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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. Amanda Hewitt wrote: Personally I fed up with this garbage! :cattongue:
  2. Marybeth Cooperstone wrote: With mesh and an alpha layer (too keep you from poking through) the legs disappear at the hem line. When your avi is sitting, it looks abnormal. Wearing mesh, mesh, mesh and mesh (easy to spot which are mesh... I think...). The skirt is made in such a way that it's impossible to see the "pussycat" hiding under. :matte-motes-big-grin: :cathappy: The alpha mask is also totally hidden inside the skirt so one cannot see the horrific void there. One can sit with this skirt without any problems whatsoever. I just wish that all designers would pay attention to this. It is fairly easy to make skirts and other items this way - not revealing the void inside. Like Medhue showed in his video here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/See-Through-Gaps-in-Mesh-Clothing-Easy-Fix/m-p/2400645#M25076
  3. Perrie Juran wrote: There are so many it could take you forever to delete all the ones you don't like or use. Indeed so Perrie. Hopefully the viewer developers invent a way to organize the WindLight settings somehow. In Firestorm there are: • 725 WindLight sky settings • 57 WindLight water settings It may well be that the number of those will increase and increase. For example when taking photos it takes forever to scroll through all of those to find something specific. And it is a pain in the butt to go and delete all what one thinks one would never use.
  4. There's a new place (still a bit under construction): http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fourth%20Dimension/134/52/31 "Star Wars themed role-play. Sim under construction." I had a quick look there. Looks very well made place.
  5. Drake Xuisse wrote: so LL just wanted more coin in there pocket? Local Textures are FREE. Just like temporary textures were. Temporary textures stopped working due to some changes how the the system works. So Linden Lab actually made a good thing in implementing local texture feature. If they were after more "coins" they surely would not have implemented the local texture feature after temporary texture hack was broken. But they did, which is great. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  6. Do you have a premium account? The free house plus land is only for those. Free accounts don't get it. https://secondlife.com/my/account/membership.php
  7. It's also very annoying that we "ordinary" residents cannot view the BUG report to see has anything been done so far: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-4644 What harm would it do if everybody could just VIEW (without commenting ability) the BUG reports I wonder? Annoying secrecy what I cannot understand. In Firestorm JIRA there is the following concerning this same bug (created on the 18th Dec): http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/SLS-43 Whirly Fizzle added a comment - 18/Dec/13, 08:29 PM +0100: "I'm afraid we can do nothing about this. Posting snapshots to profile feed is currently broken at Linden lab's end and will not work from any viewer. Posting private messages is also broken on web profiles currently. Hopefully Linden lab will fix this soon." PS Assignee was marked as: ShouldBeWorkingOnIt Linden :smileysurprised: :smileyindifferent: :smileytongue:
  8. Excellent Medhue. :smileyhappy: So easy thing to, I wonder why all clothing designers don't do it. In many cases else good looking mesh item is ruined by those see through edges. I have one miniskirt where the edges have been done like this. I can sit with it without revealed the void inside. Perfect! :matte-motes-big-grin:
  9. If you look my post above you see why. It is a BUG what has not been resolved yet.
  10. CheriColette wrote: It was a problem posting pictures too for a while but that seems to have resolved now. Not resolved here. Still cannot post snapshots to profile. :smileysad:
  11. I will buy anything that looks good, fits well and is modifiable - be it system clothes, prims or mesh. Mesh does not replace the "old" style clothing, it's an alternative and option for various types of clothes. Well made mesh clothes can look really awesome; so will well made "old" style clothes too. What method to use to create the clothes depends a lot what kind of item is in question. Mesh is not suitable for everything, neither are system clothes, nor prims. Some examples what methods I think are good for what clothing or body accessory items. Flexi prims • Long flowing hairs • Long flowing gowns • All kinds of tails • Wings • Anything which needs to have some flexible 'life' in it System clothes • To accompany something what is created with flexi prims • Underwear to be worn under other clothes Mesh • All shoes • Mini skirts • Pants, shorts • Bikinis • Jewellery • Sunglasses • Tops • Men's suits • Avatar body add-ons (feet, hands, etc.) What I would totally replace with mesh • System skirts (horrible!) • Sculpted prims (innefficient lag monster, mesh is more efficient and even easier to create) The big problem with mesh at present is - as many have experienced - that it is very difficult to find well fitting mesh. People want that the clothes fit the avatar; not that the avatar must be changed to fit the clothes. Well, there is brighter future at sight now concerning that matter. To finish this post, some photos. System clothes and flexi prims: (Jewellery and hair flower are sculpted prims) System clothes, sculpted prims, flexi prims: Mesh (coat, skirt, top) (Flexi prim hair; the sandals are sculpted prims, better result would be possible with mesh): So, to sum up: All clothing creating methods will have their proper and good uses - except for the system skirt and sculpted prims. :matte-motes-smile:
  12. Update (22nd December) by Monty Linden here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/failed-to-Upload-image-to-your-profile-feed/m-p/2393757#M12926 "Just a note that this is getting attention under BUG-4644. No information as to when a fix will be available."
  13. Knowl Paine wrote: It's a social platform. ... Stealth for all would include griefers. Well, there is a time to socialize and not to socialize. SL is also a building platform. I wonder why it is always thought by many that a stealth mode would be something like a "god mode" - totally invisible to all. As I understand it, it would not be like that. Just a mode where one can make things fairly undisturbed. I posted here what is my view of the stealth mode: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Stealth-Mode/m-p/2350829#M21991
  14. This is a bug not resolved yet. Monty Linden gave an update of the situation here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/failed-to-Upload-image-to-your-profile-feed/m-p/2393757#M12926
  15. I just tried now again. No luck; it doesn't work for me yet. :matte-motes-frown:
  16. Perrie Juran wrote: I'd say easily 95% of my visits to the MP result in no sale simply because it is a pain for me to use, I'm unable to find quickly what I am looking for. One of the reasons why it is very difficult to find quickly something is that lots of merchants appear to abuse the keywords - putting there totally unrelated words for the product. Just an example - I saw women's high heels. The keywords were: skin,shape,female,complete,avatar,black,white,red,gree,cat eyes,pink,snow,chocolate,purple,sexy,shoes,heels,promo,gift I wonder what those keywords I have coloured blue have to do with those high heels? Absolutely nothing at all! There was even the store name and the seller's name in the keywords (I removed those from the above list). Every time I search something I see tons of unrelated keywords being used. No wonder it is hard to find quickly something specific.
  17. Linden Lab announced on 12th December: "Scheduled maintenance to in world profiles is still in progress. We are working to restore consistency to the snapshot uploading process." It has not been resolved yet as there are no further updates to this since the 12th December.
  18. Fix the crotch! It's one the of most horrible looking areas in the avatar mesh. Looks like an upside down sharp V-shaped canyon - not like a human crotch at all. Thanks. :matte-motes-big-grin: PS. Maybe the avatar crotch was created like this?
  19. cynth wrote: Another pouty fish face. whyyy?
  20. walterwhiteSr wrote: I am frustrated.. I save my shapes with heights I have set i.e. kevin-medium build- 2.30 (2.30 is height).. As Penny said different viewers give different heights. Some are more close to the true height than others. The only reliable and accurate way to measure avatar height is by using a prim. If you measured your height in Linden Lab viewer then your real height is actually about: 2.30 m + 0.15 m = 2.45 m. That's already very tall - even for an avatar. But if you want to have that tall avatar that's naturally your choise. I'm just telling this so you know a bit more about avatar height. :smileywink: Most propably you get different heights because outfits may have different shoe bases, and those have different shoe base heights. Always when measuring height be sure that you are not wearing any shoe base. By the way, I have never experienced personally that avatar height changes by itself.
  21. Looking good Dres. But don't plan to go outdoors in winter regions! :matte-motes-big-grin: For fun in the snow, I use this one: :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: :smileywink:
  22. One more season snapshot... Well, the door had been left open, there was no fire in the fireplace, it was freezing cold inside. Better not to plan to stay over night in this tiny house. Brrr... [..insert icy breath here..] :smileytongue: Val's house looks cosy and warm. :matte-motes-smile:
  23. kurlahgtrae and karan31399 Get lost you Mumbai spammers! May the heaven fall upon your heads and be bitten by venemous snakes! There! :smileytongue: :smileyvery-happy:
  24. Phil Deakins wrote: They are not caused by the shortcut I use when starting the viewer, because I get updates auto-downloaded when I'm logged in, and a message each time. I've been getting those downloads and messages very frequently lately, even on consecutive days. Because you get bugged with those constant "updates" it most likely is due to the shortcut.The executable was changed from "SecondLife.exe" to "SecondLifeViewer.exe". As Oz explained if you have copied the shortcut it will not be updated by the install program; that copied shortcut still points to "SecondLife.exe" instead of "SecondLifeViewer.exe". Oz said: "Unfortunately, the old executable was not removed as part of the upgrade." Therefore if your shortcut points to "SecondLife.exe" you will get bugged with the constant viewer updates daily because you are running the older version instead of the new one. Check your shortcut as suggested by Oz and you should be ok: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Second-Life-3-6-12-284506-Dec-4-2013-04-55-18-Keeps-downloading/m-p/2375155#M22105 PS. I noticed that in my installation the shortcut (created by the install program - not copied by me) pointed to "SecondLifeViewer.exe" just as it should. However in the in the viewer installation folder there are: "SecondLife.exe" and "SecondLifeViewer.exe" Therefore it's worthwhile checking to which one your shortcut points to. SecondLife.exe launches the earlier viewer version (in my computer it was version "Second Life 3.6.9"). SecondLifeViewer.exe launches the new version (in my computer it is version "Second Life 3.6.12").
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