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Quin Dezno

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  1. Well I would have been wider if I'd gotten the TMP bod, but as I continue to use my Cute factor body I still remain quite narrow! :-) Maybe I shouldn't have gotten so POed but on the other hand speaking up might prevent someone else from making the mistake I did. In any case thanks for taking the time to speak with me.
  2. Thank you for all the responses, I feel a little better now :-)
  3. Well you are right I should have done more research. However I found the marketing disingenuous, The suggestion was that one could get a body and a head for 500L each, but when one tries to make use of these items one finds it is impossible to do so without significant additional purchases. So I bought the membership (another 500L) because it said that with the exception of the bodies and heads the entire boutique could be had for free. I did that. Then I found I still had to purchase a skin, another 500L, and even after this purchase I still had an unusable avatar. At that point I've had to give up empty handed. If there had been a notecard listing the required purchases, and the associated costs, I would have been able to make an informed choice.
  4. So I went to check out the TMP sale and ended up losing 2000L and getting nowhere. I haven't had this much anti-fun in SL for a long time!
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