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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. I am not entirely clear what I am seeing looking at the Revision history, it looks like Boardroom got added to that page in 2014.
  2. There is a list on the Wiki, but it does need an update https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Infohub I checked a few and so far as I can tell, Iris, Boardroom, Pooley and Ahern won't let you set home there. Although with regards to Ahern the 3 adjacent regions all will let you set home there.
  3. Shaming serves no constructive purpose, but naming does. In the example I gave (and I can think of at least one similar with a dance ball/hud seller) the naming would have at least been some notice that might have prevented many empty box sales. These were products sold from previously reliable vendors with solid reputations, and each item between 1.5KL$ and 20KL$. I imagine a lot of people suffered because of that. There is no need for shaming they probably suffered some personal tragedy. Shaming isn't productive. But a Caveat Emptor policy without any means for consumers to warn one another makes every purchase a gamble.
  4. Post World War 2 consumer protection laws started to appear in europe and across the globe. Caveat Emptor is a fairly alien concept to people born since then. Linden Lab's approach my first encounter of it, and it has cost me and many others more money than I would have liked.
  5. I am afraid the buyer beware at your own risk is the way Linden Lab operates, it seems to be a USA thing. No or weak consumer protection laws compared to Europe. I recall similar situations in the past with dances, in particular with the at the time biggest seller of dance packed intans. They left SL for whatever reason but left their large stores around selling empty boxes for at least a year. The creator of the intan tried to get the store shut down without timely success. For a year they were taking substantial payments from customers for empty boxes. Threads on the forums censored for naming and shaming, tickets complaining closed because of it being a resident to resident dispute. That just seems to be the way business is expected to be done in the USA.
  6. I don't know that I am having this more recently, but it is frustrating and can result in important things being lost when cleaning out the lost and found folder if no copy. Paws and eyes from furry avatars, dance huds, jewelry etc. I found my teeth in there, for a week I was going around without my teeth in, no one mentioned it to me, presumably amused to see me looking less than my best !
  7. You indicate routes are made by hud it might be better to allow setting the route through waypoints from a slurl list? There would perhaps be more control over the placement?
  8. Maybe there should be 2 classes of routes. One that is entirely protected route, that with care setting waypoints would be dependable and a second class that at least partly relies on passing through private land. I like the idea it is not necessarily something I would use all the time, but I can think of some uses like making a taxi route from your log cabin to a railway station or water rezz area, or a water taxi route to go to nearest airport. And for more public tourist routes. Besides waypoints is there a facility to indicate velocity? For aircraft\submarine altitude? And any scope for adding comments to point out things to look at like the yavapods have?
  9. For what it is worth my recent experience of lag comes from trying to ride a motorcycle cruise along with 20 or so others on motorcycle club tracks. The lag exhibits itself with my bike and avatar flying up into the air and spinning, sometimes ending up in the region corner. The others don't seem to get the lag I do. The one person that went through a few tests with me said they were downloading around 45 Mbps, I recently upgraded my internet speed to a 30 Mbps connection. It seems at least from my experience that lag is now more related to connection speeds the system requires than script load on regions.
  10. An idea cropped up on the recent thread about the Linden's spring cleaning marketplace about the same idea having more value when applied to mainland. Discussing it there would take that off topic, but it has got me thinking and I think worth discussing. A couple of objections raised there I think are spurious. Firstly that it would in some way breach the contract made when the land was bought, especially as the land continues to be paid for either through recurring direct debit payments or because of early premium privileges. On the contract, the Terms of Service have always been clear they are subject to change depending on what Linden Lab consider their interests. I don't see a difference here between how marketplace listings worked, the decisions around spring cleaning made recently without explicit additional forewarning. Secondly the land that might be recovered would similar to the marketplace be from absent accounts and therefore the owner wouldn't know to object. I think there would need to be some protections, I would not like to lose some of the early builds that are distinctive parts of the history. So maybe they could create a policy that balances those concerns by removing parcels from automatic recovery built in the first five years. Land in that category would only be recovered and put up for sale after an individual review of the parcel by Governance. It might be complicated to work out a process that protects and avoids all legitimate concerns, but on the face of it it seems to me it could help refresh mainland and be of benefit to those living and using mainland also helping to maximise Linden Lab profits.
  11. Something like that could help if people are having problems with sorting through decades old junk. I have never had that problem, scripts still seem to work for the most part without going out of date and with bakes on mesh we can now much more easily use some of the old outfits than we could pre-bom. Junk, IE stuff I don't like is as likely to be recent as something from 10 years ago. It is the outfits listed under every colour separately that make me applaud the idea of cleaning up marketplace.
  12. I agree my heart sinks when searching an item and finding separate listings for every colour of an outfit. It puts me off buying from them at all.
  13. If I had a full bright prim build with big glass windows displaying images of people being tortured on moderate land like one neighbor that doesn't appear to have logged in for ten years then I think it possible to allow governance some discretion to apply a criteria around taste. Besides if I hadn't logged in in 5 or 10 years I wouldn't care anyway as I don't use the land and wouldn't even know. I think I would be more surprised to find it still there.
  14. Some of the ugly neglected builds on mainland are most definitely garbage. Some have some historic significance, others are just eyesores with no redeeming qualities. I don't know how to formulate a clear policy, but I think some sort of spring clean of mainland would be more value than marketplace database purging.
  15. I have noticed some old stores going with some sadness, not sure if related to this, previous purges or if the makers had simply closed their stores. One example the eccentric sculpty creations of Grimm Bros it isn't every day you would want to be wearing a dress with a cage framed dress with patisserie shelf and\or a train set going around it, but I had thought it would always be there to buy when the occasion came around. I wonder how many historic treasures like that will be or have been purged.
  16. Niran does a free Server Side AO I have used in the past when using something other than Firestorm for my viewer. It seemed to work well.
  17. If you are having a problem with the designation of your account I suggest talking with Support. https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ There have been some changes with regards to rules for Scripted Agents, perhaps something has gone awry. When making the report try to phrase the report more factually... like I have recently joined SL and still finding my way, but I am encountering this problem which returns this message when I try and do this.. etc They need more specifics to identify what the problem is and asking in a way like that gives them more information to help you with.
  18. I wondered if they might have been linked to a larger linkset obscuring them, but I cycled through edit linked parts to see if I could see Eric Linden's grass, but can't see it. I think you might need the group ability "landscaping with linden plants" in your group role to select them? Which sort of takes me back to thinking your next step might be to ask one of the WRE Managers to take a look for you.
  19. Good idea, but just nothing there. Only a handful of objects showing in the area like steps, and some others bits. There s a sort of rod under the ground that might have a script in that is temp rezzing them but I don't think so I am really clutching at straws with that, I suspect the rod has a greeter in of some sort. It looks more like some sort of region glitch.
  20. Yes very odd, I have an alt at the club and they don't come up in area search for me and I can't select them. It might be worth asking one of the Weasles Real Estate managers to come over and take a look. It is possible that they will have some additional group right that will allow them to show up, or they might have an idea how to get rid of them. Ps nice club.
  21. I think that is a relatively recent innovation (like in last 5 years?), before that you could select objects through odd way of using a Pathfinding Character search, you still sort of can do it that way but area search is easier and more intuitive. And yes drag selecting is far from a perfect method, but something easy enough to consider that can be useful when lucky.
  22. Drag selecting can help to get them too. I think another option is to select them off the area search results?
  23. The guilt you feel for your actions is really something between you and your conscience. But in relation to this thread the circumstance you describe is rather different from the "everyone is happy" by the arrangement hypothesis laid out in the original post. The argument made fails because the premise is false.
  24. Until you mentioned it it had never occurred to me that RFL tip booths would be covered by rules on Commercial activity. In the UK the economy is divided in to sectors. The first sector being commercial, the second sector public and the third sector charities and not for profits.
  25. To be fair after posting questioning scale of the lag problem it occurred to me that instances of little apparent lag where people are putting in fastest laps they are on relatively unoccupied regions. When avatars on the region exceed 10 or are racing in close proximity then lag is a factor.
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