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Akasha Sternberg

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Everything posted by Akasha Sternberg

  1. JAAAAAAAAAAA.... also... will ich, gibbet aber nich! Ne das wird so dieses 1024m² 32x32m parcel wie man das so zum PRemium kriegt. Aber whoa ich hatte mal nen Homestead gemietet - so ich meine im September 2012 -das war soooooooo geil...irgendwann hab ich das wieder !! Also...vielleicht, hoffentlich, meh...
  2. ich hab dir da mal was rübergeschoben
  3. ja, absolut^^ Mein Holder ist ja auch son kleiner "Kacknerd", daher sind wir schon öfters mal an den PCs, aber... irgendwie ist dann doch immer was und man ist hier bei den Eltern zum Kaffee, hat da irgendwas anderes... und dann oh... doch schon wieder nur 5 Minuten kurz die Gruppen durchgeschaut - oder gar garnicht on gewesen Mach das, ich bin grad weiter auf Landsuche, hab glaub ich grad was ganz süßes gefunden, soll ich dir da mal was an Landmarks schicken?
  4. Merry belated Christmas and happy holidays ^^ I know I´m late but the last weeks have been madness exquisite ... Right now I´m hopping around the infamous Madland to find a 1024m² plot for a good price I do not hate XD (Linden Road would be cool or water access... but most are fugly, in the middle of nowhere and surrounded by more fugliness XD) *WELP*
  5. Ja, vor dem Problem wohin stehe ich auch... hm ... Lustig ist auch, wenn man in der inworld landsuche rumspringt und dann teilweise 2-3 Parzellen nebeneinander sieht... "Welche nehme ich jetzt?" Ich kenn von den genannten leider garnix, ich war früher viel im Sanctuary of Rock (das gibts auch noch), Demonic (ist zu), Dark Alley (RP Sim, fällt raus, da Kasha mittlerweile ins Zölibat gestopft wurde *muahahhaha*), London (fällt auch raus. zu viel Belästigung da, Mods tun nix dagegen) - mittlerweile bin ich WENN ich denn mal rauskomm im Forum Cartel Hangout (hier im Forum gibts den Post "Just ignore and let this one die" - das ist wohl ne alte Tradition von früheren Forenversionen und die haben ne inworld Gruppe mit Land, Sonntags bin ich beim Travelling BReakfast (17-19 Uhr unserer Zeit) - das gehört zu diesem Post hier und ner dazugehörigen inworld Gruppe "The Breakfast Club". Das ist halt jedes WE an nem anderen Ort, wird aber auch immer bekannt gegeben. Die Gruppen kannst du dir gerne inworld von mir mopsen (einfach nach dem selben Namen wie hier suchen, Profil anzeigen, Gruppen durchstöbern, du machst das schon)
  6. This is another case of "Where the EFF do you run into people like that?" for me...I´d be out there and never to return. Seriously I´d prolly report them for harassment, too. Being scanned like that can´t be legal, right? To me it feels like attaching a bug to your private phone ...Same level of intrusion of your private space - quite literally XD You have to be dressed. We all know even you, my favourite lil cloth-allergic, manage to dress - be DRESSED... bits covered and all - beautifully, too. So you should be good.. Don´t waste your time there, there´s so many other pretty sims and sceneries where you´re not harassed like that.
  7. Joa... dann mal WB^^ Wie war das - das ganze Leben ist ein Quiz? ich seh Akasha wie eigentlich alle meine Charaktere irgendwo immer so als Teil von mir - wir können irgendwie doch nicht ohneeinander Gut - also...was ist alles so passiert: MESH! Und zwar nicht nur Klamotten, sondern mittlerweile auch Körper und Köpfe. Stufe 2 davon ist auch schon gezündet: Bento nennt sich das. Wenn du dir deinen Nait anschaust hat der ja jetzt noch recht spitze Ellenbogen und so - das ist dann mit Mesh weg. Und Bento hat nochmal feinere "Knochen", kann sich also noch flüssiger bewegen *YEY*. Da schaust du dir am Besten mal http://meshbodyaddicts.com/ an ... Schnapp dir dafür nen guten Tee - das wird was dauern. Dann nimmst du dir am Besten was zu schreiben und notierst dir die dort genannten Firmen. Dort hüpfst du dann hin und suchst dir die ganzen Demos, suchst dir Skindemos, seraphimsl.com ist eine Koriphäe für Events (für Kerle gibts nicht SO viel wie für uns Weibers, aber auch da findet man durchaus ne Menge) - da kann man auch mal schauen (DEMOS!!! Demos bis du kotzt und dann nochn Stück weiter!!! Geld reinschießen ist eine Sache, verschwenden ne andere ) - Seraphim hat auch oft Galerien, wo man auf der Homepage schonmal schauen kann und sich die Namen schonmal merkt. KEnnst du den "Marketplace" schon? Süßes Elend! So quasi wie Amazon - man findet einmal alles, viel Schiet, viel Tolles, das ganze läuft parallel zum Inworldshopping. Premium hab ich mir ebenfalls zu Weihnachten gegönnt, hänge grad ebenfalls an der Landsuche. Ich hab allerdings auch noch ne Parzelle gemietet, die das 4fache von der Fläche des Premiumlandes hat, bin dementsprechend verwöhnt und verdorben für 3 und jaule momentan jedes Mal auf bei der Landsuche xD. Die Krux mit den inaktiven LMs habe ich ebenfalls. Bin zwar seit 1.5 Jahren wieder dabei und auch mittlerweile voll auf Bento und so up to date und alles, aber ...joa.... die alten Orte Generell - hast du schon ne Idee, wo du so (wieder) hinwillst, sei´s jetzt optisch, genauso wie rumhängmäßig? Witzig wird Premium auch, weil du 18 Gruppenplätze mehr hast als ohne - 60 Gruppen sind immer gut - und auch noch zu wenig, wenn man ehrlich ist, aber nunja. Gute Gruppen sind auch den ein oder anderen L$ wert - groupgifts und andere Animositäten machen das Leben durchaus süßer.
  8. hmmm I don´t mind FB that much (it´s a sh--hole, I know, but the damage´s been done, I´ve been stupid enough several years ago, yeah...well I gotta live with that), but this is rather uncool. No real problem for me, Kasha has her own FB, too, but it kinda worries me. Everything seems to forcefully switch and jump to this horrbile thing called instagram... Once a connection is needed I´m out. At least on FB you see text posts and not just horrible selfies, you see less, yet still way too many hashtags...brrr I prefer words (preferably without a swear filter)
  9. *holds out her arm* do you want to put more salt in the wound? 😜 AAAAAAND!!! I have you know that I gave a roll with little sleeves for 20 crotchet needles to my mom this christmas (I myself LIKE crotcheting but... I´m just not good at it... else you´d be SO damn true ^^ )
  10. the problem is: I witness it anywhere on the interwebs and in RL, too - dramatically increasing from day to day.... And if you´re nice you´re either being taken for sarcastic (even if I was honest...) or they look at you as if they´ve seen a ghost. It´s weird these days... usually if I´m taking pics and I see someone near me/aproaching me I put my titler on with something like "taking pics can´t talk" or "Blogger at work" or something like that...
  11. I´ve been renting with Azure Rentals for years - 7ish years now... and they´re always nothing but charming so please never hesitate to ask them^^
  12. I ONLY answer such IMs in local... if at all...usually if I bother to react at all it leads to an AR because of harassment after few more words from them. I´m sorry but I´m SO not sorry for them if they fail to read my profile or think themselves above them...eff them such IMs leading to a friendship is like winning the lottery - or having no standards (even if I was very SLexual active - there are enough places to find quick partners). Don´t get me started on London City... the sims are beautiful and the RL City is my fave in this world, but the people there....99% are...erm... NEXT... Clubs.... well ....I know few where it´s better...I´m only really convinced with two, one being the oldest rock club, the other a small german club... IF I go to such places as a club - spech if I don´t know one I make sure to not be showing much skin, being casually dressed and if there are random IMs that´s the last time they´ll see me... NOPE!!!!! And well... tbh... I tried for years but if you go to places like London or starter areas...tbh you´re kinda asking for it....I learned that after.... well 9 years with a lot of long breaks... so just don´t go there and find new places (and have a nice home you don´t need to run from...there´s groupchats, too)
  13. addon: people whining about being called short and pestering others with names like Giants cos we don´t shrink to our RL height THIS INSTANT and NAOW!!!!11!!!!1!1!! YES I AM taller than some people nowadays - WHY? - cos I adjusted my shape to the average male avatar height back then - to a realistic height difference. I DO have several versions of my shape but I feel best wearing this one. It is FAR from being giantly tall - you should see my runway shape...you´d drown in your tears damni, no matter how good a swimmer you´d consider yourself to be... - I used to call your height "walking male chicken sucker" - and that name was invented by someone at exactly that height compared to her hubby... I TRY my best to be polite and openminded but I swear this is SO annoying....
  14. - Drama - know it alls - people who drain your energy - "filler" sounds and words - biggest one: "Whoo" - it hurts my ears, it´s loud and high and WHY?`There´s no bloody reason XD You can have fun (and even die - tell that to those shrieks in Horrorfilms xD) without screeching like a maniac - gesturbating - particles - emitters on avatars - bloodlines - empty profiles - trolls - instagram, selfies and hashtags - random "hi" IMs - or random IMs at all aiming to hit on you - being hit on cos: - not reading my profile - adult = sex stuff assumption (I want adult sims cos I can swear and stuffs xD) I´m too lazy to continue XD This might not be complete addition: self-centere, egocentric female reproductive organs who go all "well I´m glad I´m picky" when you try to be helpful in a freebie group with a lot of new people telling them to unpack their stuff rightaway or they´ll end up with 262 items to unpack after grabbing gifts from events and advent stuffs - you can´t see what´s inside those gifts until you unpack them ffs and there´s so much awesome stuff thrown at us for free... I want to be able to meet new stores, see the awesome work of designers who are so generous and maybe feature it in a way or another.... I throw out the stuff I don´t like or use, too - so collecting stuff at first doesn´t mean you´re not picky... ARGH! *original version in my head adds gazillions of swearwords and really nasty insults at her and puts her on my hate list forever - why again am I trying to help anybody after all?
  15. a) I was like you b) Belinda did an awesome job^^ c) what Skell said d) Demo the heads with skin and make-up-demos... it changes the world!!! This is me - oh...pre-mesh even XD System Head still me - on Tuesday night^^ I like to think that I still look recognizable. Some hairstyles make me look even younger than with the system head, some make me look my36 yrs of age (Kasha is 3 days older). I only have ONE head and body - cos well.. RL me doesn´t have a spare either and Kasha is drowning in clothes, hair and all that stuff so she´s spoilt enough^^ Keep us posted We´re a curious bunch...
  16. :.C!L.: has started her 12 days of Christmas advent calendar: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ribblesdale/220/158/609 Chop Zuey´s starts, too: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Chop Zuey/48/139/27 yeeeey moar unpacking XD
  17. without my bento head I look like this - I didn´t have a non-bento mesh head and didn´t get one until... may I think it was
  18. it´s kind of interesting to see it in SL, too - I´ve never encountered that before. IMHO it caters to those screaming for realism and "SL IS LIKE RL!!!!!!!!11111!!!!1" cos - believe it or not.... in Germany shops are closed on Sundays (well 99% of the shops are...) it might be an old religious tradition, yes, but there´s work-communities and contracts stating that Sundays are off... Just now the city of Bonn had their "advent shopping Sundays" cancelled by the District Courthouse in Cologne. We live @LittleMe Jewell did you gather any more info about the owners? Are they german? (yes I use the lower case on purpose...no I´m not patriotic...) and... would you mind poking me inworld with some names?^^ I´m seriously intrigued who´d do that ^^ I mean on one hand it shows they hold their values close, even put them over profit (cos they lose a whole day of inworld income - not including the marketplace^^), on the other hand apparently they even repell people by it... For the record - I´m religious, roman catholic, too, but I´m not much of a hardliner so there´s a grey area, too
  19. REALLY? *grabs her wooden spoon* Are you effin serious?!!!!!! I´d break a leg to show up! And I´m not the only one!
  20. Hmmm Holiday thingie, eh? we´ll be busy pretty much every weekend including the first one of January XD so I might be able to pop in (maybe even only via lumiya) but I really can´t promise - miss you all ^^
  21. you might want to join BloggerVloggerNetwork and similar specified groups and provide some links of your work.
  22. if mine did it I´d be like "well I´d have considered it but after this pop up I will heck all"
  23. oh I managed to see them out and about - they´re real... they exist But then I don´t hit on people XD I do leave a "whoa...love the look" in local when I pass by but I do that on gals and guys alike XD
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