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Ry0ta Exonar

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Everything posted by Ry0ta Exonar

  1. script that automatically deletes or put something (like notecard, LM...) in the inventory of objects. script that automatically draws up some objects in lines and rows as specified. Sorry if they already exist. lol
  2. Yep. I was rezzed in a small room at a hotel in a Japanese info hub which has gone for quite some time. They had several such rooms for newbies to be born in and we were supposed to go through some tutorial in that hotel, but what I did first was not taking the tutorial but playing around with my appearance. I think I spent a few hours in that room tweaking the sliders cuz I wanted to make a hot avatar. lol Below is the outcome. This pic was taken 4 days later though. After I was happy with how it came out, I started the tutorial. One of the first things I learned in the room was how to buy pajamas and a pair of mules to go out of the room. At the end of the tutorial was a freebie section. I still have some of the items I got there. *_*
  3. Not sure if that helps but I'd try clearing the cache. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clearing_the_cache I lost a whole AO twice so far when I tried to rez them on the ground but attempt to rez failed. lol
  4. Ry0ta Exonar wrote: So I've been awaiting the outcome. On Sept. 30 I got an acknowledgement of receipt of my DMCA notification from Intellectual Property Team and 3 days later I got an e-mail saying that they removed the item in question from the thief's inventory, so I went to check the marketplace page of the item just to find it's still there. Uncomfortable with that I sent back the e-mail asking why it is still available on marketplace and what I should do to get it removed from marketplace, but I've not received a responce to it yet. One week's ago I saw 2 other listings of the thief which contains 2 other skin creators' skin having disappeared from his/her marketplace store. I knew also those creators filed a DMCA, so I thought maybe I had to wait a little more but anyway I sent another DMCA on the same listing, still no responce from LL. This time I've not even received an acknowledgement of receipt...so I wonder if it wasn't received for some reason. Some hours ago I got IMs from one of the other skin creators and he told me that he got a message from linden lab too that they removed that complete avatar, but it still there, like it was the case with me. Yeah, that it one of the listings that wasn't there when I saw a week's ago. So I guess LL actually removed them, but the infrindger just relisted again? Okay, on the following day I found the listing which contained the other creator's skin gone again from the ripper's store. He sent back the e-mail from Intellectual Property Team stating the listing was put back by the thief and it seems that worked, so I thought I'd try it again, too, then I noticed that I didn't include the original message from IP team when I first sent back the e-mail, so this time I made sure to include it. On the following day I got an e-mail from removal team and it said that they disabled the works that had been re-posted. When residents simply rename or re-post items that have been the subject of a valid DMCA claim they are subject to their “repeat infringer” policy where the account (and alternate accounts) can be suspended and ultimately banned from the second life world. So finally the listing which contained my skin has gone too. But yesterday the said creator let me know that another avatar (probably an alt of the same ripper) listed them again. So we filed a DMCA again.
  5. Wow, sorry to hear such an outrageous experience you had, Pamela. The ripper should have received multiple notifications and ARed by us but he/she is up and running and even added a new listing.
  6. So I've been awaiting the outcome. On Sept. 30 I got an acknowledgement of receipt of my DMCA notification from Intellectual Property Team and 3 days later I got an e-mail saying that they removed the item in question from the thief's inventory, so I went to check the marketplace page of the item just to find it's still there. Uncomfortable with that I sent back the e-mail asking why it is still available on marketplace and what I should do to get it removed from marketplace, but I've not received a responce to it yet. One week's ago I saw 2 other listings of the thief which contains 2 other skin creators' skin having disappeared from his/her marketplace store. I knew also those creators filed a DMCA, so I thought maybe I had to wait a little more but anyway I sent another DMCA on the same listing, still no responce from LL. This time I've not even received an acknowledgement of receipt...so I wonder if it wasn't received for some reason. Some hours ago I got IMs from one of the other skin creators and he told me that he got a message from linden lab too that they removed that complete avatar, but it still there, like it was the case with me. Yeah, that it one of the listings that wasn't there when I saw a week's ago. So I guess LL actually removed them, but the infrindger just relisted again? I thought this kind of thing was usually sorted out in a few days. Does anyone have a similar experience?
  7. I can see 4 products with maturity level general, moderate and 5 items with general, moderate, adult in your store. How many items did you list? Important: To see items in your store that you have listed as Moderate or Adult content, make sure you have your Maximum maturity level set to General, Moderate or General, Moderate, Adult or Adult when you search! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/listing_guidelines#adult-guidelines
  8. One thing I noticed on checking your store is that I see 352 items with maturity level general and moderate, while I see only 260 items with maturity level general, so I guess some words used in your description, keywords and such were automatically filterd.
  9. That's stated both on TOS and SL Marketplace Listing Guidelines .
  10. お弁当はGENNADOUさんで買いました。 ここ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/EDO%20JAPAN/161/75/22 ってか、日本語のレスがつくとは思ってなかったw
  11. I'm not sure if they are the same person or a pack of thieves, but all of them are selling complete avatar sets on the marketplace that are compilations of stolen skin, hair, eyes, clothes, tattoo, accessories, AO and what not. From what I gathered there are 3 stores of them on the marketplace. Please IM me in-world if you need to know their name.
  12. my all time favorite this is a relatively new one from UK whose twist at the end really blew me away
  13. I'd contact the seller and ask them to send the right contents of the avatar set. How to know who the seller is : Click on the box you got and choose "property".
  14. Oh, you didn't see my reply on Answers forums. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Everything-Else/Why-does-my-store-only-have-one-item-in-it/qaq-p/1051171
  15. Lots of people have that issue and there are some threads about it on Mesh forums. This is one of them. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/mesh-upload-registration/td-p/1002835/page/7 Post there and Charlar Linden would help you out.
  16. Have you tried another viewer? http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory
  17. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Shopping-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700195#Section_.3.4 Seeing that you haven't received tons of your purchase, you better submit a support ticket to request redelivery instead of contacting all those sellers one by one... If you use the shopping cart, you had better not to put too many things because the system easyly messes up.
  18. Make sure you are wearing the right group tag when you try to rez the house if you rent the land. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Group-owned-land/ta-p/700079
  19. If you'd like to know how to set your bandwidth properly, see here http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=speedtest . and some other suggestions that might work for your issue http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=bake_fail
  20. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Selling-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700193#Section_.5.3.2
  21. Try the suggestions stated in this thread. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/iIt-says-that-secondlife-can-not-be-accessed-on-this-computer/qaq-p/1070949
  22. No, you won't be charged just for making a store on the MP. When your items are sold, they take 5% comission for each sale. For further info : https://marketplace.secondlife.com/listing_guidelines http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Selling-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700193
  23. No. LL doesn't do that. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Sharing_or_transferring_Second_Life_accounts
  24. There are quite a few threads about VFS on answers. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/forums/searchpage/tab/message?filter=location&location=Board%3Asla_technical&q=vfs So all of those suggestions didn't work I assume. How about trying another viewer? http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory
  25. search the merchant name here http://search.secondlife.com/?lang=en-US, open their profile, push IM button. Or if they mention on their profile their prefered way to contact like note card and such, follow that instruction.
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