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Did somebody noticed that SL is going backwards?

- Rezz time takes longer

- Log-in time takes longer

- Need a super computer to use SL (if you want to see some good stuff)

- The building menu is getting weirder

- The extra's in the Preference's menu's and other menu's are tomuch of the good stuff

- Mesh (People like it, or people hate it)

- The loading of people takes longer

- Voice chat does not always work 

- Prices are to high for payday loans no credit check the people without a SL job or good selling shop (like me)

- People are getting more and more un-friendly





What is abouth all this stuff? SL is in the world for an escape from the real hard world.

But the real hard world is getting easier to understand than SL.

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Why do you really think its going backwards? I can't remember that there was ever a time, where technical thing working fine. I can't remember a time where there was no newbie asking "Oh why is everybody grey?", "Why I am a cloud?" and "I can't get into the game." .

I also can't agree on the thing with the supercomputer, but people shouldn't think they still can get the maximum out of the game with a computer which they used back in 2005. If other actual games work fine for your computer, than SL won't be such a big problem. My computer is 3 years old and still everything works fine.

Mesh itself is not a step back, its just not everybodies taste.

I have to say I never was a big fan of voicechat, I always prefered typing or at least skype. But for most people it still seems to work fine enough to use it even when they are eating :matte-motes-dont-cry:

Prices? It became better if you ask me. There are more freebies, MM boards and lucky chairs around with stuff that has a good quality. I tested it myself and it as suprisingly easy to made my new avatar get the newbie look away. It only requires me 22 L at all and a little searching. Even with my mainaccount, I haven't spend a single real euro for my stuff. I joined contests and started to work inworld. Sure, I can't afford the most expensive stuff that is around, but I own several furry avatars, many clothes and everything else I need.

Last but not least the point of unfriendlyness. You can't blame Second Life for it, if people are not friendly to you. Its their problem nothing LL can change. But for myself, I didn't experiance that people are unfriendlier. Haven't seen a griefer for months and everyone I talked to seem to be pretty normal and friendly.

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trasweneni wrote:

Did somebody noticed that SL is going backwards?

- Rezz time takes longer

- Log-in time takes longer


I'm not experiencing this.

- Need a super computer to use SL (if you want to see some good stuff)


That has always been the case, The better SL's top end graphics get, the more power will be needed to see them, that's just common sense.

- The building menu is getting weirder

- The extra's in the Preference's menu's and other menu's are tomuch of the good stuff


I've reaqlly no idea what you're talking about here. I have noticed that LL has gotten a lot better about organizing the various menus and making them more intuitive, I've also noticed that LL has moved more of the "good stuff" that used to only be accessible via hotkeys or the debug menu and put them into the more accessible preferences window.

- Mesh (People like it, or people hate it)


I've noticed mesh. I generally like it.

- The loading of people takes longer

- Voice chat does not always work 


I have not noticed either of these things being any worse than they ever were. The former can depend a lot on how much individual avatars load themselves up with stuf that you need to download to see.

- Prices are to high for the people without a SL job or good selling shop (like me)


I've not noticed this being too different than it has always been. Actually, there's a lot more good free stuff and a lot more inexpensive stuff than there used to be, so I'd say things are getting better for people not willing to spend money in SL. In any case, no one needs a job in SL so long as they have income in RL. You can buy linden dollars and they're pretty cheap.

- People are getting more and more un-friendly


I don't believe this is true at all, either. Maybe you're finding yourself in places with more unfriendly people but overall I don't think there's a trend towards more unfriendliness. I have noticed that unfriendly people tend to populate certain places and certain types of places...but that's always been the case.

What is abouth all this stuff? SL is in the world for an escape from the real hard world.

But the real hard world is getting easier to understand than SL.

I dunno. I'm spending less time in SL, but for entirely different reasons. I suppose it's a case of "ymmv". 



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People have been standoffish for a long time. You learn to let it be. Join some active groups if you want conversation.

The lag and stuff is probably all the work on the new viewer. Maybe when it's done it will be better.

You do need a super computer to run Second Life, though. That's too bad. They lose potential customers like that. Maybe a bare bones viewer could be put out there too.

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trasweneni wrote:

Did somebody noticed that SL is going backwards?

- Rezz time takes longer

This may be connected to use http texture setting. I've heard turning that off helps some people and hurts others.

- Log-in time takes longer

This has actually become much faster for me. And even faster when I use a non-v1 viewer.

- Need a super computer to use SL (if you want to see some good stuff)

Not a super computer... My 3 year old laptop sees sl wonderfully. Although you really can't expect the same performance on a 10 year old computer. Technology changes and you are going to need an updated system to see things as well as a brand new computer. I will admit that most out of the box computers are not going to see sl very well but that's because most of them do not have a graphics card made for gaming/sl. Many computers seem to come with an integrated graphics card that you'd be lucky to be able to run sl on low. This is not unusual... Just standard.

- The building menu is getting weirder

Not weirder. Just different.

- The extra's in the Preference's menu's and other menu's are tomuch of the good stuff

Just takes some time to get to know. More options are a good thing. Its just easier to tailor sl to your needs now. All this stuff has been available in the past, you just had to look harder for it and learn to use the debug menu. Now it's at your fingertips in preferences.

- Mesh (People like it, or people hate it)

I wasn't around when sculpties came out but I can imagine a similar debate probably happened. It's new. It's a little buggy still... But it IS improving. As far as using it... If you don't like it don't use it.. There is a choice.

- The loading of people takes longer

Again try the http texture setting. It also could be your internet and your system. If you have an aging system or if your graphics card is burning out this is going to put a bigger strain on your system.

- Voice chat does not always work 

It never has. In fact, if anything I have less problems with it now than I did 3 years ago.

- Prices are to high for the people without a SL job or good selling shop (like me)

I don't think prices are any higher now than they were 3 years ago.

- People are getting more and more un-friendly

Communication is a 2 way street...





What is abouth all this stuff? SL is in the world for an escape from the real hard world.

But the real hard world is getting easier to understand than SL.


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trasweneni wrote:

Did somebody noticed that SL is going backwards?

- Rezz time takes longer

- Log-in time takes longer

- Need a super computer to use SL (if you want to see some good stuff)

- The building menu is getting weirder

- The extra's in the Preference's menu's and other menu's are tomuch of the good stuff

- Mesh (People like it, or people hate it)

- The loading of people takes longer

- Voice chat does not always work 

- Prices are to high for the people without a SL job or good selling shop (like me)

- People are getting more and more un-friendly





What is abouth all this stuff? SL is in the world for an escape from the real hard world.

But the real hard world is getting easier to understand than SL.

i guess it just depends on the user as to what the direction feels like..because i don't really see any of that stuff...

my ship is full steam ahead in my sl..

my SL is Contagious

so look out bebees..i'll get you infected!! \o/ hehehehe


god i'll look for any excuse to get a music video on here i swear lol




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Everyone else already addressed everything, but I want to dispell something, at least slightly.

You do NOT need a super computer to run sl, or see things. I am currently sitting at what's commonly referred to as a "work station". It's NOT intended as a gaming system, whatsoever. I use it for many purposes it's not commonly used for. This one is actually one that belongs to my kids-they use it for lessons, games and their spanish course-which is a vocal course(and I'm on it because I was grading work and writing lessons, and didn't feel like switching systems lol). It doesn't have a graphics card or even the ability to add one, it has integrated graphics, and relatively low end ones at that. This system is really basic, no bells, no whistles, definitely nothing fancy. I CAN run sl just fine on high, if I so choose. I can turn on ultra, but I'll lag out on it. I only get lag on high when I run into a lot of avs, or a poorly designed/set up sim. Most times I run on medium-ish area and I custom set everything to what I want it at (so some things are lower, others are higher, etc..). I rarely have lag or rez issues, unless there is some outside force(ie, too many avs, poor designs, script lag, things like this) that I wouldn't be able to control regardless of my graphics. But those are issues *anyone could have, from time to time.

It's more a matter of figuring out which settings will work best for you, and still offer you what you need. I don't need ultra, or even most of the high settings, that's why I don't use them. Doesn't make sense to make my system do more than I need it to, lol. There's an awful lot of misconception out there about what is and is not required. Even the lab doesn't seem to be able to decide. I can run sl just fine even on settings that *they say aren't compatible with sl. In fact even on my other system the lab says my graphics card isn't compatible, but it always has been.

Sometimes you need to try a different viewer, if you're having a lot of issues. I tend to prefer TPV, like phoenix and firestorm(which I only use in the realms). I don't like the official viewers all too much. Neither does this system. But phoenix I rarely, if ever, have issues. (barring grid wide problems)

I would try something like that, and playing with the settings before deciding your system just can't handle it. It probably actually can, just needs some minor tweeking in your settings/preferences.

This system also runs WOW with no issues(even multiboxing), some other very graphic intense games my kids have as well. You'd be surprised what low end graphics can actually handle, especially when you know what to tweek and what to leave alone.

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Hello trasweneri and welcome to SL Forums:

trasweneni wrote: Rezz time takes longer - I didin't notice that. Increase your maximum bandwidth.

trasweneni wrote: Log-in time takes longer - Seems the same for me. Try to log in a different region and avoid to run other applications during log in process.

trasweneni wrote: Need a super computer to use SL (if you want to see some good stuff) - Only if you want to run SL with ultra graphics (with lightings, shadows and ambient occlusion enabled). On the other side i think that most residents are still able to play with high graphics, although they have no super computers.

trasweneni wrote: The building menu is getting weirder - This is partially correct if you use the official viewer. However if you are a builder, things with Phoenix are better sure.

trasweneni wrote: The extra's in the Preference's menu's and other menu's are tomuch of the good stuff - I don't see something bad with it. Up to you and your system which of these options you will use / enable or no.

trasweneni wrote: Mesh (People like it, or people hate it) - We are still in the beginning. Creators have to learn more and experiment. In the future i am sure that we will have better stuff.

trasweneni wrote: The loading of people takes longer - Increase your maximun bandwidth. It is logical especially when you visit a region for first time. The server must cache and download to every client viewer everything you see arround or no (textures).

trasweneni wrote: Voice chat does not always work - Although i don't use voice, yes you are not the only one with voice chat problems.

trasweneni wrote: Prices are to high for the people without a SL job or good selling shop (like me) - No expensive for me if you think that Premium Membership in fact costs only 1.80US$ / month. I explain: 88.56US$ for the Annual Membership = 21,962L$. You get back 52*300+1000 = 16,600L$ / year. So your real cost is 21,962-16,600 = 5,362L$ / year or 21,63US$ ( 1,8US$ - month).

trasweneni wrote: People are getting more and more un-friendly - I 've noticed it maybe in real life no in SL.

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Most of the time when you get someone repeating threads it has an obvious agenda... The most immediate example that comes to mind is Wasted Engineer. He would repost either identical or very similar posts. But those were easy to see his intent. They were all highly inflammatory... And generally flaming posts. These are all pretty innocuous.

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I don't think SL has gone backwards on the whole.  Fore me, ther have been brief interludes over the years when everything rezzes instantly, even in busy places, but that has been rare.  Rez times are not all that quick at the moment but other than that I think SL is fine.  

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LOL No. These posts have none of Wasted's trademarks. My point was that Wasted had a purpose. Most people who grief have some sort of a purpose. They start an inflammatory argument and then sit back and watch the chaos. But these reposts are so... Anti-climactic. Why repost these? There is nothing exciting about them. Just well-intended residents trying to answer a new residents questions. I guess this whole thing just seems very bizarre to me.

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Shelby Silverspar wrote:

can't be WE, there has been no talk of gambling games or the saving of the teenagers, and not nearly enough typos and nonsensical prose. trolls have a lot of work to do to even come
to the epic rants WE treated us to. ahh, good times...


Sometimes I really do miss Wasted. 

As crazy as he was it made for some great threads/discussions and I did admire his tenacity.  I never looked at him as just being a 'griefer.'   I think he honestly believed what he posted about.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Shelby Silverspar wrote:

can't be WE, there has been no talk of gambling games or the saving of the teenagers, and not nearly enough typos and nonsensical prose. trolls have a lot of work to do to even come
to the epic rants WE treated us to. ahh, good times...


Sometimes I really do miss Wasted. 

As crazy as he was it made for some great threads/discussions and I did admire his tenacity.  I never looked at him as just being a 'griefer.'   I think he honestly believed what he posted about.

lol same here....i often defended him, even though his behaviour was bizarre at times. I guess I tend to side with the underdog or someone that is rounded on by the masses.(gang-banging!)

No,  Wasted Engineer wasn't a griefer! The complaints he wrote, he believed in passionately.....it's just that he went about his protesting in the wrong way.

Some of his protests and ramblings were actually proven to be correct and ones that i supported him in..e.g the call for Jack Linden to resign.....who in the end, was booted out by LL and rightly so.



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Ceka Cianci wrote:

i used to love to bump his posts to the next page..it made him so mad  hehehehehe

He did have some funny replies though....like "you're a stinky fish" or something like that! I use to crack up at some of his comments.

It was all light hearted at the end of the day....even his fiercest critics probably had a chuckle or two.:matte-motes-wink:

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