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Tipping in SL...your thoughts..

kinda Fallen

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As of late clubs used to encourage ppl to come in for traffic to help rent out mall space, with the downfall of malls due to the convenience of the Market Place...should clubs and venues start charging for entertainment or still ask (grovel, plead and beg) for tips as usual in the past?

How do ppl feel about entertainment in SL, is it or should it be considered free like television?

Has anyone else noticed the decline in tipping as of late? (could be the economy, or so many alts in SL, the expense to clothe and house them takes precedence over tipping)

I know most will tip if the entertainment is good, and they are enjoying themselves, but it seems to me its becoming an issue in alot of places now.

Just some random thoughts about SL as an entertainment outlet ..let me hear from you guys !



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I think it's good manners to tip for some things. Live musicians and singers, teachers, club owners, land owners who provide a service or entertainment. Some people and organisations just need to be encouraged to continue, as without them, SL would be a lesser place.

One thing, the phrase "show some Linden love" just grates on my teeth and will send me packing, lol.

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Any club charging a "cover charge" to enter would never get me in the door.  I stripped (but did not escort) for a couple years beginning in 2006.  On a good night I would make upwards of $L2000.  On an average night I would make somewhere near $200 a night.  It was that way from the beginning to the end of my "career".  The secret to making money as a stripper in SL is having a "following" (or regulars)...........I did that by being spontaneous (in never used canned emotes) and being friendly even to the jerks.  I quit because of the pressure to used a set $L amount for clothing and the increasing pressure to stop being spontaneous and make use of a pre-set collection of emotes......it took all the fun out of it so I quit (and never looked back).

Since I quit I have gone to strip clubs.....they are dead.  Filled with broke newbies and all the chat from the dancers are canned emotes copied and pasted into chat.........every dancers is the same and there is no individuality.  That's is why clubs are going downhill fast and making even less than they did when I was dancing.

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Tipping in general has plunged with the economy and relying on rentals to pay expenses is a thing of the past now.  Most everyone in the entertainment sector is paid by tips only now, with the exception of some live performers.  But even they rely heavily on tips because they are paid peanuts in RL terms.  You also can't expect a venue owner to continue to sink money into any venue without support from the patrons.  

I don't understand anyone that is unwilling to spend the RL equivalent of a buck to be entertained for a few hours in SL but will spend huge amounts on other 'virtual' entertainment such as cable TV, video games, and movies. 

If you want to continue to have places to go for entertainment you should tip and tip fairly or be wiling to pay a small cover charge. If entertainment sinks so will the need to buy anything from any vendor, or even be in SL for a huge sector of the population.

Actually I wouldn't mind paying a reasonable cover charge if it meant I didn't have to hear begging for Linden Love all the time. 

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Money is still around, it havent dissapierd, just that people dont spend it out that much now. About tips, yes it is harder to get any tips this days but if you are really trying hard you will still get them. I hate when i go to a place and only thingi get is hey, after that chat is beeing spammed with plain gestures or dancers talk with each otther and dont even try to have any conversations with the crowd. Otther issue i think is that ,atlist i personally havent seend that much uniq events, its normally the same, come and win money or come as you are or best in white or black and so on, events that we have seend million times. About the "tickets" yeah i think its not bad idea, but only f the place have really good entartainment that people can enyoj.

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Ok it's me again, great posts everyone so far, and overnight i have thought of a few more things about tipping.

 I get it that the adult industry, strippers and escorts are going to make the big bucks, sex after all is the oldest profession that will am sure outlive us all.

One thing i am concerned about is the sim owner that is trying to support one or more sims off tips for moderate (used to be mature) rating themes? Is this an unrealistic expectation?

Clubs are just a money pit, i see them as pathetically trying to "buy" in customers with contest money, and i still don't get it, no one can possibly make back that kind of money in tips alone. You would have to be nuts to try and open one, but i know it is often the number one dream of those coming into SL.

Live entertainment is interesting in SL,  singers are great to pretty bad, and some need to keep their day jobs, karaoke gone astray so to speak, but it seems to be the end all to alot of those in SL, it may be more of the snob factor here, and i understand a live singer can almost name their price right now..your thoughts?

What would everyone like to see more of in the entertainment industry in SL?

What would be an alternative to tipping to cover charges incurred by a venue owner, entertainer in SL?

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a lot depends of what you have to offer..

i also worked for a club back in 2006 to 2008..it was pretty much always at the top of the pop list so the tips were really good each day..i mean it wasn't out of the ordinary to make 60k in a day as a dancer there if you were really working a lot..we used to avg about 7k each time we had to change..well i did ..i can't speak for the rest because some did better and some did worse..

but when the decline hit it dropped to about 3k per change..still nice money..but land dropping and gambloing going away and a few other things combined made a good dent..


what me and another person did after we finally left the club..was make our own club..but kept it clean..

we put weeks and weeks of thought as it was going up..

we had the club built pretty quickly and then the outside design was what really took the longest..

we had caves and waterfalls and just pathes going all through it..

this was when windlight was really first coming on the scene..

we ended up getting about 7k in traffic a day on the old traffic standard just for our forest and also any time we decided to throw a party we could get over 40 people there with just a notice..this was all before we had even really opened..

the club was built inside a mountain and when you stepped out of the door the veiw was amazing..

it was called timeless club and forest..

after we had finally opened they had us doing so many interviews for magazines and news.even CNN and lindens were stopping in..there was always someone there..the lady that owned the look used to just come in in the mornings to relax before getting on with her day..

it's a real shame people involved started to get big heads..so it ended up kiling off the place with the drama and greed..one thinking they built the whole place while the other saying..a prim is just a prim and a sim is just a sim without a good idea for it..

Aaanyways that nightmare aside lol

for not being a stip club our tip jars were always dinging.. and the forest with all the photographers and  couples tipping the jar for the forest..it was making money before the doors were actually open..

to me it just takes a really good idea that doesn't have you too one dimensional and good team work and i think any place would do great..

right now i think there is just too much of the same  in sl..

we have to jar the senses more and get back  that "omg feel"

we need more amazing original variety and less of the follow the leader pattern type things that are just safe calls..we need the risk takers back.. *winks*


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Dj's who play my requests and live singers receive tips from me.  Hosts and hostesses who only say hello or welcome to me when I first get to the club and then ignore me the whole rest of the time, do not.  Some hosts even use an auto greeter so they don't even have to type even that to me!  No tip for you if you use one of those things!

Long ago, (before the Contest Boards) hosts and DJ's coordinated with each other and worked closely together to come up with interesting events and things that would happen at specific times during the set.  It was essentially a floor show!  Then, all votes would be IM'ed to the Host (not clicked on a contest board).  That was when hosts made good tips.  They made the show engaging for everybody attending!  Not just saying hello and then ignoring the crowd after that.

Most "Hosts" now are not necessary and not part of the show. 

I too get tired of hearing "Linden love."  Can we come up with something else to say, please?

One final note about IM votes...that way of voting can easily be defrauded.  If a host has a friend at the event, they can easily just say that that friend won, regardless of how the voting actually came out.  Contest Boards eliminated somewhat that possibility.  Still though, I would prefer the old way of doing things and if I were a club owner, I would not allow the use of those contest boards and instead the hosts who worked for me would actually WORK for me. 

In the end, I tip Live singers if they do a good job and I tip DJ's who play a requested song for me.  I will only tip hosts and hostesses if they are more engaging than just "Hello, Marcus!  Wooohoooo!" and if they actually try to entertain the crowd as well.  Let me just say...I haven't tipped a host or hostess in a while.

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I think the amount of tips someone can get depends on 3 things: Luck, Talent and People.

1. Luck: Yes, luck is a part of the whole thing. Sometimes everything runs fine and other days everything seems to go really really slow. Luck is definitly a part. Same goes with many other things.

2. Well, some people actually can see if someone is good in what he or she does and some will honor it.

3. The final part are the people you have in the club. Sometimes it seems you only got the poors, which can't even afford some nice things for themselves or well....its just enough for that, but not more. And then you can have a huge crowd where everyone gives a small amount, but the number of all those small tips make it. And one day in 1000 years you get someone who throws the money out like he will die tomorrow.


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ya the whole linden love or even asking for money was just something i could never bring  myself to do..

i alway felt that if you had people to where they wanted to give money that you  were both doing each other a service..

it makes it more of a joy that way..i used to really jump on our dancers if i caught them asking for money..i said you don't ask like a begger here on this stage..the goal is to have them wanting to pay for good entertainment..not feel like they are a wallet..

we want them to come back here when they are having a bad day ..then we know they will be here on the good ones as well..it's not about the individual here..it is about the customer and the clubs reputation..

if you want to beg for tips there are so many places out  there that will let you do it..here we will pull you from the stage and make you go back to school agaibn for it...

our ways are there for a reason..because they work..

that usually kept most following the clubs way..but there was always those pulled from the stage..

i think any business that wants longevity has a good following because that business showed they cared about their customers as if they were at the 69floor of the hancock building lol

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The SL economy has changed since 2008, in 2008 I owned an estate, my success at the time was using the prim factor on low prim sims(later called homesteads), I could make a few 4k, 2k islands with sea all around giving them more prims than they would get from a full sim, this worked well and I was expanding, then they changed the prices, my tenants could now afford to buy their own homestead sims, so rather that watch to slow decline of my estate(31 sims) I closed it all down, didn't sell the sims just closed and abandoned all 31, cost me a fortune but I was not going to help the lindens in their cash striping, as I have other skills I put those to use and created MSDCS.

The lindens changed the prices so they could strip the money and business from people like me and my estate, they dressed it up as other things, next on the list was to strip the malls, they did this by buying Xstreet, before sim owners were getting the commissions from sales and from that they paid for there sims, well now the lindens get all the commission though market place and now malls are dead and all buy though market place with a forced commission given to the lindens.

Can't you see what is happening, all the sources of income that we created they have taken over so to strip it of money.The minds behind this see you as cash cows

Now we are left with entertainment, well that was a hot potato for the lindens always, as so many play songs that they don't have the copyright rights to do so, so now we find copyright and such things being dealt with, clubs relied on the old form of search and traffic, that has been changed and now the lindens are creeping in step by step to take that over, when the copyright issue is sorted the lindens will step in and take that over to, they will use search to promote their partners, they offcourse will receive a fee, all avenues of income are being taken from us, at the moment they get us to make all the things to give this world life, once done, they take it over by stealth.

SL may have been started with good intentions but since 2008 has been taken over by the money men that have no empathy, they only want money.


As for you trying to make a living from tips, isn't that like saying that the begging on the station platform is bad today, wow, look at what you are saying, tips are begging, if you want to earn money then you must be like the lindens, you must make your own products, create your own company image and fight as hard as you can against others that make the same as you and pay the lindens their cut, wow as I have said in this forum, I have had 2 business in sl, the first an estate, and now combat and have have fought epic wars with estate owners, combat makers and the lindens, stop begging and create something that the lindens or anyone else can't take off you, and give up any ideas of friends, if you can't do it alone then you are no good, if you need one person to help then you deserve to have it taken from you.

Sorry to be so hard, but after 8 bannings and 1000's of greifers I am still standing, don't know how long you would last as me.


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the only difference from someone making a shirt  and selling it and a tip jar for a sim where someone has created something that people would like to visit and appreciate is none..they are both tip jars in that sense..

it takes just as much creative skill if not more to create an island layout as it would a shirt..only more times than not..you won't find the sim design on some RL site where some model is wearing it lol



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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Yes but do you think it is for love or to feed the kids, if it is for love then great i am sure lots will tip, but your unlikely to get the rent, if it is to feed the kids then it is a dead loss. could bring one of the kids in and chop a leg off that might increase the tips, works in india so i hear.

Eek... who would pay for that sort of thing?  Mind you, there are some people I'd pay to remove their kid's vocal chords.


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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Yes but do you think it is for love or to feed the kids, if it is for love then great i am sure lots will tip, but your unlikely to get the rent, if it is to feed the kids then it is a dead loss. could bring one of the kids in and chop a leg off that might increase the tips, works in india so i hear.

ya if people are here because they think there is a good living to be made..i agree..it's the wrong place for that..

if they are here because they love to create..then thats gonna show over all those copy and pasters out there when they get seen..

myself i wouldn't have my own sim if it was not because i just love to create anything that comes to mind at that very moment..

the fun is in the creating..the reward is the time spent and also that some may just want a copy of it for themselves because they think it's good hehehehe

i tried building at one point for money..

my first custom work was such a drain that it killed my creativity or my drive to create..so i said i would never do it here ever again..

so i only make things that excite me or bring to life ideas that i just have to see created..

never turn something you love into a job..maybe some people can..but for me it just kills it for me..


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I tip live musicians and DJs always. I tip hosts, dancers and strippers only if they actually interact with me, without just making endless gestures and canned emotes. Then again, clubs that don't fit that criteria don't get my custom at all so if the staff aren't inspiring tips from me I've probably left already.

That said, I am tipping less than I did 2-3 years ago, simply because all my L$ come from RL purchase and I don't have so much "spare" money in RL these days. I can't even justify paying for a home in SL any more.

I used to be a dancer in SL and would typically get upwards of L$1000 a shift, I don't see tipjars anywhere going that high these days.

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Matty Luminos wrote:

I tip live musicians and DJs always. I tip hosts, dancers and strippers only if they actually interact with me, without just making endless gestures and canned emotes. Then again, clubs that don't fit that criteria don't get my custom at all so if the staff aren't inspiring tips from me I've probably left already.


I am tipping less than I did 2-3 years ago, simply because all my L$ come from RL purchase and I don't have so much "spare" money in RL these days.
I can't even justify paying for a home in SL any more.

I used to be a dancer in SL and would typically get upwards of L$1000 a shift, I don't see tipjars anywhere going that high these days.


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madman626 Fall wrote:

Bingo you hit it on the head ,, Rl come first,,, at one point i can see tipping going even more down hill . and has to help keep a nice sim open so what they open it let then pay for it not like i told them to do it.

Howdy, Madman626 Fall.  Unfortunately, I have no idea what you just said.  Well, *part* of it I understand I guess ("Bingo you hit it on the head") is easy to understand.  The rest is all jumbled together.  

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madman626 Fall wrote:

Bingo you hit it on the head ,, Rl come first,,, at one point i can see tipping going even more down hill . and has to help keep a nice sim open so what they open it let then pay for it not like i told them to do it

No you did not tell people to open a nice sim, but I bet you go to some that you enjoy. You don't tell people in RL to build clubs, theaters, sports fields and all the other entertainment venues either, but I bet you go to some of them and pay a cover charge or have to buy a ticket.

If people didn't show a bit of support where they can, a lot of those places would not exist.  The entire world, with the exception of a very few linden sites, was built by residents, most of whom couldn't have afforded to do that for any length of time without a bit of community support.

I don't advocate tipping places you don't like or tipping anyone that just pushes buttons or puts no effort into their job. I  know that times are tough for a lot of people and not everyone can tip like they used to.  I also agree RL comes first.  However, I submit that if chipping in the equivalent of a  RL dollar  every once in a while to the venue or entertainer of
choice would take food from your kids mouths or make you unable to pay your bills, you shouldn't be here at all.  You should be working in RL.

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