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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. Moved by unheard music... Zibska for Cyber/Punk Fair. Full credits here.
  2. /me looks at his Transaction History. Wow... I got everyone's stipend! BRB SHOPPING!
  3. I'm lucky because I work for a mesh head creator and got 'my own' head, as it were. So - even though it's not a replica of my old system head - it bears enough similar features (generous lips, high and prominent cheekbones, slightly shallow jaw) that it felt like me when I wore it. Two system examples on the left, and mesh on the right:
  4. Thank you for the lovely feedback. I've passed that on to them both Thank you!
  5. Raw shot: Processed version: This features the original 'Heavy Fire' preset, which contains: glow, HDR, bleach bypass, and a subtle vignette. On/off video here, for comparison.
  6. In walked luck and you looked in time / Never look back, walk tall, act fine... ADORED for Happy Weekend Sale. Full credits here.
  7. Your gentle sarcasm is duly noted. I actually meant it.
  8. Well, in the light of all the above I shall no longer post any shirtless images on the forum.
  9. I'm so sorry, Selene. It's like a kick in the gut to have that happen I usually wallow for about a day after bad news of that magnitude, then the next day I spring into action with my usual first step being recalibrating my finances and figuring how I'm going to manage cashflow until I find another job. But then I realised the number of unemployed people was only going to rise here in the UK, so the sooner I dragged my mojo up by its bootstraps the better. Hence doing something that very night.
  10. And the voices may holler for all they're worth / The rabbits have fled their burrows, gone to earth... The Saturday Night Snap is a Friday Night Snap this week. I've been offline dealing with some RL stuff.
  11. Thank you, all, for the kind words and comforts. Most of yesterday was a whitewash for me, but last night I got my mojo back. I dusted off my CV/resume and updated it, then I updated everything on the job sites here in the UK that I used last time, set my profile to public again so potential employers could find me, and then ran a quick search for the kind of job I'm seeking. Lo and behold, I found one almost identical to what I've been doing, but in a different sector. I sent the application immediately and subsequently slept like the proverbial log for the first time in almost a week. (We'd all been told on Monday that our jobs were at risk, so sleep had been in scant supply for four days.)
  12. The animations are installed into the brain of your head, so they start up as soon as you add the head. Think of your Animation HUD as being the same as your TV remote. It's just a controller for the animations.
  13. Numb. I've just lost my job due to Coronavirus-related downsizing.
  14. Most mesh heads that were released before BoM came about have now updated. The two Lelutka heads that I own (Andrea and Guy) both updated to include a BoM activation option on their HUDs, so It's highly likely that Greer will have done the same. The update will be free, so there's no harm in getting it.
  15. I agree, but that would mean remodelling the whole chin, neck, and jaw to reshape when the neck fit is changed. It's on my list to ask her about at some point, to see if it's possible to do that with a single head model. Exciting things are afoot, at any rate; that much I can hint at
  16. LOL! Thank you, but it's just my job inworld (to help with Catwa heads, not to be a genius!) so I try to help in the forum wherever I can, too. Those pics are taken from a step by step blog post that I did, showing how to use that unisex head to create a male avatar. While the original system skin that I used is no longer available, all the various tips and tricks - especially the 'fix' tattoo layers for miscellaneous issues caused by using old system skins for BoM - still apply. Link here, if you want to read it.
  17. This is a collection of raw (yes, raw) shots taken in a Windlight that ships with Firestorm (but that I have completely forgotten the bloody name of!) I took these last July, and I had some basic slightly high-key projected lighting going on. The first - solo - image shows the original projected lighting in a raw shot, and the second - composite - shows the same projected lighting using that Windlight preset. If I can find out which preset it was I'll let you know. Update: I think it was Orac - Drawing Underground Comic (and that I moved the sun position slider so the light was more white than red).
  18. Oh god, I have thousands of poses - lol! I honestly can't remember exactly which ones I used for those images, but I think they were old ones from Diesel Works.
  19. Shape sliders don't affect mesh eyelashes. Select these upper and lower options on the Lashes section of the Master HUD. They're the shortest lash options:
  20. @Chic Aeon Zzevir is correct: you have an alpha layer hiding your head, so remove that. You will still need one for your body if you're using appliers, so - if you don't have just a body alpha - unpack the 'CATWA BOM Skin A Makeup Alpha Pack' box inside the Freya folder and inside you'll find a set of alpha layer options to be used in scenarios like this, when you only want to be part-BoM. Missing out that alpha layer 'red' thing was an oversight on my part in writing that post, so thank you for making me realise I need to edit and add that!
  21. You also added something different - your own twist to the look and image - whereas in a couple of his images he even angled the camera the same way and used a similar pose. He wasn't just imitating my look; he was imitating ME. *shudders*
  22. It's not you. That's just one look. My copycat has copied several.
  23. Sod that. I can barely afford to keep Skell in the shopping habits to which he is accustomed, let alone his followers on here!
  24. As a blogger I always credit everything so people know where to find it, but recently I've attracted one follower who copies my look down to the last thing. And I really do mean 'down to the last thing'. Case in point: my face piercings. They're a big linked multi-set with tons of options for hiding and showing specific piercings, and this person has copied my exact configuration. Same with the ear piercings, too. Same skin. Same jacket. Same necklace. Same hair... It's more than a little bit creepy...
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