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Gabriele Graves

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Everything posted by Gabriele Graves

  1. I generally am the same. I do have some outfits though. A couple of base outfits that just have the head, body, skin, shape and HUDs and I add to that on top. I also now have some outfits where I wanted to save the completed result because it was complicated and the result was something I wanted to wear again and again. These tend to be "themed" oufit style stuff mostly where it would be difficult to recreate.
  2. It's kinda funny all these posts from folks coming here to tell people what they already know as if that will address what concerns they have. Some of which already stated in their posts that they know that nothing is being taken away and that they can always wear their old stuff and the responses are just the same and miss the point by a mile. Nobody thinks that anyone is going to reach inside their inventory and remove their existing Lara v5.3 and their clothes for it, nobody. Whether Maitreya releases an update or not, this is always true and known by everyone, everyone. Let's stop with this strawman.
  3. @LeandraStarchaser If you crashed before you accepted the purchase being sent then unfortunately you cannot get that prompt asking you to accept the item back again. If the store has a Redelivery terminal then you should try that as your first place to go. Your purchase will be registered and can be obtained from there. Failing that contact the owner of the shop, tell them what happened and ask them to redeliver it. If it was a no-copy item then you probably will be out of luck because customers generally only get one copy of those per purchase. You might want to consider turning on the option to automatically accept new inventory items which will cure this problem and I have never lost a delivered item this way because it doesn't rely on the viewer actually running to accept items. To do this: On Firestorm, go to Settings and under the General tab there is an option called "Automatically accept new inventory items", make sure that is ticked. On the official viewer it is accessed via a debug setting called "AutoAcceptNewInventory" (read here on how to enable and access debug settings: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Torley_Linden/Debug_Settings) and you should set that to "True". Auto-accepting items this way can never do any harm except that if you don't keep an eye on what's automatically accepted then you can end up with a lot of unsolicited junk in your inventory. Hope this helps.
  4. It has a higher chance happening though if you discuss the moderation. I understand your frustrations but it is what it is. My perspective is that all our words are as if blown in the wind and ephemeral, even the written ones. I don't write here for permanence, I write for the moment.
  5. It was the one that was around in 2007.
  6. Here's a freebie to get you on your way. Topic: Have the forums changed? Yes, here is a picture of my last post on the vBulletin SL forums:
  7. And/Or 3) wants to purchase a Homestead region without requiring them to own a full region first.
  8. As a Premium Plus member you may also buy a Homestead private island.
  9. That was unexpectedly candid and refreshingly forthright. Good Job!
  10. If you search for the store under my name on marketplace (I don't sell stuff, it's all free) there is a free scripted agent detector HUD that you can use which tell you if the avatars visiting you are scripted agents or not. This might possibly give a little more information. If they are scripted agents, then it's very likely that they are bots. If they aren't then it doesn't mean they aren't bots, as they may not have been registered but it could also be that they are real people visiting for the reasons discussed above.
  11. Welcome to Second Life and the SL forums Bazzilla
  12. People complain about anything they don't like. This is normal and in reality is feedback. More generally, perhaps we should see it that way instead of negative characterisations of it. After all, isn't negativity the thing that is being itself "complained" about?
  13. I'm not seeing hissy fits and I agree the rumours are not particularly helpful. People expressing what they don't like is fine and part of normal discussion. It would be terrible for creators should they end up in a an echo chamber where nobody disagreed with the direction they are going because at the end of the day, what motivates people or demotivates customers will affect their incomes and there is little they can do about that after the fact.
  14. This is definitely how Maitreya sees it. The creators may not see it the same way though and despite what Maitreya says now, may feel that there is no point supporting v5.3 going forward and there will be vocal pressure from the people who wanted the changes to support Lara X. Many creators don't want anymore bodies that is needed to be able to sell a reasonable amount of clothing and so face a difficult choice. I don't think the outcome is in anyway assured unfortunately.
  15. I guess we will just have to wait and see. Some of us are still on Evo rather than Evo X and I maintain that was the right choice for me. I know that I am not alone in doing that either but yes, the majority just follow regardless. The problem with disruption is that it has to be worth it to most people and this is definitely a disruption. I get the feeling this is catering to a loud minority only. The vast silent majority may not feel the same. I don't feel the same. Despite all the complaints about Lara, the things that bothered others, never bothered me one bit.
  16. Those creators are probably more heavily into catering for a particular body style which Maitreya doesn't really provide and so they don't get many sales from Maitreya customers anyway. I've been finding in my shopping that Maitreya is as available for the types of clothing I'm interested in as it ever was. That's said, I've been struggling to find as much clothing from weekend sales that appealed to me at all.
  17. I agree and right-clicking the body always showed the original breasts when using them and that reason is exactly why I wouldn't want them integrated particularly because the jank will be there for everyone instead of just petite/flat users. It's unavoidable for feet because there really aren't better options but It would have been better to have whole bodies for each option. However, that's a lot of work too and so impractical also.
  18. There's no doubt about it, the mesh body/clothing market is a crapshoot. It's quite possible that we have reached a no-win scenario for anyone releasing either a new body or a significant body update. I wouldn't be at all surprised.
  19. We already have v5.3 - we always had the option to use that instead of the new body. Putting that in the new box adds nothing by itself. So whatever upgrade there is to that is to keep it current in my opinion.
  20. On further reflection, I don't think this can work. In the words of Maitreya's CSR, you cannot rig the same mesh for two different bodies. I think it's marketing speak.
  21. That unfortunately did catch out Lelutka on their Origins heads (before Evo and before the heads at the time were renamed as Origins). The v3.2 update was released and then LL did the UUID change and v3.3 had to follow soon after.
  22. If this was true then all those newer bodies that whales bought would have killed support for Lara long ago due to much more sales. Lara is still 35%-ish of the market with nobody else close. It's not wise to upset loyal customers, period. It's never a good move to break compatibility for an existing body, ever.
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