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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. If your head isn't the 4.0 updated version then you must ensure that 'lower' is checked when you try to save to the Master HUD. 'Upper' should only be checked when applying from the Master HUD. In the 4.0 updates I noticed that I could save to the Master HUD no matter whether upper or lower was checked, so if you've not updated yet it's worth doing so.
  2. Laughing at the fails in this video by one of my favourite indie gaming YouTubers:
  3. Catwa did not charge for her "Bento update". There was no such thing as a "Bento update". The Bento heads were entirely new, different products, and those new releases were priced accordingly. Every day in the support group we get people asking when their old, non-Bento head will be "updated to be Bento" and we tell them that - for many reasons - that is simply not possible. The head(s) would have to be made again from scratch, and that's what the Bento heads are: completely different, new products. We've had people demanding to be given a "free new Bento head" because they were "cheated" out of "the Bento update" to their old head. We even have people complaining about getting the free updates, because - even though Catwa has released free HUDs that allow you to save and re-apply your entire look with just two clicks, making it easy to swap from old to new - they don't want to change, they don't want bugfixes, and they don't want new stuff. Catwa is damned if she does, and damned if she doesn't. All of Catwa's many updates to her heads have always been free. Catya - the very first Bento head she released - has now received multiple updates, as follows: release reset gestures added, all default lips replaced additional talk animations for custom shapes all 9 current expressions changed to work with custom shapes hard reset HUD added bugfixes, additional talk animations, new animated default lips, 15 full face expressions added static default lips re-added (after requests for them), default reset gesture added two heads now included in pack, for static and animated default lips amended rigging for smoother shape sliders and better closed eyelids, eye animations updated, bugfixes bugfixes under-chin rig improved, added another neck size head rigging enhanced for ears, cut neck option added, 'hole' when ears hidden closed (after requests for it; and yes, people still complain that they want the hole put back while others complain that no, they want no hole at all and they then want TWO heads in each folder: one with the ear hole and one without!), non-Bento ears added (for descripting head's ears so 3rd party animated ears can be worn), additional animation, API button added for 3rd party scripters to call animations in furniture etc), bugfixes Mocap update - 10 heads updated: 16 motion capture (mocap) full face animations added, eye poser added, ability to delete animations & add others now included, blink animations changed to mocap versions, new static eyelid poses, new tongue piercing, new eye texture HUD, teeth braces & gems added, new mocap talk animations, preset look on Master HUD now also saves eye appliers as well as all other appliers and tints and locations and whether they're on the upper or lower layer of the head 20 heads updated (took 8 days in total) - ability to stop all eye animations added, bugfixes for high priority furniture animations stopping blinking, added three new gestures, skins tab now has icons showing which have brows and which don't, additional appliers on master HUD And the latest update, for 27 female heads (took 7 days in total) - Master HUD UI changed and improved, all new set of hairbase textures & colours, environment slider added, new skins, materials save slots added with presets for smooth & wrinkled skins, full face AO duration increased from 30 seconds to 60, new default lashes sets, support added for the new free HD lips add-on gift, new eye HUD with resize and positioning options for eye textures, updates to the dev kit (which is included free with every head) Every single one of those updates was completely free, as are all of her other updates. You can see a full list here. All of the non-Bento heads have also received multiple free updates (changelog here). I apologise if this post seem like it's picking on you, Haselden, but a lot of people have a lot of misconceptions about this. I see, every day, the amount of work that goes into these heads. I help to test them and check that everything is working, I see the bugfixes as they go in, I see the stress of trying to update almost 30 (currently) complex Bento mesh heads and their associated scripting within a week (and the complaints from guys in the support group of "why haven't the male heads been updated yet?" when Catwa deserves a well-earned break after slogging her guts out to update all the female heads under constant pressure and questions from people). They're already repeatedly asking when the heads will be updated to support Bakes on Mesh (the current update round has literally only just finished, on August 26th), so she has released a free, Catwa-specific BoM relay HUD that will enable Bakes on Mesh on all of her heads, while the next set of updates goes into the works. So many people don't see the amount of work that goes into these things, but believe me: it's a lot of work, and I'm more than happy to support her and try to make her life a little easier by - together with my four fellow CSRs - taking some of the pressure off her in the support group.
  4. More of this stunning 'impressionist' makeup from Alaskametro at Uber, plus one of Ritual's two new group gift skins:
  5. Here's another one. There are also anti-rez scripts in each demo. This is just obnoxious, and - even though I was really interested in those glasses - I won't buy them after this experience with the demos:
  6. I'm not an animator, but this does seem like odd and unexpected behaviour that should be investigated further. Try the following in turn: Play the animation, then exit it. Others (I'll refer to them as 'friends' here) see you still in the animation. First: You teleport out and back in again. Do your friends see you still stuck in the animation when you return? Play the animation again, then exit it. Your friends see you still in the animation. Next: Your friends teleport out and back in again. Do they still see you in the animation? Take your friends to a different region and repeat the above steps. Then try a region such as Pooley and see what happens there. Check the server type in the Help > About section of your viewer and move to a different server (e.g. If you're seeing the issue on a Le Tigre server, try moving to a Blue Steel server, or the main Second Life server). Since you've created the animation, give it to one of your friends and repeat the above steps with them playing the animation and exiting it, and you being the 'others' in the situation. What do you see? Try creating another animation in QAvimator. Does the same issue happen with that one? Ask different people to help you test this, as - depending on who your 'others' are - it may just be a problem on their end. (Case in point: in the support group I work in, we've had people tell us that 'others see me looking weird' when that 'others' is a single person who had a corrupted settings file due to a hard crash to desktop!) There are lots of variables that could affect who sees what, from the viewer (and viewer versions) each of you is using, to your/their settings, etc. ETA: There is, of course, also the old SL issue of animations not playing correctly for others (usually this means not playing at all) as evidenced by these posts still on the first page of this sub-forum:
  7. Lindal answered your question earlier when you posted it in the Answers > Avatar section of the forum:
  8. I will never understand this kind of protective overkill. There are anti-rez scripts in everything, too:
  9. Reset Skeleton should work for everyone around you, too. I've never seen it not work for others around you, so the only thing I can think of is that maybe their cache of your avatar in their viewer is messed up. To double-check, try the following: as above, but click Reset > Skeleton & Animations in the viewer menu, go to Avatar/Me > Avatar Health > Stop Avatar Animations and Revoke Permissions relog To clarify the 'deformed' statement there: is it definitely a stuck animation that's the problem, or an issue with the shape?
  10. Bit of a fun image today, but for a serious reason. There's been a nasty new scam lately, so I decided to write up a blog post warning of the 10 most common scam tactics in SL.
  11. That would make me absolutely livid, and it's why I only ever AFK on items that have a single person sit. Not even a cuddle animation, let alone an adult one. I don't even want to think how my partner of 12 years would feel if he happened to log on while I was AFK and some idiot had decided to do that.
  12. You're welcome I hope you find something that works for you!
  13. You just need appliers in the same skintone from the same designer. Catwa applier for the head, and Omega applier for the body (which will work on Maitreya and V-Tech, as long as you have Omega capability installed into both). If you don't have the Omega relays for Maitreya and V-Tech, you can pick them up from the Omega store on Marketplace. Add the Maitreya one and click to install Omega into the body, then wear the V-Tech one any time you need to use an Omega applier (since that one's a relay, not an installer), then find a creator who makes V-tech compatible skins. Quite a few designers out there do them. Off the top of my head I can think of: Pink Fuel, Lumae, Ritual, Go&See, and Sun & Stars.
  14. What problems are you having with it? The main problem I have is finding V-Tech clothing that isn't completely 'pastel-pretty femboi'. It does exist, but you have to dig around for it! I'll try to help with any questions you have about it, and there are several other guys here on the forum who use V-Tech and can also offer advice. No need to re-save your outfits if you're using the Firestorm viewer. The 'replace links' function would have replaced just the links to the body in a matter of seconds.
  15. The arched feet in those ad images are just a result of the poses being used. Believe me, if there were a way to have a male high foot, I would be all over it. I asked Siddean of Slink a long time ago if she would consider it, and she said she'd add it to her list, but it's never materialised. The market for it is - as Nalates mentions - a lot bigger than many people think. There are a lot of guys in SL who wear heels. I do have a few bits of advice in this post on my blog for heels that male avatars can wear. As Aylin mentioned, there are also Riot's amazing Trixi heeled socks, and Riot (alongside Cubura) have heeled boots that contain male fits. I've just consoled myself by - whenever the urge to wear heels strikes - using the Maitreya Lara body with the V-Tech flat chest add-on. You can also use some unrigged female footwear and resize it to fit a male avi (what many of us have been doing since the days of sculpties, but you're limited to boots in that case.
  16. Are you? Truly? Then learn how to conduct one on a forum by quoting people correctly. Your words should go outside the quote, not inside it. By responding within the quote you are putting your words into their mouths. (Bracketing your responses like this doesn't cut it, either.) In addition: when people who are not part of your 'debate' see you resorting to ad-hominem attacks such as - and patronising sarcasm such as - then those 'outside-the-debate' people see that you are already on the back foot in said 'debate' and that you most likely are only a few steps away from Godwin. (Regarding the 'child' thing, I'll leave Selene to tell you how old she is, because she'll probably enjoy doing that. It did give me a good chuckle, though.)
  17. Me? Oh, y'know. Syd's been on the acid again A rare three-image post from me, since these are bonkers and I love 'em.
  18. I haven't tried it on the demos, but I don't see why not. The demos are identical to the full priced heads, except for the small strips of 'missing pixels'. The BoM relay is a free gift at Catwa, so it won't cost anything to try it.
  19. Enduring the LL viewer in order to create some short videos for the new Catwa Bakes on Mesh relay.
  20. I'm happy to be corrected, since I've not been involved in all this until now. I'll append your comments to the end of the post. Actually, no. I've put them in the relevant locations in the post, with attribution and a link to your post. And I've struck through my incorrect words (as I did here). I believe in leaving edits visibly corrected.
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