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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. I've already seen this happen. At least one menswear store has put a suit jacket out at one event and the matching pants at another event. In fact, the same store has done a similar thing (not necessarily with a suit, but with an outfit whose top and bottom parts go together) three times now, over the past few years.
  2. LOL! There is a hat out there that has a similar aesthetic to it. I almost bought it when it was released. I'll come up with something, I'm sure of it
  3. Just smile. Utter genius from Stray Dog for The Mens Dept. Skin, shape, makeup; it's incredible.
  4. Thankee! And, if I could find that in SL, you KNOW I would wear it! (I just looked and I'm up for two categories. Good lord )
  5. And now I've been nominated for an award thingy. All I can think of is WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO WEAR?!
  6. Quoth he who posts scorn-laughter as a response. Enjoy your superiority, darling. Take an oxygen mask with you, okay? The air's a bit thin up there
  7. "But I hear you asking – “but what about the current body and all those appliers I have purchased or made over the last few years??” They aren’t going anywhere! The current body has been labelled “Classic” and you will find it packed along with the Redux update as a separate unpacker option. We have decided to leave a significant amount of time before we even consider removing it from the pack, to give people a chance to adjust and make the transition at their own pace. And even then, everything “Classic” will continue to work for as long as you want it to." —Siddean Munro, on the SLinkStyle blog, announcing the Redux body
  8. You didn't read what I wrote, did you? And, if you did, then you didn't understand it. That's okay.
  9. Did you use skin appliers on your classic Slink body? If so, then you're doing nothing different by using the Omega BOM applier. It's not an "unsupported hack"; it's simply a skin applier. The only difference between that skin applier and one by any skin store is that the skin it's applying comprises the BOM bake textures. You could even make it yourself, by picking up the free Omega developer kit, downloading the BOM bake textures, and putting together your own Omega BOM applier. The Slink redux body is just pre-textured with the exact same BOM bake textures, so using that would be the equivalent of never using any other skin applier and sticking instead to the default skins included with a mesh body's HUD.
  10. I'm going to hazard a guess that Rhonda's on the right track. I can't find an Altamura relay or installer on the Omega Marketplace store, so I'm not sure if one exists. Usually what happens with BOM relays is that they act just like a traditional skin applier, and apply the bake textures to the skin layer of the head/body. That's what I'm guessing the 'BOM Unisex Applier' means on the HUD you have there. If there is an Altamura Omega relay then wear that while trying to apply the unisex applier. If it's an Omega installer instead, try reinstalling Omega into the body.
  11. My stats haven't recovered from the Firestorm changelog page linking to me. This could push my poor little website into falling over! Good job I'm hosted on a dedicated VPS and not a shared server.
  12. So I applied for the LL Blogger Network thing. Um... yeah. I didn't actually expect to get featured
  13. This doesn't happen because of the pose stand (especially since you're noticing it on every pose stand). It happens because you add (or remove) something that animates your avatar, while on the pose stand. These things can include wearable unpackers such as HUDs, bags, and boxes that animate you with a 'holding' pose. If you change things such as Bento mesh heads, mesh eyes or hair whose HUDs have built-in 'stand' animations to help you adjust them, etc while on the pose stand you'll get the same problem. Occasionally it can also be the sit animation on your AO that's causing the issue, but usually it's animators like the above mentioned ones. Solution: hop off the pose stand when you need to unpack something in a 'wear to unpack' object, or wear/take off anything that has animations built into it.
  14. "I can't be bothered to listen to you explaining why X is doing Y and how I can prevent it from happening in the future. Just tell me exactly what I need to do to fix it, then I'll come back to you when it happens again next Tuesday, then the following Thursday, and every week or so thereafter, and ask you for the exact same fix again."
  15. If you're referring to what I've arrowed below - - then that's the neck fix on your mesh body. (Angled upwards and outwards means it's your body's neck fix; angled outwards and downwards would be your head's neck fix.) Wear your body's HUD and look for anything like 'neck fix', 'neck', 'neck sheath', or 'sheath' on it. When you find it, click it and the problem will go away.
  16. Welcome! Enjoy the update; there's some cool new stuff in there. Make sure you also stop by the gift room and pick up the bag of free goodies on the floor, as well as the other gifts on the walls (especially the Bento presets HUD, the pack of additional save slots HUD, and - if you plan to use BOM - the gift BOM relay).
  17. Wishing I had a Soundcloud to promote, because I've been hit by the Firestorm Effect
  18. That's down the the eye applier creator and nothing to do with the head or any animations. There's one well-known creator whose appliers often do this, but there's a simple fix for it. If your Catwa head is a Bento one then make sure you've redelivered to version 4.0. Inside the folder you'll find an eye HUD that allows you to shift the positioning of the eye: Use the small downward-facing arrows on the left side control panel to shift the textures down. The single arrow will move in small increments and the double arrow will move in larger increments. The black 'RESET' text will put your eye position back to where it was. Quick video guide is here (sorry for my cursor appearing to be in the wrong place; for some reason Gyazo's videos sometimes shift it further to the right than it should be).
  19. The stranger you are, they wanna keep you locked in the dark...
  20. I think I might sign up for this. It would be the impetus that I need to carry on with my Style 101 for the Male Newb tutorials, as well as updating my blog a bit more than I currently do, since I've been focused almost exclusively on Flickr in recent months. I'm always interested in doing things that people don't expect or want me to do, and if that makes certain people disappointed in me then I honestly don't give a toss. I doubt that any of those people have read a single page of my blog anyway.
  21. Since Wren hasn't been back to respond, I would hazard a guess that it's from LODE. I have a few headdresses from there, and they're quite distinctive.
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