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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Too many variables and a good chance even YOU won't be able to figure it out (been there). The FS team might well be fixing the problem if it is widespread but it won't be an instant fix as that isn't how things work. So the best you can do is go back to the version that WAS working for you and then try the next release and see if your problem goes away. OR use the Linden viewer for awhile and see if it truly IS FS and not another problem.
  2. No, but you get better at camera controls over times so it no longer is such a pain :D. Camming is a skill well worth taking time to learn for oh so many reasons. You CAN (if you are taking a picture) adjust in post processing in your graphics program if needed.
  3. I am SO not a scripts person and I am sure someone will come along with the answer soon -- but as I looked at this I think you need else if instead of else because the original script only had TWO choices and you are making it three. Just putting this in there in case I am correct which means that I learned SOMETHING in a decade (granted not much).
  4. It sounds like she is looking for a LANDSCAPER -- (hence portfolio mentioned). I suspect looking for "Fantasy Landscaper" might get some hits in search or at least attract the correct potential worker.
  5. Yes and then those consumers wonder why they can't move in their house :D. The folks over on the "Furnishings" thread are getting smarter -- at least quite a few of them. Unfortunately most people don't understand the consequences. Even sadder are the creators (some of my favorites) who have moved over into the heavy mesh and texture group -- presumably because they sell more that way. If the people BUYING "Render" mesh would just retopo before uploading and use fewer textures it would be great. Happily -- now and then WITHIN "the brands" you can find some lower poly items :D. So I still "shop" -- it just often turns into and "oh damn" moment when I inspect the object. I am wondering how those brands are going to handle the EEP changes (there I did a segue back to the OP). Hopefully -- in the next few months -- the devs will work out the rest of the major issues still inherent in EEP. I was applaud when I heard that they expected the creators to redo all (or many) of their products as needed. So much for backwards compatibility. I WILL say that I am happy with the improvements to the LOOK of EEP -- at my place anyway. I can definitely live with that. I am still planning on installing the OS Firestorm when the FS BOM version gets retired. I can use the Linden viewer if I make another building. And I can work some in OS again (where I still get paid LOL). In SANSAR the complete scene was baked and there were no lighting changes aavailable so THERE normal and specular maps worked really well with no odd looks depending on how the light was hitting (this for Windlight too of course - not just EEP). But we don't have that here.
  6. It's a NEW week(which I almost forgot LOL) and we return to the neutrals with the very first color in the challenge from a decade ago. You most likely have some ideas from the week of silver (know that wasn't easy for some of you -- sorry). This week's hue is quite a bit darker. Easy for me since is often my personal "black" (who knows why). GRAY I forgot what I chose in the end so heading back to find the photo.
  7. Try one of the default avatar eyebrows and then mod to your liking. OR go get the eBody FREE body and use that hairbase. For sure it works
  8. I typically use one 1024 texture for most furniture and bake a 2048 at 400. For houses I do the same bake style but one texture for the interior of a small house for example, one or two for the exterior etc. I have to admit that now that I am "retired" I am not AS thrifty with my textures (still with my triangles :D) since "I" like PRET-TY too - LOL. But still there is a big difference between reasonable and the over the top use of both main textures and material textures by some of our most popular H and G creators (clothing too but I don't know near as much about that). So for example I made myself a little casita this last month. Only one normal map -- the tile floor. 40 land impact with LONG LODs. When you consider that the numbers equate (or are much lower) than many SMALL pieces of decore (I have seen some with half a million triangles and hundreds of thousands of TMem) I am calling this good. LOL. Also if I wanted more shine there is always the teeny tiny blank texture that works for adjustable all over shine. In most cases that does well enough for MY needs. I plan to spend the summer there We all work differently and there are of course different markets. Some items made by very popular creators I just bypass. Way too many triangles (mostly unnecessary) and way too may textures. I try to gives thumbs up to the folks that are doing a great job too -- like the couch at ACCESS I just mentioned on the "Furnishings" thread :D. BUT if folks keep buying this oh so heavy mesh, creators will keep making it-- when they could be making the same mesh MUCH leaner with just a bit more effort. Time will tell how it works out.
  9. For those of you looking for a low land impact sofa, this new set by Kuni (also makes hair) is impressive. The triangle count for the couch is under 5K. I am over at the cam sim so can't get all the info to tell you --- but if this looks like something that would work for you, get over when you can. NO MOD but texture change hud. I am puzzled why the glass of champagne is listed at 4 li when it is very low poly. Might be a typo? Who knows. This is at ACCESS and the whole set is $299.
  10. I am commenting in general about something I saw on the "clip" version of a comment as it rolled by but I can't find it here on this thread any longer so perhaps it was changed (and quickly at that :D). I know we will never solve the Materials - no materials argument; it has been going on for a decade and we each have our point of view. BUT I haven't seen any mention here (and maybe I missed it) that oftentimes designers add 1024 normal and specular maps) to their objects. Sometimes SEVERAL and sometimes on SMALL objects. Each normal map -- each specular map is more texture that needs to be downloaded as well as another server call. All this use (I was going to say misuse but that is a personal perspective again) of so many large textures, texturing parts of garments that will never be seen, adding large normal and specular maps etc is one of the main reasons we are having that lag issue. My lag days are over for awhile with my brand new and very powerful computer. But I haven't forgotten about all the folks that are having new and increased lag issues. Some of that appears to be inherent in EEP (or at least the FS EEP as that is the complaint I hear most often, possibly because most folks are ON FS :D). Other is definitely CREATOR GENERATED and USER GENERATED (we all have choices to make here) content. So not all creators that have chosen NOT to use materials were trying to save time. I have a very useful third party map generator that I PAID FOR (LOL) that makes lovely normal and specular maps with fine detailing in a few clicks. I used it in Sansar on almost everything. Sansar is not SL however. I am also quite happy with EEP and my sim lighting these days. It has improved greatly and I have no plans to change it. Things under EEP definitely look different with ALM on and off however. I did some more tests just now and this is the same hookah using the current LL viewer. This is with ALM on under Linden EEP. And with ALM OFF under EEP on the Linden viewer. I can't say that I can get too excited about the look with ALM off. But honestly I have always use ALM except when my computer was on its last breaths. Would be nice if The Lab could get things looking closer to each other. Still I am very happy with how it looks under EEP with ALM :D.
  11. I don't USE normal or specular maps for my items (well 95 percent at least, but "bake" all the ambient shadows and shine IN the main texture. There was a reason I chose that method. I don't like CAST shadows on items either but in general my items have "ambient" shadows. So you just may not be my audience and that is fine. I am definitely in the minority since I also make very low poly items with (OMG) actual physics models that work for the houses LOL (smiling). Here is an example if I wasn't clear with MY terms. Darn, hit reply without pictures. My GOAL is to have things look pretty much the same for the VERY wide variety of viewer settings people use. Not a new "ethic" as I did the same when I was in multimedia web design. I think the folks down at the bottom deserve to see things "prettily" as well as the folks that can afford the big bucks computers. So hopefully we are straight on terms and method now :D.
  12. Have no clue as this is a no mod item and not mine :D. But I am sure Thor wouldn't be to happy and no way to "fix" really as no sales trail. It did seem "better" to me than the last time I checked. Artistically (RL art teacher) shadows ARE suppose to have the underlying color of the object when painting (well from some artist's point of view anyway) but the land tones are quite different and that is a bit bothersome. So eventually ---- maybe it will work out. Not sure about the baking issues. I haven't ever had any problems -- except that of course the SL textures don't look as good as the RENDER you see in the viewport. But the advantage of baking over materials is that most people see the item in a very similar way -- where as relying on normal and specular maps can be tricky as some folks don't see those at all. I have no plans on redoing any items for EEP but so far as I can tell I haven't found any that needed it --- so that's good. Will see as we move into 1022!
  13. Here is a comparison of the last Firestorm Windlight viewer and the current Linden viewer. Aside from resizing to make smaller there was no editing. The objects on land appear very close to the same look. The major difference is the diffusion where the sky meets the water. The tail light looks bad in the Linden viewer though. The texture appears almost completely flat rather than bumpy glass. Sort of spoils the object. So still some work to be done it seems. EDIT: Same exact graphics settings except for things I could not change in the Linden viewer. I see also that the ground is a different hue and the shadows are taking up some of the ground color underneath. Likely there are other differences people will notice too. Some textures are also continuously loading over and over and took forever to load. This on my brand new super fast 3070 computer. Places with red "X"s are reloading. There is a huge plant that isn't loading (you can see a similar one in the main shot above). I was going to play around with the current EEP some more but think I will pass on this for now.
  14. From the FS download page. Might be worth a try for some folks.
  15. I ALWAYS loved Windlight (note forum tag :D). And I didn't say anything about TWO viewers == although thinking about it I suspect that the OS viewer doesn't have EEP as there is no way Opensim is using that (maybe I am wrong there --- not willing to try putting both viewers on as last time it was very bad :D). The CHOICE long ago when the viewer style changed ---- was at LOGIN, not a separate viewer. I have no idea how Cool is handling that, but I do know I will be sticking with FS as it has too many things I use that the other viewers do not :D. We'll see what happens when it happens. There were always some good ideas in EEP -- it just hasn't lived up to the original hype. So far anyway.
  16. The only way you can get textures to be more clear (and honestly I can't see a huge difference in your screenshots, just a little bit lessening of contrast) is to use MORE textures. Sadly, many top clothing creators (and even H and G makers) use a ton of textures (like FOUR 2048 textures which become 1024s on upload on a pair of jeans for example ). So if you are comparing your finished garment to one of their finished garments, theirs will look sharper and more clear). The downside of that of course is that it is VERY bad practice and why so many people are having ever increasing lag issues. Textures will never look as good in SL as they do coming from your own computer (local textures) because there is always compression.
  17. I haven't been keeping up with this thread but I have read through a lot and wanted to add a couple of things if they haven't been said in the 168 comments (some which seem very silly but anyway). Linden Lab released the code that made copybot viewers possible. This long, long ago like maybe a dozen years. Any viewer on the approved 3rd party viewer list is SUPPOSED to by copybot free; known copybot viewers have been banned and removed from this list in the past. Firestorm USES LL code and attempts to keep "parity" with the Linden viewer while adding TONS more options for people. Linden Lab sometimes includes 3rd party code back into the Linden viewer. AMD graphics cards have ALWAYS (at least a dozen years anyway) had problems with SL -- the main reason so many of us now use Nvidia. This is NOT NEW NEWS. Ebbe (maybe three years ago) clearly stated that The Lab KNEW some creators were going to need to redo some of their builds because of the change in lighting. Whether the creators CHOOSE to do that or not is up to them. BUT, and this is the important part. Since materials were introduced (before mesh was so 11 years maybe? ) people have NOT seen items in the same way. When materials are added to the texture workflow the look of the item can change dramatically depending on the Windlight(R) setting. This is why some creators include materials versions and non-materials versions in their no mod products (often hair). And of course the graphics level settings in the viewer (any veiwer) make a big change. Again, NOT A NEW problem, just a version of an old one. So none of these issues people are arguing about are new and they are apparently not going away. I am HOPING that FS decides and implements a CHOICE between EEP and Windlight. Parity has already gone out that open window. This has really been the most talked about change since the viewer went from 1.23 mode to V2. Back then, FS DID give people a choice of which way they wanted the viewer to look. So my fingers are crossed and hopeful. And if that doesn't happen we'll all just have to live with EEP or leave -- or change to a viewer that IS giving a choice but may be missing a lot of features we don't want to live without . Choices, choices.
  18. I only have ONE "mid length" skirt in that folder. I guessed that BAIASTICE would be the winner for that. I think there are a lot more mid length DRESSES than skirts. One reason that these are difficult to find is that the longer you make the skirt, the more difficult it is to rig. So the "easy" way out is to make VERY SHORT skirts (I have many "dresses" in my "tops" folders). Also you might check SUITS which would typically have a skirt and a jacket and sometimes a top. This is Baiastice_Belted Leather Skirt -- both colors and prints and a fatpack.
  19. Moonlight getting here summer look together.
  20. Overlooking the received folder issues which wasn't my problem of late and doesn't sound like yours either --- there definitely is something going on (more than normal) :D. It may be the "cloud" or it may be something else. A few years ago (two or three?) there was a huge rash of reported problems and eventually The Lab agreed that there were issues. People were loosing tons of items. Most of them were never returned. This isn't exactly the same issue since -- as you say -- sometimes logging into another viewer OR in the case of the current "missing outfits" problem someone is having, logging in with the same viewer but from a different computer -- gets the items to appear again. Along with this though I have found a larger than normal amount of items that I know I had and no longer do. This comes with the territory and has been happening for well over a dozen years. So yes, you are likely really losing things but no, there isn't really much to be done. If you have expensive items that cannot be redelivered upon loss, the the safest thing is to keep them rezzed. That isn't 100 percent safe but the best we have. I make multiple copies of many items, some in "backup" folders, some in dated sub folders etc. I still lose things which has me thinking that the items in question are lost somehow in the database. Since I have a fairly good memory and I always back up my files when taking down a build or a styling I can frequently get the items back from within a coalesced object. But often they are just gone. Over a decade ago my whole "Home and Garden" folder disappeared, a fellow blogger lost 10,000 poses (long before redelivery and what she was doing with 10,000 poses I have NO idea ) and a good friend lost her whole store inventory -- anything that wasn't rezzed at the moment and could be copied back into inventory was gone including all the textures used to MAKE the items. So it is best I think to be philosophical about it all and realize than in many cases you can replace the items lost with something even better -- if not at the moment then "soon" . Long ago people used to say that LL never lost any items. After so many reports, that is no longer the case. The database fairies anger easily it seems.
  21. I really wasn't doing much fancy here but I had a hard time getting the shot. Many windows still open when they didn't need to be :D.
  22. Friday - quitting time. Just wanted to end the day on a more positive note (avoiding more serious threads is a good plan sometimes). Computer running superbly. It was a casual building day and I am very happy with the end results. Terrain on the sim is changing again. Who knows how many versions in the future it will be when the map (hopefully) returns :D. Looking forward to shopping tomorrow and some more work down on the ground.
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