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Ardy Lay

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Everything posted by Ardy Lay

  1. Any room for these here? https://opensim.stanford.edu/ vs http://opensimulator.org/ I know they are not Linden Lab things. Oh! Linden Lab Says We Say Linden Lab Linden Labs Hehe
  2. Tried that. People would not use it. This experiment was long enough ago the basic viewer is not usable now, or I would suggest you review it.
  3. Do we get worried when it says "You may not be visible to anyone around you."
  4. I see that very often, likely because I am very complex.
  5. I agree with all of this except "Within 15 seconds you could have by the end showcased 100's of outfits and backgrounds ..."; No "blipverts" please. -- 20 Minutes Into the Future
  6. The tumbleweed diversion was amusing. YouTube offered more videos with invasive Russian Thistle roaming the plains to amuse me. Back to the original topic, how do we tag our posts in this forum? I have never tried and now that I see the question, I am curious and don't see how it's done.
  7. Moe's gonna explode when he sees this.
  8. Names of SL Grids that have appeared in the Grid Selector over the years: Agni, Aditi, Aruna, Bharati, Chandra, Damballah, Danu, Durga, Ganga, Mitra, Mohini, Nandi, Parvati, Radha, Ravi, Siva, Shakti, Skanda, Soma, Uma, Vaak, Yami Did I miss any? Some ancient history there.
  9. Whoosh! One showed up and was gone before I could claim it.
  10. Cool hangouts for the SL homeless.... ELABORATE please? And I realize that if the don't feel a need for a home they probably don't consider themselves "homeless" so I need a different term.
  11. Linden Home high-rise condominiums anybody? How the bloody hell would you handle the resource allocations in that? How would you deal with encroachment?
  12. They can have the post- apocalyptic wastelands in some parts of the mainland regions if they want them. Actually, what do they want, really? What do they deem "cool"? Pretty sure LL folks are looking for ideas.
  13. Doorstop? Cat toy too, of it's one of those wobbly springs I advise against. That noise when you are trying to sleep..... argh!
  14. I got to look at the cabins without submitting to be controlled by some entity I don't know. I can see the other houses elsewhere. Going home now.
  15. Heh, .. Oh! I meant of that about 40 million... how many are bots. How many are disused bots? Any guesses? Estimates? Evidence, even? I see unresponsive crowds making a comeback now. Some say they never really left, they just went under water.
  16. I guess I don't "get it". I have been moving with WASD+EC in SL for ever …. It's in all the tutorials, too. What am I missing?
  17. That almost sounds like a keyboard "feature". A long time ago I had a keyboard that would allow programming macros on any key. I noticed that holding a key down continuously resulted in the computer only seeing the key held for a few seconds.
  18. Would be funny if that meant they are refurbishing old regions into new Linden Home regions. Probably not what's happening.
  19. Tried a houseboat. Wow those were packed tightly together.
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