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SL just gets worse

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I have been using viewer 2 for a few weeks now only because of the larger prims we can use in building and it is great for that but the lag WOW. No matter what I click I can say, "come on" and then it does whatever the click action was, this even includes typing in any text field for each letter. H "come on" e "come on" l "come on" l "come on" o "come on" enter "come on" = Hello

However to use SL for anything else other than building such as hosting events or making small things like cars I use viewer 1.23 and it is so amazing how there is no lag at all in any way. SL knows this as well since they are now recommending to people having troubles to use older viewers. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Old_versions

I feel so sorry for new users as they can not know how smoother and faster SL can be since they are using viewer 2.

As for "their mistakes" it is true SL is adding as many new things as they can so it will be much more difficult for their competition to catch up and surpass them however this addition of new content comes with a great flaw. The flaw is not properly fixing errors but using work arounds before releasing new versions of viewers. This adds up to a lot of older bugs that still need to be fixed piling on top of new bugs.

There is good news though, (maybe) in one of the latest posts from a CEO he mentioned a new interface was coming soon. This could be the cure-all if they do it properly and start from the beginning and make everything work and then add each feature one by one so it works before adding the next feature. It could be quite scary though since SL does not currently have a reputation for working in that way, sorry but they just don't. As long as they remember the SL viewer is a program which it only has to respond to easily accessible commands then they could wind up with an actual world as opposed to only a product.

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Now, that is specfic.  Your avie has been in SL about two weeks longer than mine.  I have seen many changes for the better over the years..  Remember maintenance DAY?  You could not log on for hours. I never thought that I would live on mainland and I now do.  I never thought I would be able to see things properly in shops but I long ago upgraded my graphics capability (and still do).  There are awesome places to see and fun things to do.

You have a choice in viewers.

It is not perfect but nothing is.

Perhaps you need a break or an upgraded computer.

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There's a couple of things LL could do to vastly improve the current situation that would take very little effort. First, bring back first and last names for users. Second, get rid of the spam.

SL is a unique company. I don't think the management appreciates what they have and how valuable it could be. The customers are extraordinarily loyal. They don't just kinda like it, they love it. It's like Apple Computer and Harley Davidson in this respect. The customers are so faithful it borders on a mystical experience.

Live to SL and SL to live. SL4ever.


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What is it with you people, you belive in magical power of words or something? You think if you do your mantra long enough, your wishes will come true? If you don't like it, leave, nobody's stopping you.

Then again, you are right. Eventually, we'll all go under... but that is trivial, even for a forum post lol

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Performance and reliability wise SL is better now than it has ever been in terms of everyday useability.  Your PC on the other hand may now be falling behind what's required.  There is a poster in another thread who is now describing how her SL experience has improved immeasurably since upgrading her hardware, no client side lag, textures loading quicker than ever and she's able to turn up her graphics sliders and is seeing detail she's never seen before.

There are other issues within SL, which need to be sorted, copybotting, search etc but you seemed to be only criticising SL's performance and reliability.  Like Venus I remember "maintenance day" that could stretch into days, sim crossings where once started you could go off and make a cup of tea while it progressed, TPing and ending up with my boots and hair firmly planted up my ass and feeling nervous whenever a sim population got to 15+ people.

It's not your fault if your hardware is not keeping up, but neither is it LL's fault either.

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Sy Beck wrote:

Performance and reliability wise SL is better now than it has ever been in terms of everyday useability.  Your PC on the other hand may now be falling behind what's required.  There is a poster in another thread who is now describing how her SL experience has improved immeasurably since upgrading her hardware, no client side lag, textures loading quicker than ever and she's able to turn up her graphics sliders and is seeing detail she's never seen before.

I'd agree with this.

My SL gets better over time as I moved from my old 2003 iBook to my old PC to my old laptop PC and now to a new new iMac.

For some strange bizzare reason, upgrading my computer sped things up. ;)


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How would a UI change fix all these so called bugs that LL has introduced over the years?  That's nothing but moving things around on the palet that SL is displayed on..........changing the UI and expecting to fix bugs in the software is like painting your wall and expecting that to fix the termite damage done over the last few years.


There are bugs in the SL software.  Some have been around for a very long time (some have been "fixed" only to return at some later date).  But most bugs have been fixed.  People tend to blame bugs in the software for shortcomings in their personal hardware.  That's okay, I guess.  But it tends to humor me when they go off about LL not doing anything right........get your bugs fixed before you blame others for bugs. 

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it's  nothing like it was when those number 4 servers were around or whatever they were called hehehe

my hair rezzes all the time nowdays..ruth is gone..well maybe she lives in some tpvs ..but for the most part she is gone hehehe..

it doesn't take me 30 minutes to change my shirt..where before..i would enter a sim and fly straight up and wait for things on me to rezz..then fly down and rezz the sim or wherever i was..then head in..

no more prim populartion forming at my crotchular area after ever tp..i remember being the fastest reattatcher  of crotch prims..it just became accepted that you had to deal with that after tp's for me heheh

timing of everything was important..knowing that you were lagging was something that always had to be paid special attention to..press too long on your forward key not realizing you are lagging and you could be clearing the dance floor full of people..

showing up as the evil white image not found demon was always a good laugh at parties..

i think sl is better because there is way less troubleshooting to do than before..

it used to be one huge troubleshoot..now it's just second nature with a lot less headaches and stress points..

we can rezz people pretty fast nowdays..i remember just seeing what looked like a room full of zombies half rezzed..i can't remember if they were gray or not..i just remember it took forever to really see how someone looked..

and we didn't have the skins that need that rezz power we have today..there was a lot less texturing  to things compared to now..and it took more to make it happen back then with less people on the grid..

maybe in the teens to 20k's..

remember when people thought the grid would explode when we thought 30k was the breakign point? lol

it's much better today..if you want a good feel of how it used to really be..just hit an open sim project ..they are like time machines to the past hehehe...

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showing up as the evil white image not found demon was always a good laugh at parties..



The "missing image" we used to laugh about all the time?  It was so common that all anyone had to say in open chat was "Hey Ceka, missing image"............and you knew exactly what we were telling you.  The good old days when "bugs" were fun!!:matte-motes-big-grin:

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Have heard this many times over the last 6 years  it wont go away but LL does introduce things that do not work very often irritating the users and now teleporting is again borked I know this is a temporary condition but still an indication that they swim in mud most of the time one might make the assumtion that after 8 years they would have figured a few simple corrections for the basic problems oh and as to getting things fixed I sent my original request to allow a switch to disable the default hand gestures in 2005 and we still have priority 2 default gestures overiding every other gesture I do get tired of seeing my hands in a fist inside of my hips.

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does anyone remember when search went down for like a week back in i believe 2007 or early 2008..i wanna say 2007 though? lol

the whole place was messed up...

i never really knew how much search was tied to so much that i did in sl until that week..

all inworld advertising  in the mainstream was kahPUT!! lol

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Hmm..mine keeps getting better, except for a period earlier this year before a much-overdue PC upgrade. Before then, I was scratching my head and writing cranky letters to all neighbours with temp-rezzers, but it's funny how an upgrade can change your perspective. Of course, I appreciate that this is an expense, and not something we can all do every 6 months.

I'm only 4, but truly it would take a lot of nostalgic power to entice me back to the SL of 2007.  Today's SL is a lot more visually sophisticated, provides much more satisfying tools for the creator and more wonderful products for the shopper. We once had no sculpts, no mesh, no easy windlight, nasty nasty shoes and no viewer choice. Sim crossings and teleports used to give me grief, but these days they are barely a blip.

Of course we have areas that need improvement, but that's the natural process of any technology. Yes, in some areas that improvement could be speeded up, and this does get frustrating.

Seetka, start saving for a new computer, as it sounds like your old one has gone under.

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people post these comments out of legitimate frustration and although i don't agree with blanket statements like this, responses about upgrading your hardware annoy me even more. you are making assumptions that you know absolutely nothing about and it doesn't help.

admittedly i don't have the very latest computer either but for my job i need a fairly recent and spruced up machine AND i'm sorry but i have lag and frustration with SL too. i don't believe we should need to upgrade our computers every time SL introduces a new 'something or other', just to be able to enjoy! or do the Lindens have a stake in Microsoft and Apple too?

there is plenty to fix in SL that never gets a look in. we get new interfaces, mesh, new this and that but it's just not that sexy to fix the old bugs. make no mistake, i'm not against cool new things, i just wish i could go to a gallery opening or a concert with more than 15 - 20 people and be able to move or even just type at normal speed (oh and before you pipe in, i wear next to no attachments or scripts when i go). i'd like to have a decent 'search' (ppl have asked for that for years), i'd like to log in on a weekend and not wait ages for the grey to disappear, how about a better file management system (what SL offers is something out of the stone age). oh yes, SL is better than it was and so it should be, (so is the latest laptop to what we bought 10 years ago, duh) but really, this is still about the experience one could have if some key issues people have talked about for years would be looked at more closely and dealt with.

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Years later, all things improved.  Getting better, flexprims and sculpties and mesh.  More users, less LL lag.  As bad as microsoft or apple at needing better hardware to run properly.  And really, really unfriendly to WiFi.  But overall, I love it more as time goes on.

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I am sorry, but I have to agree with the op. The thing is, Linden Labs have known that there is a serious stability issue with the core grid/game yet they have continually ignored it and have made it worse by adding more and more stuff to it. I took an eighteen month break and am now using a new laptop for sl only to find that not only are same issues still in existence, but that they are getting worse on  daily basis purely because linden labs blatantly refuse to do anything about the base instab ility. Basically, they are only interested in the money coming in from those people who continually pay for the premium package in the belief they are getting something good. simple fact is, I have yet to see any evidence that there is something good.

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I have to agree... I've known SL form many years... and its worse NOW than ever it was... everytimne I return to SL its gotten soooo much slower!!!

BUT.... now in the last 2 weeks it seems the IT people at SL have been replaced with monkeys. 

They seem to be sending us upgrades all the time, and unless I am msitaken, are NOT rtesting them first.

I l;ag so bad now that I crash MOST times after TWO teleports!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and at certain times of the night, Aussie time, I crash every port, that I give up.

I am starting to seriously hate SL because I really want to explore BUT its so frustrating! SL!!! WHAT THE FK is going on????????????

I have a very powerfull Mutlimedia honed comp, made for good gaming, and playing with VERY high end media, all other games I play are totally fast... but SL is such a nightmare. I come on to have fun BUT I get so annoyed after a while that I just leave.... the next time I may just NEVER return.... (I here you : only one gone........ but I amm not alone!!!!!)

I remember when SL was so cool cos we were able tyo FLY!!!! hahaha..... 

Its NOT anymore!!! >(

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