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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. The huds seem to work very well. I made my own logo from their template and am all set up. I couldn't actually find any INSTRUCTIONS for setting up the kiosks but since I had been in lots of RFL events I figured it out pretty easily. Might be good to add some instructions about what to leave in and what to take out of the kiosks though -- for newish folks. Looking forward to some adventuring.
  2. Did you go through the lost inventory steps rather than just clearing your cache == in particular the one where you copy a file from the Linden viewer or another viewer that DOESN'T HAVE THIS ISSUE over to your viewer of choice? The FS crew has told us repeatedly that clearing cache often is NOT a good thing. I clear mine maybe twice a year? https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_missing_inventory Have you tried the Linden (or a third party viewer) to see if you have the same issue? If this was a problem for a lot of folks I am SURE we would have heard about it :D.
  3. I can say that having two versions of FS installed on your machine hasn't worked well for me in the past -- even with the second one was "supposed" to be stand alone and not cause any problems with the other. So I suspect that is your problem. And while asking questions in the inworld group is a good idea, I haven't received any viable answers there for any of "my" issues -- so it just depends what the problem is. Pretty sure that the advice would be to do a CLEAN INSTALL. Making sure that there are no FS files left except your backup file which you could put in a separate folder or the place where you keep those sort of things. Then install the new FS, log in and try to restore your settings. And it could be that having so many versions has really messed things up (you aren't supposed to do that :D) and that you will just have to manually set your preferences again. It is NOT the newest FS as it did an even better job of restoring this time than it has in the past. AND if you want to import any skies or water into EEP you should keep those in a NEW place also (more on that on the Firestorm blog).
  4. Along with what Qie has said, I think you BEST option if possible would be to build (or split if the house is mod and not your build) each piece separately and then have them "meet" at the sim line. When I was making a two sim dance venue at one of the SL birthday celebrations I was trying to do what you are doing and it did NOT go well LOL. Eventually I reworked the build and got it OK. Another method would be to make the house phantom and then put in "invisible walls" where you needed the physics with the floors butting up against each other. You STILL might fall through -- or there may have been improvements. I think you will just need to try and see. But yes, it can be problematic -- what you want to do.
  5. There are free community houses at Tiddy Beach (also many other names but the SIM is Bermuda Triangle LOL). Most are big houses but the little ones are still available. In return you get 200 land impact to use, the beachfront in front of you place and a "job" in the community -- which can be as simple as joining the bowling team. This house is currently empty. And is here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bermuda Triangle/34/203/28 Info billboard in the center of the sim near the stage and bowling alley etc.
  6. Moving on towards that finish line, this week's color was a hard one for me. My example looks more like "mint" than the hue I was aiming for. Maybe I was seduced but the color name in the romper description? I honestly don't remember LOL. Anyway good luck with CHARTREUSE: This was on of my favorite colors when I was a kid. I remember wanting to make my bedroom chartreuse, yellow and purple (oh my). Somehow I ended up with baby blue and baby pink. I was maybe 8 or 10 and mother ruled. But fond memories of early decorating days. Looking forward to seeing what YOU have in this color!
  7. I am guessing there is a setting in preferences that makes this work -- and if so I set it up so long ago I have no clue where it might be (thanks to the backup and restore settings) but All "I" do is click on the "NEARBY CHAT" button and the pane pops out. You can see from the graphic when you mouse over it also give you another option to show and hide window.
  8. Also, if you are REALLY just after more land impact points and not necessarily more space and LOVE the lot you have, you can buy land IN THE SAME REGION (sim) and the land impact for the second lot can be used on your existing lot. You can leave the other lot empty or plant a tree or whatever. So that is an alternative in some cases.
  9. Might be a good time to reflect on the fact that we DO HAVE CHOICES --- and most (I can't think of another platform that "I" have been on) do NOT have choices. You use their viewer or client or interface and that's that. There is no perfect viewer. There are good things and bad things about all of them and what IS good or BAD is mostly dependent on the people using the FREE products that many devs have spent lots of time working on FOR US.
  10. At this point I have no answer as to the "why" of all that. Too long ago as I finished my stylings in January. Likely just my mistake somewhere along the way. Sorry if it caused confusing. I would LIKE to think that if I was picking all the colors they would have been more different from one another, but I can't say that would be true. I do remember adding "midnight blue" in there as I thought that was a missing color and not all that close to navy as navy is basically a dull tone in my mind and midnight blue very saturated and "bright" even though it is a dark color. Then again we could put all the blame on Pantone for being so VERY confusing. But we are almost there and honestly with more people still involved than I envisioned :D. A year is a LONG time in virtual land :D. I don't "think" that I made up JADE and added it as a color as it wouldn't have been in my normal color vocabulary. But again, too long ago for me to be sure. I do appreciate you and all the other folks still here for hanging in there. It is much more fun to see the different stylings than just ME doing my thing (and of course I am not doing photos in the forum any longer or VERY rarely -- and that's another story). So hopefully folks have had fun and learned a few things about color along the way. I certainly did!!! And yes, 1000 pictures isn't all that much -- especially for someone posting there for over a decade -- that makes it 100 a year. I have deleted tons of photos there and don't post as much on Flickr as I used to. I also -- since the new owners, "chub hub" ? I don't remember, took over upload my photos to Blogger rather than linking from Flickr. That way the photos STAY in the post and I don't have missing pictures in old posts. I have almost 6,000 posts on my blog.
  11. OK My lovelies it is a new week and a new hue. Hmmmm. Is it? You remember TEAL, of course you do. Well this week's color is definitely a close cousin if not a sibling. I give you JADE. I didn't go back and look but I believe that JADE is a bit more green? I went back and found TEAL. The difference to ME on my monitor (and we know how monitors change color still) is that JADE is BRIGHTER and more Saturated than its calmer and more sedate dancing partner, TEAL. So look for a BRIGHT "Teal" LOL. Oh well. This is week 42.
  12. In cases like THAT (or losing a gacha by trying to rez it on badly made mesh which happens more often than sim crashing) you "may" have it appear in a day or so -- back in inventory. My personal experience on that type of scenario is about a 50 percent chance. It will not necessarily come back in Lost and Found or any other "logical" place. I have NO idea why that is, but I have had things "returned" in folders where they should never ever been or had never been -- so many times it is ridiculous. So a SEARCH is the best way to see if something is back. And while LL will try and get things back for you, I have only had one instance (a necklace that I knew the exact name of because I had blogged it) find itts way back. I DO suggest that if you have something important to you for me it is my Firestorm kitty although she has been rezzed every day and roaming -- ah that roaming can get her in trouble -- every day for maybe six years now) -- to keep the UUID number. This told to me by one of the Linden crew long ago. I haven't had a case to test the theory but it seems like it would be helpful. Definitely not trying to scare anyone, just being realistic. While whole folders do really disappear, it is the odd items now and then that are a reminder that few things are safe -- even copy items and even items you have made yourself and have copies of ALL over your inventory and with alts and friends in hopes of mitigating their loss :D. It's more of an "oh well" to me now but I still remember my first big inventory loss of all my Home and Garden folder -- long before Caspervend and redelivery -- and even COPY items :D. Hopefully most folks reading this thread will find their stuff is really there by following the Firestorm or Linden "inventory" steps.
  13. Just wanted to add for anyone NEWISH that the citizens here on the forums have proved over and over and OVER again that you really CAN LOSE YOUR INVENTORY. I have lost thousands of USD worth over the last 13 years. Even LL admited there were actual losses years ago when so many folks all at once were complaining. So for posterity when folks find this thread -- MANY times you can get MOST things back when it "appears" you have a loss. Sometimes === you really DO have one. In that case remember REDELIVERY (both in many stores and on the Marketplace) which will help. Keeping multiple copies of things in various folders within your inventory can sometimes work, but as someone who has done that for many many years -- it is NOT a cure :D. We sigh and move on and hope we can replace.
  14. Well since the majority of folks won't see the chair's lowest LOD (you can see that in the build panel) -- AND -- since those folks likely have low end computers and are USED to things breaking up for them -- and hence (if they are smart) turn down their draw distance ---- I personally think you are good. I have tried several times to make my own LODs but mine are never any better than the uploader's. I box model so that might be part of it. The imposter thing does work well for WINDOWS. I have only made ONE "product" this year and that was the casita which I really made for myself and decided to "share" :D. All the other things I have made for myself are going in an Advent calendar (big, big Advent calendar). BUT I was just thinking today that I would be good to make a new version of filler buildings. I haven't made new ones since SL14B??? Well a long time ago anyway. And the imposter windows would work nicely in there. For those BIG objects the lowest LOD usually doesn't matter that much (with my stuff anyway) and is basically ignored (sorry forgot the reasoning there). So a project for September maybe. Also I don't think it was mentioned here but there IS a new uploader that is coming soon which is supposed to be an improvement. This either from INara's blog or the FS folks, I don't remember. AND if you ever do fabric then (if used carefully and CLEANED UP and errant vertices joined) the decimate modifier does a good job. You just have to watch carefully :D.
  15. Week 42 brings us a bright and happy orangey color making its way toward a pastel -- but not too much. This was a fun one for me. I went on an accidental adventure LOL. The best kind. Here is your swatch for the week: APRICOT Wd DO still have traditionally ORANGE left which is darker, so if you find something that isn't quite right -- it might work for Orange! Have fun. I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with.
  16. This could get pretty tricky so be careful. IF you make an avatar in a 3D program and upload it into second life it is your copyright UNLESS it infringes on someone else's intellectual property rights. If you are just putting together a "look" and taking photos that is one thing for sure, but I can see some instances with "combining" other avatars where you would definitely be in trouble. BEST TO READ THE TERMS OF SERVICE and all the agreements that linkk FROM the Terms of Service and decide what you can and cannot do. No one here on the forums is official unless there last name is Linden :D.
  17. If you can get on the same sim (or adjacent I think if you make some changes in your search criteria) you can use area search and just RETURN the item. I just did a test and that worked. It put the item returned in my Lost and Found folder. If it is a private sim and you are not allowed in - then of course you are out of luck.
  18. Just wanted to say that the is no perfectly CORRECT workflow. We spent months talking about this in Opensim. What works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another. For example I HAVE NO HIGH POLY MODEL :D. So there goes that edict. And I always unwrap and texture as I go along and usually work in "materials" view (Cycles) It what's works for YOU that is important.
  19. Chic Aeon


    Not sure if this will help or not, but I made this recently. It was actually 3 li before I added all the animations and extra cubes so that many could sit (insert sad face).
  20. We haven't DONE Wenge yet though. It is a really dark brown. So there must be another one? Yes, it did get VERY MESSY there with the names. Agreed.
  21. I had to smile at that first part. I agree AND what is even more confusing is that all games are not equal rule-wise. So unless folks do their homework they may have no idea that someone can "outbid" them or grab the next number in line if they aren't fast enough to play again. Messy Messy. I also saw a couple of "collections" from folks which I assume where made for gacha sales. So I am hoping that trend happens OR some creators just go back to regular releases. I am going to go check that out as I have a blog post on all this coming out soon. So thanks for that info. ******************** I was wondering if The Arcade was closed now. The sims are still there but no green dots and nothing on the website. I thought maybe they might try and change to an alternate non-gacha method, but perhaps not. Personally I am going to be happy to take my gacha stuff down. AND if I find something that I want on a conveyor that is UP, I certainly might buy it --- more likely to do that than I was to play the gachas. Honestly most of my gacha play of late was more about "rewarding" the creators for doing a great job. I got a fantastic tent that way last month I think. It was one of the rares and it is gorgeous. So my good deed had a bonus for me. It is all very interesting how this is playing out! For sure. EDIT: I went to the positive wavelength shop but right now all I could find was the traditional gachas. Did you see the "new" method somewhere other than their main store? @Quistess Alpha
  22. Candy pink was week 41. I have NO idea what you are missing though LOL. Maybe you can print out that swatch chart? And then cross of the ones you have done? In my blog queue we still have (in no particular order ) Pearled Ivory Wenge (yes really) Moss Green Apricot Plumeria Bronze Mulberry Fire Brick (not FIREBRICK which we did) Jade Chartreuse Orange In theory all the ones we have done so far are listed here. I made a template so unless I missed tagging one ^^ it should be correct. That might help too. https://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/search/label/52 weeks of color revisited
  23. In general to get a smoother camera flow you would turn up "camera smoothing" (in Phototools = cam in Firestorm - harder to get to I think in Linden viewer). Then if you targeted the person falling (maybe Alt + click -- it's been a VERY LONG TIME FOR ME) so that the camera follows the person falling you would get a smooth fall effect. Not sure if that is what you are looking for :D.
  24. Chic Aeon


    Agreed, but BUT there IS another market besides heavy mesh. And you can always find a more moderate middle ground. Honestly it is much more about the textures than the underlying mesh. The Looking Glass had builds that still hold up today that were made from prims a dozen years ago. The "trick" was that he made the textures himself in another program that simulated what we have today. While there are still plenty of people that are buying computer crashing mesh, others have stopped buying. When I see a couch OVER A MILLION TRIANGLES there is no way I am going to support that creator. I sometimes buy the sale items for photo ops, but even though "I" can use that type of mesh now with my new computer, I can't support it's use. I hope you find a good middle ground. You should paste in a picture of your problematic couch and maybe we could give you some ideas. OH, look at the newest relase of chairs from Trompe Loeil at Uber. THAT is impressive. Not "game asset" but so much better than so many creators. Might be some hints there too. Good luck.
  25. Chic Aeon


    Had to smile :D. First off, never look at the folks making HEAVY mesh is you want to make "game asset" mesh. And of course don't BUY it :D. There is plenty of this kind of thing out there --- more and more rather than less and less unfortunately. There are some folks that do a terrific job. I suggest going over to {what next} and look at her stuff. ALSO it is important to test at least LOD2 which is the FS default (linden viewer is even less). I may get yelled at here, but depending on how the mesh is made (as in already low poly) it really IS OK to have a very very low triangle count for the lowest setting. The question is --- "is anyone going to SEE it at that low setting? If you can cam out on a table and see it half way across the sim at LOD2, that is certainly good enough -- for me anyway. So think about how each piece ACTS and not so much about the numbers. I have seen some of that "OMG that is SO LOVELY" mesh with ALL but the top LOD zeroed out. You can imagine. Painful. There are plenty of things inworld that should never have been uploaded into SL. That basket is one of them. SIMPLIFY. If you start off simply enough you don't really have all the issues with the LODs. I have been making low LOD stuff for almost a decade ON PURPOSE and for those with less than hefty machines. Mine isn't the most gorgeous -- but it works and THAT was the plan. "I" can make super heavy render mesh with 2048 textures too, I just choose not to. All that being said there are some folks who make impressive things with REASONABLE (not low poly) triangle counts and good LODs. I just bought a lovely and very arty jewelry tray that is impressively made. Parts of the necklaces disappear fairly soon but then again they would in real life (for me anyway LOL). AND for your LODs you can add invisible placeholders (small cubes, edges and I did get a single vertices to work ONCE with no physics issues but never got that again - alas). So you are tricking the viewer into thinking that the object is bigger than it visually IS. This doesn't work for everything but can be handy for some things. Hope you find a method that will work for you and your style. Good luck.
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