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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. A color we haven't seen for awhile this week. A thrill for sure. This -- according to Pantone -- is EMERALD GREEN. Now take note of this color and maybe review the all colors graphic (scroll back a few pages if you missed that when it came out) --- because it all fits into next week's BIG meltdown post LOL. This is week 27 and I know we are going into "summer mode" (maybe even if you are down below and it is really winter) -- so if you find yourself less enthusiastic than you would like, don't worry. It's all good. Take your shots or watch the colors come and go. Drop in when you can and watch when time and energy are less than bountiful. Here is my styling for the week -- dusted off from the back of my closet.
  2. Well I tried a LOT of things including running some utilities. Nothing helped. I gave up on Firefox long ago as SO MANY things didn't work :D. Sadly. I did send in a "doesn't work" page to Brave. I CAN get there in Chrome but it takes literally fifteen seconds when most (non-cached) pages load instantly for me. Things were VERY bad for me on Flickr and they did eventually get fixed. So hopefully it will. MEANWHILE when I went to the Marketplace in Edge I could see the page. BUT when I tried to log in it told me my information was incorrect (EVEN THOUGH IT LOGGED ME IN) === and, it redirected to my Marketplace account page where you have your email address etc. Now THAT has nothing to do with BRAVE LOL. Hopefully that will get fixed too :D. Or maybe they don't want us to save our logins on the Marketplace for some reason. Hard to say.
  3. Lucky girl on the Pitaya gacha at K9. I won the rare chair the second pull. Got a couple other things after that. Bought the screen off the Marketplace. Not sure where this is going but so far it looks good. The chair is 64K triangles so not bad.
  4. I have a link in my browser to the Marketplace. I "now" get this error (for a couple of days anyway) SO I went to the main Secondlife.com page directly from Google. From the main entry page which I could get to -- wooooot -- I clicked on the Marketplace link at the top of the page. I STILL GET THIS SAME PAGE. I do not WANT to clear my cookies. I like my cookies very much (peanut butter in real life). This is not good. I can get to the marketplace in Edge I suspect, but this is not helping merchants. Perhaps testing should be on the agenda. skipping off to Edge to see if I can get there to BUY SOMETHING SPECIFIC.
  5. It's Tuesday and time for some early in the week sales. From Roawenwood a three piece decor set on 25 Tuesday. No visual demo. These break up at their very small default size but are good at 2 li a piece enlargement. Definitely different. And this is a two piece set -- also with no visual demo from Chez Moi. 50 lindens on Hello Tuesday. Average tri count for food décor.
  6. In case some of you were wondering. I got into K9 this evening and this set (all linked in the example as usual) is over a million triangles. I also won a great RARE item and will post that soon.
  7. Cosmo gifts and Minimal's new group gift backdrop :D. I LIKE neutral!
  8. Just wanted to note that is not necessarily true. CAN be instead of WILL be would be more appropriate. I'll let others explain, but didn't want that to go without comment. And there are oh so many things that you can build in mesh that you cannot build in prims. I "LIKE" prims; they are just not always the answer -- or even "often" these days. One trick I will mention (and hardly ever use because I am a minimalist gal) is that you can separate the inside from the outside IF you build is complex AND you want all those details to be made into the mesh (think interior arches and such or some other detailing that is part of the main structure). You can upload the INSIDE with very different LODs since people will not be seeing those parts from a long distance. Upload the outside separately and make sure your LODs are good for "at least" the folks at LOD2. TEST TEST TEST and the beta grid is your friend if you can get there (not sure how that is working since our new owners but some things have changed I hear).
  9. Now this is most likely very heavy in textures and triangles but there certainly could be SOME reasonable pieces in the mix. This is only part of a VERY big set at K9. But keep it in mind if you have been looking for something like this.
  10. At Raindale - 50 lindens - texture change - excellent LODs - 3 li at "average" size http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hazel Woods/156/123/26
  11. AND -- ALSO AT Muniick --- on two different events Chairs and footstool for one weekend sale and the big set of Victorian - shabby accessories are on another.
  12. Actually reading the Terms of Service that you (possibly) just clicked through is always a good idea. You could be in big trouble from the comic's company and creator if not from Linden Lab === or you could be in trouble from Linden Lab. I didn't go past the the GIANT WARNING SIGN and legalize click through on the comic's page but it is certainly possible that come of the content there is also very much against the TOS. I suggest making up your own role play world with its own storyline and characters. Much safer.
  13. Along with that other advice -- check your frames per second and for any feelings of LAG. Look at the map and make sure there aren't any giant clusters of green dots. Look around the sim (a lot of skybox rentals are mainland so I am thinking in "mainland" mode here) and see if there are a lot of breedables roaming around or big clubs (which may only be active certain times of day). On mainland especially things can change very quickly. I doubt there are many furnished skybox rental places that have a whole sim dedicated to THEIR RENTALS. If they do, that would put them higher on "my" list. Also better if the notecard that comes from clicking the "info" tab (usually available by clicking the rental box) says that you will get an invitation to the rez group immediately on payment (so no waiting -- although that promise doesn't always work). And of course look around a lot and compare prices with what you get; the differences vary greatly. Personally I don't rent from single owner folks, but from companies. The folks that are just renting out their free tier lot or a bit of extra land tend to disappear on you. That is easy to see if you look at rental ads and find a lot that are now abandoned land. You most likely don't want to have to move again right away.
  14. Out for FLF this cute little planter from Austrailia. Beware however that it has a HUGE bounding box clear cube around the planter. Not a "best mesh practices" thing :D. I turned the item phantom to deal with it. You decide if that would work for you.
  15. That is a really odd inventory issue that I haven't heard of before (and I know a LOT about missing inventory). Any chance that the item may have been removed because of a DMCA? They USED to replace these items with a default plywood cube but who knows what the method is now. You might try contacting the creator and see if this has been happening with others (of course they would need to report it to the creator which a lot of folks would not). Wish you luck. You did all the things you were "supposed" to do. And if they were never rezzed, you didn't lose them THAT way. A mystery for sure.
  16. D-Lab has moved and has new gifts out for this next month once a week -- for you collectors. ALSO all (well many) of the old group gifts are on the wall. Too tiny to see the pictures but many great things. I had most from over the years but not all. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/D LAB/27/115/3001
  17. Welcome Rayne -- we just have fun here. If it is in the blue family (or even not) it's all good. :D. I see you had lots of fun with accessories! Great.
  18. One of these days I am going to forget to post and you will have to poke me LOL. BUT I remembered tonight. And for those of you that are counting -- this is the half-way point!!! LOL. Whew. Our color for this week is INDIGO which Pantone suggests is lighter than what "I" would have imagined. I went with Pantone like a good girl. I think of "indigo" as fresh 501 jeans color not this slightly muted lighter version. You know the drill by now. Do you thing - have fun and don't get frustrated. I actually found something lurking in my inventory that was the correct color this time. Here is your swatch: And here is my photo for the week:
  19. While I don't USE an all in one avatar there are a few brands that make them. altamura is probably the best known and Exmachina (not sure I spelled that right) makes a male all in one. Ruth 2 and Roth are free and all in one. altamura's has some free for group with a group fee. I actually LIKE the all in one bodies. For one thing you don't have to worrry about the neck seam and we still hear lots of folks having issues with that. I have tested two avatars with the same all in one body and head (I am thinking of males in this case but I think I did the same with gal bodies) and I with different skins and shapes we looked VERY DIFFERENT. There ARE some heads that really don't let you change all that much. I am guessing that is a shape key thing but I don't really know how head meshes relate to shapes in SL. Others heads let you make big changes and are quite adaptable. So if someone made a great body with various heads and put them in packs or sell them at a reasonable price --- and IF they could get a portion of the market share so that creators were making clothes for them (really hard these days but Kupra seems to have made headway there) then I think they could be a winner with a certain populous of the grid. You have to remember that most of the folks on these forums are REALLY old or REALLY young (and asking questions) so we really don't give a good representation of what the "average" SL user is after. And I think that a good portion of those folks are after EASY which these days is difficult to come by in the mesh body and head arena :D. Just my two cents worth.
  20. You have to click on the TINY TAG! Not the item. It really doesn't look much like a "group gift" wall -- admittedly. All the other things there appear to be group gifts also. I got the cute little boy-girl lamps and the key case.
  21. Group gift Insurrektion. Free group. EDIT: click on the SMALL tag next to the item to pay 1 and get it returned. These are very small in default but resize larger at same LI (for awhile anyway)
  22. I still use Dove's poses! I remember when she left she thanked us all for putting her kids though college. Not a bad exit. I also use aDORKable's poses often. The poses were on the Marketplace still for a long while but now the page is empty. Also Fallingwater Cedardoor's shoe store! Not sure I got the last name correct. She was one of the "founders" but not listed any longer in search even if I just check for "fallingwater" :D. TO BED!!!!!
  23. So you know -- since you appear to be new -- making rigged clothing for various mesh bodies using MD and Blender (with Avastar) is one of the most difficult things to do creation wise in Second Life. So BEFORE you get a tutor if you can find one -- you need to learn all about Blender and MD. And THEN work on how to get the MD designed clothing into Blender and then into SL. There are plenty of general Blender tutorials (look for ones that match the current version of Blender you are using to keep the confusion down). And MD by itself is pretty fun and there are tutorials for it too. When you have all those things worked out, THEN maybe look for someone to help with the final steps. It is a very long road but if you enjoy it then it is fun and not work. Good luck.
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