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Ry0ta Exonar

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Everything posted by Ry0ta Exonar

  1. Okay, I tested and found it's the combination of "its presence. some" but only when I begin a new line with "some", it turns into Adult. Go figure. lol
  2. Did you try rebake (Ctrl+Alt+R) and clearing your cache (http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/cache_clear ) ?
  3. セカンドライフ関係で思わずプッと吹いてしまったことやものを教えてください。 機械翻訳ネタですけど、マーケットプレイスのおすすめ商品を見ている時にこれが出てきて思わず笑ってしまいました。 らんちき騒ぎて・・・なんかすごい楽しそうなw
  4. JavanTrust wrote: When the owner got the lindens she removed the products and reposted the items, so that left my review null and void. Its seems shaddy to me so I will never buy an item with 0 reviews again. I will always think of this shaddy transaction. I wanted to know if this is common ??? If the seller reposted the item to remove your reviews, it's a violation of marketplace listing guidelines, so you should flag the items for "disallowed listing practices". If it's true, review team will remove it and block the item to be re-listed again. As to the rating/reviews, not a few unethical people game the review system using their alts to give a lower rating to their competitors' items and give a good rating to theirs, so you can't trust them.
  5. You did the right thing I guess. Payment always goes to Commerce Linden first, then Commerce Linden pays 95% (in most cases) of that to each seller. Unreceived and accidentally discarded items Has it been more than 24 hours since you ordered? If so, contact the merchant, explain what happened, and politely request redelivery of the item. If it has been less than 24 hours, please be patient and check again later. If the merchant doesn't respond, you can submit a support case requesting redelivery. Make sure to include the order number and the exact name of the undelivered item(s). quote from http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Shopping-in-the-Second-Life-Marketplace/ta-p/700189
  6. I'd state "I will be not available untill (date), so if you have any issue on your purchase, please leave a message (IM, NC and what not). I'll get back to you as soon as I'm back" or something like that on my profile and storefront, but 2 weeks seem a bit too long to wait, so you may as well ask them to file a support ticket with LL if their problem is about failed delivery. Or if you just unlist all the items before you leave on the vacation, you won't have to worry about that, but I don't know if you are inclined to do so.
  7. Yeah, I always appreciate those poeple who take their time to let me know of the copied items even if I'm watching the market and while I'm wathing it myself, I see also lots of stolen items from other creators and so I let them know about it and most people are thankful for that.
  8. LordCylence wrote: All I find are demos and when I put them on they don't apear. I removed my old hair and they still don't show up, I am just a buzz but head with DEMO flashing accross the back. Can't even see the hair. Crappy demo. Sounds like you are trying on some hairbase tattoo demo. Some short hairdos come with hairbase tattoo layers to match with the prim hair. In your inventory prim hair appears as a cube. Make sure you are wearing them. LordCylence wrote: Also, any ideas where I can find free hair without demo? I've been looking on the internet on fashion blogs and searching the shops but... I'm always too late and only getting angry. Not that I'll be able to wear it if I find it. Try UW studio. They have 2 free hair styles in their main store. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Yama**bleep**a/60/85/21/ lol the sim name is Yama s h i ta.
  9. Yep, it's easy. Merchant Home >>Store setup >> Edit store information >> Change store name I've not changed mine, though. Some stores which I know did re-branding are Laqroki (Raspberry & Cow), Unique Megastore (Soul), La Vie (Damiani), Ispachi (hmm I can't recall right now)...
  10. Sorry to hear you had such a lot of delivery failure. Well, I had no failed delivery as usual. I'm in infamous main land though.
  11. You have no way to report that to LL. Only its copyright holder can do that. So the best you can do is inform the copyright holder and then they might file a DMCA with LL.
  12. Charolotte Caxton wrote: There are stores, such as LAQ for example, that sell shapes to go with certain skins to achieve the look in their pictures. Yeah I know that and I myself do that.
  13. VRprofessor wrote: To those with more experience: I notice a lot of skins with labels "for XXX shape" or "for YYY" shape. How flexible are skins for different shapes? So far I've only had one or two cases where my mixing/matching seemsed to create a problem. Have I been getting lucky or will a skin look good on a range of shapes as long as they are similar? Hmm, I've never seen such skins labeled with "for XXX shape". If you mean the skins in library clothing, for example "party male skin", that's just for sorting purposes, so that new people can quickly and easily try different looks. You can try any skin on any shape and it's very subjective whether you think a certain look is good or not. Personally I think muscular skins or macho skins look weird on skinny shapes and vice versa, or mature skins on teenie shapes and such. ETA : I make shapes for some particular skin, but don't make skins for some particular shape.
  14. Yep. Since some days ago I've been experiencing this. Glad to know I'm not alone.
  15. I'd get a skin first whose feature I really liked because you can modify (if you buy a moddable shape) the shape later until you are happy with it but you can't modify the skin. If you really want to buy a shape first, try demo shapes with a solid color skin (no shading, no eyes, no lips and such) so that you can truly examine only its shape aspect.
  16. If the sandals are no mod and therefore you can't get rid of the invisiprims, I'd suggest you contact the seller and ask if they can supply you an alpha layer to match and sandals without invisiprims (or at least sandals). It wouldn't so troublesome for the creator to just remove the invisiprims. On the marketplace there remain tons of outdated items because some sellers don't care and maybe already inactive (if only they leave a magicbox rezzed somewhere on the grid, they might get occasional sales).
  17. Wow, that article was interesting indeed. I'd been suspecting those top classifieds people were lindens' alts or friends and they were doing that to jack up the bids. lol
  18. I see quite a few male avatars with that sort of features too. Probably their boyfriends or male alts.
  19. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_bake_fail Although that page is written for users of phoenix/firestorm viewer, bake fail is a common issue for all the viewers and so those suggestions are applicable as well to official viewer.
  20. There used to be Safety Shopping Tips in knowledge base but it looks like they deleted that page for some reason, so now it's available only in cache. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:RWi9X3EB12sJ:community.secondlife.com/t5/tkb/articleprintpage/tkb-id/English_KB%40tkb/article-id/68+secondlife+swafety+shopping+tips&cd=1&hl=ja&ct=clnk&gl=jp
  21. I'm pretty sure it's your shape. As a leopard, you have very narrow shoulders and thin body. When I lessen body thickness, torso muscle and shoulder width, it brings me a similar back to yours.
  22. I'd suggest you type in "clothing tutorial" and hit the search button above and you will find many threads where there should be links to videos, knowledge base, wiki and what not. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/forums/searchpage/tab/message?filter=location&location=Board%3AFashion&q=clothing+tutorial
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