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Gabriele Graves

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Everything posted by Gabriele Graves

  1. If it's any consolation I have seen the performance hit you talked a couple of weeks ago. I dusted off an old laptop that I used to use with Firestorm and SL (Ubuntu Linux). This laptop has an i7 CPU, 8Gb system memory and a Nvidia GeForce 640M with 2Gb GPU memory. Terrible by today's standards but it was no slouch when purchased new and hardware-wise is still working just fine. Anyway, I fired it up and installed the latest Firestorm release ( and amazingly with a bit of tweaking (shadows off but ALM still on) it gave around 25fps at my home spot and I could move around just fine with lagging. This is about the same level of performance this laptop always gave me on Firestorm even when new. Then I installed the latest Firestorm PBR alpha (the one that just expired but before that expiry) to see how that would do. No matter how I tweaked the settings, the best I could get was about 9.5fps and moving around was very jerky/laggy at my home spot. I don't even have any PBR items rezzed out either. So there is definitely a performance hit for some hardware with FS PBR and therefore some people will be negatively impacted. Obviously FS is still alpha and maybe some of those LL bugs they are holding out for will improve things so perhaps it isn't fair yet to really make comparisons. However, it is an indicator that there may be troubles ahead. Oh and on the people who post on the Firestorm-Phoenix Preview Group, I totally understand. I recently fired up the FS Alpha and was told it had expired. I went to the group and asked if there was an updated alpha build available because I was seeing this message. Basically, I was told that: I must be mistaken. Alpha builds don't expire. My alpha build is working just fine (they were on Windows). This was not from mods/staff, just ordinary members and continued until two other people came along and said they were seeing the same thing and then there was a group notice sent out. Talk about an irritating experience.
  2. No, it's not winter thankfully. I do live in the southern hemisphere and it has been exceedingly warm recently.
  3. According to the message from the power lines company, this morning the power is going to go out and stay out for most of the day, so that they can do infrastructure maintenance. If doesn't happen today, it will maybe happen tomorrow instead, maybe. PEEVE: Uncertainty.
  4. Yup. If I didn't know better I might speculate that Microsoft licensed the technology from Meta or Meta has quietly off-loaded it on to Microsoft.
  5. Because everybody knows that if LL brought in such a feature it would: Only work some of the time for some people. Only work for specific ways of accessing it with lots of workarounds to access them. Oh and we have such a feature already and it only works for specific ways of accessing the profile:
  6. I came across this and thought it was amusing at this point considering how Horizons was received and how similar this seems at first glance. In case it needs to be said, feel free to discuss: https://www.engadget.com/microsoft-launches-mesh-a-virtual-meeting-platform-on-teams-095018763.html
  7. I'm thinking that votes be damned, the more arguing there is over a feedback feature in the comments there, the less likely it will be to be actioned.
  8. Yeah, my comment was really just about the arguing over how to take people's posts, using the reaction buttons, etc. I think that once we start to get to this stage though, everything useful has probably been said and argued over. I have my doubts that it will recover in any meaningful way and that's why the cat picture came out.
  9. It seems like you think I disagree with that? Or are you using my post to springboard your thoughts at this moment?
  10. Summary: Foruming is hard. Here is a cat picture because it seems we've reached that stage:
  11. I deactivated my alt when I left in 2010, when I reactivated her in 2014 not only was it free but all her inventory was intact.
  12. I've noticed that there comes a point on the forums, usually when there is a dearth of other interesting topics but not always, where one topic becomes the focal point for all the arguing back and forth. It doesn't really matter what the topic, it could be about the colour of the sky, what matters is that people can unload their angst there and they do. Recently, this is the topic because it certainly isn't that contentious by itself and it doesn't stand out in any other significant way in the grand scheme of things as far as I can see. Just having a moment of reflection really.
  13. No, not really, not ever. Don't poke sleeping bears.
  14. Love's right. The fact that anyone is interacting with you at all instead of shunning you, is a positive thing
  15. I don't disagree that are are cliques (plural) here. In the end though, there is no hive mind despite the common complaint there is.
  16. My account is nearly 17 years old and I'm proud of the journey I've had so far. I am far from "old" but just don't care whether people think I am or not.
  17. What I'm getting by reading between the lines is that by hiding the status, it effectively freezes the date as far as any casual glances can tell and so they don't feel as though they need to keep making new alts after a while to be "young again".
  18. Last Firestorm 32-bit version was released on December 14th last year though, so it's still current, just.
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