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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. Madelaine McMasters wrote: I rifled through my purse for the one dollar asking price and hurriedly paid the woman minding the table. She was clearly oblivious to the world-changing, mind-bending technological marvel she was about to give away to a complete and hyperventilating stranger. Maddy, quickly go back there and ask if she might have one of these too. At one dollar naturally. :matte-motes-big-grin: Then you only need to find suitable film and you're fully equipped. :smileyhappy: PS. If no film is to found then some technical wizard might be able to install digital sensors on it. And to the viewer gadget too. Awesome, awesome beyond description! :matte-motes-nerdy:
  2. Curt Bombastic wrote: Yes even triued the Different Viewer ... Still nothing • Ok, then the next step is to try to login from different computer. ... and if even that does not work then: • Login from different computer and different internet connection (like from friend's house for example) Those steps would help to certify: - is the problem with your computer - is the problem with your internet connection Final step if the above ones fail too: • create an alt (if you don't have one yet) and try to login with your alt - if you can login with your alt then there is a problem with your main account
  3. What I would do is that I would install different viewer and try to login with it. It would help to pinpoint where the problem lies. • If the different viewer works all right, then I would know that the fault is in the other viewer. Sometimes some files might get corrupted giving all kinds of strange errors. Then a total uninstall and clean re-install of that problem viewer most likely would make it working again. If it worked earlier there is no reason why it would not work again after clean re-install. • If the different viewer does not work either then the most probable reason is that something has gone bad with your computer or its settings. You said that you have done ALL solutions given above and it still does not work. Ok, but have you tried different viewer?
  4. Syo Emerald wrote: Skell Crazyboi wrote: Huh? >.> It looks like a bad joke about muscular men...or like a monster from a nightmare, I haven't decieded yet, but its clearly not human. Right. :smileyhappy: Clearly it's not a homo sapiens sapiens at all. Looking at the picture, it appears to be very tall, has a pin sized head and overgrown muscles. It might belong to homo musculus muscularis which was long thought to be extinct. However, recently it has re-emerged in some virtual worlds - and even in real life. :smileywink: PS. Homo musculus muscularis might be good choise for some role play things. Anyway, I rather would not see them multiply in great numbers. :smileyindifferent:
  5. Coby Foden wrote: I propose an addition to the TOS: You shall not try to estimate avatar's age by avatar's height. In real life we do not estimate person's age by the person's height. Same applies to Second Life. The rule is: • if it looks like an adult then it's an adult • if looks like a child then it's a child Please do note carefully, height has absolutely nothing to do how old or young something is. Yes. That would put an end to this "height = age" silliness. :smileyvery-happy: :smileytongue: I propose a second addition to the TOS: You shall make your your avatar's height withing the range of average humans. As this is an American company the reference average heights shall be based on Americans. Therefore the only allowed heights for human like avatars will be according to this chart: We hope that this addition to the TOS will aid in stopping the height/age controversy issue in Second Life. A special allowance is given for the so called "petites" and the likes. They can be as small as they have been so far. If you are very tall basketball player in real life and you want to make your avatar as tall as you are in real life, you must submit a proof of your height and basketball player status. After studying your proof documents, we may or may not grant you a permission to make your avatar's height the same as your real life height is. Yay! Peace will be in Second Life. :smileywink: PS. The constant arguments about height (and age) clearly show that Linden Lab made a big mistake as they didn't pay proper attention to default avatar height in the very beginning. :smileysad:
  6. Skell Crazyboi wrote: Been looking up some mesh ones and this is the only one I can find quite cheap https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Katonda-Full-mesh-avatar-wbodysuit-naked-body-and-2-state-scripted-**bleep**/4624178 :smileysurprised: Skell Crazyboi wrote: But still not gonna get it yet cos Im still curious to see others... Phew... thanks. :smileyhappy:
  7. I propose an addition to the TOS: You shall not try to estimate avatar's age by avatar's height. In real life we do not estimate person's age by the person's height. Same applies to Second Life. The rule is: • if it looks like an adult then it's an adult • if looks like a child then it's a child Please do note carefully, height has absolutely nothing to do how old or young something is. Yes. That would put an end to this "height = age" silliness. :smileyvery-happy: :smileytongue:
  8. garey Solo wrote: In other words will my situation with LL affect my partners account? No, your account will not affect your partner's account in any way. garey Solo wrote: The reason I ask about alts is that when my restriction goes into place I would like to use one of my alts. I set up alts a long time ago at a different IP address. My old home. Will I be able to log in with them at my current IP address? You will be able to login with your alts at your current IP address. All accounts are individual accounts whether they are premium ones or free ones. They have nothing to do with each other, except for the possible same IP address. It's only if one of those same IP address avatar accounts does something wrong (like griefing, etc.) then it could happen that Linden Lab might disable login for all those same IP address accounts until proof is given who are the owners of each account. It once happened to somebody I know. Their account was put on hold as Linden Lab thought that the same person was behing this account as in one other account having done something wrong. A phone call to Linden Lab cleared the matters and this not guilty person was able to login again.
  9. Sassy Romano wrote: Thanks though, I was right in what it did, just that the web page mentions "set imposters to 1" when it should really say "set NON imposters to 1" which is completely the opposite effect. Yes, the web page "Ten tips for faster Second Life" indeed should have said "set non-impostor avatars" instead of "set impostors". Even the picture from the viewer preferences on that page shows "Max. # of non-impostor avatars". The blog writer --> (:matte-motes-whistle: :matte-motes-wink:) has been sloppy with the term in the text raising confusion.
  10. The impostor setting means: "Maximum number of non-impostor avatars". So for example setting it to 10, means that 10 avatars in the scene are rendered fully, all the rest will be rendered as impostors.
  11. Lasher Oh wrote: - Reducing market place lag. Yes. First of all they should make the Marketplace blindingly fast - a pleasant speedy experience. After the snail like s l o w n e s s is fixed then it is the time for other oddities to be fixed. Speed, speed, speed. That's what is needed. I have stopped to search anything in the Marketplace because of its painfull slowness. I rather go shopping inworld where I can browse things fast almost in any shop.
  12. Phew... it was great that I didn't throw away my LP record player. It is still sitting boxed near my computer. Now I just have to start searching for a record changer for it. ... going to ebay... :matte-motes-big-grin:
  13. Perrie Juran wrote: Pussycat Catnap wrote: SuzettaLatonya wrote: I so agree with sara here on all this because i myself have been on IMVU for 8 yrs and having no where near the stress as SL not so bad now since figuring things out, but still very hard to keep up with what you have when all you have is text to go by and remembering every thing you buy well, who can after a long time here, it would have to be just forgotten things that one day you may come across and be like i remember that. I can't count the times i have had to go look into the web history to see what i buy because i can't remember the name and then have to go thru 100 pages just looking for buys hidden amoungst all the demos i have tried GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ!!! I think that if we can see a picture of the product we are buying in the market place then why not have that same image inside the folder so that we can see what it is exactly, i think that would make life so much more painless on SL. My life here keeping up with all the yellow boxes can be more stressfull than RL it shouldn't be that way when this is suppose to be fun not stressfull. for every base hair tattoo u have one image of a brown cartoon hair piece LOL and for clothing images of a cut out shirt/pants and some gawd awful wife beater underwear LOL and undershirt. How is that saying what i am adding it doesn't. And yes a saved pic of what u are wearing and added to a folder would be so much better. Also even if you do know the name of something you buy why not be able to search it in your order history so u can filter thru instead of page after page so time consuming.Any way we have the freedom to make suggestions on how things could be better on SL and this is just what it is and who would not want things to be less complicated only those who have no idea how both worlds are.Also if i could only have back all the Lindens from bad buys i have purchased well could have been prevented had there demos. I think there should be demos for every single thing you buy some how LL can make this happen because it is not fair to have to make bad buys and if you do buy things that have no demo then there should be a 24 hr return or something.The creators here make a lot of Lindens on bad buys when if i buy more than 2 things bad from one creator then i skip buying form them again if they don't have demos i don't even give it another try. This is a must fix....I never made bad buys on imvu because there was a try it button on every thing, and at first they didn't have that then a few years down the road they did and never again i wasted money on things unsure of. Is your enter key broken ? cause its really hard to read that . I know that some schools here have stopped teaching cursive and that many others are considering doing that also. But I may need to go to my next School Board meeting. I wasn't aware that paragraphs were dropped from the curriculum also. Once I had a co-worker in the office who didn't even use a space between sentences; there was a full stop but no space after that. I guess he was thinking that any text produced with computer should be as tight as possible to "save space". Then there was one other person who typed all her emails with capital letters. I once asked why. She said that it's easier to read as the capital letters look bigger than the lower case ones. :smileysurprised: Those guys drove me totally nuts whenever I had to read their texts! :smileyfrustrated: :smileytongue:
  14. Coby Foden


    Freya Mokusei wrote: Lexi Zelin wrote: The SL avatar also looks like **bleep**. lowering the poly count on them anymore will make all the chain links look a mess perhaps it's not politically correct but it works so I'm happy Wow. This will end well. ( :smileytongue: )
  15. It seems that there are lots of AO animations which have been made using a T-rex arm avatar as a model with grasshopper long legs. My avatar has realistic human proportions; for example: has long arms like a real human has. In lots of AO animations - stands, sits, etc. my hands get partly inside the body. As any animation works well only for the shape it's been made for, unfortunately there is nothing one can do - except to try lots of different animations and hope to find good ones which would work ok on one's own shape. Changing one's shape to fit the animations is out of the question for most users I guess. And besides that route would be painfully lot of tweaking and guess work; and the end result would be that one has ruined one's own loved shape. PS. If your avatar has good realistic human proportions then motion capture animations may work the best because those animations have been made by using a real human as an animating model.
  16. Aquila Kytori wrote: Note one meter in Blender = precisely one meter inworld. I can confirm this too. 1 meter in Blender = 1 meter in SL. Exactly. I made a simple house inworld from prims. I saved the house inworld as collada file and opened in Blender (version 2.70). I checked the dimensions of the house in Blender and they were exactly the same as inworld. Then I saved the the house in Blender as collada file and imported it to SL. Again checking the dimension. The imported mesh house was exactly the same size as the original prim house. PS. Firestorm 4.6.1 was used for export and import.
  17. Dillon Levenque wrote: pps: Having seen your pictures, Coby, I think I might downgrade my version of Firestorm to one that does not support Fitted Mesh. The big trailing across the view thing is bad, but I rather like the rest ;-). :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: :matte-motes-big-grin:
  18. Medhue Simoni wrote: Now, it would be impossible for them to give the avatar better weights, as it would ruin all the mesh clothing made. Yes, I noticed this on one mesh top. With the uncorrected avatar weights the mesh top was ok. Then I loaded the corrected weights (given in the JIRA). The mesh top had some issues, not very big but disturbing issues nevertheless. I think the only good route left is: • keep the present default avatar mesh as it is • create a new well made default avatar mesh • both of them could then co-exist • gradually as more and more content was created for the new mesh more users would use it • old mesh would gradually die out due to lack of usage One big benefit of the new mesh would be that there would be no need for multitude of - often not well optimized - mesh add-ons (heads, boobs, hands, butts, feet, etc.). Less lag, easier for the users. Everybody would be happy. The mesh add-ons business has gone totally crazy. It's about time to stop it. It will never happen that all designers will take good care to optimize their meshes - or even know how to, or care to.
  19. Tarina Sewell wrote: Hello! So, basicly what do you think? Is it safe to wear fitted mesh yet at social gatherings? What I think is that of course it is safe. Fitted Mesh is officially released by Linden Lab. Thus it's safe and perfectly all right because it is an official SL feature. It does not matter the least bit how those who have not updated their viewers might see us - half naked, distorted or something else, it's no concern for the Fitted Mesh wearer. When a new feature is released why should we wait until "the majority" of users will see the new feature? And what is the majority after all? Is it 60, 70, 80, 90, 95 or 99 per cent of the users? And how do we know the percentage of people who see the new feature at any given time? Surely Linden Lab knows, but that info is not readily given to us users. I think that even after two years from now there will still be people who will not see Fitted Mesh properly. Should we wait until then, or even longer before wearing Fitted Mesh? I think not. I take it that when any new feature is released by the Lab then it indeed is ready to be used. No need to start the waiting game. So if somebody comments or complains :smileymad: seing :smileysurprised: us like in the left picture below - half nude and distortred: ... then we can say: "Hey! Linden Lab has given me the permission to wear this anywhere." :smileyhappy: :smileyvery-happy: :smileytongue:
  20. MiuKitten, please edit your post - put the original question back. It's not a practice here to remove the thread, nor change the post after it's been answered. As Alwin Alcott said all the posts are a good reference if somebody has the same problem again. Thanks. :matte-motes-smile:
  21. Venus Petrov wrote: Wow. Over 17700 Petrovs and I have only met two others inworld in my 7+ years. Must not be a healthy bunch :matte-motes-bored: Quite similar here; 11513 Fodens. In seven years I have seen only two other Fodens inworld. And I do travel a lot in SL.
  22. bbnny8 wrote: I'm doing that but it doesn't seem to work for me. It changes the nametag over your head but the /me's done at IMs still show the acoutn name. Hmm.. that's very strange. Now I'm out of ideas why it does not work for you. When I tested that, it changes the name to Display Name in all: • Name tag • Chat • IM In chat and IM the Display Name shows when typing normally - without using the "/me" - and also when using the "/me".
  23. Yes, yes... they did change the profile picture from 4:3 to 1:1 (the picture in 2nd Life tab in old profiles) - a LONG time ago. So now in the web profiles, the profile picture and real worl picture, both have now the same 1:1 aspect ratio. In the old profiles 2nd Life picture has 4:3 aspect ratio and the 1st life picture has 1:1 aspect ratio. This aspect ratio change in the web profiles didn't improve anything. Linden Lab are well aware that the old profiles are still vastly used. Besides they work faster and are less obtrusive in the viewer than the glaring web profiles. Anyway, Torley wasn't speaking only of the profile picture aspect ratio. In general the aspect ratios what are presently used are still a big mess. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits Aspect ratios Second Life Viewer 3.6 Search > Classifieds thumbnail - ~3:2 (101×69 pixels) Search > Classifieds expanded - ~4:3 (159×120 pixels) Search > Classifieds expanded > More Info - native aspect ratio Search > Destination Guide thumbnail - ~3:2 (101×69 pixels) Search > Destination Guide expanded - ~4:3 (159×120 pixels) Search > People - 1:1 (100×100 pixels) Search > Places expanded ~4:3 (159×120 pixels) Place Profile - ~3:2 (290×197 pixels) About Land > Options tab - ~4:3 (195×150 pixels) Profile > Picture - native aspect ratio; thumbnail cropped to 72×72 pixels; zoomed uncropped up to 300×300 pixels Profile > Real world picture - native aspect ratio; thumbnail cropped to 45×45 pixels; zoomed uncropped up to 300×300 pixels Profile > Picks thumbnail - 4:3 (60×45 pixels) Profile > Pick expanded - 4:3 (320×240 pixels) 1.x Series Viewers (official Viewer up to 1.23.5, still used by some Third Party Viewers) Search > All for "Classifieds", "People", and "Places" - 4:3 (256×192 pi×els) Search > Places and Classified tabs - ~7:5 (398×282 pixels) Search > Land tab - ~7:5 (358×252 pixels) Profile > 2nd Life tab - ~4:3 (178×133 pixels) Profile > Picks tab - 16:9 (288×162 pixels) Profile > 1st Life tab - 1:1 (133×133 pixels) Profile > Classifieds tab - ~3:2 (206×137 pixels) Profile > Web tab- 1:1 (400×400 pixels)A scrollbar uses 15 pixels on the right-hand side. About Land > Options tab - ~3:2 (178×117 pixels) Group Information > General tab's "Group Insignia" - 1:1 (126×126 pixels) All the above aspect ratios and sizes are still in effect. Linden Lab and TPV developers should sit at the same table and discuss this over. The solution is not just to disable the old profiles. Unification the aspect ratios in the old profiles and web profiles surely would not be impossible - if there was a will to do so. PS. I created a JIRA to Firestorm team to see is there anything they can do for the unification of the aspect ratios. http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-13280
  24. Jackson Redstar wrote: maybe a little OT, but, sure would be nice is Linden narrowed down and standardized aspect ratios, so that one picture to be displayed in various places doesnt need different aspect ratios By Torley Linden on ‎27-08-2009: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/TNT-Second-Life-Tips-Tricks/GUIDE-End-squashed-images-Get-correct-texture-aspect-ratios/ba-p/648099
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