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are we ever going to see those premium gifts LL promised again ?


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curious as to whether it was a one time deal or not. they have this wonderful annoucement, make it sound like it is going to be consistently ongoing, and then nothing for a what, almost 3 months now (september gift was in early september) ?


funny thing is i can remember reading this post and others related to it where it was mentioned to be a monthly gift available at the first weekend of every month when that blog post originally came out, and now, i find no mention of this anywhere, so did LL edit their own blog post to take out the original reference ?

anyways. if LL is going to come out with these wonderful new presents for their members, maybe they should keep them consistent and not have them be forgotten. curious though as to why a 50% discount now (is it that bad for them ?)...

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Relevant Extract:

...Premium members will regularly receive exclusive virtual items that you won't find anywhere else. The very first gift is a stylish set of furniture crafted by Colleen Desmoulins of The Loft. The set features a sofa, tables, plants and lamps to enhance your home’s cozy factor. You can change the look of most of the furniture to fit your home’s unique style and decor — whether you live in a Linden Home or elsewhere...


So you might want to ask what their timescale of regular is.

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Sy Beck wrote:


Relevant Extract:

...Premium members will
receive exclusive virtual items that you won't find anywhere else. The very first gift is a stylish set of furniture crafted by 
 The set features a sofa, tables, plants and lamps to enhance your home’s cozy factor. You can change the look of most of the furniture to fit your home’s unique style and decor — whether you live in a Linden Home or elsewhere...


So you might want to ask what their timescale of regular is.

I think you might be confusing the meanings  of "frequent" and "regular", the latter potentially referring to once every blue moon.




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Maybe LL were disappointed with the low number of people who went across to the premium sandboxes to pick up the September free gift, and so are going to see what happens with the next batch of people/avatars who take them up on the 50% premium membership offer.

Maybe Michael Linden needs a nudge to remind him to put out the next set of freebies at the sandboxes.

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as the first gift is dated september it's all too easy to assume there will be a new gift every month which there hasn't been LL's use of the word regular is a bit subjective to me as i'm sure everyone else that meant monthly. i have a sneaking suspicion we might get a new gift in december with a bit of luck and that LL's idea of regular means quarterly (every 3 months)
i'd be really annoyed if the gift get's updated a day or two after i downgrade back to basic 

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I popped across to one of the Premium Sandboxes, picked up the September freebie, inside there was a notecard, requesting that if people had any suggestions, to drop a line to premium_feedback@lindenlab.com, so I did just that!

As LL don't seem to read here, they might read the emails (or not *chortles*).


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I don't think Sy has anything confused.  I do think that YukiKiksare is a little confused though.  I read the blog about the free gifts and premium only sandboxes when it came out and never too away the impression that there was any time table or schedule for the gifts.......that might be because I have so much stuff in my inventory that I never used as it is.  Regular in the context of what LL presented can mean anything from every day to every year.  There was no mention of "monthly" or "frequent"........just the word "regular".  The sun comes up regularly.  The full moon is regular every 28 days or so.  Summer arrives regularly every June.  The blog is clear......LL is going to make free gifts available to premium members regularly.  If they do it daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually or any mix, it will fit the meaning stated within the context of the blog.


If you are looking for something to grouse about, it can be done quite easily if you look for meanings of words taken out of context and applying your more narrow meaning.  Or stating that the words were changed.  As if LL is being devious or shady.  Words have meanings and the specific meaning for most any word in the English language is defined by the context of the sentecne/statemen the word was stated in.  LL said "regular".  That can mean most anything.  It's a freebie that premium members are entitled to..........accept them when they are presented if you care to.  Whine because they are not presented according to your desired schedule.........I don't understand the mentality, I guess.

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Marigold Devin wrote:

I popped across to one of the Premium Sandboxes, picked up the September freebie, inside there was a notecard, requesting that if people had any suggestions, to drop a line to
, so I did just that!

As LL don't seem to read here,
read the emails (or not *chortles*)


Not if those emails fall into the CM's inbox.  I am still waiting for him/her to be identified (assumptions have been made) and for them to open up their SLum as another method of feed....back.

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Knowl Paine wrote:

This will be the 2nd time this has been discussed. It would appear that the first discussion fell upon deaf LL ears.

Fix it or Forget about it. I'm done with discussing this.

It is no secret that you can not contact LL through the forums, least of all the General Discussion Forum.

Anybody who believes that is naive:smileysurprised:

The forums are for you and I and all participants exclusively

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Dora Gustafson wrote:

The September gift is still available on two locations in the premium sandboxes.

Who knows if frequently means annually?

there is about 8 locations with kiosks that are still giving them away..

i don't know if they are all premium sand boxes or not..but if people are still looking for them..here is the link to the page for those kiosks =)



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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

I don't think Sy has anything confused.  I do think that YukiKiksare is a little confused though.  I read the blog about the free gifts and premium only sandboxes when it came out and never too away the impression that there was any time table or schedule for the gifts.......that might be because I have so much stuff in my inventory that I never used as it is.  Regular in the context of what LL presented can mean anything from every day to every year.  There was no mention of "monthly" or "frequent"........just the word "regular".  The sun comes up regularly.  The full moon is regular every 28 days or so.  Summer arrives regularly every June.  The blog is clear......LL is going to make free gifts available to premium members regularly.  If they do it daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually or any mix, it will fit the meaning stated within the context of the blog.


If you are looking for something to grouse about, it can be done quite easily if you look for meanings of words taken out of context and applying your more narrow meaning.  Or stating that the words were changed.  As if LL is being devious or shady.  Words have meanings and the specific meaning for most any word in the English language is defined by the context of the sentecne/statemen the word was stated in.  LL said "regular".  That can mean most anything.  It's a freebie that premium members are entitled to..........accept them when they are presented if you care to.  Whine because they are not presented according to your desired schedule.........I don't understand the mentality, I guess.

I think you've got it wrong and that Linden Lab chose the wrong word.  While Linden Lab did not state a specific time frame I do not think the OP's expectations are out of line with the colloquial usage of the word.



4. Well-ordered; methodical: regular habits.
5. Occurring at fixed intervals; periodic: regular payments.
6.a. Occurring with normal or healthy frequency.
   b. Having bowel movements or menstrual periods with normal or healthy frequency.
7. Not varying; constant.
Adv. 1. regularly - in a regular manner; "letters arrived regularly from his children"
Would you consider a letter arriving every three months as "arriving regularly?"
Given the frequency that at least the next gift has not appeared with, the better word for Linden Lab should have used is:
occasionally [əˈkeɪʒənəlɪ]
adv.  from time to time
Adv. 1. occasionally - now and then or here and there; "he was arrogant and occasionally callous"
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Surely the point is that we will know what their "regular timescale" is whenever they repeat the process, whether it's in the next 5 minutes or the next 5 years.  Nothing can be said to be regular, occasional or even intermittent until there are, at the very least, two instances of it.

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Sy Beck wrote:

Surely the point is that we will know what their "regular timescale" is whenever they repeat the process, whether it's in the next 5 minutes or the next 5 years.  Nothing can be said to be regular, occasional or even intermittent until there are, at the very least, two instances of it.

Point is what would a reasonable person expect.  Although it appears on a regular basis every 75 years, I don't think the average person would use the word "regular" when discussing Halley's Comet unless they were talking in astronomical terms.

We can only hope the timing for the regular appearance of new gifts is not astronomical.

If the timing were to be once a year, I would consider it a deceptive use of the word.

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Dora Gustafson wrote:

We want gifts! We want gifts! We want gifts?

A gift is something given, a present, voluntarily and without compensation.

It is against it's nature to ask for it, demand it, have a right for it and to get it regularly

Could we then describe what Linden Lab referred to as a 'regular gift' then as actually being a bribe?

When someone promises you a gift, is it wrong then to expect it?

They did make a promise, didn't they?


ETA:  What's really at issue here is what would be a reasonable time frame.  If I had promised my children a 'gift if they behave,'  the value of the gift would have to increase as the time frame increased or they would say 'bull**bleep**' the next time I made that offer.  It becomes a question of credibility.  And the reality is that it is not truly a gift.  It's an award or a bribe depending on how you look at it. 


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i would think they would be using the same kiosk for the gifts they give to premium members..

maybe they are just waiting to give time for most to hear about them and find them..

with people joining  all the time they may just be giving new members a chance  to get their gifts as well..

i would think a month is kind of short period of time for their word to get around..

they may be waiting quarterly rather than monthly or longer.. either way ..they are free and nice gifts..

maybe they are waiting until christmas this time since it is so close to the season =)


either way ..i enjoy the sandboxes they gave us..those just keep giving and giving for me..i love that i can rez those huge things  i have that i cannot on my land.. =)

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RudolphUkka wrote:

I think you might be confusing the meanings  of "frequent" and "regular", the latter potentially referring to once every blue moon.




I thought you were spot-on with pointing out that 'frequent' and 'regular' are often mis-used.

Just for the fun of it though... "once in a blue moon" happens far more frequently than most people think.  In astro-navigational terms the phrase means when you can see the moon during the day (when the sky is still blue, rather than night-black), which is obviously fairly common at some times of the year.  Even when it refers to a (3-month) season with 4 full-moons it still happens every 2 or 3 years, since the lunar month is only 28 days.

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