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Ry0ta Exonar

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Everything posted by Ry0ta Exonar

  1. I think OP was talking about in-world purchase, not market place one. Anyway if the seller doesn't get back to you, you can file a support ticket with LL to request redelivery. See below. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Shopping-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700195#Section_.3.4 Unreceived items Has it been more than 24 hours since you ordered? If so, contact the merchant, explain what happened, and politely request redelivery of the item. If it has been less than 24 hours, please be patient and check again later. If the merchant doesn't respond, you can submit a support case requesting redelivery. Make sure to include the order number and the exact name of the undelivered item(s). Slow deliveries may currently be more noticeable because you now have a cart to which you can add multiple items. (This wasn't the case with the old Xstreet, which closed for purchases in October 2010.) Unfortunately, we can only send so many items at a time.
  2. テストをやっても緑色に変わらないバグのようで、メッシュフォーラムにいくつか関連のスレが立っています。 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/mesh-upload-registration/td-p/1002835/page/6 ここに行って、投稿してみてください。リンデンの人が対応してくれています。
  3. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clothing_Tutorials >> General >> Secondlife Avatar Meshes
  4. And if you are using multiple viewers (LL official viewer, Phoenix, Imprudence and what not), make sure to have a different cache folder for each viewer to avoid messing up the cache.
  5. You mean your mesh upload status isn't updated even if you completed mesh IP tutorial? Looks like lots of people have that issue. Go to this thread http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/mesh-upload-registration/td-p/1002835/page/6 and post there. Charlar Linden would sort out your issue.
  6. You should set the maturity level to General, Moderate, Adult, not just Adult.
  7. Purtroppo non esiste un tutoriale italiano su knowledge base qui. Ma non ti serve la traduzione al di sotto? http://translate.google.co.jp/translate?hl=ja&sl=auto&tl=it&u=http%3A%2F%2Fcommunity.secondlife.com%2Ft5%2FEnglish-Knowledge-Base%2FSelling-in-the-Marketplace%2Fta-p%2F700193
  8. Make sure your viewer is the latest version http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/?lang=en-US and you are in mesh enabled sims and you can rez there. cf. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Cannot-upload-Mesh-Payment-info-on-file-amp-finished-the-Mesh-IP/td-p/1058363/page/2
  9. See here http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Shopping-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700195#Section_.3.4
  10. You mean how you can check if items in your inventory were those copied illegitimately or how you can know if your items were copybotted by copybotters? In either case there is no way of knowing for sure. Just try not to accept inventory offers from people you don't know well to stay out of trouble.
  11. Yep, I remember I read something like that on mesh forums...oh, this post. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Avatar-2-0/m-p/891821#M1006
  12. I found this one. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Video_Tutorial/Advanced_attachment_adjustment Maybe the viewer in this video is not what you are using, though.
  13. Not sure if this will help you out, but it wouldn't hurt, so try these tips. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=bake_fail To insert pictures in your post, click on Options in the upper right corner of your post to edit your post and click on the small tree image (insert/edit image button) on the menu bar above the input field on Rich Text tab.
  14. And an alternate solution is to use a prim for nunmbers, or now it's possible to wear multiple clothing layers on some viewers, so you could make a layer for the numbers and another layer for those flipped. Edit: no nvm lol
  15. But clothing on sl is a piece of artwork in itself, not an article of utility. In rl fashion design, for example a vector work on a t-shirt is considered as an artistic element that is "physically and conceptually separable from their utilitarian function and thus are protected by copyright".
  16. No worries. That quite often happens. Try some of these suggestions. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=bake_fail
  17. Gimp has a filter called softglow and it makes a lighting effect as above. So PS should have a better filter/plug-in. But if the original image doesn't have shading, highlight and shadow, it doesn't work.
  18. I'm afraid it's hard to find cuz most designers make clothes according to their own shape. In sl there is no so called unified standard. I make 3 types of shapes for each skin line and in my shop best selling shapes are the biggest ones (abt 2.35m ~ 2.40m) and more than 50% of my customers go for them. The smallest ones are about 2.10m ~ 2.24m.
  19. I see all the 69 items in your store. Probably it's because of your maturity level setting is General. ETA : I checked the keywords you are using and found something adult there.
  20. Also to edit your post, click on Options button on the upper right corner of your post and choose Edit.
  21. You can try tattoo abs https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Panda-Express-Abs-You-Always-Wanted/1295828 or maybe you can make one by yourself like you did on the after picture.
  22. I don't remember when age verification was brought in on sl, so if you've never heard of it, read following page. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Age-verification/ta-p/700021 If you were already age verified, it might be your preference setting on your viewer. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Accessing-Adult-land-and-content/ta-p/805975
  23. Yoki Enoch wrote: If I ever had any trouble with a merchant, I would use the review process to get back at them, and believe me, I did get back at them.It is a gift I have. (chuckles devilishly) On xstreet SL merchant received a notification e-mail everytime a review was posted on thier items, so that was effective to make them get back to you, but on the marketplace such e-mail isn't sent to merchants anymore, so they don't even know someone made a review on their product. quote from KB : Writing a good item review The purpose of reviews is twofold: first, to inform other buyers or potential buyers about the merits, drawbacks, and uses of the item; and second, to provide feedback on the seller's customer service. Important: For specific concerns and queries about an item you've purchased, you should contact the seller directly instead of posting a review. Tips Be specific. Don't just say "It was great! I liked it." Tell what features of the item you liked best, and why. Include outstanding or unusual aspects. What about the item is special? Why should someone purchase it rather than another similar product? If you had a problem with the item, explain what went wrong. Was it too prim-heavy for your mainland parcel? Did you want to adjust the size, but end up breaking off a piece instead? Buyers with similar situations will appreciate knowing what worked and didn't work for you. If you do have problems, contact the seller first. Give them the opportunity to help you before you post a negative review about the product. And if the issue is resolved, remember to update your review! Warning: If your item is not delivered to you, don't leave a negative item review. Failed deliveries are a technical issue and not within the control of the seller. Instead, contact the seller directly, or contact Support to have the item
  24. Slow delivery or failed delivery on the marketplace isn't merchants' fault. It's out of their controle. Quote from KB : Unreceived items Has it been more than 24 hours since you ordered? If so, contact the merchant, explain what happened, and politely request redelivery of the item. If it has been less than 24 hours, please be patient and check again later. If the merchant doesn't respond, you can submit a support case requesting redelivery. Make sure to include the order number and the exact name of the undelivered item(s). Slow deliveries may currently be more noticeable because you now have a cart to which you can add multiple items. (This wasn't the case with the old Xstreet, which closed for purchases in October 2010.) Unfortunately, we can only send so many items at a time. Note: There are several interrelated causes that slow down delivery. We are hard at work on creating a faster and more reliable Marketplace system that will soon make Magic Boxes obsolete. So file a support ticket with LL to get your purchase redelivered if the merchant doesn't get back to you.
  25. Ry0ta Exonar

    I am a cloud?

    Try some of these suggestions. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=bake_fail
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