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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. It became pretty obvious they were just padding their post count so that their next post (an adult club night promo) wasn't coming from a no-post account.
  2. Looks like we have another forum necromancer. The earliest resurrected post I've seen yet from them is from 2009: Post resurrected from 2014 (5 years old) https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/316076-hi/#comment-2000880 Post resurrected from 2012 (7 years old) https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/121310-i-downloaded-sl-viewer-and-it-wont-open-im-on-a-macbook-pro/#comment-2000882 Post resurrected from 2012 (7 years old) https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/96083-program-wont-install/#comment-2000884 Post resurrected from 2009 (10 years old) https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/29376-can-i-use-second-life-from-a-different-computer/#comment-2000886 Posr resurrected from 2011 (8 years old) https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/45607-can-someone-tell-me-the-difference-in-these-2-streaming-servers/#comment-2000888
  3. The choice of head rests in part on which body he's purchased. And that - in turn - will affect the selection of skin options that he has. If he's opted for one of the major body brands then he should find no problem finding skins and heads to match it. Currently the major body brands are: Signature (Gianni and Geralt) Belleza (Jake) The Shops (Legacy) Slink (Physique Male) There are far more bodies out there, but those are the ones that the majority of skin creators will make body-specific skins for. Many of them will also create Omega body skins (note that Legacy is not Omega-compatible, and it's still relatively new, so only about half a dozen or so skin creators have made appliers for it thus far) but there are vanishingly few creators who make male Omega head appliers. As Marianne has said, most male skin creators will create primarily for Catwa. Currently, there are eight male Bento heads at Catwa, and three male non-Bento heads. Bento is more popular, because you can have additional customisation via the shape sliders, plus motion capture animations (which isn't possible with the non-Bento heads, although those do have 'frames animated' add-ons that can be purchased) but many guys wear and like the non-Bento heads. As you might expect, the price is higher for the 'more customisation' option: L$5,000 for a Bento head versus L$900 for a non-Bento head. The second head brand that some male skin creators make for is Lelutka. Currently there are two male Bento heads at Lelutka, at L$5,000 each. They have no non-Bento heads. There are other head brands out there - such as Akeruka, Altamura, GA.EG, and Vista - but it can be harder to find skins for those. Most of them will offer their own head appliers, plus a choice of body appliers for the major brands, but that's your lot. You won't find a wide selection of head appliers from skin creators for those heads.
  4. You're welcome. Glad that sorted it out for you
  5. I wouldn't say it's a scam, no. A scam would be if you paid for the body and never received it. However, there were (by others and - vehemently - by me in more than one blog post) many expressions of annoyance and distaste with the way that the original TMP bodies were marketed and sold. I never thought I would buy any product related to The Shops at all, or even set foot in their store; I disliked their business practices so much. However, having read many reviews of the new Legacy bodies and seeing that they had made a lot of changes to the way they operated I decided to give them a second chance. At the time I tried my demo it was still something of a frustrating process, but it's now simple with demos available on Marketplace. And - since they ameliorated their previous unsavoury business practices when this new team took over - I decided I was happy to spend the money on what is actually a bloody gorgeous mesh body.
  6. If the OP eventually does buy a mesh head, and if it's a Catwa one, then I and my fellow CSRs will - as always - be ready to help with any questions or problems. We can do that better if we're spoken to clearly and calmly and not raged at. For now, though, I'm out.
  7. spend few hours today on it with no effect, im done for today And "spending a few hours on something with no effect" justifies yelling and swearing at people who are actively trying to help you?
  8. Look, I get that you're frustrated, but why are you yelling and swearing at me? In fact, you're yelling and swearing at the one person on this forum who would actually bend over backwards to help you if you needed any help with Catwa heads, since I'm a CSR for that brand.
  9. You do realise that each of those creators has multiple mesh heads, yes? Catwa alone has 27 female Bento mesh heads, 8 male Bento mesh heads, 19 female non-Bento mesh heads, 3 male non-Bento mesh heads, and 4 female basic mesh heads. Your best bet is to grab the SLurl (right-click and copy the 'inworld store' link on the creator's main Marketplace page) and visit the inworld stores. You'll have far better luck picking up demos that way, and you're also more than likely to find demos of skin appliers near the heads in the inworld stores that you can try on those demo heads. It's a much easier, one-stop-shopping experience if you're after a mesh head.
  10. Then I'll stop making the composite screenshot I was just creating, to show you how many mesh heads showed up on that first 96-result search page for me.
  11. Those are the majority of major brands, yes. I may have missed one or two off the top of my head.
  12. A simple search for mesh AND head (with all three maturity ratings set on Marketplace) shows me - on the very first page - multiple mesh heads from different well-known brands: Catwa Genus GA.EG Akeruka Absolut Creation Vista Mayreal Utilizator Plus a couple more from specialised or lesser-known brands. From that page it's a simple matter of clicking the store name under one of those ads to go to their main store page and look through all of their heads. On the left side of each main store page you can also find a link to their inworld store. As far as I know, of all the major creators, only Lelutka and Altamura expect you to go inworld to find their heads.
  13. If you are not using the new Second Life 'Bakes on Mesh' (BOM) avatar customisation feature (to put your system avatar textures onto your mesh head and body) then ensure that you're wearing the v4.8 version of the body and HUD that's in the folder, not the v1.0 'Bakes on Mesh' version.
  14. Welcome! I've been listening to it this evening, too. Part 2 of my homage to The War of the Worlds, this is a better lit image of 'Ogilvy the astronomer'. The initials are from my own head, since he was never given any other name in H.G. Wells's novel.
  15. Ogilvy, the astronomer, assured me we were in no danger. He was convinced there could be no living thing on that remote, forbidding planet. Just a fun little homemade homage on the anniversary of the 1938 radio transmission of The War of the Worlds by Orson Welles. Since my introduction to that story was by way of Jeff Wayne's musical version (still a classic, and playing in my house tonight) I thought I'd cobble together something. It ain't great, but it was fun to do
  16. https://secondlife.com/corporate/brand/trademark/unauthorized.php 8. No Suggestion of Endorsement. Never use any Linden Lab trademark in a manner that implies a false relationship with or sponsorship, endorsement, or employment by Linden Lab.
  17. If he needs any guidance, advice, or tips then I can help him with that. I'm a CSR for Catwa Assuming that he's bought one of her Bento heads (Daniel, Stanley, Shaheen, Dino, Victor, Skell, Dude, or Gac) then get him to have a read of my Beginners' Guide to Catwa Bento Heads to begin with, and I can then help him with any other queries he has.
  18. Europe is starting to log off (at least, the ones who have to get up early for work tomorrow). I've got another couple of hours inworld, then I'll be logging out, too.
  19. Thank you so much, Lil I do own formal suits (most men in SL do) - I have both black tie and white tie, as well as a classic tuxedo - and if the occasion truly called for it and was one where I wouldn't dream of taking things a little off-piste (for example: a friend's wedding) then of course I would wear what was requested. For this event, though, I didn't want to compromise. The Bloggies are all about celebrating bloggers, and - to me, at least - that meant staying true to myself and my style and not changing just so that I fitted in. I kept to the spirit of things but not to the letter, and that's kind of how I blog, too
  20. My SL partner is five hours behind me, SL is eight hours behind me, and people I know in Europe are one hour ahead of me. I'm quite accustomed to thinking in different timezones (having an analogue clock by the computer helps), and I usually warn my partner when UK clocks are about to change (I've literally just told him this in Discord a few minutes ago, before I even saw this thread, since mine will go back tonight and his will be next weekend) and I pre-calculate the extended/shortened time difference and its duration so we're both aware of it.
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