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Whats Best In Shopping In SL? In-world or Marketplace? (Not making a series here) :P

moka Sapphire

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Opinion Round 2 Anyone?


In-world or Marketplace? What do you think Is best to shop for clothes?

I know how this sounds and i don't want to bother anyone but I can't help myself.. When it comes to decision making I wanna make the best one I'm happy with and again.. Calling on all long time experienced players in SL to help a sista out. :) Your opinions matter..

I know marketplace usualy gets fast delivery and fails sometimes but I'm just wondering whats the best way to go about shopping for clothes in SL (fashion/quality wise) because I can't decide on anything lol.  So if you guys would be so kind as to give me your Opinion on this matter I would greatly apperciate it and would not bother you again!..Thanks.


...Ok, maybe I lied .  ..BUT

~ Reply Please and Thank You! ♥ :)

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braylasana wrote:

Use the MP as a search engine, then go visit the store inworld.  Many clothiers go to great lengths to provide an inworld shopping experience.   Also, inworld vendors are more sophisticated and reliable than the marketplace is.  

Agreed, just want to add if they don't have an inworld store where you can go see the item close up before buying it be very cautious about buying it.  MP is a great place to get scammed, I've seen freebies listed in MP multiple times by different people at different prices.

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There really is no "best" way. I prefer to use the marketplace as a search and browsing tool, throw some items into my shopping cart as reminders, then go to the inworld stores to pick up those items, and to browse a bit further through the whole shop. Some shops only have some items on the marketplace, and a larger selection inworld. Some stores don't have marketplace stores at all, so if you rely solely on marketplace, you'll be missing a lot. But if you DON'T use the marketplace at all, you may also miss some great things; some stores exist only on the marketplace.

I actually do a lot of my browsing on the forums. The Vanity Thread is good for finding nice items, and so are a bunch of other fashion and avatar threads. If you're looking for something specific, like boots, you can type "boots" into the forum search and find some threads about people's favorite boots, for example. If you find a style you like, head to the inworld store and browse. You may end up with what you saw, or something else entirely - or both!

I love shopping inworld because I get a better sense of items there, for some reason. But I also love the marketplace because of it's huge selection of all different styles. I have noticed the marketplace can be misleading as far as quality goes, but so can inworld stores, depending on how the items are displayed.

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In world 100%..!!


Marketplace is good to read reviews but you cannot beat shopping in world. And, you will probably find free gifts in world which you wouldnt see in the marketplace. And you will see other residents who can advise you on decent designers.

Marketplace is great if you know exactly what you want but browsing in best in world. And to get ideas, join a fashion group and send out some requests for good stores.



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Hi moka!

I would say Marketplace is defninitely safer! If delivery fails you can contact the seller - or file a ticket and have the item delivered by linden.

If the delivery of an in-world vendor fails (if the seller is using one) all there is left is contacting the seller.


But all you need is hand full of great designers and you are set anyway.

So I advise you to pick your top 5 and contact them up front, just be honest, tell them you like what you have seen and ask ask them if they will be there to redeliver if marketplace should fail.

And stick with those that have given you great service for great quality :)


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I shop mostly on Marketplace to be able to see a wide variety of things and to compare things without having to TP all over and wait for things to rez an possibly get caught in lag,  If they have an inworld store and if its convenient, i'll go there and buy it to save the vendor the commission.

I personally don't see an advantage of seeing something in world vs. on the marketplace when it comes to clothes unless the designer offers demos,  In world,  you mostly see just the same picture anyway not the actual item and sometimes it is much smaller than the one on MP so you can't see the details as much.  However, if its a designer I really like I will visit their shop from time to time just to see if they have something new that's not on the marketplace.  I also shop in world with a few designers i really like that aren't on MP.

Marketplace is a great way to find new designers too.  Many designers just starting out only are on the marketplace until they catch on enough that they can afford a store in world.  Shopping is more a chore for me than entertainment so I don't go wandering around looking for new designers in world.  If one opens in world that is really good, I generally hear about them from shopaholic friends anyway

As far as security, I don't have many problems with either marketplace or inworld.  I've been 'ripped' off by inworld merchants as many times as I have on MP.  At least on MP you can get a redelivery through LL if the merchant doesn't respond to a failed delivery. You can also write a negative review to warn others and in some cases, have them removed from the MP if there was fraud involved.  In world you have zero protection other than word of mouth.


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I tend to use the Marketplace primarily as a search engine.   I'll typically get a load of demo items from there, and then try them on at home and then go and check out the stores of the creators I'm particularly interested in.

One main reason for doing this is that, quite often, when I get to the store, I'll see other stuff there I like, too, that I hadn't noticed in the Marketplace.   

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

I shop mostly on Marketplace to be able to see a wide variety of things and to compare things without having to TP all over and wait for things to rez an possibly get caught in lag,  If they have an inworld store and if its convenient, i'll go there and buy it to save the vendor the commission.

I personally don't see an advantage of seeing something in world vs. on the marketplace when it comes to clothes unless the designer offers demos,  In world,  you mostly see just the same picture anyway not the actual item and sometimes it is much smaller than the one on MP so you can't see the details as much.  However, if its a designer I really like I will visit their shop from time to time just to see if they have something new that's not on the marketplace.  I also shop in world with a few designers i really like that aren't on MP.

Marketplace is a great way to find new designers too.  Many designers just starting out only are on the marketplace until they catch on enough that they can afford a store in world.  Shopping is more a chore for me than entertainment so I don't go wandering around looking for new designers in world.  If one opens in world that is really good, I generally hear about them from shopaholic friends anyway

As far as security, I don't have many problems with either marketplace or inworld.  I've been 'ripped' off by inworld merchants as many times as I have on MP.  At least on MP you can get a redelivery through LL if the merchant doesn't respond to a failed delivery. You can also write a negative review to warn others and in some cases, have them removed from the MP if there was fraud involved.  In world you have zero protection other than word of mouth.


Pretty much what Amethyst said.  Marketplace is a tremendous time saver for me in that I may like 50 items on Marketplace, but I don't have to wait for all that stuff to rez nor would I want too!!!

For me, I've been disappointed with my purchases inworld either because I chose too fast, was put in a bad mad because of waiting for rezzing, can't fly in the store to get around quickly, or it was an item on a hanger instead of on a model where I couldn't see the detail of both sides of the artwork on the clothing.  (Beware of items without front and back pics and on models -- I've bought about 5 items of things on hangers instead of modeled front and back and all were bad, so I won't do that again.)

I do shop inworld though if I want another item of the same thing but in a different color.  I just use the landmark in the folder and go pick up another color. 

I think it depends on your age and lifestyle.  If you are single teen or young adult living at home, you probably have a lot more time than me, a person who has a rl relationship and just uses SL to listen to music. 

I started on Marketplace, whereas some other people are more used to shopping inworld.  I love MP and get very frustrated with having to wait for rezzing of a store, walking my avatar around, etc, or looking for the one item I want from the store and can't find it inworld in the store after walking my avatar around for 10 minutes.  By that time, I'm done, logging off and logging back into checkout and VOILA, next time I log into SL there are my items in less than five minutes.  There is no comparison for me.  I'd chose MP any day. 

If a SL user doesn't have a house or place to open boxes though or they are a contest goer (which I am not), inworld is most likely better.

I'd say it depends on rl/sl lifestyle. 

p.s.  If you can't decide, store items in your favorites on your Marketplace page.  If you can't find the favorites area, ask, cuz it's great. 


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I've noticed lately that some items on hangers do show front and back: Most of the items will show the front, but one or two might have the back view, if you pay attention. Maitreya does this for sure, and I think mon tissu does too, and some others. I'm sure not everyone does this, but I actually like seeing the items on hangers, for some reason. I find that pictures of the item on a model are often too retouched.

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Market place is faster for sure.

What I do is if I find something nice on the market and like it inworld, I will then go to their store in SL (should one exist) to see what other nice things they have.


I will be honest - though lagging often, it is more fun to shop inworld.

Shopping on the MP is kind of like looking thru the sunday paper at ads. No real inspiration to buy. You get to the store with the fancy displays, lights, and see the tangible selection, and the shopping is on!

PLUS yeah, if they have an inworld store, it is less likely you will get ripped off cause someone has to put time, money, and creativity into a store. Anyone can just post junk on the market.

Inworld and in real life - the nicer the store, typically the better and nicer their products.

However, if you are talking big purchases like NICE shoes, hair, skin, clothes or whatever - definately go inworld unless you KNOW they are a reputable company.


To me - the MP is kind of like throwing a couple bucks at something and hoping for the best but not expecting much. Plus the MP has some outdated products that were best left with V1.

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I would say that I love the inworld experience much more than the marketplace. However, MP does have its uses, such as if I need to specifically narrow down what I am searching for quickly. Unless I am already familiar with the store, finding a specific item inworld can take time.

Also, if I cannot access the grid because I am not at my system or whatever, browsing the marketplace is a good way to get my fix.

So, I would have to say that for me, shopping inworld is better because I get to walk around and look at stuff and all the beautiful touches that have been put into the store, but if I am in a crunch or on my phone, then marketplace is definitely a plus.

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Ariel Vuissent wrote:

I've noticed lately that some items on hangers do show front and back: Most of the items will show the front, but one or two might have the back view, if you pay attention. Maitreya does this for sure, and I think mon tissu does too, and some others. I'm sure not everyone does this, but I actually like seeing the items on hangers, for some reason. I find that pictures of the item on a model are often too retouched.

I really don't like items on hangers -- they don't give you any indication of what the item looks like when worn, which is when any problems with the texturing and the way it deforms in places will show up.   

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

I really don't like items on hangers -- they don't give you any indication of what the item looks like when worn, which is when any problems with the texturing and the way it deforms in places will show up.   


I agree with this.  I think hangers are used to give more of a RL shopping experience.  The best use I've seen of them is a rack that has the color variations on hangers with a picture of a model wearing the clothes above the rack.

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I use the marketplace when I don't know where I can find shops for the things I'm looking for, when I don't have enough time or when I simply get frustrated over inworld shopping. The last point really is important. You shop owners are crying about marketplace? If I search for something there I get what I searched for, but inworld I mostly get anything but not what I searched for. And if I found a shop the prices are up in the air and no I'm not willed to pay 500L for every little outfit, I rather run around naked or go to the marketplace instead.


Not to forget that many shops really are too big or full with stuff. I want to go shopping not waiting 15 minutes until the shop is rezzed perfectly and then see that they don't offer what I want.

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Ariel Vuissent wrote:

I've noticed lately that some items on hangers do show front and back: Most of the items will show the front, but one or two might have the back view, if you pay attention. Maitreya does this for sure, and I think mon tissu does too, and some others. I'm sure not everyone does this, but I actually like seeing the items on hangers, for some reason. I find that pictures of the item on a model are often too retouched.

Maitreya didn't show front and back when I bought items there.  The skirt which was sold as a separate showed the front only, but the problem is, even though sold as a separate, the painted on belt is only painted on the front with no belt on the back, so can't use it, and the jacket I bought from Maitreya is far too boxy looking and doesn't look good with the skirt.  So, I can't agree on Maitreya due to my experience.  I like the skirts fit and would wear it IF the belt went all the way around.   I have struck out on all but one shirt I bought off "hanger" items.  The hanger items ended up in the trash bin, sadly for my money.  I also bought a pair of what looked nice nice bronze leather pants from a store as MY LAST HANGER ITEM, cuz I'm not doing that anymore.  The pants looked great from the front, but absolutely no detail on the back of the pants.  I just won't buy "hanger" items, not without a picture of both front and back.  MP does offer the ability to see the detail better, as Amethyst eluded too, and that is my opinion also.  I mentioned the "hanger" items because personally I have had no luck with a quality result.  I can't wear a skirt as a separate with a half belt.  lol

However, after looking at the rl clothes for women for Spring, that half belt skirt is far better than what is new for Spring 2012!!!  Ah, the clothes are horrid for Spring 2012 and look dumpy like something from the 40's, like a house dress.  Horrid of what I've seen so far.

Here are two pics of what is hot for 2012.  Hot?  I'd sayspring2012.jpg horrid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Haha, thanks for the heads up on possible frauds and errors.While i never had a problem like that before, this is why I was concerned with ether shopping In-world or MP and one of my reasons for asking. Much appreciated for taking time to tell me and others this much needed Info for regulars and noobs haha. While I do love shopping Inworld, I do get a bit Impatient with the rezzing and constantly pulling out my catche cleaner and raping my rebake textures keys to get things moving. So sometimes I just use Marketplace and browse while still having the same thought on whats better then the other but like you and someone else said, there's not really a "best" way and It depends on your lifestyle and taste (walking, browsing etc.) that I give a 100% vote In a helpful response, to this question :)

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Here is why i dislike shopping inworld. 


I read a blog, find an irresistible offer, follow the slurl and come here. I wait for the board to rez, then zoom in close and go from left to right and up and down. Zooming in closer, repeat. Repeat. Finding nothing that reminds me of what I think is the shops name. Maybe the blogger had mixed it up, maybe writing down the item name instead of shop name. Flying over the shopping area twice. Finding nothing. Going back to the TP board for a last try. Leaving. Wasted time. :(

All forced TP in malls is instant hate. Some make such artistic signs that it's impossible to read them. 

Marketplace save me a lot of time. Before LL bought up them, deliveries was fast and I had no problems. I still use the MP, because I just can't spend time on inworld shopping. lately, I have been lucky and got what i bought on MP, I hope LL finally made it work.

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For myself I enjoy shopping in-world.  I love shopping & fashion, it's one of the reasons I am in SL and I enjoy the shopping experience more than anything else!  I have used the marketplace on several occasions to get a new release, when going to the in-world shop would be laggy or to grab something when I am not in-world. But part of the experience for me is going to the actual shop in-world.  I check out their shops, mall or sim to see how creative and talented they are.  Some shops are amazing!  It's more than just taking a photo of a product, it's art!    :)

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Different experiences, different preferences. Maitreya may have changed a bit since you were there, because I definitely noticed that the items they displayed on hangers had mostly front views, but a couple had the back view as well. I remember thinking that was very nice, so I could see what the back looked like. So far, I've had no complaints with "hanger purchases;" they've all worked out quite well for me. Only one exception, and I still love the item; I just think it would have been better in that case to see it on the model. Usally, though, I find that there's an image of the item on the model, and then hangers with each color below the main picture, so you can get a close-up.

My own personal experiences with marketplace purchases have been that the item is often far different inworld than it appeared in the marketplace image(s). Poorly aligned prims, poor blending, ugly seams, etc. Not all; I've had plenty of good luck with marketplace purchases, too, but proportionally I've had more bad experiences with quality using the marketplace than I have browsing inworld. (Granted, part of this may be that I tend to shop well-known brands inworld, and browse all kinds of different brands on the marketplace.)

Still, I quite enjoy both methods of shopping. I'll use the marketplace when I'm looking for something general that I haven't found inworld, like a black trenchcoat, or just a winter coat, or a sexy dress, etc. Or when browsing for something for a new character, like sci-fi gear for a sci-fi avatar. I find inworld to be more reliable, so I prefer picking up things there even if I've put them in my cart on the marketplace. Strangely, I think I do this more often than I go to inworld shops on a whim; when I do go shopping inworld, I'll usually check out my favorite shops first, then go to the marketplace if I can't find what I'm looking for and discover brands I didn't know existed! That's my favorite part ^_^

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