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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. "Rez box" will bring up some results but I think "rezzer" likely to be a more targeted search for what you want. A rezzer works by adding a script to the set of furniture you want to control and using a controller to rezz the objects with the script in at the location you set. They come in different varieties, some work to control, individual items, with others you can store groups of objects in a scene. Some have a limited range others work across a full region. A more complex one might even have built in teleportation facility so you can rezz your scene 2000m up and click a teleporter beam to travel there and back. Ones with scenes are likely to require some notecard editing to set them up. Read the marketplace descriptions carefully to check it will meet your needs without being too complicated. Note because they work by adding a script the objects you use do have to be both copy and mod.
  2. I run cruises similar to the way Topless Cruisers do, in fact they took the idea from Topless Sailors, who predate them by a few years. Topless Sailors Cruising club run cruises on Mondays at Noon SLT. Leeward Cruising Club run cruises Sundays at 13:00 SLT and Tuesdays at 17:00 SLT. They stated the cruise format in SL nearly 15 years ago. On Fridays I help run Tradewinds Cruises at 13:00 SLT. On Saturdays at 4:00 & 10:00 SLT Rainbow Sails YC runs a cruise and again on Sunday at 10:00. Rainbow Sails is a slightly different format in that we break twice along the route to regroup, socialise and take comfort breaks. Rainbow Sails don't have an after cruise party, instead we have a "party" at Noon on Weds.. more just a rotation of people providing a music stream and socialising. All 3 groups I am involved with have separate identities, but a lot of overlap in participants. They each have their own group and marina to advertise events. They also advertise in SLSA & SLSC groups. I have no involvement with LCC but used to be a regular and more than happy to recommend them along with Topless Cruisers. There are other groups (eg Friday Knights and Phoenix Rising) that run cruises most advertise in the SLSA group, that is the best group for finding a sailing event that fits your availability. The only cruise I know of that doesn't advertise on SLSA is the one I help run for my motorcycle club on Saturday at Noon. Rocking Rollers MC. Check the picks on my profile for their regions and more info.
  3. Another Jazz pianists album from around the same time:
  4. Some 70s Jazz with Mary Lou Williams with Buster Williams – bass, and Mickey Roker – drums From Wikipedia: Mary Lou Williams was an American jazz pianist, arranger, and composer. She wrote hundreds of compositions and arrangements and recorded more than one hundred records (in 78, 45, and LP versions).[2] Williams wrote and arranged for Duke Ellington and Benny Goodman, and she was friend, mentor, and teacher to Thelonious Monk, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Tadd Dameron, Bud Powell, and Dizzy Gillespie.
  5. I bought an Anne Briggs album earlier today, truly extraordinary voice. This song is normally sung as a Sea Shanty, but she sings it as a lament, acapella. Truly sublime.
  6. And ten year later electronic music had moved towards music like this from Future Sound of London
  7. For some reason, maybe time period being discussed and Lazy Calms laid back electronica reminded me of Brian Eno and David Byrne's extraordinary My Life in the Bush of Ghosts album from 1981. Here is a track off it featuring Dunya Younes sampled vocals.
  8. That sounds a lot like horizons. In that respect they already have a pilot to learn from and evaluate. From my perspective Horizons was a huge success, 100% ownership and high resale value.
  9. In you first recent post you wonder amongst other things why people abandon land rather than selling. I don't recall ever selling land except on one occasion where I contacted a neighbour to ask if they wanted it. When I abandon land it is because I have found somewhere I want to buy, leaving me option to go up tier levels or abandon land to get the tier I need. I understand the benefits of selling but the few thousand you would make back on a quick sale doesn't seem worth it for the risk of the land you want getting bought before you make the sale or the cost of upping your tier level. I wonder more at people paying tier on land listed for sale and why they do that. Unless of course we are talking water access parcel worth tens or hundreds of thousands of Linden dollars, but those are exceptional.
  10. The way I use land is admittedly unusual. I create public spaces to attract visitors with a secondary purpose of using them as destinations for cruises where for an hour or so there will be around 20-30 people dancing and socialising. The place likely to be used for a party no more than once a quarter normally, so whilst I benefit from the way resources currently can be used on a region I don't think it is an excessive use. It does mean that at my Zindra place I can't really use it for parties, limiting its value to me.
  11. Dr Lonnie Smith plays on this too. Aligator Bogaloo - featuring Lou Donaldson with Melvin Lastie, Lonnie Smith, George Benson, and Leo Morris (later to be better known as Idris Muhammad).
  12. I was renting a parcel for many years before it became apparent I did not have eject rights. Of course it was a griefer that made that apparent and it was subsequently corrected, but not all renters will be put in a role with security rights. I used to run a motorbiking region (10 years ago now), we got griefed a few times for allowing furries to visit, homophobia etc. I used an orb to allow group members to eject and ban from the region. I can't remember all the calculations involved in deciding to use that instead of handing out group officer roles with similar rights, but the orb worked well for that purpose. It allowed us to put temporary bans on newly made throw away accounts that were being used and it allowed us to maximise the time the region was open for visitors.
  13. I think Coffee Pancake suggested or has spoken in the past about changing the range at which you could set to show banlines. If there was a viewer side slide to the range they could be seen then when at home your could turn it down so that your neighbours banlines don't light up your home like the neon street advertising from a Tokyo cityscape, and when travelling you could turn the range up that you can see them so you have forewarning when travelling so you have time to avoid them. If i recall correctly the way they work currently it is not possible to do that currently in the viewer, but if it could be changed on the server end to allow that it would help alot.
  14. Earlier on you gave your experience taking a long journey, and observed after crossing no doubt hundreds of parcels you got 2 security orb warnings in all that time. Your experience would appear to indicate that the majority of people don't use security systems to block traffic through their parcel? That those that do are actually the minority. .. which makes all the emotive language and hyperboles fall a bit flat when you are making the opposite claim to a majority opinion.
  15. I would say orbs or security systems are useful if not essential to allow club managers and renters the ability to eject unwanted guests on land they are managing or renting. They allow for much more dynamic access to group rights to eject and ban than creating and assigning roles for that purpose. With groups that have multiple functions or cover more than one area with land rights the roles available can quickly get used up.
  16. That region sounds like a nice place for a club .. which brings me to another problem with mainland and neighbours, the way resources are allocated per region with potential for one 512 parcel on the region to use all the script time, or become a popular club packed 24/7 with people. On an estate an estate manager has an interest in managing it on mainland in extreme circumstances you might have some success getting Governance to intervene but in reality best option is just to move out. This sort of lack of control over what neighbours can do inevitably limits the value of land and impacts retention. I have a fairly large parcel in Zindra, water access and Japanese manga club on one of the parcels regularly with 20 or more avatars hanging out. It is their parcel, they pay tier on it although less than I do, but they are using it and so I am limited with what I can do. They are nice enough people and they have every right to make use of it and pleased for their ongoing success, but I think it does illustrate a much more real problem for landowners and the land market than passersby intruding.
  17. If they were to add in a new mainland area then perhaps they could use it to link Gaeta to Corsica and the rest of the grid, maybe, even finish off the East side of it. If they were inclined to test the impact of a new covenant then Gaeta might be a good option, it has been isolated and has traditionally had lowest occupancy rate.
  18. Following on from that thought . changing the way banlines work so they work like a wall you bounce off or edit out of without breaking vehicle scripts would make travel easier, and investing in road and river parcels more appealing.
  19. Originally I was unhappy about the SS Galaxy move, it broke up the route between Honah Lee and Sailor's 'cove South without forewarning to the estate owners who took a few months to replace it. I suppose what happened behind the scenes impossible to be sure of, but the perception was it was done without thought or consultation with the estate owners. That said it is moved now and where it was are now rentals, moving it back is not an option. Where it is is fine it still fulfills a function as a place of interest and can be used as a venue. The first time I visited it was for a friend's wedding, it is nice it can still perform that function. But it's primary function is as a place of interest, people don't need to be visiting it daily to be a success in that regard. So long as it remains somewhere you might want to travel past or show to someone, then it is doing fine. Like the Bremner dinosaurs it is a wonder of prim building. Meshifying it would remove part of its charm. Mesh and materials are great, but let's not get carried away or we lose our history.
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