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Ardy Lay

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Everything posted by Ardy Lay

  1. It's not hopeless, just frustrating, and it will get better once whatever gets corrected and services catch up. I did get logged in, after trying patiently and stirring the forum up a bit. "[15:49] Ardy Lay: Wow. Had to use a logic probe to get in here."
  2. When the login queue is so long that your token has expired when you get to the gate you get told your computer clock is wrong. 😉
  3. Haha! Yeah, check your balance later. It's probably -L$10 right now with services "having issues". Keep shaking that Magic 8 Ball. It says different stuff sometimes and eventually you get what you want out of it.
  4. I have no idea why but I saw a Star Wars Battlefront graphic on one attempt then just tried again at about 5 minute intervals and eventually got in. On all my other attempts the login screen had normal looking destinations guide stuff and the like on it. And yes, after pressing the ole login button that goes black for a while then either gives up with an error message or 3 or lets you in.
  5. Well, I just logged in to SL and can assure the rest of you that it is still here. Give the process time to clear the backlog, or whatever is going on.
  6. SOMEBODY CALL IN THE FIRE TROOPERS. Yeah, I doubt this is one of Firestorm's unique features.
  7. Like this forum thread, Second Life will come back from the dead. 😉
  8. You don't get a "dev kit" to be a creator in Second Life. Apparently, anybody can upload. To upload mesh, you have to correctly answer an I.P. Questionnaire. To access that you need to get payment info on file for your Second Life account. Then fill in the questions on the Mesh Upload Status page. Both are performed on the account dashboard on the web site.
  9. Oh, looks like the yellow parcel highlight is occluded by objects in that version. That's what the design language for the feature called for.
  10. I sat and explored the UI and then debug settings while listening to NASA TV.
  11. I agree that the yellow parcel highlight when editing objects is rather obnoxious and that is shows through everything causing confusion and annoyance when inside the house, hanging a picture, for example. You may turn it off by setting RenderParcelSelection = FALSE in the viewer debug settings. I looked through the UI and didn't see the parameter exposed elsewhere.
  12. I would suspect the yellow parcel border highlight during edit is an attempt to reduce accidental encroachment on neighboring parcels and thus decrease related abuse report activity.
  13. If you get lost in there I am not coming looking for you. 😉
  14. Bypassing the "router" might be informative. How to report a bug
  15. Thanks. We have 3 different "fiber to the home" (FTTH) access systems. Some work better than others. I haven't heard of the brand you mention. I would suggest opening a report on SL's JIRA, describe what you see and attach log file of the crashed session and a dump file if one is created. People look at those and can usually tell why the viewer is crashing.
  16. What "gear". I work at an ISP and want to know what to avoid.
  17. You seriously did not just suggest we give more money to LL because they are taking our money. Are you trying to start a riot? 😉
  18. Somebody with unused land start a "flea market"!
  19. Heh, not that old. See some ongoing baits and debates in this forum for examples. You were not wrong, just premature. The site in question does indeed need your Second Life user name and password to perform the login process. I see Oz Linden added SpeedLight to the Third Party Viewer Directory. What I don't understand is why SpeedLight is currently in the Active Full Viewers category when it does not, currently, provide a view into the virtual world of Second Life. Maybe 3D rendering can be optional if it does get added. Some users might not need it and 3D rendering is resource intensive, thus an unnecessary burden on the service for those sessions in which it is not desired.
  20. Might as well be renting a computer to run SL on. It won't be cheap because the hardware isn't cheap. People looking for a cheap alternative to owning and using their own hardware will be disappointed either soon, when it doesn't meet expectations, or later, when the hosts find out it's a money-losing business model to buy expensive hardware, run elaborate software on it, feed it power, keep it cool and connected to the Internet.
  21. And you would lose that bet: Second Life Release (64bit)
  22. Still looks like giving Second Life account credentials to a third-party to me. NOPE.
  23. I suppose firework launchers would be unacceptable too. I'm kidding. I have my own land to be silly on.
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