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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. This is incredible. Reminds me a little bit of Florence. The audio quality is some of the best I've ever heard on YT. Headphones a must!
  2. The only one that I've seen lately is this gacha outfit from Horntail, which is at Equal10 until September 5th, and it's Belleza Jake only:
  3. If you need any help, let me know. The main HUD for the head has a completely new look, so it might take a while to get used to the changes. I know I'm having to overwrite a bit of muscle memory, but the changes are for the better. A small example is the upper and lower layers on the tinting section are now shown that way on the icons. So, instead of remembering to click the left side of the icon to tint the lower and the right side to tint the upper, you now click the upper or lower part of the icon. And this means I now need to re-do ALL of my tutorials. Yeesh!
  4. No tweaking should be necessary, Kira. The upgrade contains a lot of new features, including: full face AO time increased from 30 seconds to 60 seconds new skins new environment slider new materials save slots (includes smooth and wrinkled skin presets) new hairbases new lashes The heads also include a new eye HUD, shown below. This now lets you move and stretch eye appliers on the eyes (as well as remove any materials that can cause issues in some lighting) without having to pay for the full Eyes & Tears HUD. Some appliers sit higher on the eyes than others (making you look like you're permanently ) so this HUD allows you to move the textures down. (Use the black single and double arrows at the top and bottom of the control section. Single moves in small increments, double in larger increments.) The updated heads also now include the new HD lips. To update, just go to the store and click the redelivery terminal. Find your original purchase and redeliver it. When you unpack it, the update will be inside. To date, only Catya and Kimberly have been updated, but Catwa is working her way through all 27 female heads at a rate of roughly two per day.
  5. Catwa's Bento heads so far are listed behind the spoiler tag. If you have any of those, then yes your HUD will look nothing like the Frames Animated HUD that was shown earlier. I'm very aware that this thread has become rather Catwa-centric, so - unless anyone has any other Catwa-related queries - I'm going to step down from it. I'm a CSR for Catwa, so - while I'm happy to help with any Catwa-related questions that pop up here on the forum - I'm not comfortable with "taking over" a thread where someone has asked for recommendations, as it may seem to others that I'm overly-promoting that brand when that is not my intention at all. I have always maintained that a person's choice of mesh head and body should be down to their own preference.
  6. Not a boo-boo, no. All of the non-Bento frames-animated heads at Catwa are sold in either 'basic' or 'fatpack' format. Basic is just the head, and you can purchase the various animations and mood add-ons separately (see this quick MP search for a list) according to which ones you want, or you can purchase the fatpack, which comes with everything together. They're sold exactly the same in the store, too.The animations on these heads are 'frames' - that is, they don't use motion capture because they're not Bento-rigged; instead they use different stages of mesh shapes to animate the face. Think of it like a flip-book, with each page showing a slightly different image, but when flicked through you see the animation as a whole. ETA: I should add a couple of things: Each set of frames animations for the non-Bento heads are specific to their relevant head, so if purchasing you should always ensure you're buying the animations for your head. In the store they are right next to the heads themselves, and on Marketplace they are in the 'related items' list beneath the page for the head itself. None of the Catwa non-Bento heads will be updated to "be Bento". They can't be, because they're created differently. Bento heads are an entirely different and more complex product.
  7. There's a big update in the works, together with something that will address part of that. I can't divulge too much yet, but keep an eye out I can now reveal this, since Catwa has posted it on her Flickr. There are new free gifts at the Catwa store, including a gorgeous HD lips addon for all of her female Bento heads up to and including Nour. And all female Bento heads are currently being updated to v4.0. More info here.
  8. I've been dying to post about this for over a week, but now they're released I can do so. There are some new gifts at Catwa, including this gorgeous HD lips addon for all of her female Bento heads (up to and including Nour). More info here.
  9. The Lelutka group is here. The CSR is Mavi Beck.
  10. There's a big update in the works, together with something that will address part of that. I can't divulge too much yet, but keep an eye out
  11. That's something you'll need to take up with the creator via their CSR(s), I'm afraid. We can help you as much as we can, regarding all the things to check such as shape, brow shape, skin, and Windlight etc. But - short of creating a shape for him, we can't "fix" it. Have him try out the steps at the end of my post, above, just to check those things first.
  12. I've just logged in specifically to test this, since I rarely wear my Andrea head these days. To ensure everything was in order I updated the head to its latest version (v3.3), wore the default shape in the newly-updated folder, and only used the skin, eyes, brow-shaper, and brows (dear god, what caterpillars...) from the Andrea HUD, alongside a clear, bright Windlight setting. This is what it looks like, out of the box: And this is the ad image for Andrea, from Lelutka's Flickr page: The skin on the ad looks to be the same one that's in the head's HUD, because the brows and lips are very similar. I would suggest that a very light lip detail has possibly been added (some kind of gloss with creasing detail) on the ad, though, as the lip creases are a bit more pronounced in that. I then went up to my photo platform, where I could play with Windlight and attempt to recreate the shadowing on the left-hand image on the Lelutka ad. This is what I got. Same skin and settings as before: To my eyes - as someone who works as a CSR for another major mesh head brand - the ad image is not using the same shape as the one in the folder. The eyes have been edited narrower at the outer edges, and the jaw is far more square (note the angle of the line from the cheekbone to the top of the jowl). My suggestion would be for the person you're posing on behalf of - assuming he doesn't like the shape he has now and doesn't want to spend some time tweaking it to his liking - is to demo some other shapes created for this head. Be aware that many male shape creators don't offer demos (they will just tell you that - if you use their shape and the same skin - you will look exactly like thair ad image, which frankly is BS in many cases) but there are a few that do. Before he does that, though, get him to redeliver the head and wear the starting shape in the folder, as well as the included brow shaper (the latter could be the reason why his eyes look so startled and his brows so high). In my job for that other mesh head brand, we often see people coming into the support chat who say they're wearing the starter shape, but at some point (often when they've first tried it out) they've edited and saved it, but they've forgotten they did that.
  13. Can we please see a front-on close-up image of him, in a good Windlight such as CalWL, Nam's Optimal Skin & Prim, or [NB] Alpine Skinlight RGB.
  14. Wear the shape that comes in the head's folder. You can edit it later if you want to, but the included shape with any brand of Bento mesh head (not just Lelutka) sets the ideal starting head slider numbers for it.
  15. Heh, thank you! In other news, man I cannot wait to tease something gorgeous that Catwa has in the works right now
  16. And now we see the violence inherent in the system Speaking of which, I spotted this at the current 'King Arthur' round of Enchantment yesterday, and it gave me a good chuckle:
  17. Pick up some demos of Birth skins in tone 01. Their body appliers have multiple body hair styles and colour options, including black: As a bonus, the body appliers also include separate, tintable body hair only appliers, which can be used on other skins. I know you prefer not to use that option, but I'll mention it here for any guys who may come across this post in future. Tone 01 is my favourite shade that they do. I don't have a recent image showing it with black hair, but this is the 'Dakota' head applier for Catwa and the body applier (using the 'trimmed light' brown body hair option) in tone 01: (Shown on Legacy body, but the Signature applier is just as good, and an excellent fit against Catwa heads.)
  18. Thank you so much for the kind words, Sahra. I'm glad the tutorial proved useful to you. What a lovely start you've made there You're very welcome! It's just the basics, really, but once people have a handle on those they can then move onto all the other bells and whistles like complex lighting, depth of field, and suchlike.
  19. Who shall sing me, into the death-sleep sling me? Credits here.
  20. Raw shot. I haven't had time to put together a credits list (and I've had to contact the creator of the outfit I'm wearing, because a specific rigged piece was missing from the box) but I loved this close-up so much I had to quickly share it before I turned in for the night.
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