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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. They work the same if you ALREADY have (old ) payment info on file. I suspect Rolig does :D. My point was actually to the point that I TRIED to quote (that quote a section that you highlighted frequently doesn't work for me and sometimes I forget to check ) and that was this "and Tilia has never had anything to do with it. " I did agree in my long message with some of what Rolig said and I suspect that for her as well as for me Tilia DOES have nothing to do with our SL lives :D. I had to make a lot of changes to keep that as true. She probably did not! I don't expect any official answer here.
  2. Thanks but that wasn't my question at all :D. Most of us consider "cancel" as a no, but according to many folks here from other countries that write on the forums, a lot of what is "legal" in the US is not legal at all in their countries. I have no idea how correct that is. A LOT of things have changed about how Tilia works with SL since that very long "Tilia Takes Over" thread (one of the longest on the forums I think if we don't go way back to 2013 :D). I understand that most people simply don't care. "I" care. So if someone has recently gone over to Tilia when they haven't agreed before, it would be really good to know what the rules are NOW. They may have changed without any notice. They may be the same. The only thing that "I" tested was making a new avatar. And you did NOT (still) on March 1 of this year need to agree to Tilia to make an account. That is the only rule from the advent of Tilia (Beginning of August 2019? I'd have to look that up) that hasn't been changed and announced. I am just wondering if there have been some notable changes (there have been website changes for sure) that haven't been announced -- or that I missed if they were announced. I DO have a tendency to follow the rules. I also have a tendency to actually KNOW what the rules are. Since the clause "this agreement can be changed at any time without notice" is in almost all agreements these days -- it is pretty tricky to actually KNOW where you stand -- even when you ask :D. If someone has info, we'll see it here I guess. I am moving on to more fun things :D.
  3. OH how I wish that was true. Just wanted to note that Tilia does indeed have something to do with the money part of SL and has been in the background since LL bought the company -- in 2015 I believe. NOW anyone buying or selling lindens or adding a NEW credit card or PayPal account has to agree to the Tilia TOS and Privacy policy. I am not sure how you missed all of that a couple of years ago (with changes continuing). Maybe because YOU have no dealings with Tila. The vast SL majority does. [See note further down on buying linden dollars and credit cards.] The only way you can avoid Tilia is to never buy or sell linden dollars. Cashing out I agree requires more info and proof of who you are. You do NOT (still ) have to agree to Tilia when you make a new account (I made my first alt in seven years in March and that was how it was then. "I" have pretty much completely turned my SL prescience around because of Tilia and so for ME --- it really does matter. Personal choice. No regrets. But Tilia IS very much a part of Second Life. I just went and checked this info and yes, there is still a warning screen up when you SELL about Tilia. BUT there is no longer a notice about needed to agree to Tilia if you BUY. I thought that was a VERY bad plan when it was announced so hopefully that has gone away now. I am not going to try and buy to test and see if the "by completing this transaction you have agreed to the Tilia TOS" etc. is on the next confirmation page with the credit card info but maybe someone who has recently bought lindens and HASN'T agreed to Tilia already can confirm one way or another. And here is a screenshot when you add a new credit card. I don't see any obvious "signing" of the TOS like there was before (again there may be something on the next screen). This was all announced on these forums (Grumpity announced the adding credit card part) so anyone wanting to research can do that. I am happy to see (if it is really true) that there SEEMS to be less signing and agreeing that there was a few months ago. I do remember that the change about folks BUYING was after the new company took over as there was a conversation here on the forums about the reasoning of this with the conclusion (not fact just what a fair amount of folks thought) was that by having everyone who bought linden dollars agreeing to become a Tilia customer (by "signing officially" it would increase the apparent user base for Tilia. Again, not fact, just conjecture. Anyway, if anyone has any other facts on this that would be great. I really like to keep things clear especially for the new folks. IF someone OFFICIAL could make an update somewhere that explains the CURRENT state of "agreement to Tilia TOS and Privacy Policy" that would be much appreciated. I have asked for this before though and quiet was all that was heard. Tired of typing. If there are typos, there are typos. Food is beckoning.
  4. I went over to the inworld store and there isn't a demo for anything (including clothes) to be found. No click the vendor and get the demo either . So lesson learned. The owner may no longer be around much so if you don't get a reply you'll know why. MEANWHILE they appear to be mod and NOT rigged (another hint as the store sign says that they are for classic avatars)> You best bet would be to move the boots DOWN your leg so that your pants fit. Then make that part of your body (feet for sure) invisible either with your alpha hud for your body or with an alpha layer to make the feet disappear. The other option would be to wear different or texture pants but I am guessing that isn't high on your list. Good luck.
  5. As long as the event isn't full (and perhaps even if full) you can use Teleport To. Sometimes you end up in a wall but you could easily cam in then and then teleport to the next place :D.
  6. Event opens at 7 AM. Gachas and transfer items. Takes place at the farm in the barn. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gooseberry Fields/199/178/25
  7. The three of us in free Easter Egg clothes showing off and NOT CRASHING (oh the joy).
  8. While this whole post is VERY confusing ^^ overall --- do we know this is currently the case? There was a time that if you didn't have the complete amount of USD in your account (this before Tilia came into the picture at all even in the background) LL would not take any money from your balance. Instead it would charge the whole amount on your credit card or Paypal. So it was always tricky getting enough USDs in your account to pay the fee and not TOO much left over that you couldn't do anything with LOL. I remember that well. Things certainly could have changed over time. So anyone that DOES have money in a Tilia balance but not enough to pay a fee or memberhship might want to check directly with LL (what a novel idea :D) before proceeding.
  9. Since it is VERY obvious that we can't expect people (well most people) to care much about how heavy their avatars and homes are -- both in triangles and textures -- this will likely ALWAYS be the case. It certainly has been historically. When I joined oh so many years ago I had a pretty good computer for those days. I was working in multimedia web design at the time. I STILL had to get a faster graphics card in order to enjoy the pre-mesh and 256 textured SL. My friends that joined at the same time were also in the "biz" but more on the techie side. They too had to get better graphics cards. So yes, none of this is really new. I WILL say, that the devs pretty much solved similar issues in Sansar. When I joined in over there in the third wave of creators (open beta, different TOS :D) Medhue and his partner and I were about the only ones making streamlined mesh and texture builds. You could get to our experiences quickly (I think they were both around 17 seconds) at that time. Other experiences (think big sims in some cases) could take half an hour (really, not exaggerating here) to get into. Obviously those were TOO HEAVY. But eventually, over a year or so those heavy sims were usable because of the changes the devs made, not because we all got new graphics cards :D. So many things come into play here. But as long as folks go for the "OMG it is so very pretty I don't care if it is half a million triangles I WANT IT" items -- we will most likely always be in a race to keep up. So far I haven't crashed at all with the new computer. I am still VERY TREPIDACIOUS in my demeanor. I am semi-consciously walking on eggshells EXPECTING to go to black screen. But fingers crossed this will be a good machine. It is running at 25 C (all parts)doing normal things including SL. It cranks up some baking large projects in Blender. If I can get it to last well for five years, it's about a dollar and a quarter day cost-wise. I can certainly live with that.
  10. 1 only have 16 GB RAM and a not terribly fast (you CAN get faster where I live) connection. I see a WHOLE lot of comments on this thread while I have been busy getting everything ship shape, installed, spiffied et al. Should be an interesting read. The EEP version of FS is said to be very nasty on FPS (not FS fault of course) so that is undoubtably part of it as well as the big monitor. I honestly didn't realize how different FPS were without shadows on. ODDLY I turned on shadows and took photos and never turned them off and logged out and when I logged in again they were off. NO CLUE what is going on there. GLAD THE ANSWER WAS FOUND. WHY would you want to limit your fps????? A puzzle that is even in there but likely a reason. Maybe machinima as there was a limit option built into FRAPS (when we could use FRAPS :D)
  11. I didn't change any settings at all. I used RESTORE on Firestorm. I can only say that it does look quite different to me. That is subjective so it might not look different to some folks. OK. BIG EDIT HERE as I just noticed that I had shadows off. So the "restore" function on FS doesn't seem to be working as well since Win10 went to the "new" big update (a week or so ago for me and this new computer is OH so different Win10 wise than my old updated Win10. Some things seem to be blocked (for me anyway) as restore wouldn't keep my logins and that was also the case on the new machine. So THAT is part of the difference in look. Sorry about that. 175 fps WITH shadows on. ' Leaving the rest of the post as it was -- Here is what I see. No high res shot just a "snip" screenshot. I take a lot of those for the Furnishings thread so you can compare with ones from the other computer. Anything there with a signature on the photo was high res and prost processed. Others would be like I just took this. Current fps at this shot was 337 fps. I have a 2560 monitor. Too many programs that I wouldn't be able to read the interface on a 4K :D. Not a secret place, my sim Moon Beach down on the ground. I haven't been up to the store area yet. Thee isn't much on the ground (what you see in the photo mostly) but I haven't EVER seen more than 200 fps at any time in my SL virtual life before -- so yes I was shocked. I WILL say though that I just went over to Neo Japan and had the viewer set so it saw ALL the people. FPS were down in the 20s although the venue loaded very quickly so that was nice. The "show friends only" button is indeed your friend. Here are the graphic settings for that screenshot above. Oh I see I have ambient occlusion turned off somehow. That wasn't a plan and will do another quick test at my "house" and report. 165fps over here at Gooseberry Estates (lots of flora as you see). This is a low res saved jpg as I am out of pixels for this post :D. WITH ambient occlusion on it is 155fps. That's all I can report on now. I am NOT using an EEP viewer. Here are my stats. Firestorm 6.3.9 (58205) May 27 2020 01:20:51 (64bit) (Firestorm-Releasex64) with Havok support Release Notes You are at 30.8, 213.8, 25.0 in Gooseberry Willows located at ec2-52-34-96-2.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com ( SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gooseberry Willows/31/214/25 (global coordinates 136,479.0, 295,126.0, 25.0) Second Life Server 2021-03-11.556847 Release Notes CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800 8-Core Processor (3393.63 MHz) Memory: 16310 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 19042.867) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce RTX 3070/PCIe/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 457.51
  12. New computer arrived after being "stalled" for a few days. For those of you that don't have the newest Win10 (definitely not like the older ones -- either pro or home -- that have been updated for four years -- YET anyway) it is pretty depressing. We definitely ARE the product with very few choices and "mandatory service". I turn off all the invasive stuff I could but there were many places where resistance was futile. So be prepared for the future when it gets to you. NEXT MORNING EDIT: Keep reading the thread as shadows were off :D. Sorry about that. Things really DO LOAD FAST though LOL. But beyond that I know that a ton of folks have been waiting for a 3070 card and perhaps wondering how they would work in SL. I had HEARD that SL didn't use a lot of the 3070s features and that may be very true. BUT ---- Here is my report after only one brief outing. My fps have been over 400 on the ground of my sim (typically maybe 60fps with my four year old card and were almost 300 over at Vision where an Easter Egg hunt is going on. This on mid ultra with shadows -- my regular settings. The look is different. Sharper I guess with more color depth. It will take me awhile to get used to that but so far all is well.
  13. Here is about backup and restore which saves ALMOST ALL your settings so you don't have to go through all the preferences again. It doesn't save everything but a lot. You will lose your Windlight settings when installing an EEP viewer. You can upload them and turn them into EEP (some work better than others. https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/backup_settings#:~:text=Go%20to%20Preferences%20%E2%86%92%20Backup,computer%2C%20specifically%20for%20Firestorm%20backups.
  14. Select the name you want to delet and hit the "trashcan" button.
  15. As the Firestorm folks say it is ALWAYS GOOD TO BACKUP YOUR SETTINGS -- and then restore them on the newer version. If you do that you have NO issue. I have been doing that for years now :D. Life is much simpler.
  16. Out for Hello Tuesday from Chez Moi ($50) this plant. At the default sizes (the two on the left) the small plant is 2 LI and the larger is 3 li. Triangles are 33K. POT BREAKS UP FOR LONG DISTANCE but the plant is great and can be resized and reshaped to give different looks. The plant in the ground is 4li. If you resize the planter (which "I" like better anyway) that solves the LOD issue. I am there for sizing reference of course :D. NO visual demo on sight but a good creator so I took a chance in order to report. A good plant for the stilt houses I think.
  17. The good news is that my new computer is on the truck and less than 60 miles away (it was MIA for several days which was scary). The bad news is that it took me three hours to do a blog post what with repeated crashing (two different avatars and two different places but both trying to change clothing which seems to be a trigger (not the only one)). Wasn't a great post but at least I got it up there. So, if I am in the middle of updating and installing and making a restore drive and all that jazz I wanted to post early today. And the color is ---- PLUM as you can see this is a really dark "violet" (violet is the accepted name for the color many of us call purple and "purple" is actually a red-violet color; oh the things you learn later in life!). I have very fond memories of this color from a decade ago and that post showed up oh so many times in my POPULAR POSTS category over the years. I am guessing because it talked about Pantone LOL. I got it spot on back then. Let's see how I did this time. Pretty darn close. "Eggplant" is coming up fairly soon and I think it is VERY close to "Plum" -- so be warned about that. From the tiny picture on my chart it looks like eggplant is a TINY bit lighter ^^. Yes, well. Have fun!!!
  18. More on that table set :D. Triangle count is good for all of that 172K for the table with all that decor and lights and such 91K if you take away the food). Land impact without food is 13. This doesn't count benches. And yes, definitely worth getting for just the parts. The animations are put in very oddly so that changing one animations changes the other even when people "should" be sitting separately (so they made everything sync if you set animations). It is a very nice set really. A big oversized for "normal" folks but good for big burly guys :D. It is mod but something is very small and not obvious what that is or if it could be fixed. Might be the candle flame -- didn't check that much. Took me four log ins and two computers to get this shot LOL. Good news is that new computer is coming today. BUT it is likely there is a visual demo if you do an area search. Most of the time there is an example in the sop. So if you care -- try that.
  19. NOT and option -- thank goodness!!!!!! And PLEASE let me be correct on this :D.
  20. I agree this has been happening a LOT lately. A couple of things if this is not the "empty folder" issue which is covered in the link Marianne posted. Search (Firestorm anyway) doesn't search the RECIVED folder at least for me -- so that can be a problem. You can try logging into another viewer (Linden if you are using Firestorm) and see if the item is there. If so, it "may" THEN be there when you log back into your default viewer (this is a newly found phenomena for ME anyway). What appears to be happening -- again for ME -- is that inventory search isn't working well any longer. Sometimes yes and sometimes no, but I have proven to myself over and over again (this from a few months back when I was doing all the 52 colors posts ahead of time) that the items ARE actually there. I can find them by looking through my inventory by hand. So they aren't really missing. It is just a problem with inventory search. Not sure if that is what is happening to you too but I can't believe I am the only one with the problem. Most likely a lot of people have it but don't notice it. For me, all the conversation about groups not working means little because I never do anything with groups but put my tag on to get gifts or to rez furniture :D. So things can be broken and plenty of people won't even know. Good luck. And yes, I did try typing in the EXACT name of the item (many tests) and search didn't find them.
  21. If you change your linden dollars into the amount needed to pay your premium fee in USD, LL will automatically take that FIRST rather than using your credit card or Paypal, so that would be an easy way to go. As long as you have your credit info on file it is automatic anyway so really -- no worries.
  22. Classic Blue was week 20. The "missing" one on the chart is "TEAL" which I mentioned earlier this week . Instead, originally when I was on burn out mode, I made that week a "free week" as there were too many of the same colors showing up in a row and it was NOT FUN. But I did a teal post this week so when we get there teal will be added back in -- as a choice. This coming week is week 21 so yes half way there next month. We started in November.
  23. Sorry -- of MONEY earned by creators. But unless things have changed a lot most folks in Sansar did (do?) not come in via STEAM and so there is no reason Wookey would need to pay that fee to STEAM. They weren't when I left. It WAS 100 sandollars to one USD if you BOUGHT logging directly into Sansar and 250 to one if you bought through STEAM so there was an advantage for folks to use via steam if they were buying currency. There was (WAS) also a difference in exchange rate for selling currency and those of us that were there three years ago or so (I forgot exactly when that started) were grandfathered in at a better rate. That is gone for many people now (not all as I understand it). It doesn't really matter if you weren't trying to make money. Between the new Tilia rules (August 2019?) and the increase of fees on the Marketplace a fair amount of old-time creators have stopped creating -- including some that I used to blog for :D. Fees and rules may not be the only reason of course -- AND there are plenty of new folks to take their places. I just thought that 60 percent figure that was mentioned was pretty hefty. Kitely takes 20 percent from each sale but there are no other fees.
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