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Ry0ta Exonar

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Everything posted by Ry0ta Exonar

  1. You can bulk-edit several fields. Go to manage inventory --> check the boxes on the left of each item --> modify selected items --> choose Edit from the drop down list --> hit Go button --> change slurl and hit Update button.
  2. Dura, Shag, Burley, Sadistick Hacker, UW Studio, Pocket Mirrors, Ego, Tukinowaguma to name a few. edited to correct a store name
  3. An account must be at least 5 days old to create a store (become a Merchant) on the Marketplace. So try again 5 days later.
  4. I have a feeling that's quite irrelevant. I filed DMCAs on 10 avatars so far and 7 of them had PIU or PIOF status. I think it's more important to educate people not to buy stolen items on the marketplace because as long as they don't bring profit to the thieves, they gain nothing. So I'd like to see a prominent warning sign on every page of the marketplace which goes something like "WARNING! Disclaimer - Linden Lab has no responsibility for the content of the items sold by each seller on the marketplace. Please note that some people may be selling unusable, illegal and/or stolen goods. Purchase of stolen goods may lead to the termination of your account. Read More..." and clicking on it will open some kind of shopping safety tips page so that people can learn more.
  5. The difference is the textures of those tintable skins are semi-transparent while those of regular skins are opaque and semi-transparent textures tend to lose details, so that technique might be going out of use these days.
  6. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: Is it some "don't tell me what to do" thing? Not always I think. My case was due to the parcel owners' unthoughtfulness or a wrong LM. They had a subscribo for a private group in a skybox and I sometimes missed group notices, so I had to go there to retrieve the history, but when I tped with the LM I found in their notices, I arrived outside the skybox, hence I fell down! lol So I needed to be flying to go there.
  7. I have a feeling that I read somewhere some viewer enables that, but I might be wrong. As for me, if I know the sim that I'm about to tp to restricts flying and I still need to be flying, I fly before tp. lol ETA: Oh, but beware. If the sim owner catches it and they don't like it, you might get banned.
  8. I'd like to see a prominent warning sign which goes something like "WARNING! Disclaimer - Linden Lab has no responsibility for the content of the items sold by each seller on the marketplace. Please note that some people may be selling unusable, illegal and/or stolen goods. Purchase of stolen goods may lead to the termination of your account. Read More..." and clicking on it will open some kind of shopping safety tips page so that people can learn more. That way shoppers will be more cautious about shoddy sellers and thus their shopping experience could be safer and more fun. While I was browsing through Complete Human Male Avatars with clothing category today, I found about 50% of the listing enhancements shown up there are from copybotters. ( I counted to know 27/60 are from them) As it stands, looks like it's perfectly ok for LL that the marketplace looks like a shady black market or something. :matte-motes-big-grin-evil:
  9. Dar Tremor wrote: *All of it was No Mod/No copy, nothing I could change" So I guess it's a trans item, then I see no reason why they don't accept return request, but if it's their policy, you have no choice but to suck it up and move on. Maybe you can sell it under used item category on the marketplace.
  10. First I would try to clear up their misunderstanding by contacting them and ask them to remove the review. Unless they left intentionally the malicious review, they will most likely appologise for their hasty judgements and might change it to a nice review. If they don't respond, I'd file a support ticket with customer support to get it removed. https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Select Marketplace ---> General Marketplace Issues from the dropdown list and describe your issue. And for future reference I'd explain that item is a legit collaborative product in the description. Good luck!
  11. 私もセカンドライフのゲームシーンに詳しくはないのですが、リンデン・ラボの公式ポリシーを読みますと、リンデン・ラボのスタンスとしては、「ゲームクリエーターの皆さんには当社の賭け事ポリシーを当然遵守していただくものと考えておりますので、皆さんの作られたゲームはそのポリシーと利用規約に沿ったものであるというのが前提です」と言っており、「当社ではクリエーターの皆さんが作られたゲームを当社のポリシーに従っているものであるかどうか事前承認したり、レビューしたりは致しません。」ということで、「もし誰かがあるゲームを見て、ポリシーや利用規約に違反しているとリンデン・ラボにARを提出すれば、そのゲーム制作者にゲームの設計に関する書類と、そのゲームがいかに運ではなくスキルに依存するものなのかを裏付けするデータの提出を求めます」としています。 なので、オーナーさんが「これおかしいんちゃうんか」と思われるゲームを見つけられたのなら、ヴューワーのヘルプメニューからARされることを奨励しています。 個別の質問に関しては、質問に答えてくれるかどうかは別として、プレミアムアカウントの方ならライブチャットやサポートチケットで直接リンデンの人に尋ねられるかも知れません。このフォーラムはリンデンの人はほとんど見ていないようですので。 http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Policy_Regarding_Wagering_in_Second_Life http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Wagering_Games_FAQ http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Skill_Game_Compliance ぷ。スマイリーは勝手に変換されているだけですので無視してください。
  12. Yep, I read some comment on this jira https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3651 . So if it is done by IP ban, also alts can't buy them, right?
  13. I was all for it but recently I noticed one thing. If this function is implemented, also copybotters who have stores in the marketplace can ban original creators, so we can't check if our items were stolen and sold there to file valid DMCAs. So how to implement it needs to be carefully considered.
  14. Zanara Zenovka wrote: Best you can do is actually look for evidence that the merchant is active and involved in their business before you toss money at them. Anyone who actually cares about their business doesn't let these things happen. QFT and we always have to bear in mind If the deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  15. If you were playing with advanced menu, you might have accidentally unchecked "rendering water" . http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Advanced_menu
  16. No worries. That's the way it is when you try to buy only free items. It's confusing though.
  17. 自分で行ったことのある場所をまだ存在しているかどうか確認してきました。 http://slurl.com/secondlife/Hubbub/39/33/22 - HIGASHIYAMA ~Heiwa-Jima~ http://slurl.com/secondlife/Ribush/78/255/44 - Amaterasu Omikami Grand Shinto Shrine, Little Yoshiwara http://slurl.com/secondlife/Mieum/20/184/78 - Horyu-ji Temple http://slurl.com/secondlife/Snowlion%20Mountain/218/234/24 - Mt. Grdhrakuta, Myohoji http://slurl.com/secondlife/Kyoto%20BAKUMATSU/233/234/27 - kinkakuji http://slurl.com/secondlife/Kyoto%20BAKUMATSU/46/128/22 - mibudera あと清水寺に行った覚えがあるんですが、見つかりませんでした。
  18. You may want to check out second skin lab's custom portrait service. http://www.secondskinlabs.com/Portraits/portraits.html
  19. Looks like a known issue. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Merchant-home-keeps-giving-me-Terms-of-Service/td-p/1270481
  20. Maybe that depends on which sector you are in and where you put the enhancements. From what i read on the forum, homepage featured one doesn't seem to have much effect in general. Currently I have 5 enhancements running on category landing pages and they get 140 - 160 average impressions, 1 - 3 click-throughs a day. I have no idea if these figures are great or not, but apparently they don't look like they have much effect on sales. Anyways I use them constantly mainly to get exposure.
  21. I'm using windows version. Try this page. http://metaverse.mitsi.com/Secondlife/Posts/SLCP/
  22. Catwise Yoshikawa wrote: There is other way to report what he did then. They should flag his items as keyword spam, not file a dmca.. Maybe the problem is that Marketplace didn't remove those listings, or didn't advise the merchant to remove those spam keywords and they finally go to file the DMCA just because nothing was done. I'm not saying they filed a DMCA because of keyword spam. lol Fergie Finesmith wrote: I don't know, but this process is really weird, according to this I'm able to fil a DMCA notification against whomever only because is my competition and I want them out of the market... When I read above comment, I thought they had a good reason to file a DMCA because your skins are similar enough to cause them to wonder if their skins might have been copied under the situation where your skins were marketed with their name in the keywords What if someone you don't know is selling a reindeer similar to yours at cheaper price with "catwise" in their keywords on the marketplace and your customer let you know about that? Do you not wonder if your reindeer might have been copied? So (in her case) it's not like what she said, ie she can file a DMCA notification against whomever only because they are her competition and she wants them out of the market. That was my point. I don't know why they actually went so far as to file a DMCA.:matte-motes-big-grin-squint:
  23. Try Wanted forum. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Wanted/bd-p/Wanted
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