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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. Baloo Uriza wrote: Not quite. OpenGL has native support on MacOS and Linux. Windows doesn't, it's emulated through DirectX; you take a performance hit for that translation. That said, Windows has more in common with VMS than any modern OS... You only partly correct about OpenGL being emulated via DirectX in WIndows. Most likely nobody uses the emulated OpenGL-1.4 in Windows because people use drivers from the GPU manufacturer. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7372458/on-windows-how-does-opengl-differ-from-directx OpenGL is not built on top of DirectX if shipping with a GPU driver. Windows Vista and above ship with a OpenGL-1.4 emulation built on top of DirectX, but that doesn't support shaders, vertex buffer objects and all the other whistles and bells. As soon as you install a GPU driver with OpenGL support, this completely replaces the OpenGL-1.4 emulation with an actual low-level implementation. So in effect after downloading and installing graphics card driver from the GPU vendor, OpenGL API has direct access to hardware - no need to emulate via DirectX - no hit on performance via emulation. OpenGL is an API, DirectX is an API. There is no need for either one to run on top of the other. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_OpenGL_and_Direct3D • Direct3D is a proprietary API that provides functions to render three dimensional graphics, and uses hardware acceleration if it is available on the graphics card. It was designed by Microsoft Corporation for use on the Windows platform. It can also be used on other operating systems through special software such as Wine, although the subset of features provided is not as complete as the reference implementation. • OpenGL is an open standard API that provides a number of functions to render 2D and 3D graphics, and is available on most modern operating systems including but not limited to Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
  2. Yes, you're right. In SL lingo an "Outfit" is something which is created to outfits folder with links to the original items. That warning comes only if one is about to delete something from ordinary folders which item has a link in one or many outfits. If one makes something by copying things to an ordinary folder it is not not an outfit in SL terms. Thus no warning comes when deleting something from there. Which is natural as there are no links to anywhere.
  3. Great to hear that they are working on it. :smileyhappy:
  4. Why would you want to cover your land with an image on the map? Imagine how the map would look if every parcel and region owner did the same. It would not be a map anymore, but a puzzle of all kinds of random images. Shouldn't the purpose of the map to be a map, not a picture book? Look how badly the map is already misused by some land owners. :smileysad:
  5. Same here; this has been going on for many days. I have tried two viewers: • Second Life 3.6.9 • Firestorm 4.5.1 The result in both is: "Failed to upload image to your Profile Feed."
  6. Second Life is a huge place. Just open the world map and see. There are about 30 000 regions in SL (a region is an area 256 meters x 256 meters). Thus even if there were some 60 000 avatars online and you go randomly exploring places it may well happen that you will meet very few people - or even none at all. Those 60 000 avatars are scattered all over SL regions. All the green dots you see on the map are avatars. Teleport to places where you see concentrations of the green dots. There might be a club, a dancing place, a live concert, or something else going on which draws people there.
  7. Jenni Darkwatch wrote: Current mesh clothing is by and large horribly made. Too many vertices, no LOD consideration, lousy fit... the list goes on. Go ahead. Learn. Blow people away with creativity. Yes, there are lots of very bad mesh clothing around. Finding something that fits nicely is a pain and takes a lot of time trying demo after demo. Standard sizing does not seem to be very standard. Sometimes XS sort of fits, sometimes S sort of fits, sometimes M. By "sort of fits" I mean that there still are gaps where one can see inside from the edges. I have tried tons of mesh clothing from different designers with very little luck in finding nicely fitting ones. However, on very rare occasions I have struck a gold mine. Perfectly fitting and good mesh without touching my shape. Those rare moments are golden experiences. Just to show a couple of examples. Mesh can be awesome! :smileyhappy: On the left: Mesh coat, mesh skirt - they are from different designers, and still they work well together. The coat hemline goes nicely over the skirt top edge. The skirt does not poke throught the coat. On the right: Mesh top, mesh skirt - both made by the same designer. The skirt has nicely made closed inside. So looking under there it hides the void created by the alpha mask. One can sit with it without any worries. Perfect. Even more, the skirt waistline has a perfect fit on my avatar body. No gaps there at all. Pretty excellent. When we will finally get the fitting mesh on which the Lab is working now - and when the designers will learn to use materials well, then the mesh clothing will be great, approaching awesomeness. Surely there still will be need for some system clothes and naturally need for flexi prim clothing and flexi hairs.
  8. Penguins, ice, snow... winter... brrr... :smileysurprised: That lady far should wear more clothes, she gives me shivers... After those places I needed some warming up. :matte-motes-big-grin: :smileyhappy:
  9. Cathy Foil wrote: Coby you can model and rig your mesh with you skeleton in an A-pose and then just export your mesh while the skeleton is in the T-pose. Thanks Cathy. :smileyhappy: Now I just need to learn how do it in Blender as I don't use Maya.
  10. I guess you're right - some special big bottoms event it might have been. Almost every avatar either had that huge bum or was extremely tall. I will check again some day to see have things returned to more normal. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  11. I was looking at the map for directions where to go next. Ah, Bay City - lots of green dots there. Taxi! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bay%20City%20-%20Sconset/39/212/25 The taxi took me to a dancing floor. And this is what I saw. :smileysurprised: Well, now I know where the giants and big bum chicks umm.. ladies use to hang out. I felt a bit like an alien in that place. :smileytongue: :smileywink: :smileyvery-happy:
  12. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Holiday%20Village/120/156/24
  13. Short reply: Save the UV map and shadow map to your hard drive. Then open the UV map in Photoshop (or alternatively in Gimp). Open also the shadow map and place it on a different layer. Put the shadow map to "Overlay". Make the UV map layer semi transparent. Under the UV map layer make a new layer and on it make your metal texture using the UV map as a guide. After the texture is ready, hide the UV map layer. Save the file (preferably as targa file). Upload it to SL and apply to mesh. Done. (Somebody might do a more detailed explanation.)
  14. Dree Eames wrote: ... but the first thing that strikes me is the arms being modeled in the "T" orientation. I have always thought this arms modelling in T-pose being very strange too. Wouldn't A-pose be more natural? Where does this T-pose modelling originate from I wonder? Jonathan Williamson, in his female figure modelling series, used A-pose. The reason being that he saw A-pose more natural pose than T-pose to model a human figure. (T-pose raises the shoulders up in a position where we very seldom see them.)
  15. Amazing looking well done winter region - with season theme. :smileyhappy: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Holiday%20Village/140/181/29
  16. I saw this well fed Santa at Kuula. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  17. Well done shots Pussycat. I like the view; looks very nice. :matte-motes-smile:
  18. Helium Loon wrote: Orca Flotta wrote: Those characters are not Asian-like, they are in fact very Asian, Korean to be more exact. Sorry, can't help you with the technical stuff. Actually, those are not Korean. Those are Chinese or Japanese Kanji. Korean characters look more like this: 푸 미아오 리 Google translate detects the 鋰㰀暜藐 to be Chinese. PS There's an nice web page showing with few samples that it's fairly easy to distuinguish between Chinese, Japanese and Korean writing. http://www.wikihow.com/Tell-Chinese,-Japanese,-and-Korean-Writing-Apart
  19. Czari Zenovka wrote: Most welcome! Now I want to go see if the Japanese area is still there. lol Yes, the Japanese area is still up and running. Surely the nicest looking houses of all Linden Homes are there. Anyway the Japanese area suffers the same feel of "boring, nothing to do" as all other Linden Homes areas. The reason for the boring feeling is that there is not enough variation in the scenery. Same pattern of similar houses and trees repeating and repeating as far as one can see. Increasing the draw distance to about 500 meters one can really see the dull non-interesting scenery layout.
  20. Orca Flotta wrote: Instead of incorporating the Linden Homes continents into the general setup of mainlands they placed them somwhere on the grid and by that created the most boring and undesirable places to call home ... ever. I call them n00b ghettos :smileysad: Yes, the Linden Homes locations are perhaps the most boring places in the grid. :matte-motes-yawn:
  21. Aethelwine wrote: The lindens inability to manage the spam problems are pathetic. There surely would be a need for something like... ... but Linden Lab does not like it. They changed things so that it is extremely fast and easy to create a new account. They truly and firmly did believe that this would increase SL population and concurrency.
  22. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Oh, and SL already encourages building 'to scale'. Mesh builds which are more and more common now use up a LOT less land impact when scaled down. As more people realize this, builds get smaller. Yes, building mesh objects to RL scale indeed does save LI. However it seems that a lot of designers - even for mesh furniture - still size their objects "only for those over two meters tall avatars". For fun I visited ten shops selling mesh furniture - in every shop everything was still very big. I couldn't find a single item built to RL scale. The largest beds are so huge that they cover an area what three or four normal sized beds would take.
  23. Cerise Sorbet wrote: Looks like common adware. Lots of dodgy download sites, often places offering little game or utility things, will put this junk in their installers. Yes there are now many download sites like that. You download something, install the program and bang you will notice that it has silently added some add-on to your browser - like for example a new default search site, and possibly also new default start page. Those sites do not say anything about that some add-on will be installed on your browser, they just do it secretly and silently. Ufff... Sometimes the add-ons are such that nothing shows about them in the add/remove program list, nor nothing shows in browser extensions or add-ons. Just recently that happened to me, I had to search the net for instructions how to remove the nasty useless browser add-on. :smileyfrustrated:
  24. How about this one? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Vassnia-Think-Dietrich/581647
  25. No, when you are logged in there is no way to show that you are offline. There are always ways to find out are you online or not. There was another thread just recently about this subject here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Stealth-Mode/td-p/2348181 Venus Petrov wrote: More specifically, if you use Firestorm, go to Avatar > Preferences > Privacy > General. You can tick a box that will show you are online to only friends and groups. If you do not want even that, you can untick the box for each friend in your friends list and that will serve to 'hide' your presence from them. Even doing so, it is still possible to see the true online status of any avatar with a script. True online status is also shown in groups member listings (need to belong to same group as the avatar who's online status one wants to check). So, there is no way to be logged in and appear as offline to all online status checking methods.
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