and all that is topped off with quite the economy effecting RL/First Life/that weird stuff where the pizza is...
  18. Now there´s this german TV show called Shopping Queen and they show a full week´s reruns on Saturdays before a pet show we record each week. We usually have the announcement of the winner on our recordings and the latest topic was yellow. D named yellow when I asked him for inspiration (I´ve abused Shopping Queen several times for inspiration XD) well... YELLOW^^
  19. While we're at the Oubliette topic (LOVE them) - here´s some skirt by their light side part of the brand called Petit Morte (which is totally unrelated to the TBT bag from the MP but a dead fit xD) before the next offline period starts cos WARM and other flat without pc and all that ^^ : Seeya...maybe tomorrow for a while, else on August 2nd - ish...
  20. hanging out at home after a few day trips with D cos we´ve got 3 weeks off^^ it´s too hot for anything though so it´s basically light food, netflix and chill^^ oh yeah and I´ll be at his for 9 days from Sunday and I won´t be able to login there since I drowned my poor laptop so I´ll be silent for a bit longer ^^
  21. Talli - ABSOLUTELY!!!!!! Bloody awesome in total^^ Night- thanks hun *-* keep up the awesome work
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