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Blood Lines Designer Confesses

Perrie Juran

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Lyle Maeterlinck wrote:

Hi Charolotte, great question. The Bloodlines system was designed to spread like a real vampire curse through Second Life. If there were vampires running around trying to bite everyone in real life, surely there would be some people who were upset. I think it has been an interesting social experiment to see how a curse of this kind can successfully spread through a virtual population. I think it's even more interesting if people think of the vampires as  "despised", as people might despise a real vampire curse.

I do believe that harassing and / or encouraging others to harass residents is a violation of the TOS
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Perrie Juran wrote:

Lyle Maeterlinck wrote:

Hi Charolotte, great question.
The Bloodlines system was designed to spread like a real vampire curse through Second Life.
If there were vampires running around trying to bite everyone in real life, surely there would be some people who were upset. I think it has been an interesting social experiment to see how a curse of this kind can successfully spread through a virtual population. I think it's even more interesting if people think of the vampires as  "despised", as people might despise a real vampire curse.

I do believe that harassing and / or encouraging others to harass residents is a violation of the TOS

Yeah, I just read it and was almost shocked. They openly admit it's purpose is to affect a whole virtual population.


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i was bitten at some point and i have no idea when..i just saw myself on their website like 2 weeks ago..

all i have to say is..

look out world!!!

what this silly vamp didn't know is that when i was born i was cursed with half vamp half lycon already..

a silly normal vamp cannot turn a hybrid!!

chances are he died like a week later because my blood was too much for his body..the first sign is the freenis falls off..then they curl into the fetal position and just turn to dust..

i'll forgive them this time..but if it happens again..there is gonna be trouble!



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Perrie, I'll quote all of Lyle's post, then comment on it.

Lyle Maeterlinck wrote:

Hi Charolotte, great question. The Bloodlines system was designed to spread like a real vampire curse through Second Life. If there were vampires running around trying to bite everyone in real life, surely there would be some people who were upset. I think it has been an interesting social experiment to see how a curse of this kind can successfully spread through a virtual population. I think it's even more interesting if people think of the vampires as  "despised", as people might despise a real vampire curse.

However, in real life, fending off the vampires wouldn't be quite so easy as just saying a simple 'decline'. If you are truly bothered by the requests, we provide a simple way to protect yourself: the garlic necklace. The vast majority of our players don't go around sending random bite requests, so I hope you won't judge our system based on the actions of a few.

Lyle's system encourages people with underdeveloped social skills to violate the TOS, or at least annoy people and that was the intent. That's worthy of spite. He designed the system and finds it interesting that it actually works as intended. That's also worthy of spite.

I wonder whether LL understands how this system works and that so many people despise it. Last week's grand Vampire Parade doesn't seem to have gone well (has it?), suggesting that LL is a little tone-deaf. At least the RedZone fiasco didn't have LL filling the forums with free advertising for the security/drama obsessed sub-culture.

It is customary (albeit often difficult) for businesses to attempt to measure the success of their marketing efforts. If the forums are a useful gauge ( I don't know if they are ) we can perhaps hope for improvement.


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It is my understanding that the Vampire subforum is a temporary thing, a sort of spotlight of one of the biggest cultures in Second Life. I doubt the forums are a good gauge of the Second Life community, almost everyone I have ever met inworld draws a blank stare if I mention the forums, that, or it's a peculiar AO they are wearing.

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

It is my understanding that the Vampire subforum is a temporary thing, a sort of spotlight of one of the biggest cultures in Second Life. I doubt the forums are a good gauge of the Second Life community, almost everyone I have ever met inworld draws a blank stare if I mention the forums, that, or it's a peculiar AO they are wearing.

As I said, I don't know if we're representative of the whole of SL. Like you, I doubt it. And, if we're right, the forums, atypical and invisible, are a peculiar place to promote, don't you think?

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What all the famous designers of SL have missed, (notorious ones included), is that all elements from all these different popular things don't ever seem to have been rolled into one.

I spent some time recently at the Da Vinci sim and nicked the big L's thinking cap and have been working hard to come up with the uber pet/system of all time...

It is a cute unisex breedable that performs all the following functions:

Gemini mode - can look adorably cuddly or truly evil,

Advanced gemini mode - can be attractive, alluring and totally desireable, (in a pixelling kind of way ;o), to all avi types within SL,

Milk mode - needs constant nurturing, feeding, & provision of new trendy items from the best designer shops in SL,

Pain mode: Will post on forums endlessly purporting to be a valued assistant while hinting to have internal parent company connexions & heavy influence,

Twitbook mode: Posts to all social media relentlessly offering such timeless gems as "wow! it's a nice day in sl today" "I had meeros for breakfast" etc etc,

Strip mode: It will harvest your soul and other body components, (for future additional apps), and assign you to unkown databases. Yes it can pole dance and emote too,

Broadcast mode: It will track every single avi within SL and on the web too, all at the one time ;o YES! \o/

Battle mode: can do battle against Vamps/Lycans/Mechs/Warriors/Amaretto Horses/Prim babies... you name it!

All I need for it now is a name. Suggestions anyone?

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It all boils down to...if you accept the bite you appear on an unregulated, external website. If you wear a garlic necklace you don't get bitten but you appear on an external, unregulated website...or you don't get bitten at all, but if you are new, how are you to know about this?

I dislike Bloodlines for this reason alone. Even the players don't seem to be aware of the level of information they are passing to influences ouytside of SL and those who accidentally fall in (like by wearing a garlic necklace) are either unaware of their plight or find it a PITA to get out of. 

Personally, these days, if I were to get a bite from the blue, I'd be inclined to AR it more than anything.

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About 2 weeks after i first joined SL, i was asked by some cutie if she could bite me. I thought it was a sexual thing and so let her. I did not turn into a vampire, i dont sleep in a coffin, i do not have th urge to go join a vampire group ( the vampire thing doesnt interest me in the least) so it has no effect on me except this. ALL vampires can see i have been bitten before and do not even ask me now. (suck **bleep** vampires)

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Vampires have never been a problem for me in sl. I actually joined to be a vampire, but when I saw how it worked I wasn't very impressed. Really, I am a vampire and I have to roam the world begging for blood? Sorry not exactly what I had in mind.

Easiest way to get vampires not to bother you anymore, just let one bite you. It does nothing to you, but keeps most other vamps away because the first one to bite you gets your soul.

And if you do get an annoying vampire in sl, the mute button does wonders. I look at them more like mosquitoes than vampires to be honest.

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I'm bemused.  Any thread that wasn't Vampire related gets moved out of the Vampire fora to what they [LL] feel are appropriate fora, but a thread about a Vampire creator, a vampire product and vampire practice gets left in GD...? 

And there I was thinking that they were struggling to have unique and orignal input into that particular forum.

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With the bloodlines game people don't just go around biting people unknown. Bloodlines unlike a couple of other vampire systems in SL has a permission system. You either accept or decline. If you decline they can't bite you. So with bloodlines what is the big deal. There are other systems in SL that does not have the permission system in place. 


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AylaNeissa Magic wrote:

....So with bloodlines what is the big deal...



It's annoying when they spam you continually with bite requests or when you get spammed with requests from multiple users.  It's also idiotic to randomly send a bite request to a stranger.  It's basically the ninja friend request spammer social retardation, only multiplied exponentially, which is why so many sims will auto ban anyone that requests a bite on the sim.

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  • 1 year later...

I am Somewhat Shocked By Lyle's statement to be quite frank and Saddened, I'm a Bloodlines Queen and a good many Bloodlines Royals do not Like the first bite without a hud, Bloodlines Vampires have Evolved from it's first conception, in 2005.

   Many of us Hate Random Bitters, that go around Random biting SL residents, we would much prefer those to want to be a Blood Doll, Vampire, Lycan, We are about Family, not about running around rampantly Biting wily Nilly, that may have been the way in Bloodlines conception in 2005, But for the Most part not anymore.

  We Would Much Prefer Lyle & Mars to Remove First Bite without a Hud


Yours Bloodline Queen Yummy Fairlady

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Yummy Fairlady wrote:

I am Somewhat Shocked By Lyle's statement to be quite frank and Saddened, I'm a Bloodlines Queen and a good many Bloodlines Royals do not Like the first bite without a hud, Bloodlines Vampires have Evolved from it's first conception, in 2005.


Yours Bloodline Queen Yummy Fairlady

So toss Bloodlines, buy a sim, get a scripter to make you your own new combat HUD, and move forward.

Anyone can be a 'vampire' in SL by just buying a set of prim teeth and an outfit in 12-shades of black... If you really despised what Bloodlines did, you'd drop it.

If you look at SL weapons and combat systems - there are people that use griefer weapons that will work anywhere with push enabled... but the roleplayers all use items with combat-meter HUDs that only work in places where they are enabled, and only on people who also have a copy of the HUD.

If you look at the SGS system, it even has a Vampire RP: Venexia. One that works by everyone on sim using the same HUD - and picking vampire, human, or one of the other options...

- Join that, one like it, or start one. They grief nobody.



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