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Charlotte Bartlett

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Everything posted by Charlotte Bartlett

  1. I upload with textures.... sadly not on Blender but C4D when doing static meshes. To get mine to upload I have to include the final baked texture in the color channel of the unique material versus diffuse (god knows why). I also have to have that final baked texture stored in the right folder (for C4D that's tex which is a subfolder of the project). So once I have my baked texture (e.g. from substance painter) I simply add it to the C4d file then export to dae. I am surprised re Blender!! Does the dae file have in it anything like the below in it?? I have zero expertise in that side of things but that's how C4D generates the .dae using one material as an example. <library_images> <image id="ID1”> <init_from>tex/Nameofyourtexturehere.tga</init_from> </library_images> <library_effects> <effect id="ID1”> <profile_COMMON> <technique sid="COMMON"> <blinn> <diffuse> <color>0.8 0.8 0.8 1</color> </diffuse> <specular> <color>0.2 0.2 0.2 1</color> </specular> <shininess> <float>0.5</float> </shininess> </blinn> </technique> </profile_COMMON> </effect> <library_effects>
  2. I don't think anybody on the forum would be able to tell you - only LL can (as we can't see your listing either now to see if there was anything that stuck out). Who to contact - LL How to find out - you should have gotten an email from them. Perhaps raise a support ticket as you should have got an email with the details on it?
  3. That’s a blast from the past. SLDev group still also remains inworld. We used to be one but our RL company name doesn’t show any longer on that wiki list so perhaps they are starting afresh.
  4. I don't think this is what you mean - but just in case - you can do your own server but not with SL - it would be Open Simulator (open source version of SL kind of). You can set it up on your own computer. It would be just you on it of course not the rest of SL...so certainly no influence from the audience as they wouldn't be present.
  5. DMCA is purely only the US correct and as we are generally talking about SL - it's correct for the challenges that may come up with the OP's ideas. The good news with things that are US based - if a non US person tries to (illegally) counterfile a DMCA - they have to submit to the jurisdiction under US law selected by the filer. Many countries e.g places like New Zealand (sorry random example ha) then allow recovery of damages under a civil judgement in their own country. Obviously, that varies country to country - some being impossible to recover from. Personally, I like to not get tangled up in the legal side of this. I prefer to say "what is ethical". It's why I would like a parent account so alts can share content - that to me feels ethical as there is just one person behind the keyboard making the payment regardless of whether they are on their dragon alt or human alt. Back to being on topic and the OP - I still can't see this being something LL will be able to support but if they are serious about it, they can raise a JIRA so it can get evaluated.
  6. Also Re the LL item - that's kind of a misunderstanding of the TOS. As content creators we remain full legal owners of our copyright - so we continue to own it legally, We assign rights to LL to use / display under certain agreed terms (per the TOS). For example LL could not stop me also selling my items elsewhere that are in SL. With the book example - they can't stop say printing it out to read it. But should you copy it and then put it up to share or sell e.g. on Amazon - they can file under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act for a takedown and if they also registered aspects (e.g. artwork in it) also include in their legal case a claim for actual / statutory damages (which may be enhanced if the infringement was wilful). So you don't need court for the initial takedown part as that's the pre-court part. We sell licenses to use things that do bind you to certain terms under the TOS. So comparing a license to physical goods is Apples to Oranges.
  7. I would shudder to think what this would do considering the "duplicate" bug hah, Not directed at ChinRey: Are there really that many user cases who want this? I have never seen any Jira's asking for this that I can remember.... fringe user cases shouldn't really direct complex development that takes precious resources - unless I just never have found them, which is possible!!. LL don't have any major time to spend on new stuff until the cloud work is done - and it would be amazing if Quarter 3/4 once that is finished, they could then ramp back up on resolving the long and multiple (and many voted for) outstanding Jiras on things like the Marketplace. If you have purchased a copy item on one avatar and want to use it on another avatar the real change perhaps should be the account structure in SL - that ties all "alts" to one parent account. The parent account buys items then can use it on whatever "alt" they create. I suspect this is an impossible requirement due to the asset server and the complexity this would create.
  8. In Substance Painter what resolution is your project and what resolution are you baking at. (I bake at 4096) Export also at 4096 then use Photoshop to scale to 512 using bi-cubic sharper. If you additionally want to add a bit more "sharp" to your images (assumption on using photoshop but am sure other programs have similar features) you can open Camera Raw Filter and fiddle with the Clarity and Texture settings. If you want to share what bake settings / Environment you are using people can probably look and advise too. I switch off things like ID as they aren't useful for the final 2D image for me. Also whether you are adding filters on top of your materials. Also you may wish to rule out any issue with your material in Substance. Is it one downloaded from Substance Share? If it is one you have created yourself and you have used a texture anywhere in the base, check the resolution of that too. If you use a default library texture and rebake/export do you get the same blurry result etc. I personally use an action to "post-process" the downloaded textures from Substance to get a batch done at once including the Camera Raw Filter but I do houses so slightly different.. And oh my have seen how old the OP is a few months back, but hey ho in case helpful!
  9. Can be in any format (Grandfathered or not) 20 or 30K. I will be moving and renaming the sim to be next to my current one. Please contact me if you are selling / with your required price. Thanks so much! Charlotte
  10. I am always the optimist! I think educating both land barons and creators on the Lindex is key - so all understand more. I would love to see Land Barons effectively also maximize their returns by being more effective on their selling strategy. And always regardless of what land barons/merchants do, there is Supply Linden managing the fine line of inflation versus affordability.
  11. There has been ongoing education across a group of 200 plus creators for a while. But per above I think the main driver remains the growth aspect. I data monitor the Lindex real time to pull out trends as the LL metrics remain limited and not particularly useful for me at this time. They don't have that as a priority this year (the cloud work comes first). 247/248 were typically the sales we had for a significant period up to the fee changes as Theresa mentions (but also prior to the timeline of Sansar).
  12. Just to correct the figures in Jan and Feb were 1.86M USD and 1.71M USD respectively versus the numbers (apologies copied from the wrong metric column!). I have now had my 249 sales go through 🙂
  13. Hi Gemma - did you buy them on marketplace? If so you may want to scroll down in Inventory to see if they are in the received items folder (it's right underneath so easy to miss). If inworld and you purchased - are you getting anything returning when you search on the name of the item in inventory?
  14. I suspect it's a blend - just my personal opinion: (a) Merchants & land rental businesses are understanding more how to use the Lindex combined with buyer pressure. Generally there has been a reduction in selling one point above the market (except some of the larger land barons who tend to have no issue losing over 500 USD a year simply by selling at the wrong rate - I think this is why LINDEX education is important to help maximize returns). I have certainly seen a wider understanding about selling in advance, allowing sales to take a week to close, not filling up sale queues above the market and focusing sales at a rate below, parking money daily at the target rates versus one big sale each week etc. (b) However, the main driver beyond the education that has been going on regarding the above, seems to be metrically driven by significant buyer growth levels. LL, I am sure, will release some information around returning users/growth (I have asked them for this to share some highlights if they can as it's been amazing to see). Some key highlights on that "available number" to show you the trend. 16th Jan - 3.7M USD available in top 20 rates 18th Feb - 3.3M USD ditto 20th Apr - 668K USD ditto 29th Apr -505K USD ditto Then we saw the intraday dip to 380K USD 1st May - 438K USD* 3rd May 491K USD 4th May - 250 Rate handbrake firmly on - 646K available reversing the trend. Today - 519K - back to reduction so we'll wait to see what Supply Linden lets us do the next 3-5 days The rate has been in a controlled change over this month (and since February). It's still creating an affordable experience for those purchasing Linden Dollars when you take into account the sales, demand etc. We haven't seen 249 sales in quite some time, so it's great to see that rate in reach again. Things like if you were selling at 250 and had put in your sale on 28th April it would have be closed by now. If you had also placed your sales at 249 up to 1st May - there is only 3M ahead of you in that queue once that rate starts selling. 249 sales have been delayed (in my opinion) by: There has been concerted effort (intention or accidental) due to the size of the 250 queue since the start of May, to push the rate a little up and to not let 250 deplete. There was around 10M in large chunky sales in an hour for example yesterday that pushed more money into that queue and some above it, effectively creating a "hand break" on the rate depleting sufficiently to have people not "queue jump". But as a comparison there was 56.6M stuck on the 257 queue on 21st April and the market managed to clear that by 24th April. The velocity seen then has slowed a bit now in comparison. But it's not buyer volume that has slowed, simply more for sale was pushed into that 250 rate. In reality, my personal thoughts are this is all great news for small creators/rental businesses whom rely on SL to feed their families (particularly right now). Will the growth "stick" is another question, I suspect looking at when large businesses expect a lot of WFH workers to return (particularly in the US) we may see this continue through to August (and then who knows). Supply Linden has been managing through a fine line of inflation and growth - I have my beady eye on them. I want them to continue to let the inflation move a little further, whilst the market can bear it. Now if we can before the Monday Sellers start get into a 248/9 rate - I will be happy.
  15. Caspervend doesn't feed the marketplace. You need to upload items inworld to Marketplace to set them up there if that is what your question was. You can have your marketplace sales (once set up) feed Caspervend to collate your sales reports. How to upload to marketplace - >
  16. Today we are down to 68/69M at 255 and 521K USD available across the showing rates. As comparison again on 15th January 2020, before so many people were at home, or just starting to be at home across the world - there was 1.8M USD available for sale. Looks like Supply Linden is letting a bit of controlled and comfortable appreciation against USD happen which helps those small creators we mentioned whilst volumes of purchases on the Lindex are up. I hope they don't come in tomorrow and see a push back to 257 or we see anymore strange 50M L$ sales inserted tonight/tomorrow two points above the market. Instead putting sales at the 254 rates and below for those who have a week plus to sell. I suspect some sales may be inserted into the lower rates in addition to "cool" off the drop in rate so it doesn't move too fast. If we can keep this on a considered and sensible track, the rate can continue to be stable/slightly lower gradually (how I would love to see 249 again based on current velocity). Once this situation is over, I am sure we'll then see the rate creep back up as that growth slows back again - but if nothing else, perhaps some of those people who got back into SL, or more engaged may stay - let's hope!!!
  17. It's pot luck if you can I have found - LL don't always do it even for non delivery or reviews that outside the guidelines - seems to depend on how busy they are. Other times they are awesome and remove very quickly. The rest general response on the topic: I always ignore 1 star reviews unless they have found an issue you didn't realize was present (in which case fix it). I like it when I see Merchants writing a nice professional response back in comments showing their customer service skills, perhaps putting a counterpoint forward and explanation without emotion. That way the other 99pct of customers see that and it likely doesn't even impact sales. People tend to generally spot "silly" reviews and ignore them, but they are interested in how professional the merchant was in their response. To the original poster - how are you responding to these reviews? Are you finding that helping? Also subjective reviews they won't remove - some examples : "It was too small". One Star. Listing had dimensions on, plot size it should be used for and a demo ("See Item in Second Life") directly linked. Also Mod - so just "make it bigger"... "It's ugly". One star Subjective opinion they are entitled to it (not a useful review of course doesn't say WHY it is Ugly to them/didn't check the Demo etc) "It doesn't look like the picture" One star Ditto above (and again no explanation as to what is the difference / didn't check the Demo etc)
  18. What specific changes are you seeing out of interest? I don’t do promotional, but my fees seem correct at 10pct.
  19. What is interesting to me (and I am sure Supply Linden had an enjoyable morning) is how from Jan and Feb on average there was USD 1.7M (approx) showing for sale on the Lindex. There is now only USD 626K (approx) this evening so that makes me think buyer pressure (as I typed this a larger few sales went in so + 18K USD approx) The weekend purchases (assumption due to the influx/reuse of SL during this time) - started to push the rate down by pure velocity on the available sales open. We were seeing 1.9-2M Linden Dollars selling an hour on Sunday evening whilst a few of us watched for a few hours. That's obviously quite approx as we don't get the actual metrics, we can only see the data on the Lindex page. At 11pm EST last night - we were at: 47.8M at 257 18.7M at 256 This morning at Noon EST - we moved to: 50M added at 259 (huge sale appeared) 1M added to 258 11M added to 257 23M added to 256 Rates below all stayed the same (within a few 1000Ls) I am sure as Supply Linden woke up this morning, they saw there was pressure for the Linden Dollar to appreciate against the dollar as a result of all the buying volume with a hectic weekend (it felt a bit like the early days!), so they may have thought they needed to inserted a sale themselves to take, what they perceived as, pressure off. Funnily enough, that additional 50M L (193K USD) popped into the market early this morning very quickly. What was unusual (to me anyway) is it went in at 259 when there was only 1M for sale at 258 at the time it appeared. I think we know all large scale sellers (e.g. land barons) would not place it there, as it would lose them several hundred dollars (fees not accounted for) versus 258 and close same day / cover any USD obligations they had due that day. That additional 50M at 259 slowed the market after the weekend pressure, so by end of day the 258 sales started 24 hours behind where they could have been. (Then 4M appeared as I typed this, but I assume a large creator or land baron had to move out their money to USD). On Sunday at 8pm a few hours before the above was only 6M available at a 256 to give you an outline of the original figures at those lower rates and how quickly they would deplete. Dependent on what side of the fence you are on, personally I found it a positive move to see the volume drive some reduction in the selling rates. This helps small creators who likely are relying on their SL income during this time. It would be good if Supply Linden could relax a little and let us settle around 256 (at least) during the busier times. I wonder what we will see tomorrow morning!
  20. Some suggestions: I have done projects for RL companies, and also had third parties contract in for those projects. 1 - Complete a Non Disclosure Agreement between both parties (RL details) if you are going to be using the project commercially. Always assume something somewhere will go wrong, so plan accordingly. 2 - Complete a contact in RL names that lays out: Milestones to be delivered and what they comprise of (dates/content/testing/approvals etc). Break the project down to bite size pieces to reduce risks. A payment scheduled aligned to that (so you pay or receive in parts not all at the end), an approval process so each Milestone is approved based on content delivered and payment released within a timeframe. Define who owns the IP rights of the work being submitted (suggest if you are using a contractor you retain the IP rights at all times - this is essential see below why). Define if the work is exclusive to you, or if the contractor may reuse it for other projects / sell it themselves. Define what happens if the contractor fails on a Milestone, or you fail on a payment, or you end up in litigation. Validate References: Obtain multiple references and do the leg work to validate them and the work examples (depends on the cost of your project). etc etc.... Dependent on your definition of big of course. If just some simple SL scripting - that's very different - * but always be aware and you may want to google what happens when a script owner takes a content creator to court for non performance/breach. (That's a real case - search bunny breedables lawsuits). Contract documents you can get from websites (I won't be allowed to link) but if you search Legal Templates etc - some websites offer a monthly fee and you can access many of them or a few dollars for one. OR you can go to websites who facilitate contractor work (there are a ton of them) to sub contract the work and their agreements and contracts are all online and you do it via there - it also manages the payments etc. Again it depends what you mean by big. But if commercial you really have to use RL contracts for any protections mentioned above. If just a hobby project you can be far more flexible if you don't have any commercial risk.
  21. This is so bizarre, I also have the same on listings I have not touched in months - (also for the first time ever found that what I change in the listing title doesn't translate into the other languages e.g. scarlet creative product name in the English US version says scarlet creative product name boxed 0.2 in the Spanish version). @Grumpity Linden this is affecting multiple listings across multiple merchants - can we get an idea if you are aware / plans to fix?
  22. Did you auto fill from an old listing? There was a bug AGES back where if you did that, some of the issues you describe above e.g. languages missing would occur. I can't remember if they ever fixed it (I think they did, but perhaps it reoccured?). I will check my store, thanks for the heads up!!
  23. Hello @Grumpity Linden Sorry to page you directly, but am hopeful you wouldn't mind giving us a few bullet points on the above based on the meeting yesterday. Question: Full Perm Creators track the names of people licensed to sell the items they purchased from them. To date most do not track the Avatar Key, just the user name. With the name change functionality, is there a method to identify the old "name" for the above user case, or any suggestions you can make to the merchant community on how best to manage? Thanks in advance.
  24. that's not a land baron. LL have been transparent in that they make a level of profit from the LINDEX and also print money within that objective / have sinks. When you put in large cash out "markers" it keeps the rate within the range that LL wish it to be.
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