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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. Sorry, been recovering from a migraine today. Completely missed that when I skimmed your post.
  2. Rebirth were selling a replica of the hair, hat, and glasses at the July round of Man Cave. Be warned, though: it's solid and doesn't move with your avatar at all. Tilt your head and your hair will go sideways through your neck. If it had been better rigged then I would have bought it, but the rigging was a deal-breaker for me. It'll be fine for photo shoots, though:
  3. MISSMajerSFL is correct, and has shared with me this video, showing a 'zodiac shine' Catwa-specific applier by This Is Wrong (which is not a skin applier, as evidenced by the fact that her skin remains unchanged beneath it). I would hope that - as a creator - the OP was using the most up-to-date version of the Catwa Bento heads, which features everything they need - including a special materials section - rather than trying to finagle scripts on an older version to find some kind of workaround. As MISSMajerSFL has stated, several other creators are already producing appliers using those heads and their included dev kits. As to suggesting that Catwa 'broke it deliberately' you do realise that she simply cannot do that without updating every single head all over again and changing the scripts and HUDs? I won't even touch on the accusation that she somehow managed to remove the appliers from your inventory...
  4. That's not for me to answer, since I don't work for Linden Lab. They are the ones who set the rules around here; the rest of us are just residents like you. It's a setting that has been enabled by LL for these forums, so any issues or complaints about how they set their rules should be addressed to them. There is even a user here whose name is a variant of 'kittycat', but if you try to quote her the forum will censor the first part of her name in your quote, because that word is now a slang term for female genitalia. There is an adult section on this forum, and that's where anything to do with adult activities - regardless of the words used - should be posted. I suggested posting there not because you used the word that you did, but because you asked a question about genitalia that might have evolved into a more detailed discussion, so you might as well post there instead, because - if posted outside that area - such a thread would end up being moved by a moderator anyway.
  5. I sincerely hope that you aren't accusing that store owner of 'delving into your inventory'. Nobody but you and Linden Lab have the right to access your inventory, and if you're accusing another resident of doing so you are effectively accusing them of hacking into your account.
  6. You don't state which Catwa head you have, and - as you've found - many piercing creators only cater for specific Catwa heads (usually Catya, Lona, Uma, and Kathy), but Catwa's own piercing set covers all of them up to and including Denice (from memory I don't think she's yet updated it to include Daria, Jasmine, and Nour but I'm not inworld to check). You can use the HUD to hide whichever piercings you don't want to show. I regularly only wear one small nose ring, the two lower lip rings, and the labret - which is the one you're looking for.
  7. Hopefully this post doesn't confuse the issue, because I'm typing it in the 10 minutes that I have while scarfing down breakfast prior to leaving for work. It depends which mesh head and body you use. Many of the bigger brand mesh bodies have now updated to BOM, and most of the bigger brand mesh heads have either updated to BOM or are giving away free BOM relays specific to their products, either in their groups or stores. However, most of those relays still require Omega to initialise them, so you'll still need the relevant Omega relay for your mesh body parts (which most people probably have anyway these days). What those relays do is apply the BOM bake textures to the relevant body part - just like any other applier - so that BOM works on them. To go back to not using BOM you just re-apply your original skin appliers and the BOM capability will be removed. (To see what I mean, just use one of them when you're in a viewer that doesn't yet support BOM.) For anyone whose mesh body parts haven't yet updated or offered their own relays, the L$125 relay is the second variant of the 'Omega workaround', and it will work on any mesh body or head that is Omega-compatible. As before, your body parts will need to have Omega installed (via their relevant Omega installer) or you'll need to be wearing the Omega relay for that brand while you use the L$125 relay. The "free is no good" refers to the older version of the 'Omega Workaround' which is free in the Omega Solutions store. That workaround relay still tries to utilise the older bake textures that LL were using in the early stages of BOM testing. These textures have since updated, which is why that HUD no longer works. I wrote a very basic (as in: my inital impressions after enduring the LL viewer for long enough to try it out) guide to BOM here. I should really update it a bit, since a bit has changed since then (it was written when the L$125 relay was the only thing available), but I won't do that until Firestorm has released a BOM update. And now I need to leg it out of the door for work!
  8. I wish I did! To be fair, I do post-process a bit, but it's usually only adding a few filters. I create my own combinations using ON1 Photo 10 Effects (no longer available). The above shots used a combination of filter layers: two layered glow settings, an HDR overlay, and a darkening tone enhancer, together with a soft vignette. These are what the un-processed images look like: This is a video showing the change in the image when I apply that specific set of filters. I have tons of presets that I've created for many different photoshoots. I save in PNG format at 5000px. My Firestorm graphics are set to High-Ultra (one step down from Ultra) and with everything checked (except Avatar Cloth) and antialiasing at 8x - And, for reference, here is my basic system info: CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor (3393.62 MHz) Memory: 16335 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 18362.356) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB/PCIe/SSE2
  9. It does when you consider that in many games a lot of the other default keybinds that you may need to use are focused around WASD. For example, Q often means to drop a held item, E often means to interact with an item, spacebar (often used to jump) is just a quick whack of the side of your thumb while your fingers are resting around WASD, etc.
  10. WASD for pretty much every game that either allows it or lets me change keybinds. But for SL I still use the arrow keys. Go figure.
  11. From both of these answers all I'm getting is, "I'm going to do it anyway." That tells me a lot. You didn't want an answer to your question at all.
  12. And if they don't know that (generic) you are quietly snapping away and a few days later they decide to look at your Flickr feed and see themselves there, in flagrante? It doesn't matter if you know them or not. Ask.
  13. There's no thought to provoke. Only the basic instinct of respecting your bed partner.
  14. I would say that it's one thing to post a random image of you with someone else out exploring, and quite another thing altogether to post an image of someone else having sex with you, without their permission. Ask yourself one question: would you be happy if someone did that to you in real life? Because many people identify greatly with their avatars; so much so that a partner sharing images of them naked and having sex would be a gross violation not only of privacy but also of trust. In short: yes - for the sake of civility and respect alone - ask their permission. And if they don't grant it then don't post the images.
  15. A few nice things that I picked up as part of Wanderlust Weekend. I'm actually not sure how I feel about this look, since it edges just a little too far into femme for me, but it is what it is, and I love the colours, so...
  16. It's not the norm at all. Yes, there's a learning curve for mesh, but we've all gone through it and - if you take your time, poke around in the HUDs, and try lots of demos - you'll get the hang of it. I was actually yelling in frustration at my computer screen the first few times I tried mesh heads, but I'm a stubborn git and perservered with it. Now it's my turn to help others work their way 'into mesh', since I'm now a CSR for a major mesh head brand. If I can get past those frustrations and get to a point where I'm helping and teaching others then anyone can. The shoe issue can be fixed by checking your body's HUD and selecting the correct height of heel for the footwear. Some boots might need you to hide the feet entirely using the HUD. As to the disappearing arms, it sounds as if one of the clothing items you wore has an 'auto-alpha' script in it. These can be both a blessing (saving you the trouble of having to click all those alpha cuts on your HUD to hide parts of your body) and a pain in the arse (if it doesn't un-hide after taking off the article of clothing). It might help us to help you if you tell us which mesh body you've purchased.
  17. It's the only store I've come across out of hundreds that I've tried that has done this. So no, not a reason to avoid having anything to do with mesh bodies. Instead, it's just a reason to avoid buying anything from that particular store again.
  18. OK, I'm pretty narked at this, so it's going here. A well-known skin creator has some head appliers out for L$50 this weekend. I bought four tones. They also have V-Tech appliers, so I bought those in the matching four tones. Got home, went to apply everything... and the V-Tech appliers go - as expected - onto the V-Tech add-on, and also the torso of the underlying Maitreya body. And that's it. They don't apply to the Maitreya lower body. (Yes, I tested all four tones, and yes I was wearing my Maitreya relay.) So now I need to go back and spend even more damn money to buy all four tones of the Maitreya body, just to get my legs the right tone. Seriously? It's an Omega applier that's suitable for V-Tech wearers. Every other V-Tech compatible skin that I own applies to the entire body; it doesn't just cut off at the waist so that I'm expected to buy yet another applier (which costs twice as much as the V-Tech one) just for the legs.
  19. If that censored word refers to genitalia then that's a question you need to ask in the adult section of the forum, here. The section you're currently in is supposed to remain PG, so a moderator might end up moving this post if the discussion takes too detailed a turn in that direction.
  20. I've just added a little bit of detail to my first post that may offer a bit more insight into why shopping for a system/classic avatar is getting a bit more difficult these days. Shoes, in particular, for women tend to be made to fit mesh feet now, and it's getting harder to find ones for classic avatars.
  21. In addition, the difference between a system/classic avatar and a mesh avatar can easily be spotted when looking at its component parts in your inventory. I'm using the stock Linden Lab viewer for the screenshots below, so if you're using a third party viewer the icons may look a little bit different. Here is the Gretchen avatar: As you're still learning about Second Life avatars those icons might not mean anything specific to you, but the crucial ones are the skin (the little 'double person' icon) and the fact that there are three alpha layers in there (the white gridded t-shirt icon) - one for the dress, one for the shoes, and one for the eyelashes (since it comes with add-on lashes). Note that there is nothing in the folder that states 'body' or 'hands' or 'feet'. All of those things combined will tell you that this is very likely a system/classic avatar. By contrast, here is a mesh avatar: Note the box icons near the bottom: BODY, FEET, HANDS, combined with a HUD (because mesh bodies use a HUD to hide parts of the body when wearing clothing). While this folder also contains alpha layers, these are to hide your entire body (or your entire body but not the head). That's because - in order to wear a mesh body - you need to completely hide your underlying system/classic body so it doesn't poke through the add-on mesh body parts. (The alpha layer that doesn't cover the head just allows your system/classic head to still show, in case you only want to wear the mesh body and not an additional mesh head.) One additional little (confusing, I know!) thing to remember is the following: no matter which type of avatar you're wearing, you must always wear four specific old system/classic items (shape, skin, hair - commonly used these days as a brow shaper - and eyes). Without those your avatar simply won't rez inworld, and neither you nor anyone else will see you properly. This is why - when people make the switch to an all-mesh avatar - they get confused as to why they're wearing two pairs of eyes and anxious when they can't remove one of them. The non-removable eyes are the system eyes that they must be wearing in order to rez! The icons for those look like this: Hopefully that helps If you need a bit more in-depth info about system/classic avatars then I have a post on my blog explaining a bit more, here. It's aimed at male avatars, but don't let that put you off. The underlying principles are still the same.
  22. Gretchen is what we call a 'system' or 'classic' avatar. It's not what we call a mesh avatar (those are usually items that you need to purchase, although sometimes you can find free mesh avatars that offer very limited - or no - customisation options). You will need to look for clothing that is marketed for 'classic avatars'. Look for this symbol on clothing ads: You can also wearing clothing that is marketed as 'standard sizes', with this logo: Both of the above types of clothing should come with an alpha layer, which you will need to wear so that parts of your avatar's underlying skin are made invisible and won't poke through the mesh clothing. Here's an example of both of those icons (arrowed) on a freebie piece of clothing at Ajuda Brasil: And here are the contents. I'll explain my annotations after the image: The item marked 1 uses the word 'applier'. That means it's the skintight bodysuit texture that will only apply to a mesh body. For your system/classic body you would need to wear the clothing layers (look for the t-shirt and pants icons there). The bracketed items marked 2 use the word 'Slink'. That's a specific brand of mesh body, and - since those are the shoes - you could only wear those ones on Slink brand feet. There is another pair of shoes at the bracketed items marked 3, but those are still only for mesh feet, because there is no alpha layer to hide the system/classic avatar feet, nor is there a foot/shoe shaper icon to change the shape of your feet and put them on tiptoe. So you would not be able to wear the shoes in that look. In addition, any much older clothing layer items can be worn on a classic avatar. You won't see any symbols for that on ad boards, but the inventory icons for those items will look as you would expect for clothing: t-shirt, pants, etc.
  23. I'm not familiar with that body, but comparing the buttons at the bottom of that tab ('chest', 'back', etc) they look to be similar areas as the visual alpha cuts in the image of the older HUD that Chic posted: 'Neck' at the top (front and back), 'chest' below that. 'Breasts' would probably be the area below the collarbone down to above the nipples, the 'nipples' button probably covers the two semicircles of the lower breasts, 'belly' is the the lower front torso, etc. Try clicking those buttons instead, to see if they mask out those areas of the body.
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