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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. Enthusiasm is a very good thing. However as you have spent only three days in Second Life you cannot have good grasp of what Second Life is all about. Thus I suggest that you spend time in SL first, explore places with keen eye, look what people are doing here. What kind of places there are already. Second Life is just a platform, there are no monsters roaming about what we must kill to survive or earn some game points. When I travel about in SL, mostly people are not playing games. They go shopping, they go to live concerts, they build stuff, they go learning how to build. They might just sit on a beach or some other place, alone or chatting with friends. There are lots of activities in SL what one can "play". Sailing, flying an aircraft, driving a vehicle on the roads, bowling, golf, I have even seen icehockey and wolley ball played. Then there are various kinds of role plays going on in some regions. So, get to know Second Life better, and then decide based on that better knowledge acquired what to make your place like. This will aid you in making a good sound decision and prevents dissappointment which may well come from hastily jumping on things. I wish you good luck on your venture. :smileyhappy:
  2. carolinestravels wrote: I also thought it might be a fun idea if we share here pics from our very first avatars and how they developed over time. That underfed newbie was one of the worst "complete" avatars in the Library when I came to SL. All what were available in the Library were rather horrible - especially the no-definition skins.
  3. :matte-motes-smile: . . . :matte-motes-big-grin:
  4. Aislin Ceawlin wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: CheriColette wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: :smileyhappy: :matte-motes-big-grin: :matte-motes-shocked: (sorry...just wanted to join the fun) .... p a r t y ! :matte-motes-big-grin:
  5. Thanks Freya, this made it clear. I understand now that there is difference in ALT clicking and just clicking. :matte-motes-smile:
  6. ObviousAltIsObvious wrote: yes, it was disabled in attentions.xml. that is why Nathan started this thread to show how to enable it. if it was not disabled, there would be no need to enable it. Well, if it was disabled why does my head turn to where I'm looking at? Also when I have not fixed the mouse pointer at something and then circle the mouse around the avatar head, the head follows the mouse pointer. Clearly something is not disabled. PS Using Firestorm 4.5.1 I checked Linden Lab viewer too, the head follows the mouse also in: Second Life 3.6.12
  7. ObviousAltIsObvious wrote: yes, it was deprecated and disabled several years ago. touchable attachments made this feature confusing for new people so it was nerfed. No, it wasn't disabled.
  8. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: When I joined SL, we used to be able to just click on another avatar's face/head and we would be "looking" at them. Our head and eyes would look like we were focused on them. I remember doing this. Could this have been changed when viewers were updated? No, it has not changed. It still works like it has always worked. The only condition is that in your AO you have only animations which do not lock the head. Then as the head can freely turn, it will turn towards anything you have locked your mouse pointer (doing an ALT click). Avatars are also sound aware, if the head is not locked in animation, then if you make a noise near the avatar the head will briefly turn towards the sound source. I have noticed that some are annoyed that the avatar head turns where they are looking at. There have been question in the forums "Help, how I can stop the avatar head turning where I'm looking at?" This always mystifies me, why on earth they want to make the avatar looking like a zombie. The avatars are already very expressionless, statue like, I don't understand the need to enhance that even more by preventing head turning to the look at target.
  9. LovedWarrior Quan wrote: Ok i got the new versions of both sl viewer and firestorm but i stil dont see sepcular and normal map areas Click the "Texture (diffuse)" button. It will reveal the Normal and Specular maps. After clicking, select "Bumpiness (normal)" then click in the "Texture" icon and browse for your normal map. Same way for the specular map.
  10. LovedWarrior Quan wrote:The tabs I have: That version does not have the new materials (Normal map and Specular map). This version has them: Firestorm 4.5.1 (38838) Oct 28 2013 00:03:49 (Firestorm-Beta) Even though it's a beta it works well.
  11. Lots of AO animations have the head movement locked to the animation (which I don't like). I wonder will your method work with those, letting the head to turn freely? I remember one bot which used to be often in crowded xploder places. When you addressed the bot by its name, the bot first turned so that it faced you and looked directly at you and then it typed its reply. I found that that very cool.
  12. Maybe we will see realistic cloth simulation in High Fidelity as Philip's aim appears to be making virtual world very real life like experience. If not, then High Fidelity is a misnomer. :smileywink: (I'm a bit concerned though how the avatars in High Fidelity will look like; remembering the looks of Philip's and Andrew's avatars in Second Life.) :smileysurprised:
  13. Phil Deakins wrote: In Coby's case, she could write the singular unless she meant that the staff as a whole are efficient but not every individual is, in which case she could write it a little differently. "Most members of staff are efficient", for instance. So I still suggest that Coby follows Dresden's reply to her, and she won't go wrong. I must say that like the sentence: "The staff are very efficient." it's compact, neat and even looks cool. :matte-motes-smile: Whereas the sentence: "Most members of the staff are very efficient." is long and cumbersome.
  14. Sand desert. I tried various Windlight settings to find one which would work the best. The snapshot has been edited in Photoshop for more effect.
  15. Qie Niangao wrote: Still, it does seem kind of misleading, this illusion of control. Yes. The settings in viewer: • Only friends and groups know I'm online [On / Off] • Friend can see when you're online [On / Off] are totally misleading to any new user. There should be an explanation: "These settings in your viewer only affect how your online status is shown in other users' viewers. Please do note that by using a script anybody can still always see your true online status - regardless of what settings you have set in your viewer. So sorry but we couldn't make any better privacy thing. :smileysad: But hey, you can think it positively this way: a fake privacy is better than no privacy at all. Yay! :matte-motes-big-grin:" Or something like that... :smileyindifferent: :smileytongue:
  16. immortal Tiramisu wrote: How can I get the original dowload from 1995 for secondlife? You must mean 2005. That's the year your account was created. :smileywink: Well, as others have said there is no viewer that ancient any more available. However if you prefer the old style UI over the more recent V3 viewer style UI there is still at least one third party viewer with old UI available. Have a look here: Cool VL Viewer PS. This viewer - even though having the old style UI - is being regularly updated so that it will work with the latest updates done to Second Life.
  17. Perrie Juran wrote: Innula Zenovka wrote: As I recall, Third Party Viewers aren't allowed to over-ride other people's preference to hide their online status. But, as you say, it's perfectly permissible to use llRequestAgentData(id,DATA_ONLINE), which has any number of legitimate purposes. Policy On Third Party Viewers 2.iii You must not provide any feature that circumvents any privacy protection option made available through a Linden Lab viewer or any Second Life service. ... but by all means feel free to use our llRequestAgentData(id,DATA_ONLINE) to circumvent the privacy protection option made available through a Linden Lab viewer or any Second Life service. :smileyhappy: :smileytongue: ... that's how we operate. :matte-motes-nerdy: It makes me wondering what was the purpose in preventing showing the true online status in viewers? I guess they were just trigger happy, before they learned that the script cannot be disabled without breaking usefull functionality.
  18. It appears that the Americans mostly use singular pronoun/verb with collective nouns, whereas the British use both, either singular or plural depending on the meaning to be conveyed. Using singular treats the entity as a single acting unit, using plural treats the entity as a collection of inviduals acting. http://grammar.about.com/od/c/g/collnounterm.htm says: "It is possible for singular collective nouns to be followed either by a singular or a plural verb form: The audience was delighted with the performance. The audience were delighted with the performance. The first of these options is normal in American English. In British English both options are found. [Geoffrey Leech, A Glossary of English Grammar. Edinburgh Univ. Press, 2006]" http://separatedbyacommonlanguage.blogspot.fi/2007/07/collective-noun-agreement.html says: "As a Yank in the UK working for an American company with a bunch of English co-workers, nothing causes more drama back in HQ than press releases drafted by our UK-reared staff. The UK team prefers (Our Company Name) ARE. The Americans edit it all back to (Our Company Name) IS. Long-winded e-mail discussions ensue." Drama :smileymad: in HQ over language! :smileysurprised: :smileyvery-happy:
  19. Phil Deakins wrote: ... "but Linden Lab don't operate". Linden Lab in singular, so it should be 'doesn't' and not 'don't'. As a non-native user of English, I must say that collective nouns are a bit difficult; such as company names for example. Not critizing anybody here, just asking to learn. :matte-motes-smile: So, a question, are the following correct? 1. Linden Lab is moving to a new office. -- meaning that Linden Lab as whole single company will be moving, thus singular "is" 2. Linden Lab are disputing about new Second Life avatar. -- some employees are having discussions about the avatar, thus plural "are" I guess in both British and American English the first sentence is correct. How about the second sentence? I have read in many places that in British English the plural "are" is the preferred [correct] one when referring to the people in the company doing something. I have seen a mention that in spoken British English even in the second sentence one often hears singular "is" being [incorrectly] used. I wonder how the second sentence would be in American English usage - "is" or "are"?
  20. Marianne Little wrote: It is still not widespread, but I hope it will be more common when it is fully implemented in the standard viewer. LL has choosen this method instead of a mesh deformer. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Making-Mesh-Garments-Fit-Better/ba-p/2336599 The best place to try out deformable mesh clothing is Redgrave, but same rule for LQMesh as for standard rigged mesh, try a demo before you buy. At this stage it is wise not to buy Liquid mesh clothes (i.e. clothes rigged to the collision bones) because they might break later. Better to wait until Linden Lab gets their Fitted Mesh project ready. Quote from the link above: "At this time, the new skeleton should be considered provisional and subject to change; we do not yet recommend selling or buying garments rigged to it. Since we may find reasons to improve it during this testing process, and any change to the collision bones will likely break garments rigged before the change, we want to make sure that we have a set of bones that we can all live with into the indefinite future before it is widely used."
  21. KaBoom Schertzinger wrote: When uploading to Sl the best format is PNG it uses less memory than none compressed bitmap images and less compression articacts than other compressed image formats. In whatever file format (JPG, PNG or TGA) we upload certain image to Second Life, that image will always use exactly the same amount of graphics memory depending only on its pixels size and bit depth. The amount of graphics memory a image uses is shown here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Texture_sizes For example: 32 bit 1024 x 1024 will consume 4 MB graphics memory (32 bit image has alpha channel) 24 bit 1024 x 1024 will consume 3 MB graphics memory (24 bit image does not have alpha channel) Some people think that by uploading images in lossy JPG format will consume less memory. I guess their reasoning is "it has smaller size on disk, so it must consume less memory". Well, image rendering on screen does not work with compression, a pixel is a pixel. That pixel will always use the same amount of graphics memory. Unfortunately those people are just unnecessarily reducing the details in their image by doing this. First they loose detail in JPG compression. When uploaded to SL, there is second compression as the viewer converts the file to JPEG2000 format (the format what SL internally uses to save the file). So it's always best to upload either TGA or PNG, both retain the image quality. Then there is only one compression when uploading (the conversion to JPEG2000 format) instead of two compressions.
  22. If they want to use the logo inworld they would need a TGA file. Cannot upload vector format files into Second Life.
  23. Medhue Simoni wrote: I'm talking about a gestures system that triggers animations based on the words you would type in normal conversations, to make your avatar more lively and reflex what you are saying better. Yes, that would be nice to have. In general SL avatars are too statue like - expressionless and motionless. They really do lack liveliness, and especially nice subtle facial expressions. That frozen face bugs me very much in avatars. I have seen some people putting static poses in their AOs - to make the matter even worse. :smileysad:
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