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Ry0ta Exonar

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Everything posted by Ry0ta Exonar

  1. I'd try another viewer to see if improved. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory If you are on advanced mode, check your graphics setting and lower the quality. (You can do this before you log in on the login screen. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Setting-your-preferences/ta-p/700131
  2. If you choose to wear a mesh avatar, your current wardrobe will straight down the drain because you can't wear system layer clothes on the mesh avatar (to wear a mesh avatar, you will have to wear an alpha mask layer to completely make your whole body invisible) and you have to buy mesh clothes compatible with that particular mesh avatar. So if you don't wear a mesh avatar, you can enjoy your wardrobe as ever. So yes, your non mesh items still work without problem.
  3. If you didn't clear also settings when you uninstalled it, you might want to do so. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=clean_reinstall I'd reinstall the previous version that worked fine after that. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:Release_Notes
  4. Like this? http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Acronyms
  5. You can submit a support ticket and the Linden Lab Customer Support will re-deliver the items to you. https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ When you create the case choose Marketplace as the type then Failed Marketplace Delivery. Make sure to include the SLM order numbers so that they can quickly pull up your orders. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Shopping-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700195#Section_.3
  6. I like them put on top of boiled rice with some soy sauce and mixed with them.
  7. In general notebook computers are less powerful than desktop computers, so your notebook might be on the absolute edge to be able to run SL. Check this out. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Getting-started/ta-p/700071#Section_.1 My notebook is slow too, so basically my SL is very laggy and jerky.
  8. land control (own parcel name, authority to ban unwelcome people and such) blog of the mall to occasionally feature tenats' items(doubtful of its advantage but better than nothing) Maybe you could suggest some up-and-coming creators who have not got their main store yet should get their main store in your mall. That way they would be advertising their store also by themselves so it may induce traffic.
  9. Just a quick search brought up this page. http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/109/07/327603/1.html Check out those links on the thread. When I started making skins, I learned basic from Olila’s Second Life but it's already gone.
  10. I'm not using viewer2, so I don't know if the newest version has this setting but I've read that you can chose options. Me >> preferences >> setup >> disable automatic updates
  11. Have a look at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Display-names-FAQ/ta-p/700175 .
  12. There is not really a way around for that except for making prim tattoos cuz It's a kinda SL limitation. http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/109/00/326685/1.html
  13. I don't dislike some cute, funny or comical gestures and also understand their necessity to warm up the party at clubs or events to some extent, but I rarely use gestures myself these days. When there were still some chat camping places, I made some gestures made up of all text and used them to win at chat, though.
  14. Of course it could be windlight settings, but that's not the only reason.
  15. Maybe you need to request billing and trading limits review. https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/describe-limits.php?
  16. You have to upload it from your computer to SL using the viewer. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Uploading-assets/ta-p/700165#Section_.2.2.1
  17. That subject has been discussed many times, so you might want to read some of those threads. You will be reading also lots of peoples experience there. I've been running 3 listing enhancements on the category landing page since the launch of Marketplace and I guess they function as such these days. Maybe you can give it a shot (short term one) to see if that makes any difference. Make sure the subscription won't be renewed automatically.
  18. Yeah, I'm playing with them. My computer is very slow, so I usually have to turn off the shaders and if I use default windlight setting turning off shaders, it looks a bit too shadowy. (left : default, right : mine) Love Leonoase wrote: I recently read that they make a tremendous difference, and are the reason that many times the pictures of items you see at a shop inworld are much better looking than what you see when you put them on....... but this still begs the question why you can view them and see them as nice looking at all, before you've put them on? And why does it look of less quality on your avi, then it does on the wall of the shop? I'm not sure what you exactly mean. Some people might retouch the pics for ads with image editors so they look better just like in RL, others might not.
  19. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Crash-logger-keeps-appearing/qaq-p/978287 This thread might help you out.
  20. How about putting a bandaid on your nipples? I think it's quite easy to make pasties with a tattoo layer. ETA : I found it on MP. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Nude-Pasties-Packaged/2000584
  21. Wow, kikunosuke-san! (thanks for using my skins) Maybe same cause? http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Cannot-log-in-Reason-Login-failure-connect-Unable-to-connect-to/qaq-p/992723 グループにどなたかタイトルを変更する権限を持っている人がいらっしゃれば、その人に変更をお願いするか、どなたもいらっしゃらなければ、ライブチャットかサポートチケットでリンデンの人に頼むかしかないみたいです。
  22. Did you check the magic box status page? (merchant home page >> inventory >> magic box status) If you find your magic box is listed there, you can locate it.
  23. I sometimes chat with friends via e-mail using offline e-mail. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Instant_Message there is an IM to Email feature, which sends offline messages directly to the mailbox connected to your account. To activate it, go to Edit > Preferences (or press Ctrl-P), go to the Communication tab and check the Send IM to Email checkbox. Press Apply and close the window with OK. When an offline message is received via Email, this message can also be answered via Email again. These mails will be converted back to IM and sent to the right Resident. Note that the Email to IM feature expires 5 days after the receival of the IM. Messages sent afterwards won't be received anymore. Also note that the length of properly delivered Email replies is limited to 1023 bytes/single-byte characters. Messages exceeding this limited will be truncated to fit the limit. Note that, replies to offline emails currently can't contain special unicode characters. Also note that offline IMs are only retained for 31 days and discarded afterwards. For example, if someone sends you an Instant Message and the next time you login is 33 days later, you won't receive it.
  24. Yeah I sometimes see in the chat bar it says "typing" but don't receive any message. I think most of the time it's because the other person gives up sending message halfway or it's just a glitch of some sort. Once in a while I see that someone is typing thingy even when the person isn't on-line. If you feel uneasy, you can ask your friends if they were messaging you.
  25. So is that a house right? Then Building Components » Structures » Residential Structures seems proper category for me...Why do you put it in that category (furnitures >> exteriors)?
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