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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. Ok, here goes... it will work like you want. Here's how: • In the viewer menu select "Me, Preferences, General" • Under "Name tags:" Select "View Display Names" • Don't select "Usernames" Now the /me emote will show Display Name only. PS. If you didn't get it working as described above, then do also this: • Keep the "View Display Names" selected • Select also "Usernames" • Test the /me emote. Both your Display Name and your Username should appear. • Now unselect the "Usernames" leaving only the "View Display Names" selected. • Test again the /me emote. Now only the Display Name will be shown. Done. Congratulations. :matte-motes-smile: I tested this in Linden Lab viewer: Second Life Confirmed, it works.
  2. Elinah Iredell wrote: Thanks everyone again. Can anyone tell me how to access the free option for uploadiing textures on the main grid? I went to the upload area and I could not figure it out. Use local texture feature. http://modemworld.wordpress.com/2012/05/12/local-textures-coming-to-a-viewer-near-you/ http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Rolig_Loon/Local_Textures Please note that only the person applying the local texture will see it, others will not see the texture. Local textures are just meant to test the textures for free. In the end when the texture looks ok, you must upload the final one so that others will see it too.
  3. bbnny8 wrote: I'm using the default viewer, the one you download from the website. That link said that emotes don't work at IMs but with the default viewe, some months ago, they worked perfectly. I just tested the /me emote with this viewer: Second Life 3.7.3 The /me emote does work in IM. Just the same way as they work in general chat. PS. The download link for this latest Linden Lab viewer is: https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ By the way, the link says nothing that emotes in IMs would not work. They do work.
  4. MizzFuzzyMoran wrote: i dont mean clothes that you wear i mean places wear to advertise (spellchecked) But you forgot: • capitalization checked and • punctuation checked :smileysurprised: Warning: This post has not been checked in any way. It may or may not contain multiple errors. :smileytongue:
  5. Some safehubs are not very welcoming as griefers use to hang out there. However there are also nice ones. For example this one: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ambat/88/211/60 Often there are only very few avies there. Peaceful place. You can even set your home location there. And there is a small sandbox area too whre you can open your boxed purchases. Or even build something.
  6. Whirly Fizzle wrote: Whirly won the first prize by making the best answer to a post, just by using a single picture. Yay! :catvery-happy:
  7. See here (the bottom post): http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Everything-Else/me-command-showing-user-name-not-display-name-in-IM-chat/qaq-p/1993627
  8. If it is modifiable prim hair then what you can do is edit it. You can resize the whole hair. Besides that you can also edit the individual prims in the hair too - move, rotate, resize. Just play with it by moving the prims that cover the eye. You can even make them semi-transparent and even totally transparent which makes the prim totally invisible. Before editing the hair make a backup copy - if it's copyable, so that you can always go back to it if you accidentally mess up things.
  9. Natural reaction. Avatar is happy after succesfully taken an awesome snapshot. Just like in real life. People often check how did the photo come out they just took. They might even show it to friends. Everybody smiles or laughs happily. :matte-motes-big-grin: :smileyvery-happy: :catwink: (You can disable this smiling feature just like ObviousAltIsObvious said.)
  10. Mouse Marenwolf wrote: ... my name looks like this ღ Ⓓℑ - Ⓜόύʂӗ ღ ... :smileysurprised: Question: ʍɥɐʇ ᴉs ʇɥǝ dnɹdosǝ oɟ ɯɐʞᴉuƃ ʎonɹ uɐɯǝ ʇoʇɐllʎ nuɹǝɐpɐqlǝ¿ ˙˙˙ᴉs ᴉʇ ɔool¿ ᴉɟ uoʇ ʇɥǝu ʍɥɐʇ ᴉs ᴉʇ¿ :smileytongue:
  11. My eye caught also this misinformation on that page: Second Life is going to need a graphics card that is capable of DX 9 or OpenGL 1.5. Second Life makes use of DX9 so a GPU with that capability could benefit from enhanced visuals. :smileysurprised: :smileyfrustrated: :smileytongue:
  12. Rolig is right about the texture sizes. Very good advice and info. Jackson, see here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits Scroll down to "Textures" on that page. Maximum allowed has been some time in the history 2048 x 2048, but now the maximum uploadable size is 1024 x 1024. PS. Web profiles have 1:1 aspect ratio for the profile picture. The old legacy profiles have 4:3 aspect ratio for the 2nd Life tab profile picture. What I did is that I use 8:7 aspect ratio in my profile picture. That aspect ratio is half way between 1:1 and 4:3 aspect ratios. When viewed in web profile the image is squashed a bit, when viewed in legacy profile the image is stretched a bit. This is a kind of midway solution, what ever profile is used, image will look quite ok.
  13. Another lossless format is TGA. Save just as a 24 bits TGA and the alpha channel, what might be in the image, will not be saved. It's always good to use either PNG or TGA. Lossy JPG format should be avoided as there is always some loss in detail. (Using JPG, there will be actually two times compression and thus loss of detail: first in saving to JPG, and then at upload as the file will be converted to JPEG2000 format what SL uses internally.)
  14. My preference is that all clothing should be modifiable. Yes, everything modifiable. Thanks. :matte-motes-smile: Mesh clothing should come also with alpha mask texture, so that it is possible to edit it if needed. It's nice when the items are modifiable so one can tint the items with different colour. It's great when mixing items from different outfits. What I really dislike is if an item is no-mod and the seller then sells the items separately or in a fat pack, all having exactly the same texture but different colour shade.
  15. Sinse doing clean install - uninstall and then manually wiping every single reference to Firestorm; including the settings and cache - I have had no problems whatsoever. Everything works beautifully in Firestorm 4.6.1 (64 bit) for me.
  16. Perrie Juran wrote: OK. That's the wrong version for SL. Should be: Firestorm 4.6.1 (40478) Mar 10 2014 02:44:13 (Firestorm-Release) with Havok support The 64 bit version is not a wrong version for SL. It can be used both in SL and in Open sim grids. I have been using the 64 bit version in SL since it was released and it works great. Lots of others do the same. As the the 64 bit version does not have Havok support yet, there are two things to note when using it in SL:
  17. Yardie London wrote: For all we know making fitted mesh work with Firestorm might never happen. Umm... what do you mean by that? I have the latest, just recently released, Firestorm (version 4.6.1) installed and fitted mesh works perfectly. I have tried some fitted mesh clothes using this Firestorm version, and yes fitted mesh does work in it.
  18. Qie Niangao wrote: But at this point it would be better to declare that "mission accomplished" and get on with other, non-avatar stuff for a few years. But, but... we do need new avatar mesh. Then we could do away with all those avatar mesh add-ons of which only intention and purpose is to hide the terrible avatar mesh what we have now. I'm sure that if we had new well made nice avatar mesh it would be less laggier than all those body mesh add-ons what people wear now. The body parts add-on craze has already gone too crazy. :smileyfrustrated:
  19. Rhys Goode wrote: Tex, you must have awfully bad karma, only explanation I can think of. I found something for Tex. Cheers! :matte-motes-big-grin:
  20. Tex Monday wrote: The 4.5 Beta is HORRIBLE with lag. I just uploaded the 4.6 version and it seems to be much better... Viewers appear to be very picky in what computers they run well or run not well. It's rather strange since all of them use the same rendering engine features which are in Linden Lab viewer. But still it happens - the viewers are picky about what they like and not like. Computers and softwares are really weird. Therefore it's always good to try different viewers to find out what runs best in one's own computer. PS. For me Firestorm 4.5.1 beta did run perfectly well, I didn't experience horrible lag, it was pretty smooth going. Now I'm using the new version 4.6.1 and it runs very similarly as the beta did, again smooth going, not much difference compared to the beta. I have also latest Linden Lab released viewer and it performs similarly to Firestorm. I have tried also some other viewers; I cannot see much difference between any of the viewers what I have tried.
  21. I don't know what might cause that problem for you. I installed the 64 bit version and it works fine for me. Anyway, one thing to note: As you have only 4 GB of memory there is no advantage at all for you to install the 64 bit version. You would need 8 GB minimum to gain some advantage with 64 bit version. Just install the 32 bit version and you're good to go.
  22. Wow! That's a long time. :smileysurprised: For me uninstalling the 32bit beta version took about three minutes. Installing the just released 64 bit version took about eight minutes. So far I haven't uninstalled the 64 bit version as it appears to work very well for me. So I cannot tell how long uninstalling it would take for me.
  23. Jo Yardley wrote: It didn't bother me at all. And I did the roller coaster demo standing up and backwards. Mind you, the second development kit is already a lot less 'sickening'. I'm interested to know: how long time did you use the device? I'm a bit confused of the "a lot less sickening". It kind of implies that it still is sickening.
  24. This has nothing to do with Firestorm. The fact is that some people still use some old stuff which have invisiprims. They should update those things with Alpha Masked things. How invisiprims work and don't work? In all viewers it goes like this: Advanced Lighting Model = ON - Invisiprims do not work (ugly sticking feet out from shoes for example) Advanced Lighting Model = OFF - Invisiprims work as they have always done As more and more people are keeping Advanced Lighting Model on in their viewers it is better to avoid anything which uses invisiprims. In modifiable objects one can delete the invisiprims and use alpha masks instead.
  25. Nowadays everything in Marketplace takes time. Lots of time. :smileysad: Anyway, the maturity level change should stick where one sets it. If not, then it's Marketplace's general bad performance to be blabed, I guess.
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