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Research into Second LIfe


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Dear all Second Life users.

Curently I am doing a project about online social networks/games.

If anybody could message me back giving their answers to the following questions that would be great!

Why you signed up for Second Life?

Why you use Second Life?

How often are you logged into Second Life a week?

Do you prefer your Second Life to your First Life?

Are your Second and First Life similar in anyway?

Also, just a background to you First life would be interesting to know? and maybe a link to your profile?


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03Sedwar wrote: Why you signed up for Second Life? Heard about it, wanted to try.

03Sedwar wrote: Why you use Second Life? I have fun.

03Sedwar wrote: How often are you logged into Second Life a week? Daily.

03Sedwar wrote: Do you prefer your Second Life to your First Life? No.

03Sedwar wrote: Are your Second and First Life similar in anyway? My personality / behavior is the same exactly.

03Sedwar wrote: Also, just a background to you First life would be interesting to know? and maybe a link to your profile? Never.



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Why you signed up for Second Life?

I played different games before where you managed you own world, like Anno 1602, Sim City, The Settlers and strategy games that involved getting your economy to grow. I noticed I spend more time checking out the different builds, seeing what my citizens were doing instead of the actual gameplay. So I decided I might just as well go into SL and do only that, walk in a virtual world.


Why you use Second Life?

To relax in the evening, to meet friends I made in SL, to meet a special person who livestoo far away for us to meet in RL, to listen to artists or dj's, to have fun with my bow and sword, te visit new places in SL and meet new people.


How often are you logged into Second Life a week?

Almost every evening, you could say it has replaced TV for the major part of the evening.


Do you prefer your Second Life to your First Life?

To me there is no second life. There is a service offered by Linden Lab called Second Life, with capital "s" and "l" and a trademark sign at the end. Using that service doesn't imply changing life, just as going to the supermarket for food doesn't imply changing lives. I would like to be more like my avatar though, a muscular and toned body, living in a nice house on a hill with lots of vegetation :matte-motes-big-grin:


Are your Second and First Life similar in anyway?

I tried to match as close as possible my avatar's face and my own. My avatar is medium height compared to other male avatars, which is also the case in real life. The way I react in SL to situation or people is how I would react if this happened for real. There are exceptions of course, in real life I don't fly trough the airs, take the subway instead of teleport and don't jump off tall buildings.


Also, just a background to you First life would be interesting to know? and maybe a link to your profile?

Living in the continent in Europe, male, in my 40ies.

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Why you signed up for Second Life?

I was blotting to Freyja back in August & the feeling came over me that there ought to be a virtual world online, something like one of the 9 worlds of Yggdrasil. So I googled & Second Life is what came up. So I made myself an account, downloaded a viewer & logged in. I was led to SL by my Goddess.

Why you use Second Life?

To make friends, keep in touch with the friends ive made inworld, & to listen to music.

How often are you logged into Second Life a week?

I login every evening when I get home from work, and am inworld most of the day most weekends. So im inworld about 50 or 60 hrs per week.

Do you prefer your Second Life to your First Life?

In some ways, yes. I can't fly in RL for instance. RL is dirty & dangerous, SL isn't. I can get away w/ things in SL that would have serious consequences in RL. On the other hand, I can't eat in SL, can I?

Are your Second and First Life similar in anyway?

In some ways. I'm a woman in both SL & RL. I'm about the same age in SL & RL. I'm a Witch in both SL & RL. Other things are different. In RL I live where its cold, in SL I live on a tropical island. In RL I have only brothers, in SL I have sisters. I'm brunette in RL & currently blonde in SL... Etc., etc...


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03Sedwar wrote:

Dear all Second Life users.

Curently I am doing a project about online social networks/games.

If anybody could message me back giving their answers to the following questions that would be great!

Why you signed up for Second Life?

Why you use Second Life?

How often are you logged into Second Life a week?

Do you prefer your Second Life to your First Life?

Are your Second and First Life similar in anyway?

Also, just a background to you First life would be interesting to know? and maybe a link to your profile?


I would love to know who is going to be giving you a grade for such a project, what they know about Second Life, if they are qualified to give you a grade about a virtual world.

However, the answers to your questions:

Why you signed up for Second Life? Second Life was billed as the "website of the week" in a magazine article I was reading in 2007, and it looked interest/different to anything I had ever been involved in before.

Why you use Second Life?  I use Second Life because I am a masochist (you would really need to experience Second Life first hand to understand my answer to this question).

How often are you logged into Second Life a week? I log in most days, but not religiously.  It is merely a pastime for me to dip in and out of when I get the urge to do so. I often like to log in for 30 minutes before my bed time to explore and look at pretty places. It gives me nice dreams.

Do you prefer your Second Life to your First Life? There is such a thing as a stupid question after all :matte-motes-agape:  There is absolutely no comparison between my Second Life and my First Life, and while I do like the fact my avatar never has to do the ughy stuff that my real life self has to do, like attend dental/health checkups, clean the house, do chores, go shopping for food, eat, I much prefer my first life because it smells nicer than Second Life.

Are your Second and First Life similar in anyway? I have red hair in both my real life and in my Second Life.  I am a meddling, interfering, social worker type in real life, and I have brought this side of my personality into my Second Life too. 

Also, just a background to you First life would be interesting to know? and maybe a link to your profile? Maybe you need to do a little bit of work towards this project.  You can look up my profile yourself I am sure.

Good luck with your studies, but please know that all the most well known and successful people in the world got where they are through hard work.  There is a time for work, and a time for games.  And Second Life is not a game to a lot of people - and to me it is merely a recreational tool.

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Why you signed up for Second Life? Cause you can make stuff.

Why you use Second Life? To be godlike and create something out of nothing.

How often are you logged into Second Life a week? all day, every day.

Do you prefer your Second Life to your First Life? No, but it's be nice if RL was more like SL.

Are your Second and First Life similar in anyway? It will be soon when I get my 3d printer, lol.

Also, just a background to you First life would be interesting to know? and maybe a link to your profile? Detroit rock city!

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03Sedwar wrote:

Dear all Second Life users.

Curently I am doing a project about online social networks/games.

If anybody could message me back giving their answers to the following questions that would be great!

Why you signed up for Second Life?

Why you use Second Life?

How often are you logged into Second Life a week?

Do you prefer your Second Life to your First Life?

Are your Second and First Life similar in anyway?

Also, just a background to you First life would be interesting to know? and maybe a link to your profile?


You first!

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Why you signed up for Second Life? Originally(this was, about 2004, lol) because it looked neat. But I came and went, for years, because it wasn't nearly as neat as I thought, and I was too busy in rl  working and taking care of my family to "play" online for very long periods of time. I was still running a business and working outside of the home at the time too. The last time I came here to stay permanently, was mostly because I was coming in with a pretty darn big group of wonderful people. We ventured over from an online game that was being torn out from under us and we needed a new "home" as it were.

Why you use Second Life? Umm, cuz it's fun. I enjoy it. It helps pay rl bills. It's a great way to meet people. In sl my avatar functions normally, unlike my rl self who unfortunately has limitations that kinda suck sometimes. Because I enjoy creating things, I enjoy challenging myself, I enjoy challenging others, I enjoy helping people, I enjoy being helped, I enjoy learning new things, I enjoy being able to fly, or drive a car(neither of which I can do irl), I enjoy spending time with friends and family, I enjoy..umm...everything. Sl is awesome.

How often are you logged into Second Life a week? I couldn't possibly tell you. Some weeks it's a ton, some weeks it's not. Sometimes I'm logged into sl and wow at the same time-a true feat for me, since that sort of multi-tasking  is odd even for me(and I love multi-tasking). Suffice it to say, I am in sl a lot, when I want to be, and a little, when I want to be. I have no schedule (another win for sl). But I DO log in daily, if for nothing else, to keep up my business so people will know I'm a super cereal seller and not just a hobbit...errr...hobbiest :P

Do you prefer your Second Life to your First Life? Uhh, no, lol. Sl offers me things rl can't, sure. But rl is still far more important and far more valuable than sl ever could be. Sometimes it's nice to get away from rl stuff, within sl, and sometimes it's nice to get away from sl stuff in rl.

Are your Second and First Life similar in anyway? Yes, kinda, sorta. Ok, yes, they are, in some ways. I look a lot like my sl self, except.....she's taller, has eyes that function, doesn't have the same name as I do, can speak in whatever language the translater lets her speak in, has way more friends than I do, can fly, can drive cars, can make magic out of nothing but a plywood box, has super powers, can leap tall buildings in a single bound, has way more animals than I do, has way more clothes than I do, actually she has way more everything than I do...I could go on forever. There are a lot of differences, to be honest. But there are plenty of similarities too..

Also, just a background to you First life would be interesting to know? and maybe a link to your profile? If you want to see my profile, click my name. I don't have a link handy, I can't say I look at my own profile all too much, or at least I haven't since, like,  November, at least. I don't think you want any background on my first life, in fact I'm fairly certain it wouldn't help your research whatsoever. You can learn all you need to know by clicking my profile. See, I told you I enjoy helping other people...I've now helped you :D


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As a researcher myself I appreciate all of the folks who are so willing to respond to questions.

To the original poster, you need to learn some basic research ethics. 

If you live in the U.S. you are required to have IRB approval for your survey and your (absent) consent form should mention both potential harms and benefits to those participating in the research.  (If you live outside the U.S. you may not be required to have either IRB approval or a consent form, but good practice would be to include potential harms/benefits in your instructions to participants (which you are lacking.))

Posting your questions on a public forum is terrible practice--as one poster suggested you should link folks to a site where they can submit their answers confidentially.  Asking people to message you back leaves your expectations about IM versus public response very unclear.  Fortunately the questions are innocuous enough that those who replied in the forum are not likely to risk harm to themselves or their reputations--but that doesn't make it okay.

You should always identify the purpose of your research project (to the extent that you can without biasing your results) to potential subjects.   If it is not legally required where you live it is still good manners. 

It is also good manners to tell people who you work for.  Is this for a class project?  If so, what academic department?  Is this a project affiliated with some research group at a university or in the private sector?  That sort of information should be included.  Depending on where you live, it may be required.

To recap:  IRB approval, confidentiality, informed consent are the minimum standards for research ethics. 


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Why you signed up for Second Life?  Because I wanted to.

Why you use Second Life?  Because I want to.

How often are you logged into Second Life a week?  As long as I want to.

Do you prefer your Second Life to your First Life?  I don't want to think about it.

Are your Second and First Life similar in anyway?  Yeah... I can fly in both, though landing is a bit trickier in my first life.

Also, just a background to you First life would be interesting to know?  I like tacos.

and maybe a link to your profile?



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