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Akasha Sternberg

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Everything posted by Akasha Sternberg

  1. I raided some events ^^ https://akashasternberg.wordpress.com/2019/01/18/new-year-new-things/
  2. "Oh Honey I´m SO sorry I do have these rezzing problems recently... I can see myself just fine though maybe you got those problems too?"
  3. well.... that´s meh anyways^^ but what about the rezzing in nudeness we get with meshbodies? HMMM^^ Damn I had my yearly supershopping marathon recently and raided the current events and my wishlist almost completely but that should have me prepared for whatever the year holds behind his back for me ^^
  4. yes... my favourite house "Snoodles" ...I forgot the creator... was purged I have lost it in my inventory loss incident
  5. Join me @ Hippiestock 9 for my Rezday Party Jan 12th, 2019 starting 9AM SLT / 6PM German time Follow the link for details: https://akashasternberg.wordpress.com/2019/01/12/your-rezday-invitation
  6. An amazingly awesome and nice conductor (and yes I´m in there - that smaller blobb 4th left of the red blob in front of the conductor ) - THAT´s how you conduct in style folks
  7. !!!! I stand corrected XD Sorry the Rezday-aspect vanished on my douzy mind XD The rest was so outstandingly beautiful^^
  8. hehe it´s only on Saturday Some actually do, yes and well the ones I was invited to so far were impossible to attend for me due to either my timezone or RL so I haven´t been to one...
  9. oh dear... that blows.... Today´s a weird zombie day - yes, more zombie than usual... I´ve had another of those 3 hours of sleep nights and the fiance has come down with a fever and tonsil infection. Boy he looks horrible ;-; greyish-pale, eyes reflect the pain, whincing at every bite that´s not soup or tea.... I defrosted the last remainders of the last batch of soup, went shopping, made tea, apple and ginger juice, cut up half a salat, the new pot of soup is cooking and the chicken can be pulled into pieces in a couple of hours.... I´m just dead....
  10. This is gonna be my Rezday party folks^^ though I might have a small get together at either my home or the hangout on Tuesday....or the following Sunday (21st - my late evening, SL noon-afternoon) as my RL birthday is 3 days after the rezday so party hardXD
  11. there are inventory cleaning parties ...occasionally... keep your eyes open or trigger one...maybe at the hangout? For the future: show demos some love - they deserve it^^ and spend your L on the stuff you actually love after demoing and for the shopping: haaaaaave you met seraphimsl.com? There are most of the events listed and ever so often they give previews. I write shopping lists (analog - handwritten^^) which helps me a lot, too^^
  12. cos we´re all stars when we´re dancing! Details: https://akashasternberg.wordpress.com/2019/01/07/everlasting/
  13. I´ve managed to buy something (had the group for ... several years.... so yeah) didn´t need a certain shape or something and yeah my route was completely different from yours as I had TOTALLY different requirements (yes my view still bites from one side but ah well.... it´s a workspace - my home is pretty for 10 plots so... hey...
  14. tired: both lifes appointment and event: RL shopping and workspace: SL
  15. tired, dreading tomorrow (stupid appointment), looking forward to Saturday (big arsed StarWars event), being glad when it´s Sunday and the couch is calling XD but I´ve bought and decorated the workspace, applied for Miss SL 2019 (I was forced to, anyways it will be fun^^) and now I´m shopping for runway poses until the fiance is ready and we go over to "my" place for the appointment tomorrow... oh my XD
  16. hmmm same.... well it means we can´t have any RL and have to pull all nighters to cater to them when we´re paying them and requesting support with their products.... 🙄😒🤬
  17. enneved.... unclear tutorials, unreachable support, idiots everywhere ... and I basically just got up....
  18. join group chats or look for the threads "where are all my friends? Let´s get comfy by the fire", "Just ignore and let this one die", "what are you doing today" and start from there
  19. well fml another new info... ok so I do have the ability to claim 1024m² and then there´s a 10% group bonus.... do you try to tell me I have to buy 1024m², deed that to the group and then I can buy the 1120m²? None of the tutorials mention that... I thought there was a databank somewhere just like the "if user premium then 1024 for them" one... yeah I know... thinking... but then I´m almost too ticked off to type as it is.... I´ve been making a gd fool of myself for days only to learn yet another thing like this? you sound that it´s superobvious and the most natural thing to do - well argh guess I´ll use my premium and try this chat support - it´s their stuff they have to explain it! simple as that - if it´s not possible to deed through the action of buying it I want to read that beforehand in their explanation... *stomps off to grab the support by their neck
  20. move in with my fiance and prepare the living hell out of our wedding^^ Plus once we´ve found a house to rent and finished the move I might escalate as a housewife....well a bit, maybe... muahahahhahahaahah Other than that... no plans. God has this weird humour and loves crashing them, Jesus is his father´s son and they´re double trouble. They´re not getting many chances for their jokes this yearh nuh-uh! *muahhahaa*
  21. hmmm interesting, I didn´t know about the group buy thing.... I filed a ticket for a piece to be cut off an abandoned plot. If that doesn´t work out I might consider the group option^^ update: I couldn´t get it out of my head so I did the searchies and found ..stuff. It´s all fun and games, I hit about land- buy land for group, agree for the L$ to run away from me - and.... nothing happens.. hm... what did I miss?
  22. I was invited to quite the fancy party last night so I dolled up again^^
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