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Pixie Kobichenko

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Everything posted by Pixie Kobichenko

  1. Blog your groups adventures! Co-opt a writer, photographer, costume designator, hot spot picker outer & so forth & swap responsibilities each week or however often. Rating system or ambiance, friendliness, exceptional experience- heck you guys could create an award to give the club you all liked most in a month or whatever- present it to club owner. Maybe goofy, but if I were still active & had a group that I consistently wen5 out with I’d definitely propose it!
  2. I finally got to see The Forever Purge today. I sat there chuckling that the studio went thru a lot of trouble to get a Josh Lucas lookalike. It was Josh Lucas 😑 Tonight I’m on YT watching random Ghostbusters things, like people who own replica Ecto-1s & put them in parades or just drive around NYC- how fun would that be to see?!? My favorite is a clip about how they made Slimer. He’s adorable. I peek at entertainment news every morning hoping to not see that the newest movie has been pushed back- again. 👻
  3. So anyone not agreeing with you should be institutionalized? Cause that’s what your statement means.
  4. I’ve been trying to just lurk this week cause I know I get very biased & opinionated…. That said- Each individual on the planet can not account for the worldview of 7.5 billion people. That would only be possible in a dystopian utopia. Can’t happen. Won’t happen. Should never happen, because of fundamental extremists who would likely kill just about everyone on the planet until there was no one left to voice their own opinion, All I can hope I raised my child to understand is he should just be kind, helpful, honest & faithful. Work hard, because- Murphy’s Law. Never stop learning & believe people when they show you who they really are. That’s the relationship I hope he has with the world.
  5. Holy macaroni. what a thread. what happened to taking ownership for our choices?
  6. *edit* my photos didn’t attach & when I go to edit to add the option to try again is not there…..
  7. I worked for the main dial up internet provider the 90s in a call center & at one point something similar was introduced to access our machines. It just generated random characters & you had to type them into the computer. I was really bad about forgetting it at home, misplacing it altogether, or leaving it my pocket & running it thru the washer, etc. 😑
  8. https://www.apa.org/pubs/books/The-Myth-of-Racial-Color-Blindness-Intro-Sample.pdf this is just the introduction to a book published by the APA (tho it’s a 19 page long introduction) exploring & countering similar beliefs you’ve stated. I’m putting it here in case you would care to skim thru.
  9. Folks don’t have to believe in the existence of something for it to be true. I’d reckon folks that doesn’t fall into a particular demographic who experience that particular circumstance could have difficulty being able to recognize it to acknowledge it- since it has no consequential affect on their life. case in point- the attention brought to the lack of coverage in the media & investigations in general for missing indigenous & black women that have never receive media coverage the likes we’re seeing for Gabby Petito in the past week. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/lack-awareness-data-hinders-cases-missing-murdered-native-american-women-n1235233
  10. (If it were t come down to it- time & temp!) Orrrrr: ….. yes these are really real- imma nerd so I’ve called them in the past….
  11. You did see the IF in my statement? IF LL were to implement something mandatory. IF. Speculative, theoretical IF. How about you stop responding to things folks didn’t say? Respond to what was said? That’d be nifty. Or you could be so gracious as to respond first on any thread that might pique your interest & lay the ground rules on what we’re allowed to express?
  12. I haven’t had a phone of my own since hubby began working from home well over a year ago because I do not want to voice chat. Not phone calls, Skype, SL- I really dislike interacting in person with neighbors as well- my anxiety is literally that bad. So dropped my number from the plan & saved the $10 a month for spending on other things. If anyone needs to get ahold of me they have several outlets via my iPad & I can answer when I feel like it. Or not. If the power goes out or Mr. Landlord needs to fix something- there’s hubby’s cell. If LL were to force implement the need to receive a code via text to log in then I suppose I will never log in as opposed to very randomly. I’m sure my paltry expenditures in SL won’t be missed- but I’ve no doubt there’s many, many more with their own reasons for not wanting something like this.
  13. Love On the Spectrum season 2 showed up in Netflix for me today! It is only 6 episodes so over too quickly. But it’s an amazing docu-series & explores how we all just want to be loved & accepted for who we are.
  14. I’m sorry that’s happened to you & embarrassed for those who behave that way- since they lack the ability. I’ve had horrible things messaged to me about Pixie’s weight- which I had either slink hourglass or Belleza Frey’s for the past 6+ years. Not an exaggerated ultra fat fetish body. But I do-did keep my sliders on the “fat” end because it felt more “me”. People feel free to message crude barely literate insults that do bother me to a point, just like in real life in instances like a man holding the door open for a much more attractive woman who wasn’t with him, and then walking away or behind her, all while making eye contact with me. & then there are those who craft paragraphs about their disgust in my avi- once someone talking in local about how my appearance made them vomit. There’s always going to be someone, somewhere who has to spew venom at others to make itthru their own insecurities. =/
  15. My game thread is alive once more! Once more unto the breach! The games afoot! Wearing organza, Reba rebelled youthfully. ALIEN 👽
  16. Morality? Right & wrong- good or bad behavior? What creates the distinction for you between someone plowing their car into my real life brick mailbox & wanting to avoid a pixelated jackass creating headaches for someone in second life? It’s not okay for someone to waltz into my real life home & open all the cabinets or repaint the walls & mess the bed. But in SL that should be tolerated? If someone trades bits of their money (they earned by trading bits of their life away) to create an escape in SL why is it a morality issue for you that they want their boundaries marked & respected?
  17. (As I read your response to Alwin it seems apparent you don’t understand the complex difficulty in communicating to a world wide audience & reacted harshly to someone participating in the conversation (not that they need my help in pointing this out). The only thing to understand is if the person enabling them is breaching that particular areas covenant then the person offended can file a report to the overlord of the vassal & hope for whatever pixelated repercussions to occur. Same with bouncy security orbs. It’s not worth the bother of “rhetorical questions” in a forum people come to for discussion. Maybe you could keep in mind that some of your audience is from a region of the world that tends to be blunt & doesn’t make innuendos, or English is a 2nd language by disclosing that you’re making an authoritative observation & not asking questions.
  18. The nicki minaj cousins balls thing is as funny & ludicrous as the maybe a real or maybe a trolling FB comment last year (cause who can tell what is a joke or not anymore with the craziness going on) about the woman whose husband was forced to wear a mask on a business trip & caught chlamydia….. that’s not what he caught it from unless the mask was made from worn panties. 🤭🤫🤪 🦠🩲 but seriously it’s like we’ve been plopped down into the movie Idiocracy.
  19. Oh yea, I know about that one. My hubby is super stoked. That it’s his RL son, too. I’m pretty sure hubby is still traumatized by the last scene of the series. Every once in a while the song will be on tv or in the car & I’ll snap off the volume at juuuuust the right moment 🤪😈
  20. I’m about to bounce out of my seat waiting for Ghostbusters Afterlife to release already (& it was bumped back yet another week recently due to fears of competition w/ some marvel movie ☹️). So I wound up watching 1&2 & 2016 several times in the last few weeks & yesterday sat down & watched Alien 👽 1, 2, 3, & 4 because- Sigourney Weaver. Did you know she nick named herself that around 12 years old because she liked the name of a minor character is F.S. Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby? Also her portrayal of Ridley is considered on of the most important female protagonists in cinematic history? I didn’t till I ended up going down the 🐇 hole. Anyways, I’ve always thought she ((Weaver) just exudes confidence & sophistication. Like I’d hope I could have turned out lol. oh I also watched Prometheus & Covenant today but upon googling found out that those “sequels” aren’t necessarily in line with the original to explain the story. 🤷‍♀️ & alien vs predator doesn’t really count (to me).
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