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Ren Toxx

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Everything posted by Ren Toxx

  1. Fact is, barring any kind of sexual activity / roleplay, the only moments when your lack of actual genitals would matter is is you get naked and stay like that, not just change into another outfit (even if you roleplay said change). The only scenario that comes to mind where you'd need that is when taking a shower, which begs the question: do you plan to have your avatar taking frequent enough showers that you'd need realistic pre-pubescent genitalia? If the answer is 'yes', then I'd suggest actually going by that word when performing a Marketplace search: 'realistic'. That will somewhat filter out adult genitalia designed towards 'impressive' looks in favour of more subdued modelling and texturing, especially for flaccid states. 'Tiny' is another possible keyword, but that tends to yield merely scaled-down products which nevertheless still look adult -and most are quite unrealistic anyway.
  2. I'm not sure it's possible, Esme. Objects just receive (or 'react', if you will) light differently than the base avatar, and pretty much the same happens with breasts, hands, feet, butts, ears... you name it; short of wearing a full mesh avatar, you're always going to have the same problem to some extent. You can reduce it somewhat with appliers (if you have the exact applier for your skin), layer blenders and/or careful tinting, but regardless, some windlight settings are always going to give you that kind of trouble. If it's for everyday use, I reckon you're gonna have to live with it, after reducing it as much as possible with those adjustments I mentioned; if it's for high end photography, I'm afraid you'll have to tint them specifically for each windlight / angle / light setting, to get an essentially 'seam-free' look.
  3. From what I understand they're a bit easy on the trigger, so perhaps they don't care to be patient with newcomers unknowingly breaking their rules. Fairness is another topic, because as strict and even unfair as they might be, they have that right -and retribution for being so may well come in the form of less people visiting their place; on the other hand, and regardless of the strictness of their rules or its enforcement, having to deal with people breaking the rules (unknowingly or otherwise) is a more difficult task that you might be inclined to think right now. In any case, it's not the end of the world for you. Skinny Dip Inn is but a place amongst many in Second Life, and if they're that draconian, do you really care to go back there at a later time? :smileywink:
  4. Just a guess, but it may be some time before Lumiya's creator considers adding comprehensive building capabilities to Lumiya unless she devises an innovative way to deal with mobile phones' (and even tablets') relatively limited user input interface; Second Life building can be sometimes clunky to design even with a full-blown PC keyboard and mouse, never mind a small device's imprecise touchscreen.
  5. I did see a marked improvement in both render time and reliability.
  6. Damenod wrote: [...] have them check when last someone been on`[...] Look in the user profile what groups is he in; if any of those groups is free and open for you join, get in. Once in, the group's profile has a list with all its members and their last online date.
  7. Mi primera pregunta seria entonces, el HUD es el applier? y bueno, si tengo una Skin busco en la tienda donde compre la Skin un Slink applier para los mesh feet que compre.. Exacto. Si la dueña de la tienda de tu skin se ha decidido a hacer appliers de SLink para dicha skin, los venderá en algún punto de su tienda, bien aparte o, quizá, incluso los incluya con el pack de la skin. Y sí, dicho applier será un HUD, que deberás vestirte, utilizarlo (seguramente será muy sencillo de usar, pero quizá traiga instrucciones), y con ello tus manos o pies de SLink pasarán a tener en el extremo esa textura de tu skin, “fundiéndose” así mejor con ésta. he buscado solo las manos Slink o los pies Slink y no lo encuentro solos, en donde los podria comprar? Así como los appliers para tu skin debes buscarlos en la tienda de dicha skin, lo que son las manos o pies propiamente dichos se venden en la tienda SLink, que encontrarás aquí. tienen que ser cualquier mesh feet? o necesariamente Slink mesh feet? Sólo los de SLink, ya que otros fabricantes de pies y manos mesh, incluso si también diseñan sistemas de appliers, seguramente serán incompatibles con el de SLink.
  8. SLink es la tienda de una creadora de Second Life, Siddean Munro, especializada en extensiones corporales del avatar básico: pies, manos, cabellos, incluso pestañas y párpados, aparte de algunas ropas y complementos. Sus productos de pies y manos mesh, sin ser ni de lejos los únicos (y, añadiría, no necesariamente los mejores para los gustos y necesidades de todo el mundo), sí se han vuelto admisiblemente los más populares; los ha ido mejorando mucho con el tiempo, añadiendo opciones cada vez más avanzadas, y aunque nada de eso garantiza que el modelado o texturizado de sus productos sea el que más te guste a ti, hay un aspecto en el que innegablemente llevan la delantera: el sistema para hacer que “encajen” lo mejor posible visualmente con tu avatar. ¿Cómo? Pues, aparte de un HUD bastante sofisticado pero sencillo para encontrar el tinte de las manos o pies que más se parezca al color y tono de tu skin, y otros detalles incluídos en el producto también destinados a ese fin, está ese sistema de los appliers. ¿Qué es? Básicamente, Siddean se dio cuenta de que la mejor forma de hacer que las manos o pies encajen con la skin de tu avatar, es que éstos incluyeran un trocito de la textura de dicha skin, la que iría en esa zona de las muñecas o tobillos donde su producto se encaja con tu avatar; pero como ella no puede disponer de todas las texturas de skins del mercado, hizo un sistema por el que los creadores de skins que quieran, pueden poner ese trocito de skin en un HUD especial llamado "applier", que se comunica con las manos y/o pies de SLink y se la aplica. Así, por ejemplo, si te has comprado los pies mesh de SLink y tu skin es de Belleza, pues te vas a la tienda Belleza y buscas a ver si venden un applier SLink para pies, hecho para tu modelo concreto de skin (pongamos por caso, el modelo "Erika", tono "sunkissed"); si es así, lo compras, te lo vistes, y lo aplicas: tus pies SLink pasarán a tener, en esa zona de “transición” del tobillo, el trocito apropiado de tu skin de Belleza, haciendo con ello que se vea más natural y contínuo... que se note menos que llevas un objeto encajado en los pies. Aún así la transición nunca será perfecta, no puede serlo por cuestiones técnicas de SL... pero a menudo sí será algo mejor que si usas simplemente el sistema de tintado de pies incluído por defecto con los pies de SLink, por mucho que consigas aproximarte al máximo con el color y tono. En todo caso, tanto si te conformas con ese sistema básico de tintado como si encuentras y usas appliers para tu skin concreta, todo el asunto requiere un pelín de atención y práctica... y mucha paciencia :smileywink:
  9. PaperB wrote: [...] how can this continue to go on? I'll answer you with a question: how would you stop it?
  10. The timeframe and your wording suggest that you have in fact tried, perhaps often, but were unsuccessful; perhaps it'd be easier, then, to tell us how exactly have you been trying so far, so we can propose things a bit differently. I'll tell you, though, that while 'opening up a bit' is probably a good idea, you don't want to make radical changes... you said you're shy, quiet and reserved; that doesn't change into 'the soul of the party' overnight... it just doesn't, and the more you try, the less you'll be 'yourself'... which is never a good idea.
  11. Tough choice. 1 seems to be suffering the least from either LOD or polygon detail, but they seem almost textureless; 2 has great modelling and the most realistic texturing (are those Vika Store's?), but I'm not quite sure about some of those toefinger bright spots looking like sweat, and the nails seems just a tad too... unfeminine; 3 has great-looking nails, but the modelling looks a bit weird to me. All in all, I'd go with 2. However, and as has been said, it's quite important that the feet have the most flexibility in terms of tinting, blending options for the actual avatar skin, and perhaps nail tinting and even extras (such as tattoos); none of those features can be guessed from your pictures, but I recommend considering them as well.
  12. My bad. The thread was among the very first, as ordered by last answer, and I didn't check the answer's datestamp of whoever actually necro'ed it (seems the message was deleted, making it look as if it was me who did it, lol).
  13. Yeah, definitely not a joke... /* shakes head, always puzzled why some people find it so funny to make others waste their time just for the heck of it */ I'm curious, though... you knew we could Google for it, right? Or you didn't even care?
  14. Some third-party Second Life viewers feature an 'area search' that lets you list all objects matching a few parameters, in some cases (as with Firestorm) flexibly enough to filter out those beyond a certain distance, without scripts, etc. Thus, you could use that function to list all objects within 1 or, at most, 2 meters from you; that same function will let you locate each of the found objects with very precise beacon lines, and even examine the object for its owner -the griefer in question. If your SL viewer of choice doesn't have that option, you can still press Ctrl + Alt + T to temporarily see all invisible objects, and you'll probably see a small one slightly above your head (all followers, regardless of how they work, require at least one object in which to place the following script as well as, in this case, the 'rude tagging' part); right-click on it, examine it, and again, you'll see its owner. And while Linden Labs do indeed pay exceedingly little attention to such griefing reports, it's not that much trouble filing one... if they 'pile up' against the same griefer, it's still more likely that he'll end up in trouble. Too many griefers get away with it at least partly because of this 'why bother, it ain't gonna make a difference' attitude towards AR'ing. You can also take matters to the 'local level', by seeking the parcel / region owners and telling them about it; and while they, too, may not act on a single such report -as well they shouldn't, if nothing else to avoid false / malicious ones-, again they might end up doing if it's not the first time they've heard of that person doing stupid things; if nothing else, they can completely ban him from the region.
  15. There are so many skin stores, and so many of them valuable in their own way (even if they're considered nowhere near among the 'top creators', as you put it), that it'd be difficult to give you recommendations unless you provide some description or examples of what style you're looking for: bulky-looking, emo-ish, toned, realistic, idealized, fantasy, role-play oriented, younger / older, ethnic, with lots of in-product variations (w/o hairbase / body hair / facial hair / tones, etc.), tending towards cheaper... etc.
  16. I imagine Merchants with hundreds of MP products not being keen on updating all their SLURLs each time they need to move their store, just as they'd balk at the prospect of having to also update all their in-product LMs. I seem to remember that some attempts have been made to create 'dynamic SLURLs' of sorts, but the system itself seemed complicated enough (not to mention expensive, and not necessarily easy to use, either from the merchant or the customer's perspective), and I'm not sure if the MP has any sort of automatic, all-items SLURL change. So as a general rule, I use that 'See item in-world' link, but if it seems outdated, I don't waste much time regretting it... I just browse the creator's profile for the current shop location /*shrugs*/
  17. JoeyPiknik wrote: [...] I'm trying out the recommended locations [...] The usual reasons for those being recommended are quite varied, and not all that often imply actual crowded activity. Many are of scenic / explorability value -which can be enjoyed just as well alone; some are shops, at which one arrives, finds what one is seeking, and goes. And yes, some are social venues, but even at those, constant 24/7 activity is hard to maintain, so most of them have a certain planning in the form of events... meaning, the seemingly empty place you just departed from, might become chock-full of people just half an hour later, whena DJ or live musician stages a performance that attracts many who were aware of it -through the Events page, or the sim's own internal calendar, or the venue's group notices-. In fact, at such moments it might get so crowded that you'd actually have trouble getting in (due to the sim's avatar limit) or, if you manage that, in moving (due to the lag caused by so many concurrent avatars). Keep visiting places, looking around, searching... try the Events listing, which is a more reliable indicator of where and when people gather around (and to stay there and do something specific)... eventually you'll join groups and see places which clearly indicate those events you seek... or others with a more steady income of visitors willing to socialize :smileywink:
  18. Adaptiveness to each user's hardware is already there in SL in many ways, some of it even automated (if, I grant you, rather poorly), as is the fact that some users are going to b*tch about if their 15 years old rig can't run ultra-high-res, full-blown ALM at something like 120 fps; that, in and on itself, shouldn't stop LL from offering improvements to those with both the better equipment, and the understanding that it too has its own limits. Breaking current content may be a more solid argument, but fact is, LL has had to let some things go along the way in order to improve others. Be it av baking protocols, invisiprims, Z adjustments, old havoc capabilities... as long as the overall result is an improvement for most users... Part of the equation (or, as you put it, the 'big question') is whether LL has the technical resources to keep offering full retrocompatibility while still making improvements; maybe if they had a bigger, better staff, they'd find a way... but if they don't, sooner or later they'll have to say 'to hell with that, we remove it and save ourselves a big headache'.
  19. Some of your shape design choices *may* indeed owe to lack of Second Life experience; but my own experience tells me that many residents way older than myself have, for a variety of reasons having little (if anything) to do with SL savvy, made similar, if not more apparently extreme choices, making it largely pointless to try to correlate 'noob-ness' with 'conformity to certain beauty canons'. Ironically enough, maybe your friends lack the SL experience to avoid making such quick judgements.
  20. Si entraste con anterioridad en Second Life y ahora no puedes, es que algo ha cambiado. ¿Antes usabas otro visor, no el Nirans o Singularity? ¿Has actualizado los drivers de la tarjeta gráfica? ¿Cambiado algo en el sistema operativo, o el hardware? Una posibilidad es que desinstales completamente tu visor habitual, sea cual sea, asegurándote de que no quede rastro ninguno de la instalación (en la carpeta de instalación en \Archivos de programa, en los registros de Windows...), para volver a instalarlo “en limpio” -y, de paso, haciendo que el visor vuelva a evaluar, al iniciarse “por primera vez”, las capacidades de tu sistema y ajustarse en consonancia-.
  21. Weird indeed, and not the only thing... the cheek's blush seems to have an abrupt ending towards the eyes. Are they very sunk? I think it may be either the parcel's lighting (Windlight), and if it's that, simply turning around, or choosing a standard midday light (Ctrl + Shift + Y) may get rid of it, or a facelight or nearby light.
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