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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. The legacy of your good natured charm and helpful advice will live on in the forums history. You have made a positive difference for all the people informed by them whether direct or indirect recipients. I for one am grateful. My best wishes for your future.
  2. That hair was from Detour (Keri Clip) from 2009. and outfit from Secret Passions Samy Firehawk from 2011. I loved their outfits when I joined. Edited after checking make of hair.
  3. Developing this idea a little you could set up a platform in the sky and set the landing point there. You could then put up a sign or use a script to ask the person that has arrived there how they got there and suggest messaging you with your answer. Most will probably ignore you but with a well phrased question you might get your answer. Perhaps an old link on marketplace, or someone's profile. With the answer you can then see if you can get the culprit to correct their error.
  4. I used to love this flexi hair, and Secret Passions Royal outfit? Phil, Maddy, Tex and Trinity at breakfast
  5. You might want to create a landing point for your parcel somewhere suitable like the far end of your garden so when they do appear they aren't so noticeable.
  6. Sometimes when this happens to me and it doesn't correct quickly I will use the mousewheel to zoom out and then back in again. I imagine the change in viewing distance makes the viewer request the Lod model for the objects again. It does often help resolve the problem for me and might be something for you to try. I too hope the war ends quickly and in victory for you. Keep yourself safe. Іноді, коли це трапляється зі мною, і це не виправляється швидко, я використовую коліщатко миші, щоб зменшити масштаб, а потім знову повернутися. Я думаю, що зміна відстані перегляду змушує глядача знову запитувати модель Lod для об’єктів. Це часто допомагає вирішити проблему для мене, і ви можете спробувати. Я теж сподіваюся, що війна закінчиться швидко і перемогою для вас. Бережіть себе.
  7. I had a similar situation except that there was no transfer of ownership. A group I contribute to paid a builder to work on our region. We paid and they delivered, but they kept trying to extort additional money from us on threat of them returning their build. Because it was a private region banning them to prevent them carrying out their threats was a solution. If you are going to pay a builder I would now strongly advise they work full perm or with your stuff so ownership can fully transfer over.
  8. Whilst some make a living out of advising on inclusive language, it doesn't take any book learning to know when someone is setting out to be offensive.
  9. I used an Alt once to make a joke, because to make the joke the account posting really needed to have a Surname. I know of others that have used Alts for humorous effect. What I don't see much of, is sock puppeting, a few times I have wondered, but in each case it has seemed more reasonable to think that they have just mentioned to their friends about a thread on the forum and one or more have joined to defend them. Forum threads aren't popularity contests anyway, what matters is what is said and the exchange of ideas. I have seen accusations of sock puppeting but having been wrongly accused of it too, I treat those accusations with healthy scepticism. Most times it is much more likely just someone like minded chipping in, or someone wanting to support to a friend.
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