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  1. im aware that you do not actually wear fur on SL, however, im looking into how PETA is developing new ways of getting their message across, such as the week - long protest they held on SL in 2007... and if any members were aware of it and if it was effective advertising....
  2. Im not familiar with second life, ive just researched into the PETA protest. whats the PN group? what sort of anti-fur protest do you mean? im meaning, against the use of fur for the fashion industry. Thanks for your help
  3. hello all! im currently a 3rd year student writing my dissertation, and would kindly ask for your help! im writing my dissertation on the use of different types of advertising for the use of fur and anti-fur, if as many people could answer just a couple questions, i'd be very thankful! 1. how long have you been a member? 2. are you aware of advertising on the website? if so, which and do you think its effective? 3. if you were a member in 2007, were you aware of a PETA anti-fur protest taking place on second life? 4. if you were aware, did you go to it? and did it affect you in any way? thank you so much in advance, its a great help! Aimee.
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