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Ren Toxx

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Everything posted by Ren Toxx

  1. Yes, they're copy-botted. None of the original creators of those skins, as far as I know, allow anyone else selling their products even in permissions-restricted fashion, let alone full perm. The seller is perfectly aware of it, because she's been denounced before. She just doesn't care and, like most of these people, will just keep selling them for as long as possible until Linden Labs bans her, at which point she'll start selling them under a new account.
  2. Trip30 wrote: [...] You do realize that she was a drug addict that ended up having affairs with people [...] Which proves that good things can come from such people or even worse. Which, come to think of it, was the whole point of the quote.
  3. I have an old Semotions (sp?) brand AO Hud. I'm thinking that is probably waaaay defunct. What is the new way to use AOs with the viewers? No radical changes; I think there have been some script-side technical updates regarding animation triggering, so perhaps some newer AOs do offer slightly enhanced functionality on account on them, but nothing really big I'd say. Individual animations can now last for a minute, over the previous 30 seconds. Motion capture and 'breathing effect' are becoming standarized (and both do have realistic-looking benefits). Myself, though, I just do without HUD-based AOs... I still buy them sometimes, but only for the animations they pack, which I then strip from and put in my Firestorm-integrated AO for its considerable advantages (mainly less lag and screen clutter, and it doesn't stop working at all in no-script areas)... it doesn't have all the added bells & whistles of some advanced HUDs, but then again I'd use those rarely enough not to miss them terribly. Are there any changes in mesh clothing that I should know about? My knowledge stopped at "add alpha layer, add mesh items in limited sizing". There's another change coming, kind of a Linden-made standarization of what was being called 'liquid mesh' among several other names; but it still doesn't really affect much of what you already need to know, besides 'always try the demo first because, no matter what, it'll never fit just as nicely for everyone'. I know there was something going on with Server Side Appearance. Does this affect anything on the user's side, like do I have to DO something differently with SSA? Or does it just happen? It does just happen, without any action on your part, and for most people, it's proven a benefit in layer rezzing speed and reliability. Avatar rebaking is still sometimes necessary, but far less often, and most viewers also offer texture reloading functions for those other avatars around you that occasionally might keep looking blurry or grey -which, again, is rarer than before thanks to SSA. Yesterday, my first day back in SL in any signficant way, was spent as an orange cloud about 95% of the time. I got logged out about 4 times. (Ahhh, some things never change.) When I did get un-clouded, I was Ruthed and had some very odd things happening with my avatar and clothing. Then I got to walk around. I have totally forgotten how to do the most basic of things and so enjoyed falling off of everything I walked on! That has probably got to do with SSA. Just wear an entire outfit (for that matter, even those from the library will do), then start changing into what you want to wear, then save your finished 'self' into a new outfit.
  4. AnabelleX1 wrote: [...] If you need to vent, counseling, or just someone to talk [...] That's what friends are for.
  5. What bandwidth do you have set in the viewer's preferences? If it's 500 kbps., then that's way too low and quite likely the cause for your constant disconnections.
  6. While I essentially agree with Dresden, you've posted this as a question, apparently wondering if your friends could in fact be right to your wrong, so let's examine that possibility. I happen to be one who, at different moments, act inmersively or augmentatively -to be clearer, with different accounts, Ren being the former. The thing is, when someone approaches Ren and tries to go past the wall, he's stopped on the spot; whether it's my RL age, residence or whatever, the answer is an inmediate and very unequivocal 'NO'... and if that person resents my refusal, well, so be it... he goes on his merry way, and so do I; and thus there's no chance for such drama as you described, because we never get anywhere near the point where that could happen. True, Ren doesn't exactly have a ten miles long contacts list, but the point is, anyone who gets there already knows from the very beginning what goes and what doesn't. So my question is: how did your situation came to be? If you've been for a while among what seem to be some rather devoted augmentationists, sooner or later they should've run into the wall and, for that reason, chosen not to get any closer to you. So how did they?
  7. JoshuaGibson wrote: I encountered someone inworld today who told me that ALL child avs should be banned from the SL grid and imprisoned. This person made no mention of any specific behavior practiced by child avs. I don't understand this position. I'd say there's about a 50% probability that this person was either a troll, or at least pulling your leg for similarly stupid reasons. Therefore his base position would actually be something along the lines of 'I will say anything to puzzle or annoy this person... the more outrageous, the better'. I wouldn't try to see any deeper reasoning because, in all likelihood, there's none. The other possibility would be that this person is actually far more harmful for SL than any of the residents he'd wish to be banned.
  8. Am I too late for an 'AMEN, BROTHER!!!!!'? I surely hope not. I wanted some of that popcorn.
  9. Perhaps they also serve a practical in-world purpose, such as visitor detection/greeting.
  10. Not quite sure what you need, either. If what you want is to make a better alpha layer that shows the skin in that area instead of hiding it, perhaps the best way would be to use any of Starlight templates, all of which have as their base layer a template skin; get rid of all the upper layers with actual skin features so as to isolate the one with the grid lines, save it and upload it to SL (always as a local texture, more of that later), apply the textures (it'll probably be enough to use the lower one, that is, the legs) to a new skin item created by yourself, wear this item without wearing any alpha, and you'll be able to see, while also wearing that mesh skirt, exactly where you need to paint visible/invisible areas for the actual alpha layer. Do so in a new layer in Gimp overlaid to the skin pattern one, all the while looking at your viewer to figure out where to paint, and save and upload this time only the above layer (the one where you've painted visible/invisible areas), to test it; you might need to do this a couple times until you see it done as you want it; once it works for you, you can upload the alpha layer as an actual, paid-for texture. Meanwhile, as I said, always work with local textures, not only to avoid uploading costs while you polish the final alpha layer texture, but also because it's actually faster: once you create the alpha layer item and apply the texture you're creating directly from your hard disk, each time you save the file with new corrections it will automatically apply to your viewer -you'll see the change instantly, without needing to re-upload (this is an advantage not even temporary textures had). However, I gotta tell you... from your pictures, it looks as if it would be a LOT less trouble to simply adjust your shape a bit, so that the gap is minimized. Yes, a better alpha layer will show the skin instead of a hole... but once done, you'll still see what looks like a skirt one or two sizes too big for your current shape. Until perfect, or at least better mesh deformation systems are available in SL, small shape adjustments for problematic mesh items are always going to be the best and easiest solution for most cases.
  11. Forever Vyper wrote: I'm so excited for all the responses so far! I'm still tossing around ideas for the group name though. Anyone have any suggestions? It would depend on the group's actual purpose -and, to be honest and despite your obvious enthusiasm, I still can't see what it's really supposed to be about; you have described it as being to 'get together, outings, general hanging out, etc', but I can't help feeling that that sounds more like the activities the group members may partake in, when reunited, and not even in a particularly orderly or focused fashion... just 'whatever goes'; and its other apparent description, 'women only', sounds even less of a specific purpose and more like a seemingly arbitrary criteria for membership; they don't even seem particularly related because males, as far as I know, are essentially as able to 'get together, outing and generally hanging out' as females. I mean, it's a bit like 'A Group For Socializing, Only For People Who In RL Are Six Feet Tall Or More'. Sure, there would be many interested in socializing, and as tall or taller as that, and therefore meeting both criteria... but still, what would drive them to join this group, besides merely acknowledging that they meet these two seemingly disjointed requirements? What would being part of the group offer them, besides being that particular subset of the whole population? This is what you might need to think of... the group's actual purpose or focus, what is it that will drive persons of a) the female genre, and b) interested in socializing... towards your particular group. Once that is devised and described, a nice, perhaps even catchy name for it will follow :smileywink:
  12. I'd join if I thought it's an important distinction.
  13. I'm an anti-social unwilling to socialize with other anti-socials. Go figure.
  14. Agree, except that I'd extend the new thread posting wait to at least 1 hour rather than just 10 minutes.
  15. The usual I get is 'Quer ser meu amigo?' (or something like that), and I have yet to find one who doesn't seem wholly undeterred by the fact that I don't speak any more Portuguese than they do English or Spanish :smileyindifferent:
  16. While I symphatize with your frustration... Urzul wrote: [... ] it a game. ... this is extremely debatable, not entirely relevant, and even if it was arguably true, almost all games happen to have rules. And if by that you meant that 'it isn't to be taken so seriously', let me state again: that's very debatable, many other residents have a different view on Second Life and there's no reason why they should adopt your view instead of theirs. Already too many people in this 'Second Life, a game or not?' debate are convinced that theirs is the only valid opinion and take a rather dim, if not downright intolerant view, on those thinking -and living- it any differently. Not to mention, there may even be an inherent contradiction in trying to attack a set of rules with the argument that 'this is just a game', yet choosing to make quite a big deal about it, posting and complaining repeatedly and invoking all kinds of demagogic arguments against a situation that, in theory and according to that very same argument, shouldn't be taken so seriously Urzul wrote: [...] read 4 page of law [...] In my experience, most if not all owners would love to get by with a very simple rule: 'just be nice to each other'; and some of the more naïve and less experienced ones do, in fact, start wich such a simple statement for their places. And then comes someone whose definition of 'being nice' is, to put it gently, quite stretched... and, for example, appear in full human appearance at a place clearly described as a 'community for furries'; and when they're called to attention, they'll get into a long, often heated & very vocal argument with the owner / officers, sticking like crazy to the defense that they didn't see any written rule against humans. So to avoid such happenstances, the owner extends the initially very basic rule to 'just be nice to each other; only furries allowed'. And then comes someone who's dressed fully human except for a pair of small, pointy ears that very clearly makes them 'furry', or so they'll insist, again often heatedly and loudly, if called into attention. So the owner will again extend the rules, this time to: 'just be nice to each other; only 100% furries allowed, no human-furry mixes'. And then comes someone, at this point somewhat probably with no other intention than to grief & annoy and no actual interest in the place, dressed 100% furry but with a gigantic tail, or perhaps one made of a million particles or mesh polygons, therefore causing ungodly lag to everyone else in the place. And again they'll peevishly argue that this should be allowed because 'the rules didn't say anything about how complex or laggy attachments are allowed'. So the owner will, yet again, have to extend the rules to something like 'just be nice to each other; only 100% furries allowed, no human-furry mixes; no excessively laggy attachments' (and may even need to specify how much is 'excessively'). And then... And then... And then... My point is: if you want to be truly fair, you should then spend 50% of your time and efforts convincing sim owners to simplify their rules, and the other 50% convincing essentially selfish people and griefers not to force sim owners to make their rules more complex (and good luck with that). Have you, in fact, devoted any such time and efforts doing the latter? Urzul wrote: [...] you dont need to be rude and tell me,you avatar is not alowed here I obviously don't know the actual exchanges but, were the sim owners actually rude, as in 'get out of here, jerk'... or did they simply state the rule you were breaking, and you considered rude the very fact that they did so instead of simply allowing you to break it? You'll excuse my skepticism but, in my experience, at least half the cases turn out to be the latter, and the disallowed complain about it here describing as 'rudeness' (somewhat often with such dramatic terms to gather more sympathy) what was merely a matter-of-fact exchange about a conflicting rule... and perhaps even taking advantage of the fact that the sim owner won't be aware of the complaining post, to contest whether there was any actual rudeness involved.
  17. Reporta al usuario que te ha amenazado, copiando la conversación; cambia tu contraseña por una “fuerte” (una combinación larga de letras y números aleatorios, aunque tengas que apuntártela en un papel) y sigue variándola con cierta frecuencia; ten mucho cuidado con los enlaces que te pasen, sobre todo el “phishing”; evita tener en tu perfil más referencias de las imprescindibles a cualquier información con la que se te pueda “localizar”; ten un buen programa antivirus / firewall; y sé escéptico con las amenazas, la gran mayoría sólo funcionan en la medida en que tú te dejes acojonar.
  18. Antes que nada, edita el mensaje para eliminar el nombre del usuario que te insulto: va contra las reglas del foro y podrían borrarte el mensaje entero. En cuanto a tu problema, estoy de acuerdo con la anterior respuesta: mutear al individuo es lo más práctico. Podrías reportarle, pero siendo de nuevo prácticos, y a menos que el insulto sea gravísimo y el autor haya sido reportado bastantes más veces por actos similares, la probabilidad de que Linden Labs haga algo es bastante escasa. Dar parte a la dueña del sim también ha sido un buen paso, pero si no ha hecho nada, no hay mucho más que puedas hacer, como no sea considerarla irresponsable en cuanto al buen ambiente de su sim, dejar de visitarlo y, tal vez, comentar tu mala experiencia a amigos que veas interesados por hacerlo. No obstante, ten en cuenta que el “no haber hecho nada” puede ser más tu impresión, quizá inducida por el mal trago, que la realidad: posiblemente la dueña haya tomado nota del incidente y, si éste se repite y las quejas contra el individuo se acumulan, acabe baneándole del lugar. ¿Por qué no lo ha hecho ya? Plantéate lo siguiente: si el individuo en cuestión te tiene tirria, bien podría haber enviado él una queja a la dueña diciendo que tú le insultaste... y si se esperase de la dueña que aceptase de buenas a primeras cualquier reporte así, sin verificarlo de ningún modo, entonces serías tú la inmedatamente baneada del sim, por injusto que fuese. ¿Cómo evitar esto? Pues, lógicamente, siendo prudente y no actuando inmediata y radicalmente ante cualquier reporte, sin esperar a amasar la suficiente evidencia de su autenticidad. :smileywink:
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