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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. I'm just going to sit back and wait for reports how disoriented and sick people feel after using that contraption for many hours.
  2. Illuminatra wrote: I honestly think that this is an issue with Firestorm. Second Life was working fine last week until Friday. Did you try some other viewer when this problem occurred? It's always good to have two or three different viewers installed. One TPV of your preference and latest Linden Lab viewer would be a good combination. Then it is easy and quick to test does the same problem happen also with Linden Lab viewer. If the same thing happens in both viewers then it is a strong indication that it is not an issue with viewers but a server issue. Then there is no reason to start re-installing a viewer multiple times and clearing cache multiple times in a futile effort to solve problems.
  3. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: You posted the windows drivers, I suggest you better get the latest NVidia drivers from their site. The SL viewers in Windows report the drivers as: "Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.17.0013.0142". However, it does not mean that it is a driver which came with Windows installation. That driver is NVidia's driver, but a bit old one. Anyway, it's good to check is there a newer one available at NVidia. And there is a very new one, suitable for OP's card, released on 10th March 2014 - GeForce 335.23 Driver
  4. MollySimmms wrote: Facts: One Viewer is the copy of the other. All adjustments are identical. Have chosen "allow the usage of two viewers". That works perfectly. Very strange thing you have done. It might not work as 'perfectly' as you think. You only need one viewer installed. Then in "Preferences, Advanced" --> Select "Allow multiple viewers". Now you can run multiple instances of the same viewer at the same time; as many as your computer can handle. There is absolutely no reason or need to have multiple copies of the same viewer installed.
  5. CarlaS02 wrote: If you could get in touch with me asap (deadline issues) that would be awesome. My beginning fee for any interview is 250 USD for the first hour. This will be the charge even if whole hour was not used. Additional half hours will be 125 USD each, even if the whole half hour was not used. $(°.°)$ :smileyhappy:
  6. Pussycat Catnap wrote: They really need to catch up, and not keep falling behind so often. I totally agree - Firestorm should have more regular updates. It seems that they are taking too big bites in their updates, trying to achieve as much as possible in one go. That slows things down. Smaller updates, more often would be better. Well, they do have lots of extra features which is a major factor in making the updates a big slow process.
  7. If it's an ATI graphics card, then switching off "OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects" and "Enable Streamed VBOs" in viewer "Preferences, Graphics, Hardware Settings" is worth a try.
  8. Illuminatra wrote: When will Firestorm get updated to support Fitted Mesh? On the 15th February Firestorm Q&A meeting it was said: "The next release of Firestorm will be out around March 9th – possibly a little before, possibly after." It's 10th March now, so the release might happen soon; if all goes well. This next release - when published - will support Fitted Mesh.
  9. Are you both using the same version of the Singularity viewer? It might be that he's using older version which does not support Fitted Mesh. The post below shows what will happen when Fitted Mesh is viewed with a viewer which does not support Fitted Mesh. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/FITMESH-FTTTED-MESH-DOUBT/m-p/2524093#M39705 PS. Singularity version 1.8.5 supports Fitted Mesh.
  10. Have you asked does anybody else see this shoe or is it only you? If others don't see it then it's most likely some a glitch in your cache folders. I have seen similar things happening to myself. Sometimes I am unable to remove some item what I see. I ask my friend does he see it. "Nope, you're ok". Then what I do is "Character Test", delete all cache folders, relog. Sometimes it could take couple of relogs before the haunting object has vanished from my view. Oh, one more thing, be sure that each viewer what you are using has it's own cache location. Using same cache location for all viewers will cause problems.
  11. 7 March 2014: SL bug reports are officially open again: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Tools-and-Technology/JIRA-Changes-Are-Now-Live/ba-p/2532199
  12. Excellently captured DoF Dress. And beautiful model. :matte-motes-smile:
  13. The SL scene is rendered at OnLive's powerful servers. Then OnLive packs the scene into video stream and sends the stream to the user's mobile device. So the mobile device will not do any scene rendering at all.
  14. Firestorm 4.5.1 Phototools DoF test. Quite easy to use to get a nice depth of field effect to snapshots. Besides easy to use DoF, there are many other handy features in Phototools. Dark colours in this snapshot are due to sunset; the sun was just a bit below the horizon. No photoshopped DoF here. just the product of viewer's DoF setting.
  15. Perrie Juran wrote: And actually last night I accidentally clicked on someones Mega T*ts and got a verbal rebuff in local chat. ... and some people are still telling that "Second Life is not like Real Life". :matte-motes-big-grin: :smileyvery-happy: :smileytongue:
  16. RacerX Gullwing wrote: For some reason you can only use the word "want" in adult regions now. Wonder how that got on the list? This is how... (I have posted this earlier, but couldn't resist doing it again...) :smileyvery-happy:
  17. That's great to hear. Sometimes the best approach is to do nothing; relax and wait for a while for things to get untangled. :smileyhappy:
  18. Yes, that's very true. I remember that from the old times. When the money has been delivered the place is empty again. One needs constantly feed the xploder with money to get the people back. And most of the people coming stand still like dead statues saying nothing. xploders sure are a money sink for the owner.
  19. I think using xploders to increase traffic is not allowed any more - or they do not work for that purpose any more. Thus they have all almost totally vanished from SL. Like the original web page tracking them. There still may be some other xploder type (Voodoo xploder?) available. I haven't checked about it.
  20. Venus Petrov wrote: I've seen this only a couple of times and it's silly. Indeed so. My mouse pointer is often traveling all over my computer's screen, eagerly sniffing, touching, clicking and inspecting things - no silly shield will stop it. One time it was inspecting nicely designed nipple worn by a beach goer. In no time at all an IM popped up: "Did you like my nipple?" What the heck! :smileysurprised: What's the purpose of wearing a nipple which has a touch script on it? Perhaps just for fun, to freak out the nosy ones? :smileytongue:
  21. Venus Petrov wrote: Sploders were very popular in clubs... There were sploders and there were xploders. Sploders were usually in clubs. There was a difference between these two. sploder: To participate in sploder one had to put some money there. There was a timer running. After it went off the thing "exploded" and it delivered the money in it to the participants, some got more, some got less. xploder: These were often found in shops, also in some clubs and other venues. The purpose of the xploders was to lure people to come to the place, to increase traffic. There was even an web page where people could see in what places xploders where running, how much money was in them, how many people had already entered in any exploder and how much time was left for the exploding. One could TP from the web page to any one of the xploders. Anybody could enter any xploder for free. It was the xploder owner who put the money there - those entering the xploder could also put some money there, seldom anybody did so as it was not required. After the timer went off, the xploder delivered the money in it between those who have entered in it; some got more some less. Sometimes there were crazy amounts of L$ in some xploders. If one was lucky one could get hundreds of L$ during few hours. It was quite fun actually - sometimes. One got to meet and see all kinds of places and people and got paid for it. :matte-motes-big-grin: :smileyhappy:
  22. Jo Yardley wrote: Second Life goes mobile! Hum ho, I was expecting... :matte-motes-big-grin: Alas, nothing of the kind happened. :smileysad:
  23. It would be really helpful to know more detailed information about your system. Therefore please do this: In Firestorm viewer, from menu: • "Help, About Firestorm" • Copy the infomation from there and post it here In Linden Lab viewer, from menu: • "Help, About Second Life" • Copy the infomation from there and post it here Then somebody might have proper ideas what causes your problems; else it's just guesswork. Thanks. :smileyhappy:
  24. You could have totally freaked out and pissed off those ladies by passing them this link: http://tentacolor.com/2009/09/17/bypass-an-anti-inspect-shield-in-3-easy-steps/ .. or by telling them about the de-render thing in some viewers. A big drama and hissing like fighting cats would have ensued. :matte-motes-evil: :smileyvery-happy: :smileytongue:
  25. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: Instead of selling it slightly bigger, you could also show the different LI's for the different sizes. Yes. That would be good way to educate people that in general, smaller is better. :matte-motes-smile:
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