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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. The "not so good news" (again unless things have changed and I missed the notice or we weren't told) agreeing to the Linden Lab TOS with ONE account is (was) considered as an agreement by ALL avatars with the same typist. This was told to us in the August of 2013 TOS fiasco that upturned the grid mightily and had a lot of creators leaving. So "in theory" since Tilia is owned by LL, when one avatar OKs the TOS, all avatars do. If that is NOT correct, it would be great for someone to hop in here and say so LOL, but I doubt that will happen. EDIT: and yes, I do see the dichotomy here and the inconsistency with the "we know who your alts are but" thing going on.
  2. Just to clarify it IS possible to still have a premium account and NOT have agreed to (or physically used Tilia). IF you have left payment info on file and IF you use the same credit card (this has nothing to do with using your stipend to pay in part for the next year's premium or for tier) you do not have to agree to Tilia's TOS or privacy payment. It goes through automatically -- unless of course the rules have changed in the last three months and I missed the notice.
  3. Unless things have changed recently and I missed the memo, you need to have the US balance in each account. LL doesn't link accounts together these days (even if they were linked together about 14 years ago when you had to pay for any "legal" alts). So each account will need to cash out their lindens in order to pay for their Premium subscription. That means each will have to agree to Tilia TOS and privacy agreement if they have not done so before.
  4. If it is a COPY item (painting sometimes aren't so there is that) then most times you can redeliver yourself from the Marketplace. Look up in your purchase history.
  5. Move away from the blue --- Move away from the blue -- Don't worry there are plenty more blues in the list. But we are taking a break for a bit and moving into "reds" territory. Now a lot of the reds seemed very similar to me -- not all but many. Still, after my TEAL meltdown I just let that flow over me and didn't worry about it. Sometimes I got close, sometimes not so much. Lighting and even background webpage color makes a big difference in both photos and swatches. With that said, our color of the week is CERISE. This is a red moving just a bit towards blue -- so a "cool red. Or of course whatever you feel is "cerise" to you LOL. Have fun. This is week 34 for those that are counting!!!
  6. Note like other years with inworld sales when everything was on sale, this is mostly small decor items and older things. There are also MANY copies of the same items (likely just a major error = I can't imagine changing all those files and turning off things LOL). So don't go expecting to find that (insert great item you saw in an event last year) LOL.
  7. Yes, that was the theory although I NEVER got it to work there even trying all the things folks suggested. I did get an alt in that could get the gifts (same computer, viewer and settings -- oh my). So NO CLUE. You would have thought with all the complaints about it that they would have switched to a different script. Evidently not. Sorry I didn't have the answer. I did manage to get maybe two gifts that delivered -- this even after the hoards abated so lag wasn't part of the problem. But after giving me a couple of gifts the "giver" supposedly the same in all boxes???? wouldn't give out any longer. Really it was WAY too much work!!!! Not event going to think about trying.
  8. Agreed. Too hot. Mine runs around 32 - 40 but pumps out LOTS of hot air into the room (a desktop) so most likely not he chip. If you have any of these on I would turn them off: DOF LOD4 (switch to LOD2) Lower draw distance to 120 ish or less Beyond that if you go to busy venues you can use the "see friends only" option (in Firestorm anyway). BTW in case you don't know -- it may very well have something to do with the sims you visit and the folks there (if it is busy). Way too much heavy mesh and big textures out there on most sims. Personally I feel very uncomfortable with any temperature over 60. I bought the super duper power supply because of that. You CAN lose your power supply over SL heat. I did that a couple of time before I learned my lesson --- so you are wise to be worried. "GAMING" doesn't always mean anything intense like SL. Remember SL content is constantly changing -- unlike most games out there. Good luck.
  9. Depending on the clothing (a steampunk suit for example) you can just use the breast alpha cuts and it will fit fine. I did that with a very nice gift from Contraption once. So demoing some things would be a good start to seeing if it would work with clothing you like.
  10. Suggest you try eBody Free (two versions - one thin and one curvy). If you use "deliver" on the buy menu it is absolutely free or pay one linden. It also has more cloths that fit BUT still very VERY limited for certain styles. It has a hud that works quickly but the free version doesn't have many alpha cuts -- hence the addition to the "finding clothes" problem :D. Obviously if you Maitreya hud works fine and the Legacy classic doesn't -- its a Legacay issue :D. The eBody free is BOM but alpha textures are not supported (or weren't in March anyway).
  11. Assuming that you mean that you want the purses to "call a pose or animation" when they are worn. You first need an animation that will work with your purse. You can make one or buy one. Then you add the animation as well as a script that calls the animation into the contents of the purse. When the purse is added the "hold" animation (usually a very simple pose that keeps the purse held while the AO animations still play) runs. My only other comment on this is that there are purse hold that work WHEN YOU ARE WALKING and those that do not. So if you are buying one to use, be sure and test that or send a note to the creator asking. If you want to make your own animations you should ask more in the ANIMATIONS forum. The mesh forum is mostly about uploading mesh and problems that arise. I am guessing your purse is OK and just needs to be "finished".
  12. Soooo -- you already know that the official color for this week is Periwinkle. If you missed the story just scroll back up the page a bit :D.
  13. While I personally was much happier with the gifts at this summer's Shop and Hop I think your comment reflects the feelings of most of the folks that "I" know -- well all that I have talked to anyway LOL. Like you, I was not going to work that hard with over twice as many sims to visit as in the past. My plan turned out well for me. I visited each region in a clockwise direction. I ONLY picked up items from stores I knew I liked or from places that had vendor photos or lots of good looking items out on sale. My thinking was that if I didn't like the products they were selling, it would be unlikely that I would enjoy their gift. I noticed as I was gathering that my average present pick up per sim was 5. So I had cut out 75 percent or so of the work to start with. That made unpacking, trying on, testing LODs etc. much easier. And I came away with many more "good things" than I usually do. Some shops have disappeared, agreed. And many have downsized their inworld presence. Some very good creators have very small shops now and that also means that in some cases there are no demos out to see (insert sad face). When shopping events were -- I want to say "at their best" about five years ago it was wonderful. Lots of great things to see all in one place. But as this thread demonstrates, the thrill has worn off now. The events (many themed and decorated nicely and fun to visit) moved towards a "simplistic - low lag - get as many stalls in as we can" model and began a long slow downward trend. Most of the folks "I" know (again we all know different people) look quickly through Seraphim and decide if they are even going to go over to the event. Even when it is a GIFT event, you can get in most places fairly easily these days -- even venues that use to take a week to enter for those of us without TP hammers or whatever :D. That was the sentence that got me typing. We all know different people but your statement there seemed VERY absolute and I didn't want folks to accept it as truth when it was only that "in my experience" thing (like we all have). I can think of at least a handful of clothing designers I know that do all their own things and still are in many events. So that ABSOLUTE part of the statement is just false. I have a thing about those kind of statements in general, so not picking on you. We can agree hopefully that there are BOTH "teams" and "single creators" that are in many events each month.
  14. I am not arguing with your IDEA, but it isn't completely correct. When I was doing events I made tons of things. I frequently worked ahead because I was all caught up and wanted to keep working. One time (because someone didn't show up) I made a complete gacha set in half a day (yes, many different items not just different colors of one item) and I did make them from scratch. It depends a lot on how fast you work, what you are making and how much time you have to put into the process. I have a good creator friend (that can be read many ways and all are correct :D) who is in TONS of events -- way more than I was in. I know he makes all his own stuff and his items includes huds that need to be made each time (versions on the same hud but not the same hud if you get my meaning). He also has a day job. Perhaps he doesn't do much else but work. I have frequently been in that category in both RL and VL so I get that. There ARE however MANY creators now who do have a team or do job out mesh making etc. All legal. It can sometimes give the brand an inconsistency (buying from different mesh-makers of different skill levels will do that). Other times the owner of the brand manages to keep the same look and cohesiveness that makes their products recognizable. So good for them. The well-known designers who outsource that "I" know cover H and G, accessories and clothing including shoes. So that is a pretty big swatch. But I also know plenty of designers who are in lots of events and make their own products. So not really a rule as far as I can see. I DO agree that making four houses in a month would be a stretch for me. I am much faster with furniture and decor LOL. The folks that work the hardest IMO are the ones that put out full gacha sets of 20 different items. SO MUCH TIME and many gachas are beautifully done. I did very well in gachas for a long while but I worked VERY hard. I also enjoyed it a lot so that made all the difference.
  15. Teleport to the center of each sim (sometimes you land in the fountain but he it's hot out there for most of us). Pick one of the corner stores. REMEMBER which store it was. Go in one direction (I go to the right). When you get to the end of that sim there is a bigger divider wall (also two stores in each direction from the corner stores) Move your camera (or you if you aren't good at camming) across the promenade to the last store before the wall divider. Keep going in the same direction. When you get back to the first store that you REMEMBERED or WROTE DOWN (LOL) move to the next sim. I got through in five hours and never got lost this way. So maybe try that method next time. I was also keeping track of any gifts that I picked up and what sim they were in. So a bonus there. I didn't buy anything either. There were some nice gifts though and at least SOME of the creators did OK sales-wise (just folks I talked to)>
  16. Wow this thread moved quickly LOL. Taking a break from work and play and RECORD HIGH TEMPERATURES TOMORROW but there will be no photos included here so apparently I will be safe from complaints :D. I pretty much agree with most things being said here and I have been saying them for well over a year, both here and among my creator friends. Hence (aside from the no cashing out so what is the point of earning all the money thing) my "retirement". When, as a blogger, there is nothing in an event you feel worthy of blogging --- that is a sure sign that you don't want to be there as a blogger -- OR a creator. I would have stopped doing events even if I hadn't given up on the selling part of the SL shopping equation. I can sort of speak for "some" creators (yes, anecdotal comments) that sales have been dropping for awhile now -- even before Covid. I can with certainly say that MY sales have dropped from 125,000 ish lindens at my top event maybe four years ago to LOSIING money (there are often fees involved) at my last event. Now that last event was going to be my Last Event even if I made money, but honestly a year or so ago at the same venue I would have made maybe 10,000 profit. Not tons but certainly something. My creator friends are still in events and some are still enthusiastic. This is a GOOD thing I think. Some (most really) keep doing events for brand recognition and to get more people in their groups than for giant profits. There still may be some of the giant profits out there but not for anyone that "I" hang around with :D. Events have noticeably been going down hill for at least a couple of years (more really if you were paying attention back then). You can tell by the smaller numbers of booths being filled OR the same number of booths being filled but by less than competent creators. Eventually the event is down to a handful of people -- well, maybe two handfuls -- and then it closes. My long time top event of several years is now no more. It wasn't mismanagement, it was the trend and the overabundance of venues --- and sales. It is a slippery slope when you are a creator -- especially one trying to make a living or paying for dorm fees for the kids or whatever. How much time do you have to spend on creating versus how many events you feel you (want, need, should be) in. A lot of very good creators are now doing the weekend sales. That is great for shoppers, but it waters down the need for actual purchases even more. While I was watching this all happen for the last few years I kept hoping someone would come up with the next new BIG DEAL thing (like hunts of more than a decade ago, events ( I did my first event when they were new (and free) over a dozen years ago), gachas, themed boxes etc. So far no one has. SOME of the blame for our less than exciting event shopping these days needs (IMO) to be set firmly on the event organizers who make a TON OF MONEY off these events. They hang on by changing from a "top tier" or "second tier" event (I was in the second tier as many of my creator friends are) to one tier down. It's easy to do, just let the not so great folks in (sometimes with items that are NOT ORIGINAL MESH even though it is an original mesh event). Pretty soon the better creators that have been in those events don't want to be connected to those other creators. I have seen that many times and certainly left some events because of that. I don't have an answer. That "next new thing" may never show up and we may just be left with what we have now which is at most times VERY BORING. There are still folks out there making stellar products and I applaud them loudly. But they are the minority these days. Even the "top" events are oftentimes void of anything new, creative and different. I have been depressed over this for a long while. Obviously others have been also.
  17. According to your screen shot you are WEARING two brow tattoos. That is likely the problem. Typically the answer would be to have your basic skin browless (7 Deadly Skins makes these and sure other makers do to). But in this case just try taking off one of the brows and see if that works for you.
  18. I was REALLY off this week. Not only was I (only slightly) behind schedule, I posted the WRONG COLOR for the week. Only noticed when I went to look on the blog and found --- EGGPLANT NEXT week is periwinkle but feel free to switch things around. Again, definitely my bad. Sorry. Eggplant is a very dark purple-brown color. I had a really cute short coat (remember I did these in February or whatever and it is winter SOMEWHERE on the globe). So this one was pretty easy for me. I don't remember too much about finding and photography though. Some days when I was on a roll I did five in a day (yes, really). Amazingly we have moved through a LOT of colors!!!!! So pick your hue this week and follow up next week with the other and I will TRY and be more on top of this. Not sure how eggplant slipped by me. I was way down in the post list oddly but posted on the correct date. Ah the mysteries.
  19. Run, run, run. Pant, pant! I'm here! I'm here. Yep I forgot to post last night but NOW I have the new color of the week. I really LIKED asparagus but we sure don't see much of it around these days. Now watch and it will be a "color of the year" soon (tm). This week is PERIWINKLE which isn't that far away from our recent pale blue. Periwinkle is a bit more towards violet -- so a "cooler" color than our recent popular blue. Honestly, not much different to me LOL. Remember how long it took us to even GET a blue? Well there are LOTS of them coming up in the not too distant future. So I suggest that copying any cute but "not quite periwinkle" clothing into a temporary "BLUE" folder might be in order. LOL. Happy styling!
  20. There WAS a call out to have "friends" (you could actually have your own second brand and some folks did) at this shop and hop. There were three sims that never were filled. While the event appears to be "more inclusive" than before not EVERYONE got in. I believe it still tells you there are no guarantees on the application form. There were times that "I" didn't get in and times that I did. Plenty of reasons. Trying to fill 380 spots was a very big endeavor and one that I personally didn't think was so wise. But it did keep the overflow areas of the past from being needed and there are still plenty of people over there (the Addams sim has been full for-e-ver) so hopefully creators will still do OK. I will be very interested to hear how this round compared to past ones with less regions. So far I haven't heard. Yes, anecdotal comments from a creator friend of over ten years. So believe it or not :D. I do.
  21. OK. Change of subject - LOL. And congrats ahead of time for anyone who gets close to "asparagus" :D. Yes, hard I think. BIG change next week in hue and tone both and a lot of peachy type colors coming up and yes even MORE BLUE (but I didn't have any issues with those so maybe you guys won't either). Meanwhile if you like free stuff be sure and check Shop and Hop for many colorful gifts as well as gift cards where you can pick up your own items (no group required). AND since I am only posting on this thread now (long story - who knows how long that will last but happily I am not having withdrawals) can someone please press any old button so that I make it to 20,000 LOL. It is amazing the things we care about *wink*. Very good day for me, hope it was for you guys also!
  22. Thanks for posting but THIS thread is about CLOTHING and what folks wear to match the color. It is not a landscape thread. Here is the landscape thread:
  23. I think the camo likely has "celadon" or another upcoming green LOL, but I can't say that any of them look like "asparagus". Hence my idea about TINTING. This was really one of the hardest colors for me. Look back at that list of all the colors (or the one Eddy did with the similar hues close together) and see the various greens and then MAKE A NOTE to yourself for the future. Camo is a "print" although it is likely a color also --- going to check. Google considers camo a PATTERN and Pantone doesn't appear to have a color called "camo". We are really learning a lot on this one!!!! I found the pants I used when looking for YELLOW and then marked the folder "save for asparagus" -- so when that color finally came it was there waiting for me. But SO not a part of my typical inventory :D. I have a feeling it might show up more in roleplay garb than in typical wearables.
  24. Well two of you guessed green and Doris was VERY close I think (at least my college boyfriend used to call this color by her designation LOL). It is ASPARAGUS!!! Now asparagus -- according to Pantone anyway -- isn't the color of actual asparagus (one of the few vegetables I don't like because I had to eat so much of it as a child). If you have played with color theory OR finger paints you know that when you take YELLOW and add BLACK you get a kind of green. And that is pretty much our color this week. Here is your swatch and BEST OF LUCK with it. I feel an adventure coming on LOL. PSST we have more greens in the list so we are heading into that repetitive territory again. Chin up. Face that color foe and defeat it!!! Personally I didn't have all that much trouble with the greens that were close to one another. Not sure why. Maybe I could just "see" the differences easier.
  25. You guys have really been shining with white and blue!!!! Lots of thumbs up and happy hearts and the like. Due to some unexpected and unforeseen events of this last week I will ONLY be posting the color swatches of the week''s challenge here on the forums, no stylings. Hopefully Berry will still be posting links via the community blog so you will see that (again hopefully) come through here on the forums. So sorry about that, but the most important thing is what YOU do with the week's color LOL. I will say that this next week is going to be a challenge for most of you. I did have one (ONE) thing in my inventory that complied with the hue in the spotlight, but even it was part of a print. Still it was fun. So in preparation -- in case you are bored since so many of you have been finishing early these last couple of weeks -- I wanted to give you a heads up. It may be time to dig out your tintable items ^^ or peruse the Marketplace for some free full perm (likely older but hey) clothing that you could creatively texture in this color. And now that I scared ya, I will bid you ado and wish you all a great weekend and beginning of the week. Keep those outfits coming ---- or take a break as needed; no point in stressing out over a color swatch. See you Tuesday.
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