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Ren Toxx

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Everything posted by Ren Toxx

  1. Coby Foden wrote: Ok, thank you for the comprehensive answer. That explained everything. No more questions. :smileyhappy: :smileywink: You're welcome :smileyhappy: Should you need more comprehensive information, feel free to ask for it it a more comprehensive way, I'm always happy to obligue :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:
  2. Coby Foden wrote: May I ask why you are wearing facelight? Do you always - or very often stare - at your own avatar face - to see is it perfectly lit at all times? Yes.
  3. There are several freebie facelights, Amacci still has one with three interesting variations, though it's fixed (in its parameters, I mean -you can only move it); and you'll probably have little trouble finding a very popular one, CG Facelights, quite more controllable. Or, if you have minimal building skills, you could actually create it yourself, it's rather easy: a 100% transparent prim, set as source light, worn in front of your face. Whatever the case, just keep in check the facelight's intensity and, especially, its light radius. By far the most hostility towards facelights stems from the fact that some people unconsciously, and somewhat imprudently, wear ones set to huge, very intense light sources that brighten, often to the point of 'burning', everything around them. Those cases are indeed quite annoying (though, with most viewers, avoidable in one or more ways), so much so that often, by association, all facelights become 'evil' regardless. I myself have always worn facelights, still do, and to this date no one has ever complained about it to me, simply because I've always been careful to use them with small radius and only the necessary intensity; and sometimes, when dancing with my partner, which also wears one, I switch off mine to avoid any over-lighting.
  4. Perrie Juran wrote: Which goes to illustrate my point, the BEST VIEWER is the VIEWER THAT WORKS BEST for each individual. A good point that, nevertheless, some people studiously avoid. There's no telling them that their own needs & preferences may well be different than those of others; that, if there was indeed a 'best viewer for everyone', logic dictates that no one would ever need another viewer than that one, therefore all other viewers would vanish (or never even come to life) for lack of use/need... so that in the end there would be, in fact, only one viewer, thus no choice :smileyvery-happy: Most current viewers have at least a few advantages that make them preferrable for some individuals with certain needs. The official one has usually the advantage of being the first to incorporate Linden Labs' latest changes (improvements?) to Second Life. Firestorm is usually considered amongst the most features, and its huge userbase means better chances for support. Singularity is usually recommended for people who want most, if not all of Second Life's latest things, but in the lightest possible viewer. Some viewers are text-only, or almost, for those who want something really light and care very little about the visual aspects of SL. Some are quite focused towards photography, combat , RPing, building, etc. Some are rather conservative in their implementation of things, others are bleeding edge at, perhaps, the cost of stability or documentation...
  5. You will probably explain yourself better, and understand the answers better, in the French subforum :smileywink: Meanwhile, I suggest you go to your Second Life viewer program's Preferences, go to the Network & Cache tab and, if the Maximum bandwidth configured there is 500 kbps., raise it to 1500 kbps*. Then log off and on again to check the difference. * Don't raise it over that value, at least not much. An excessive value can cause other problems
  6. Rongway wrote: I have two accounts. If I delete my first, do I lose the second as well? No.
  7. From my limited technical understanding, I don't know that there's any specific limitation preventing either a worn HUD-based AO, or a viewer-integrated one, to go directly to a specific animation. It could be done if the creator of said AO bothered to design & program interface buttons to do it. If they don't is probably because, well... there's not a whole lot of demand for it.
  8. Sephina Frostbite wrote: [...] if they are out dated or if I wore them again I would look okay [...] You have to be the judge of that, Sephina; and even if some hypothetical 'uncontestable authority' dictated that you don't look okay with them... so what? You like them? Then that's it, you wear them. It's that simple. I'll be the first to admit that mesh clothing usually looks better than older-made ones... it has several obvious advantages. But in the end, Seph, it doesn't really matter if it's made of mesh, sculpts, layers, or carton boxes painted with child's crayon. Does it look good? Then it's good.
  9. Sephina Frostbite wrote: [...] Then proceded to say they wont go away till I do. I fully agree with Xenobia. Trying to sort it out is one thing, but at the exact point I quoted from you, it became harassment, plain and simple... and this, too, is something other customers might want to know. Whether he does, in fact, keep bothering you isn't very relevant; as has been explained, you can mute, AR, add further comments to your own review explaining how and for how long he's kept harassing you... not to mention, there's other venues to denounce it, some of which aren't necessarily as restricted by TOS. All in all, it could turn out far, far worse for him than for you. Unless he chooses to remove the item and re-list it, to get rid of your bad review, of course. But then again, that's AR'able, too.
  10. Vika Store. Their sculpting (they're rigged mesh, I mean their shape) and texturing is the best I've seen so far, and I've tried quite a few. The blending with the arm could use some improving, and that's exactly what interests me the most from SLink's upcoming male mesh hands -they do know how to do the blending much better, if their female products are any indication; I'll also try CheerNo's latest iteration (sounds like they're slowly getting around the idea that featureless hand skin textures ain't cutting it). But unless their shaping & texturing is every bit as good, I'm sticking to Vika's.
  11. Bad reviews are as essential to the health of the Marketplace as the good ones, Sephina, if not more. For sure, there are many, many stupid bad reviews (blaming the merchant for what was the customer's stupidity or SL delivery system's fault, etc), but most other customers can tell those apart, and bad reviews written in fairness are very helpful to red-flag things that the merchant was either not aware of, or not terribly eager to publicize, but that, either way, other customers need to know :smileywink: Anyway, and not to be nosey... exactly how was this merchant 'harassing' you? It's one thing if he abused you verbally in nonstop IMs, threatened or something... but if all he did was wanting to talk to you to try and set it straight, I wouldn't quite call that 'harassing'. Unless he was exceedingly enthusiastic about it, lol
  12. Features... I use so many of them, every time I've had to log in with the official viewer -or several others, for that matter-, I've felt lost and constrained. About the only problem with Firestorm is that it inevitably lags behind the latest technological additions... right now those would mainly be materials and CHUI; and it tends to do so a bit more than other TPVs because, even with a relatively big developers team, the viewer itself is rather complicated precisely due to its extensive features, which I imagine makes it hell to debug every time they want to incorporate the latest Linden Labs improvements. But even then, for me the already available features still usually outweigh said not-yet ones.
  13. Intoxicate wrote: [...] what's the "http textures" option for? Some years ago viewers used an older protocol called 'UDP' to download textures from the SL servers, before switching to the current, faster (and being made still faster right now) 'HTTP' protocol, but both methods are still supported; fact is, for reasons beyond my technical understanding HTTP is also heavier on the processor, and in your case you'll probably value lower viewer resource usage over a couple seconds' difference in texture downloading. Which takes me back to my original, broader suggestion. I'm glad that BackgroundYieldTime was apparently enough for you, but if you find yourself later in need of just a tad more multi-tasking capacity, here's the thing: changing a couple things like BackgroundYieldTime, HTTP Textures or draw distance is easy enough, you can set them one way when you're going to build, and then back to 'nicer' values when you're done and want to, perhaps, go dance with friends. But as Carl said, there's a lot of things you can fine-tune for specific needs / situations such as building. An awful lot of them, maybe enough to have two Photoshops running concurrently with SL... well, maybe not so much, lol, but you get the idea. Anyway, if you delve deep enough in Preferences and Debug Settings, you can shave off a whole lot of processor-gobbling options unneeded for building. Problem is, the more of them you change (and the more hidden and complex to change some of them are), the longer it'd take you to set them all back to 'normal' every time you finish building and want to 'go out'. And this is where multiple settings files come. You can use your Firestorm's Preferences > 'Network & Cache' tab > 'Open Settings Folder' button to locate the settings_firestorm-release_v4.xml file (or something like that -it should be the one with the bigger size than other XML files in the folder) where your current settings are stored, duplicate it with another name (for example, settings_firestorm_building.xml), and then launch Firestorm with that alternative settings file. How? By also duplicating the Firestorm launcher icon in your desktop, editing this duplicate icon's properties (specifically, its path to the Firestorm executable) and, where the original XML settings file is indicated, manually change it to the name of the duplicate XML settings file you made. From then on, you can use this second Firestorm desktop icon to run the viewer with those alternative, 'building settings', go crazy with lowering or switching off unneeded things, and none of that would touch your original, 'going out' settings; when you're done building, simply log off, and log in again with the original Firestorm desktop icon... voilà, all 'nice' settings are back. Explaining all the things you could change within these alternate settings may be beyond the scope of one single post, but remember: you could even have a different, much smaller viewer cache -not to mention a different one, in another folder-, along with many other things useful to reduce the viewer's memory & processor usage.
  14. Experiment with the debug setting 'BackgroundYieldTime', try making it higher so that, when your viewer is not the foreground application, it leaves the processor a bit more time to attend Photoshop. It's possible, anyway, that both applications running simultaneously use up more physical memory (RAM) than you have, forcing the operative system to start using the hard drive for extended memory... and that's when it slows to a crawl, backgroundyieldtime or not. If you suspect that being the case, I suggest actually creating a separate settings file for your viewer to use when you're going to work alongside Photoshop and thus need the viewer to use as little resources as possible. This separate settings file could have a lot of specific adjustments for it, such as limited draw distance & bandwidth, no use of HTTP textures, small viewer cache (and in a different folder, come to that), all sounds off, etc.
  15. Theresa Tennyson wrote: A lot of avatars that end up being blocked were specifically created to try to get people upset. They're completely disposable. It's impossible to "hurt" them and when you try to you'll just set yourself up for more abuse or the chance of losing an avatar/account that you DO care about. With these types of avatars? Ignoring hurts more than anything else. This ^^. Absolutely.
  16. You can wear up to five tattoo layers with the method described by Amethyst; furthermore, if the tattoo is going to be located below the neck, you can also have them made in several other layer types (each of which also allows for up to five), such as jacket, shirt, undershirt or even gloves (for upper body), or else pants or underpants (for legs). In fact it's good practice for creators to offer these things in all the relevant clothing types, so that the customer can have maximum flexibility when layering them with other things, be it other tattoos or body adornments, or actual clothing.
  17. There's a relatively effective way to locate the source of particles, regardless of its owner: go to the viewer's 'World' menu, and navigate to the submenu 'Show' > 'Beacons'. A panel will open showing you several options to highlight objects by their nature: choose 'Particle sources' and then use the beacon indicators to start navigating with your camera until you locate the source of that particular green fog. Note: it's possible that the object generating it may be invisible; you can work around that by toggling transparencies on (with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + T); it's also possible that the object may be extremely small, especially if it was purposely designed for griefing... if that's the case, you may have to zoom in very carefully, even with transparencies toggled on and the beacons to guide you, before you can actually see it. Once finally located, right-click on it to examine it and see its owner; if it's you, you can surely delete it. If not, you'll nevertheless be able to return it as long as it's still within your parcel's limit... otherwise you may have to speak to its owner to ask him/her to remove it.
  18. A few things: - It took me over a month to start making friends, but I didn't consider that time wasted; I used it to learn how SL works in all aspects, not just the technical ones. One of them was that... - ... conversations during for several hours, never mind days, is a rather unrealistic expectation. People have things to do in RL... and in SL, too: it's a dynamic, 3D visual, interactive world (and a huge one, at that), not a text-only chat, so you can't really expect people to just talk for hours and hours without doing anything else. There's IRC or web forums for that, they're so much more focused on discussion and pure conversation. - As for the money, my guess is that your remaining cash is 3204891328458124801274105701745 L$. Or, in other words: if you really want to put your remaining L$ to good use, there are several well-know charities inworld, such as Relay for Life. If the tone of my answer seemed a bit curt is only because, sorry, I don't quite buy the seriousness of this post.
  19. I don't think it's a bug; don't know Singularity that well, but chances are, the option is still there either because Singularity's creator wanted it to be available up to the very last minute that Second Life servers would allow it, or because it may still work in the beta grid, or both. Anyway, now that SSB/A is fully active in the main grid, it makes sense that the function doesn't work there anymore.
  20. Teagan Tobias wrote: [...] ... but wait, that sounds like a griefer thing to do [...] To be honest, I'm not particularly worried about the opinion of people who tend to always make the worst possible assumption in such fashion; but if a sim owner truly prefers me to keep lagging his sim by more conventional and much slower means of trying to TP out, instead of using well-known tricks to do it faster for everyone's benefit, then said owner is welcome to ban me. Chances are I'll have just as little interest in ever coming back there.
  21. I've also found that, sometimes, launching yourself to high heavens and then trying teleporting from that high altitude also increases the probability of TP success; many viewers allow you enter a command that will send you to any altitude given (for example, in Firestorm I can type gth 4000 in local chat) and, once that high (if the sim is really laggy, even that will take a while, but there's no hurry there), you can try teleporting to your destination sim, or to that low-lag intermediate region, or wherever. Lately it's become less feasible because many areas force you to a landing point and try disallowing point-to-point teleports, and some viewer's local teleport function have trouble defeating that, so when you try the gth command, you'll end up rushing to that landing point and then maybe start flying -and somewhat slowly, too-. But it's still worth a try, not so much because it beats trying TP'ing out many times... but because sometimes, after several tries, the region simply logs you out. But yeah, I wish they fixed that, perhaps by giving higher priority to 'TP out' requests... after all, if a region is so laggy, I'd say it's in its server's best interest to get rid as soon as possible of avatars that want, in fact, to get out.
  22. Yes, Photoshop is probably one of the main (though, of course, not the only one) editors for Second Life images. Whatever you feel more comfortable with :smileywink: As for skin templates, here are a few you might find useful: https://sites.google.com/site/another/resources
  23. BloodyKitty230 wrote: [...] I hope it comes my way soon if it hasn't already [...] In a way, it probably has. The currently most known and discussed feature of the whole Project Sunshine is the new Server-Side Baking / Appearance (SSB/A) and, as Perrie indicated, is already active in some regions, those running certain Release Candidate versions of the server software; if you're curious, go to menu 'World' > 'About Region' third tab, and if you see there either 'Magnum' or 'Le Tigre', then you're in a SSB/A active region... you'll also notice your whole base avatar briefly turning grey when you arrive but (hopefully) loading quite faster than in non-SSB/A regions. It is expected than in a few weeks SSB/A will be active in all regions (grid-wide). Other parts of Project Sunshine will be rolled over consecutively, as Linden Labs tests and asserts their readiness.
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