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Is There Anywhere in SL That Doesn't Lag Badly?


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All the places I like to go in SL lag really badly for me. Are there any nice places just to go walking through that have hardly anyone there so there isn't so much lag?

I like going to a couple of nice clubs and the area takes ages to load and then all the avatars are grey instead of showing what they really look like.

It's really quite frustrating.

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The Premium Sandboxes are usually empty. Voice Echo Canyon and many of the water Regions are low lag. There's not that much to do in those Regions, but they are low lag.

You can find them by opening the Inworld Map or by using the destination guide.

I lowered my Draw Distance, hide particles, and I have Avatars set to Mid. This reduces lag for me.

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Clubs that turn off script use by the visitors will be almost completely lag free even when full - but visitors won't be able to use their own dances.

That can be a major turn off if the club doesn't use a good dance system (Intan is pretty much it, since it has separate M and F dance balls, and can do 'random order' or picked), AND have good dances (a lot of people put some pretty funky dances in there, once that move in silly jerky ways, rather than use motion capture).


But if the club put in a good selection of dances, that fit its theme, and turns of scripts, it'd be ideal. But I've yet to find a place that does all 3 of these... in almost 3 years.




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I think the answer might be in your statement, "all the places I like to go". While I know there are many, many places that are full of lag, it is my experience that when some1 says that things are laggy, it is likely them causing the lag for themselves. As a sim owner and a merchant, I deal with people on a daily basis who say, "This sim is laggy". It's my sim, and I know exactly if it is lagging or not. Knowing this, I always check their rendering cost of their avatar, which is always sky high. Most of the time, I try to explain why everywhere they go is laggy, but the last thing they want to do is remove all that bling, lol. I never really notice the lag coming from them, as I work on a pretty robust machine which is not going to be lagged by any 1 individual.

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Adding to what Medhue said.

Check all the attachments your avatar wears: hair, show, HUDs ...

Are you on a wireless connection ?

What are the specs of your PC ?

If you encounter bad lag then press CTRL+SHIFT+1, see for the sim statistics that are usually 44-45 fps and you know the lag is on your side and not the sim. Also check the packet-loss ...

Lower your draw-distance to around 100 m...

There are tons of things you can do to limit the lag what mostly is on the clients machine and not from SL (the sim).

If you want help, be more specific and ask friends ingame about your render-cost and attachments that causes massive lag :)


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RoseBeMine wrote: “... Are there any nice places just to go walking through that have hardly anyone there...”

 If you think about it, it's quite logical to expect that nice places will be populated -and thus laggy. Whatever places you're recommended here, YOU will go there (adding lag for yourself and whoever else is there), and it's not unreasonable to expect others will, too :smileywink:

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Lag and grey people are two different things. If you can hear the music and move and you are just seeing grey people here is a trick. Change your group tag it will make the grey people rez and happens almost right-a-way.

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RoseBeMine wrote:

All the places I like to go in SL lag really badly for me. Are there any nice places just to go walking through that have hardly anyone there so there isn't so much lag?

I like going to a couple of nice clubs and the area takes ages to load and then all the avatars are grey instead of showing what they really look like.

It's really quite frustrating.

Aside from changing group tag which helps stuff to rez, you can also hit control + alt + shift + 4 to make all avis disappear until your computer is ready to rez.   Also, turn your avatar camera view away from all the avis until at least the background appears.

There are some clubs that are laggy and there are some clubs that allow NO scripts now.  Also, designers have been making clothing with scripts that can be deleted, as well as jewelry, so make sure all your scripts are deleted from your clothing, etc.

I bought a hoodie that fit great and didn't even notice it had a resizer and a delete option until I just bought some more in diff colors today. 

Be sure to fit your items whatever they may be from clothing to jewelry to hair and DELETE ALL SCRIPTS.  Our avatars are the laggiest things. 

Also, on V3, on the start up page, it states HOW MANY AVI'S there at present, and a lot are empty when I log onto the V3 viewer, so if you want to explore alone, V3 is worth downloading, especially if you like to hunt alone.  You don't even need to log into the viewer to see which sims are empty.  You could download V3 and still log into the viewer of your choice.  Write down the empty sims, and then teleport there after you log into your preferred viewer.  V3 also shows which sims are currently active and full of avi's, so always something to find to do with V3. 

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Grey people and stuff taking ages to load isn't sim lag, it's your connection. Your bandwith may be insufficient or unstable. If you're on wireless try plugging in with a cable to your router instead. More memory in your PC will also probably help.

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You could open your Inventory Folder and type the word worn into the inventory search.

Many items or objects people wear can be scripted. Shoes, jewelry animation overrides and other attachments can be scripted; most operate without error.

A scripted object or item that is worn without the Resident's knowledge is the type or kind of object a person would look for if they were exeperiencing performance issue, but didn't know why.

Many times, a Resident will attach an object or try a new dance HUD ect., and the object or item does not detach properly. The item or object may not be visible, but the item or script is still functioning and effecting that Resident.

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Adding to what Medhue said. If you encounter bad lag then press CTRL+SHIFT+1, see for the sim statistics that are usually 44-45 fps and you know the lag is on your side and not the sim. Also check the packet-loss ... Just checked mine and am showing about 6 or 7 FPS, that sounds bad. My computer is a laptop with Athlone x2 processor. Sue

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RoseBeMine wrote:

I turned off group tags. Well I put it on to none. I use the ctrl alt shift 4 thing sometimes and that helps a little.

Where do I go to check if something I'm wearing has scripts?

You don't need your tags showing for them to change; they will change without a need to view them on your screen. One excellent thing about Marketplace is seller's tell you it's a resizer (script and delete) item.  Even if you don't want to shop on Marketplace, you can still see which items are resizer before you teleport to the actual store inworld.  Also, just click on items on your avi and if a menu pops up, it's a resizer.  For instance, click on your hair, if a menu pops up you need to resize and then delete all scripts and confirm....etc.

I was also thinking it might be your internet connection because the worst lag I've experienced with my new computer was New Year's weekend.  When holidays occur, tons more people on the internet from checking weather, to menus at resturants, to traffic, to endless stuffs.  Also, if you always log on after work in your local area, those are higher traffic times on your ISP because most people get on the computer after work; checking email, facebook, etc.  Are you always logging on during what are considered high internet traffic times and especially after work?  A lot of ISP's in America especially are getting bad raps for being so slow.  IMO, they weren't built very well.  Call you ISP and tell them of your situation.  Or call around and talk to the service departments of the ISP's (internet service providers) before you chose another one.

It could very well be your internet connection, but if you want to check for items with resizer scripts, just click on each item and a menu should appear.  If no menu, it's probably edit the old way.

Log onto SL very early in the morning in your local area and see if it is your ISP and internet traffic or not, but change your group tag, even if you have to change group tag several times, it usually works (however, group tag doesn't need to be shown to change). 

ETA:  Hud shoes have thousands of scripts, so perhaps avoid those.  Get some low lag sneakers or some resizer boots where you can delete the scripts, and try that.  Jewelry usually has about 40-60 scripts running as compared to hud shoes which have thousands.  However, there is some resizer jewelry now where you can delete the scripts.  But, hud shoes are a 1000 times worse. 

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Get a plain prim cube for your avvy or if you actually want to move try rolling along as a sphere...

of course you can remove your scripted items hair skin etc etc... or as a Lindens help desk operative told me when I tackled the issue of border crashes where as few attachments as possible - go naked in effect....

heaven forbid anyone actually take the onus away from the user and 'customer' and suggest lindens actually do something to tackle lag....


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RoseBeMine wrote:

Where do I go to check if something I'm wearing has scripts?

In the About Land window, the Script Info button opens a floater with a "My Avatar" tab that lists the memory size of all scripted attachments you're wearing.

I've just been called a shill in another thread, so I'll not make the mistake of suggesting any other way you might be able to help your situation.  Lag is all the fault of the Lindens who are forever scheming new ways to make everyone miserable.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

RoseBeMine wrote:

Where do I go to check if something I'm wearing has scripts?

In the About Land window, the Script Info button opens a floater with a "My Avatar" tab that lists the memory size of all scripted attachments you're wearing.

I've just been called a shill in another thread, so I'll not make the mistake of suggesting any other way you might be able to help your situation.  Lag is all the fault of the Lindens who are forever scheming new ways to make everyone miserable.

Ack. Where and who called you a shill?

FWIW I want to vouch for Qie as the last person in the world who would ever lose integrity let alone be a shill. Qie and integrity are synonyms!


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Maelstrom Janus wrote:

Get a plain prim cube for your avvy or if you actually want to move try rolling along as a sphere...

of course you can remove your scripted items hair skin etc etc... or as a Lindens help desk operative told me when I tackled the issue of border crashes where as few attachments as possible - go naked in effect....

heaven forbid anyone actually take the onus away from the user and 'customer' and suggest lindens actually do something to tackle lag..



I thought the ARC cops retired about 2 years ago. Of course your sim don't lag when you built it with no one on it! If you build a sim expecting everyone to show up and play bald and with no attachments or looking like a 5 year old newb then...well I guess plan on having a mostly empty sim that's very pretty to look at. Just like people's attachements, every scripted thing on your sims bounces queries of everyone there at regular intervals. add 30 people and you got 30 times the lag. Maybe only one part is showing as coming from your sim but it's what is causing the heavy lag for the other 30. Stop trying to blame the guests. It's your own stuff that's doing it. Just because you got access to nasa's computer don't mean the whole world does, sheesh!

I leave sims with scripts off and never return. I didn't pay 2500 for dances to have someone else dictate how I dance when I go out.

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I run a big beach for many years now and we hear a lot of talk about lag. People seem to forget, or are not aware that most lag is due to their poor internet connection or insufficient hardware and not the region server. Also we hear a lot of talk about scripts people wear and of course scripts put a burden on the server, but not as much as generally believed. Scripts have the lowest priority on the server. Ava's wearing a lot of scripts create most server lag when they land after a TP because the server needs to 'mount' them, although its my experience that LL has solved most of those mono related mounting problems, at least on my regions.

Most lag however is due to textures needed to be downloaded to the visitor (grey people, slow rezzing) and updating positions of moving ava's (rubber banding). So set your own graphics accordingly, low draw distance and restricted ava drawing, You be surprised how much that helps. Oh and there is a lag meter in your viewer (help menu), it tells which of the 3 factors (server, connection, hardware) contributes most to your lag.

Of course a venue owner can also do a lot on lag by keeping textures in his place to an acceptable level, the more stuff the more download it takes. Or put a ban on particles, yes particles create lag, not on the server, but on your PC.. Switching off scripts for visitors does not help much, at least not in my experience.

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