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Everything posted by Maitimo

  1. They are supposed to be registered so that they can be eliminated from traffic calculations. Sticking a box full of registered bots in your parcel won't affect traffic and sticking unregistered ones in is against the TOS. But a registered bot has no indication on the profile that its a bot and no link to the owner's account or business, unless the owner chooses to declare it. Wandering bots may be doing grid surveys (like Tyche's land survey), or they may be looking for cheap land for sale.
  2. I know your animal is not Manticore but theirs are similar and they have a notecard which describes this problem and how to change your settings to fix it. I have a manticore pet and it does flicker a bit when first rezzed but it settles down after a minute or so. "If the pet is semi-transparent you must enable "automatic alpha masks (non-deferred)" in your preferences to prevent alpha glitching with the pets. To do so, do the following: ⃕ Press ALT + CTRL + D to open the advanced menu ⃕ Select "Rendering" from the advanced menu ⃕ Select "Automatic Alpha Masks (non-deferred)" and ensure it is now checked. ⃕ Test a product demo to ensure that the pet is now working for you. Q. My pet seems to glitched or flickering, what do I do? A. If your pet attachment seems to be "flickering" or "glitching", please ensure that your viewer's LOD (level of detail) settings are set to at 4.0. You can manually adjust your LOD settings as follows: Phoenix Firestorm Viewer 4.1.1 and above Select Avatar from the top menu → Select Preferences [CTRL + P] → Select Graphics [Left Tab] → Select "Advanced" to show the advanced options → Move the Objects & Sculpts LOD slider to 4.0 [Max] Second Life Viewer 3.3.1 and above Select Me from the top menu → Select Preferences [CTRL + P] → Select Graphics [Left Tab] → Select "Advanced" to show the advanced options → Move the Objects & Sculpts LOD slider to 4.0 [Max] [Note: The settings will take effect after you exit and restart your viewer.]" I expect the same settings would work for yours too.
  3. You take the snapshot in-world and instead of selecting save to disk or save to inventory, you select save to profile feed. If that option isn't there, you don't have a compatible viewer and will need to switch to one that is. I know the official V3 beta does it, (and I think also the V3 release as well), and the newest release of Firestorm. There is no way to upload a pic that already exists on your hard-drive - it can only come direct from the Snapshot tool in-world.
  4. I stopped using Firestorm when the official V3 came out, because the official viewer was giving me a better framerate. I tried this new version of Firestorm today and the framerate is back up to my usual 35-40, AND in-world textures rez faster. so I think I will be sticking with Firestorm at least for a while.
  5. Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: Matty - I love the tiger stripe tattoo and the ears - it is a fun and unique style! That location looks very peaceful, too. Thankyou. I have a tail too, but you can't see it in those pics. I've been neko since very early on in my SL. @Dresden - nope, not single, sorry. But I still think you're hot
  6. I've been in SL since 2006 and never once have I adjusted my shape to fit my clothes. I'd rather get mod clothes and adjust them to fit me. Anyway leaving that argument aside here's my top tips for newbies 1. Go somewhere like NCI or Caledon Oxbridge and attend some classes and Q&A sessions 2. Learn how to use Search, and use it often 3. Keep exploring as much as you can.
  7. There's some very hot guys in this thread. Sorry ladies. I'm gay. :catvery-happy:
  8. However, I submit that if chipping in the equivalent of a RL dollar every once in a while to the venue or entertainer of your choice would take food from your kids mouths or make you unable to pay your bills, you shouldn't be here at all. You should be working in RL. Wait a second. I work full time in RL, despite being physically disabled, and I earn as much as I am able. I don't have kids, I don't struggle to pay rent or feed myself and I have enough money spare for a decent computer, a broadband package and other entertainment of which SL is a small part of that budget. But if I visit SL every night, and visit two clubs per night, and tip half a dollar to each host and DJ and maybe 2 dancers as well per event, that adds up to a lot of money that I'd actually rather spend in a real life club with real life friends, drinking real life beer. Thanks for judging.
  9. How comfortable are you with sharing your Real life on secondlife? Fairly comfortable. I've even shared my real name with one or two people (though it's a very common English name and a google search on it wouldn't help anyone). Have you ever shared your real life with someone and they used it against you No Have your real life ever became a topic [of] negative gossip? No Do you regret ever sharing your real life? No Have you ever been asked " a/s/l " and felt uncomfortable with telling them? Honestly no-one's ever asked me that. I do often get asked if the disability on my avatar is also a RL disability too (which it is) and I often talk about that. Have you ever got to know someone and then the friendship/relationship not work out or turned for the worse. Have you ever gossiped about their personal life? Or heard through the grapevine they shared your personal life in a negative way? No. I've had friendships not work out but I've never gossiped about them and to my knowledge no-one's ever gossiped about me. (The roleplayer story) Do you think this was right? I think it's all extremely childish. It makes both roleplayers look like they're fifteen. Do you think role-player 1 had rights to do that. They have the "right" to do and say what they want (provided they haven't broken ToS by, for example, giving out a RL name/address) but it makes them look like a drama-queen Do you think role-player 1’s friends are idiots? It depends. If they were formerly friends of Roleplayer 2 as well, then yes, probably. If they didn't know Roleplayer 2 then no, they only have access to one side of the story. And really we also only know one side of the story here. We don't know to what extent Roleplayer 2's acting like an idiot/child/drama-queen contributred to the breakup of the friendship in the first place. Do you think role-player 2 is an idiot for trusting role-player 1? Yes Do you think the sim owners should have done something about this? Banned both roleplayers and all their friends, and recruit new players who can manage to participate without personal drama.
  10. The ones I always reccommend: Fab*Free HQ Menstuff & Womenstuff Lounge In Her Shoes Savoir Hair Free Dove Izumiya Sadly two other favourites, the Gnubie Store and Maschienenwerk, have gone.
  11. Non-delivery is such a problem with the marketplace I just reccommend that people never purchase from it. Use it to search for what you want, then go to the inworld store to make the purchase. The only way to get your stuff (or get your money back) is to contact the creator./store owner. If the transaction is showing in your history it will show in theirs too, so they will know you genuinely bought it. Most of them will be happy to re-deliver.
  12. If you are using Firestorm ir Phoenix, it might be the bridge, which is a prim that is normally transparent but can be visible whilst rezzing.
  13. They're a leftover from a bygone age. Once upon a time, a new resident would start on "Orientation Istand" with a brief tutorial about how to walk, fly and chat. Then they would move on to "Help Island" which had more info for newbies, as well as real Mentors who would ansewer questions. After that they would exit to the main grid and would start at one of those welcome areas. They became gathering places, but being un-moderated they devolved into the cesspits of humanity that we see today. Nowadays, new residents don't go to welcome areas at all (unless they specifically choose to do so) so there are more oldbies there than newbies now.
  14. There are two issues with naming in SL. First is that the sign up process makes new users think that the username they choose is a private login only, it doesn't make it clear that everyone else in SL will be able to see it, and will use it to identify you. This need s to be changed to clarify that the username is also a visible avatar name and cannot be hidden. As far as making first/last names, all they need to do is allow an underscore character as an acceptable part of a username, and then render it as a space in-world. One field only is needed but it can (optionally) look like more than one.
  15. I tip live musicians and DJs always. I tip hosts, dancers and strippers only if they actually interact with me, without just making endless gestures and canned emotes. Then again, clubs that don't fit that criteria don't get my custom at all so if the staff aren't inspiring tips from me I've probably left already. That said, I am tipping less than I did 2-3 years ago, simply because all my L$ come from RL purchase and I don't have so much "spare" money in RL these days. I can't even justify paying for a home in SL any more. I used to be a dancer in SL and would typically get upwards of L$1000 a shift, I don't see tipjars anywhere going that high these days.
  16. 1. how long have you been a member? since 2006 on my first avatar 2. are you aware of advertising on the website? if so, which and do you think its effective? There is no advertising on the website, aside from Linden Lab's own, and unsolicited spam in the forums which gets nuked. 3. if you were a member in 2007, were you aware of a PETA anti-fur protest taking place on second life? I was a member but not aware of any PETA involvement 4. if you were aware, did you go to it? and did it affect you in any way? see above I think that the words "anti-fur" do not mean what you think it means, when related to second life. Is nothing to do with fur coats and more to do with griefing furry sims. I suggest you go away, learn something about Second Life, and come back when you understand what the word "fur" actually means here.
  17. Boots' Beach is a good friendly chat hangout (as opposed to a cruising/sex spot), sometimes we have impromptu dance parties on the beach. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Malia%20Beach/46/97/23 My favourite friendly gay club is Vibez :http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Misfitz/118/38/24 Both places are no-sex but nekkid is ok. =^.^= ETA: Join the "Gay Events Gridwide" group. It's a bit spammy, but after a few weeks you should have a good idea of which clubs you like best.
  18. Grey people and stuff taking ages to load isn't sim lag, it's your connection. Your bandwith may be insufficient or unstable. If you're on wireless try plugging in with a cable to your router instead. More memory in your PC will also probably help.
  19. Currently Firestorm. I was a dedicated Emerald user, strugged with V2 when it frst came out, then Phoenix, and finally switched to Firestorm about 3 months ago, though there was a short while I was temporarily running SL on a crappy laptop and the only thing I could use was a 1.19-based version of Cool Viewer. Now I've got used to the new interface, and Firestorm has cured pretty much everything i hated about V2, I find it hard to switch back.
  20. Half your questions make no sense. You ask if I'm loyal to one store, I say "no" and you then ask me why I am loyal to that store? *facepalm*
  21. Male skins made on the Eloh Eliot template look very fem. Maschinenwerk used to have some but they seem to have disappeared now. Looks like A:S:S has some: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ASS-FREE-Bishounen-skins-V2/582865
  22. When I joined SL in 2006 with my first av, I found a gay hangout place called Mission Beach, and there I found a great community of gay guys. When it eventully closed and the community broke apart, I missed it a lot and was unable to find anywhere else like it. To my amazement, the community has come back together with a new beach (now called Boots Beach), and it's just exactly like old times. I love it.
  23. KMADD has a quality freebie selection. Menstuff lounge Mascienenwerk SF Designs (one new freebie item each month) INDI (one new freebie each week)
  24. In particular if you attend or own strip clubs, and/or gay (male) clubs. Up to a couple of years ago I was an erotic male dancer in gay clubs, and quit when I began to spend less time in SL. Now I'm inworld more again and I miss the job, and I'm considering putting in some applications again. But this time there's a catch. In RL I'm disabled, missing part of my right arm, and recently I changed my avatar to match. Now this doesn't bother me a bit (obviously - or I wouldn't have done it) but I do wonder if other people would think it distasteful or off-putting if one of the dancers was noticeably disabled. I tend to think it would. I've discussed it with a couple of friends and they tend to think it wouldn't. I know I can just fix my hand in SL easily enough by taking off the sculpts and alpha layer, but that feels like a cop-out and I don't want to. What about YOU? Would it affect your attendance at a club, or the amount of your tips, if you saw a dancer who was disabled in this way?
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